Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 46 Possibilities (Completed)

Monday, afternoon, after school.

Private Toyonozaki College

Year 1 Class E

"Kato-san, Nakamura-sensei is looking for you. He said he wants you to come to the office immediately."

"Ah? What is Nakamura-sensei looking for from you?" Yamaguchi Takashi asked.

"I don't know." Kato Yusuke shook his head and looked at Yamaguchi and Takei respectively, "Then let me go, you guys go back first."

"Hey~~? I rarely got that "Meow Meow Club" coupon, so I'm so unlucky. "Ichiro Takei shook the pink ticket in his hand and said regretfully.

"Idiot! Don't say it—!" Yamaguchi Takashi hurriedly covered Takei Ichiro's mouth.

"Huh, why?" Takei Ichiro said vaguely: "It's obviously (yes) you who said you want to go..."

"I told you not to say it--!" Yamaguchi Takashi locked Takei Ichiro's neck and explained to the side: "Uh... that, Kato-san... Takei is just joking, please don't take it to heart. !"


Hearing what he said, the girl with short hair and bob raised her head, looked away from the phone, and responded indifferently.

"Don't worry about me, even if Takei-san and Yamaguchi-san go to a shop that sounds suspicious, I don't mind."

As she said that, she looked at Kato Yusuke and pointedly said, "Where's Kato-kun? Do you want me to tell the teacher that it is not convenient for you today?"

"No, I'm just going home with them. Since the teacher called me, let's go now." After speaking, Kato Yusuke took the lead and walked out the door.

"Well, alright." Kato Megumi nodded, "Goodbye then, Takei-san, Yamaguchi-san."

Then she followed.


The corridor of the school building looked extraordinarily warm against the backdrop of the setting sun. Hearing the hot-blooded slogans coming from the playground, Kato Yusuke suddenly spoke.

"If you don't like something, just say no."


"I'm referring to someone asking you to do something. Probably because you have a good temper, that's why you're often called by the teacher to run errands."

"Hey, is that so?"

Kato Megumi glanced at him, "I didn't think so, but thank you anyway."


The two figures walked on the road one after the other.

There is no intention of looking for words without words, and there is no embarrassment of being silent.

White indoor shoes stomped on the floor, the pace was neither fast nor slow, the atmosphere was simple and plain, but not boring.

The blue skirt swayed gently with the breeze, revealing her well-proportioned and slender legs, Kato Megumi raised her hand and pointed forward.

"The office is here."

Kato Yusuke nodded lightly, and the two walked into the room with the "Teacher's Office" sign.

"Excuse me," Kato Megumi said, looking over the desks that were standing next to each other, "Nakamura-sensei, Kato-san has already arrived."

"Oh~! Thank you for your hard work, Kato." Nakamura-sensei raised his head and said, "You can go back."

"Okay." Kato Megumi nodded, ignoring the vagueness in Nakamura's words, and waved at Kato Yusuke, "Then I'll go first, Kato-kun."

"Well, goodbye." Kato Yusuke responded, and after she left, he closed the door of the office and walked to Katsu Nakamura's desk, "Mr. Nakamura, what's the matter with me?"

"'s nothing special." Katsuya Nakamura leaned back on the chair, "I just wanted to chat with you."

"Chat... God?" Kato Yusuke frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"That's it." Katsuya Nakamura looked at him and said thoughtfully, "Kato, have you had a girlfriend recently?"

? ? ?

"Isn't it?" Katsuya Nakamura joked with a smile: "Not only have you been looking good recently,

The shirt he wears has also become very neat, so paying attention to the image can only be a girlfriend. "

"How is it? Is the other party from our school? Or from a foreign school?"


Kato Yusuke took a deep breath, twitched the corners of his eyes and asked: "Although I don't want to think so, but you came to me to ask this?"

"Don't be so cold, it's normal as a teacher to care about students."

"No, you're just gossiping."


Hearing their conversation, Hasumi Kanoko, who was sitting opposite, couldn't help laughing out loud. Seeing the two of them cast their eyes towards this side, she stuck out her tongue cutely, then picked up a lesson plan and pretended to read it. .

"Anyway..." Kato Yusuke retracted his gaze, "If you have nothing else to do, I will go back."

"Ah, wait a minute." Katsuya Nakamura threw him a manual, "Remember to take a look at this when you go back, and give me an answer in three days."

"Societies... propaganda... brochures?"

Kato Yusuke recited the words above, "What does this mean?"

"Choose one you are interested in to participate." Nakamura Katsuya said casually.

"I reject……!"

"Rejection is invalid."

"I object……!"

"invalid objection."

"Then I choose to return to the House Department!"

"Rejected." Nakamura said with a smile: "High school life without participating in a club is incomplete, even if it is a year, you must choose one to participate, that's all."


"Even if I, Kato Yusuke, drop out of school today, I will never accept this unreasonable request—"

"Ding, you have started a new task, please check it out."

"[Nakamura-sensei's Hope, the second bullet! (0/1)]."

"Mission description: Please join any club in this school within three days and get an excellent rating (some clubs can trigger hidden missions, please explore by yourself)."

"Task reward: 2000 points."

After being silent for about ten seconds, Kato Yusuke looked up at Katsuya Nakamura, cleared his throat and said.

"...Understood, I will consider this matter carefully."

"Actually agreed...!"

There was a small exclamation from next door.

Even Katsuya Nakamura himself looked at him strangely.

Kato Yusuke controlled his expression with all his strength, said "goodbye, teacher" to the two of them, and hurried out of the office, still holding the booklet in his hand.

After Kato Yusuke leaves.

"Puchi..." Hasumi Kanako put down the lesson plan he was holding upside down, and said with a smile, "That's Kato from your class, right? Would you bully him too much, Teacher Nakamura?"

"Well... that kid is more complicated, I just think it's better for him. After all, he doesn't usually interact with people very much."

"Hey, is that so?"

Nakamura Katsu nodded and briefly introduced Kato Yusuke's family situation to Hasumi Kanoko.

after a while

"Is that so..." Hasumi Kanako sighed, "It's a poor child."

Then she raised her head and said to Katsuya Nakamura in a slightly reproachful tone, "That's why you shouldn't force him!"

"No." Katsuya Nakamura shook his head, "Pressure will make him grow."

He flipped through the test paper on the table, found the one with Kato Yusuke's name on it, and muttered, "And I think there are some undiscovered possibilities in him."

"Really?" Lianjian Kanako still looked like he didn't agree, but he couldn't put his beak too much, so he had to tell him, "Don't go too far."

Katsuya Nakamura was noncommittal, with a strong desire to explore in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lian Jian Kanako couldn't help but sigh, thinking silently in his heart.

Take the opportunity to pay more attention to that child.

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