After hearing his words, Shiyu was silent for a while, and then asked softly: "...Why do you want to apologize?"

Kato Yusuke did not answer the question, but continued: "There is another thing that I want to talk to you about, Shiyu."


Dingdong, Dingdong~

The melody of the metal rod stirring becomes slightly faster.

"What is it?"

"About us."

"I won't listen to you if you break up."

"...That's not the case."

Shiyu turned his face to the window, while vigorously stirring the coffee in the mug, and said urgently in a slightly distorted tone: "Then prove it to me."


"Go to a love hotel with me, or go to your home. No matter what you say, I will listen."

"Anyway, you should listen to it first."

"I told you right? I don't want to hear things I don't want to hear unless you can prove it."

The voice was full of anxiety and resistance.

One of the girl's feet placed under the table began to shake unknowingly, and an extremely unstable breath began to flow out of her body. The clear emotions seemed to make the air tense.

Upon seeing this, Kato Yusuke first weighed it, then gently stretched out a hand forward and grabbed the snow-white wrist.

"You're about to spill your coffee. Calm down first and listen to me."

Shiyu suddenly turned his face, showing a sullen expression. He didn't say anything, and just stared at him aggrievedly, with eyes that seemed to say, "Who do you think caused this?"

"Would it be better if I held your hand?"

There was no response, only a hand squeezed into his hand and squeezed his generous palm.

Probably because of the vigorous stirring just now, the girl's hand was very warm and the soft touch was very comfortable.

It is said that ten fingers are connected to the heart, and being held by the other party like this, Kato Yusuke's heart was slightly ups and downs, and his expression was slightly unnatural.

"What I'm going to say next is very important. Please listen to me, Senior Sister Shiyu."

"……what do you want to say in the end?"

"I will try my best to tell you the situation around me."

Shiyu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then asked without thinking: "What does this mean?"

"It means literally. Senior sister should also have some guesses about some things. That's what I want to say."

The serious atmosphere gradually spread, Shiyu's eyelids twitched involuntarily, and he tried to calm himself down.

After a few seconds, she nodded slightly, as if listening.

Kato Yusuke calmed down his mood, carefully chose his words, and spoke at a slow speed.

"Besides Shinjoka, there are others beside me."


The strength in his hand tightened in an instant, and his rounded nails dug deeply into his skin.

"Although the relationship is not the same, it is true that I have done that kind of thing."

Shiyu's expression kept changing, his facial features were slightly distorted, and his thin body was trembling slightly.

A long while.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Rather than running away, I now feel that we should face my senior sister head-on, and none of us should ignore these problems."

"So? You told me so many personal things, what do you want me to do?"

In contrast to her tough tone, her left leg kept shaking, honestly expressing how much pressure was currently accumulated.

Kato Yusuke ignored the unspeakable atmosphere and continued:

"Senior Shiyu has always beautified me too much. It's a false illusion, like a paper lake castle. In fact, I am not a noble person and have many dark sides. I'm sorry to disillusion you. , but I have to tell you this.”

The girl's breathing quickened slightly, and her fingers clenched again unconsciously.


Shiyu shook his head vigorously, as if to deny his words, and said categorically:

"You really saved me that day in the summer. The painting of Sayuka you painted was very dazzling. That's why I had a longing for you in the first place."

Kato Yusuke frowned at first, then finally relaxed.

As for why Shiyu is obsessed with him, the mystery that has always troubled him is solved at this moment, just like the burden hanging on his heart has finally fallen to the ground and been released.

"...That's just a coincidence, isn't it?"

"Even if it's a coincidence, you are the one who pulled me out of despair. This is a fact! It's not a false fantasy like you said."

"You are wrong, I would do that because..."

"The reason is that it doesn't matter. You have conveyed a lot of words to my heart and filled the hole in my heart. Don't say the word disillusionment easily."

Shiyu paused for a moment, then took a deep breath and continued:

"Besides, it doesn't matter whether it's fantasy or longing. I'm only sure of one thing. I can definitely tell you more about your advantages than you can. Isn't that enough?"

The conversation was interrupted, and a wordless silence filled the space between the two.

Outside the window separated by a wall, the bright streets at night were still noisy. The bustling sounds passed through the thin walls, making the quiet place extremely chaotic.

The sound of her heartbeat was hidden in the muddy sound, which was particularly clear.

——"Isn't this enough?"

This sentence kept echoing in Kato Yusuke's mind.

He did not hesitate, but was silent for a moment, and then said slightly:

"I'm telling you everything now, hoping that Senior Sister can reconsider our relationship. Frankly speaking, Senior Sister should have a better choice and shouldn't be consumed by people like me. I hope you give up."

"—What if I have to?"

The words without hesitation seemed to penetrate his chest.

Kato Yusuke opened his lips, swallowed his throat, and whispered: "...Senior sister, you don't need to answer me now. We all need to take another look at each other. As for the future, we will give the answer after the off-campus teaching is over. Bar."

"Off-campus teaching..."

Shiyu murmured: "When the time comes, will you give me an answer?"

"That's what I'm here for."


The girl lowered her gaze, her tight little face was a little pale, and she pursed her lips as if she was about to cry. When she raised her head, she seemed as if nothing had happened.

"...Okay, I'll wait for you."

A soft sound of agreement seemed to be squeezed out from deep in the throat.

After drinking coffee, the two of them paid the bill, came out of the cafe, and walked all the way to the station.

The shops on both sides of the street were still open, with bright lights like daylight, illuminating the figures of the customers inside.

"Thank you for sending me here. I'll leave first, and Yu-chan should go back early."

Kato Yusuke glanced at the entrance of the station, then looked back, and said to the girl: "I came here on a bicycle, do you want me to take you back?"

Shiyu was silent for a moment after hearing this, "...My home is not close to here, and it is in a different direction from where you live."

"It's nothing. Rather than letting Senior Shiyu walk alone at night, it's my duty to take you home safely. I'll go get the bicycle. Senior, wait for me here."

Without waiting for her to respond, Kato Yusuke turned around and walked in a certain direction, and returned to the same place five minutes later on his camouflage green mountain bike.


The mountain bike with lights on stopped in front of Shiyu.

"Sit down, Senior Sister Shiyu."

Shiyu followed his gaze and looked at the back seat, slightly raised the corners of his lips, and asked softly: "How do you want to sit?"

"You can sit upright or sideways. If you like, you can stand on top of the rocket launcher, except it's a bit unladylike."

"The third option is redundant, right? Are there any girls standing on top of the rocket launcher? It's really unsightly."

"Well... there are all kinds of people."

"Then I choose to sit on my side, but can I hold you?"

As if to keep the relaxed atmosphere, Kato Yusuke nodded, pursed his lips and smiled, "I don't want Shiyu-senpai to fall on the road. For safety, please hold on to me."

The streetlight shone into his eyes and reflected in Shiyu's eyes, which was profound and meaningful.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

The girl said as she gathered her skirt, sat down gently on her seat, put her hands on both sides of his body, and hugged him tightly around his waist.

"You can leave now, Yuu-chan."

The soft body pressed up against her, and the soft E cup slightly touched the back, making people feel slightly confused.

Kato Yusuke tried to deal with it with some light words, but gave up the idea in the next second and asked in a calm tone: "Where does senior's family live?"

"Strange, don't you know?"

"Should I know?"

"Stay in your heart?"

? ? ? ? ?

"...Senior, likes and dislikes——"

Shiyu burst out laughing, "What the hell? Are you a popular JK? Although I think Yu-chan like this is quite cute, but basically, people will call boys who talk like this a pervert?"

"That's right. Can you tell me your real address now? Shiyu."

"Hey, let me tell you, do you really not consider my previous proposal? Like a love hotel or your home..."

"Okay, I thought about it again, and sure enough I'd better take the tram to take you back."

The girl giggled, her soft body swaying slightly, and finally gave the real address of the apartment.

Kato Yusuke nodded and said he knew, then stepped forward on his mountain bike.


The brisk melody of the tire rotation blends with the silver bell-like laughter, melodiously walking through the dark streets.

The evening wind passed through the narrow gap between the two of them. It was gentler than the wind that blew together on the river bank last time, and it also carried a bit of chill.

Mental exhaustion surged up, and Shiyu yawned slightly, leaning her face against his broad back, feeling the warmth coming through the clothes, wrapping her gently.

She rested her head on his back, like she was holding a blazing fire. Her beautiful face was blurred under the neon lights. Just such a small movement made her very happy.

The mountain bike's headlights were on slightly, flowing in the colorful night.

"Speaking of which, Yuu-chan."

"What's up?"

"It is against traffic laws to carry people on bicycles, right? What if we are stopped by the police?"

"I'm going to keep that from happening, so don't worry about it."

"It's hard to talk about this kind of thing, right? What if we happen to encounter it? I heard my father say that the police in Tokyo are very cunning."

"--if that is the case."

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, then pretended to be helpless and exhaled: "Sorry, if something like that really happens, I have to hand over the senior sister - well, I shouldn't say that, so don't bite me again. It’s on my back.”

"...A ruthless man, at this time, it would be more romantic to drive away with your girlfriend in a car, right?" Shiyu muttered somewhat gloomily, hugging him tighter.

"In that case, I will learn a lesson from my senior sister and then apologize to the police together."

"It's really surprising. Is Yu-chan such a timid person? There is obviously a more romantic way..."

"Think about it from another perspective. If we really encounter a serious police officer, the other party may find our school. If I say that I am willing to take responsibility and step down as the student council president, will it be 1% consistent with your romance?"

"Oh? What if the newly appointed president tricks us into getting drunk in the name of friendship... Aren't you worried that something like this will happen? The current student union has gathered the most famous beautiful girls in the school?"

"This kind of thing will not happen. I will nip similar signs in the cradle in advance, such as sinking into Tokyo Bay or something like that."

"Hmm~ It sounds pretty good. Then I will visit the juvenile detention center regularly."

"...We were joking just now, right?"

Shiyu laughed for a while, blew into his ear, and murmured: "Thank you for being willing to make me happy, I'm very happy."

Kato Yusuke didn't speak, he just rode his mountain bike silently.

In this way, the two of them arrived at the destination of their trip - a commercial apartment that looked pretty good.

"Is this here? Senior Sister Shiyu. "


"But this is the address you mentioned before, right?"

"Turn left at the intersection ahead. There is a LoveHotel 30 meters away. That's the right place."

"So this joke is almost enough..."

"Well, this is it."

Shiyu put his hands on the seat and jumped down slightly.

"Okay, thank you for sending me back."

"Don't worry, then I'll go back."

"Okay, be careful on the road, Kato-san."

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, then nodded, with a gentle smile on his face, and said calmly: "Thank you, Shiyu-senpai, good night."

"Good night."

Under the low night sky, bicycles once again set out on the road.

The car lights flickered under the dim light of the street lights, swimming faintly, like candlelight in the dark night.

Shiyu stood quietly, watching the bicycle gradually move away from her field of vision. The night wind blew her long hair, and her eyes were as quiet as an ocean without a ripple.

After a while, she slowly squatted down and hugged herself with both hands. The calmness just now no longer existed, and now there was a lot of sadness in his eyes. He didn't know what he was complaining about, but the emotion he had endured for a long time suddenly came to nothing and collapsed.

The light in the apartment shone over her, and her thin figure trembled slightly, looking a little desolate.

Shiyu silently took out her mobile phone, opened Le, and tapped intermittently on the screen with her white fingers, typing a sentence in the chat box, but she deleted it in the end.

She took a deep breath, then stood up from the ground with one breath, the expression on her face became indifferent again.

Rejection is just one of the three best ways to seduce in the world.

It was only a few days, and she could afford to wait.

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