Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Eighty-four, arrived at Ye County

Early on Monday morning, all the first-year students of Toyosaki Academy took the bus together and embarked on a journey to Chiba Prefecture.

Although students and teachers in each class ride in class units, there are no fixed requirements for seats and students can freely choose their seats.

Kato Yusuke was sitting in the middle of the bus, near the corridor, and the person sitting on the right was Megumi.

It shouldn't have been like this. The person sitting next to Kei at the beginning was actually Kako.

In fact, because he got on the bus late, most students had already assigned seats to their close friends in advance, and when it was his turn, he only had the choice of the back row.

Faced with such a situation.

Himekawa Yoshiko shouted, "Okay! Kato-kun, please come sit here!" She enthusiastically gave up her seat to him, and ran to the back row to sit with the other girls.

A series of smooth responses didn't even give Kato Yusuke a chance to speak, so the situation became like this.

Since there is no need to wear school uniforms today, the students all dress up in private clothes, showing a fresh and special side.

Today, Hui is wearing a white round-neck short-sleeved red skirt, and a warm pink hooded jacket. Her fair and beautiful legs are pressed together, and her feet are wearing dark gray socks and white sneakers.

Seeing him sitting down next to him, the girl moved a little closer to give him more space.

Kato Yusuke thanked him and then began to observe the surrounding environment.

Divide the entire bus into front, middle and back.

Nakamura Masaru, the homeroom teacher, sat in the front row, Shinjoka and his friends sat in the front row, and the Mangkhut brothers and Yoshiko sat in the back row.

The atmosphere in the bus was very lively, and many people were chatting with each other, with excited expressions on their faces.

From this point of view, although today is for off-campus teaching, the students obviously regard it as an outing.

Even Katsu Nakamura is dressed in a mountaineering outfit and black toad glasses.

No one disputes this.

After all, whether it is an outing, a school trip, or an out-of-school teaching, it is essentially to allow students of the same grade to have the opportunity to enhance their relationship with each other, so it is not wrong to say that it is fun.

Such activities are usually held when students first enter school and when they are about to enter the next grade.

The school’s ideas and purposes couldn’t be more obvious.

Either allow students to make friends at the beginning of school, or give students in different classes an opportunity to get to know each other before entering higher school, thereby minimizing the possible impact of the new environment.

In a way, this feels similar to military training.

Just as Kato Yusuke was thinking about this aimlessly...

"Yusuke, what are you thinking about?"

The girl's soft voice suddenly reached his ears, drawing his attention back.

After turning back, Hui Zheng tilted his head slightly and looked at him.

"Well, you look a little lackluster. Is it because you didn't sleep last night?"

"No, I slept very well, but I was a little infected by the atmosphere and thought about something unconsciously."

"Thinking about something?"

"Such as the semester that is about to end, and the placement of second-grade classes."

"Well... to be precise, there is actually the next cultural festival, the third semester after the winter vacation, and then the second grade, right?"

"However." Megumi continued, "I think I can understand your feelings. It would be great if we could all be in the same class next year."

Kato Yusuke nodded, looked back into her eyes, said it was true, and added: "By then, your hair will probably grow longer."

"...are you still talking about this now?"

"By now?"

"...Is the short hairstyle really that unsuitable for me? When you say this, it's like your taste has been completely rejected. As a girl, I still have some small ideas."

"That's not what I meant. Short hair suits you just fine."

"Oh~ Then why do you bring this up?"

"An ancient human instinct?"

"So, Yusuke, are you too addicted to characters with long hair? As long as it's a girl with long hair, it's a good target for you?"

"No, actually I want to ask why you got your original haircut later.

"Same as usual, no special reason."

"Is this so..."

Kato Yusuke pondered in his heart for a moment, unable to ask about the summer festival.

Hui nodded slightly and hummed.

"Well, you really don't have any intention? I have absolutely no intention of cutting off my hair because "if I had straight hair, I would feel like I'd become a stubborn, annoying girl for some reason, so I wanted to return to my original intention in every sense of the word. "The reason for this is within, so rest assured. "

The girl said this calmly, her leisurely look somewhat inconsistent with the content of her speech.

Kato Yusuke frowned slightly and asked her thoughtfully: "I'm sorry, Megumi, did I offend you in some way?"


"Why do you ask that~?"

"I'm not angry at all~"

There was a brief silence.

"...No, I didn't ask you if you were angry."

There was no response, just the soft breathing that was different from the usual rhythm.

After a while.

Hui turned her face to the window casually and spoke.

"Well, after a year, you can still change back to your previous hairstyle. If you think it was better the way you did before, just wait slowly, right?"

"After a year?"

"That's right."

Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment, and then he adopted the same tone as hers and asked casually: "In other words, will we maintain our current relationship forever?"



The silent breath flows.

The surroundings seemed to suddenly become quiet.

"What does this kind of relationship mean...?"

"Supervisors and the Supervised."

"...I feel like Yusuke thinks I'm easy to work with, right?"

The girl's voice was softer than before, and her ears were lightly tickled by her slight emotion.

"I'm just paraphrasing what you said."

"I'm sorry, no matter what, it won't work all the time, right?" Hui said, slowly turning her face and staring at him intently.

"However, until Yusuke can be alone, I will still accompany him."

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and said: "This sounds like describing the cocoon Nites who have become disabled."

"What you said is not that bad. I'm just a little lost."

"What do you mean by no problem?"

"No problem means no problem? Rather, if you have to ask me this, I will feel that I have to care more about your common sense and judgment."

"No, I mean, everyone's judgment standards are different, right?"

"Yeah, so I'll confirm it myself."

As if to end the topic, Hui put his hand into his coat pocket, took out the p3 and headphones, and asked: "...Anyway, it seems like it will be a long time until the destination. Do you want to come and listen to music?"


After hearing Kato Yusuke's response, Megumi flexibly used her small hands and hips to close the distance a few inches, sat next to him, and handed him one of the headphones. The whole behavior was quite natural.

The arms touching each other were warmer than imagined, and also more unreal than imagined.

Kato Yusuke took the earphone and put it into his right ear.

Not long after, the brisk and soothing music started playing.

He followed the digital line and looked sideways. His fluffy short hair framed his delicate face, and he could see the white earphone cord sticking out of his petite and exquisite ears.

The bus dragged its heavy body and lumbered onto the national highway, leaving rows of city buildings and telephone poles behind.

Perhaps affected by the shaking of the bus, after the vehicle drove on the national highway for a while, Hui gently closed her eyes and unconsciously rested her head on his shoulder.

The sweet scent of shampoo wafted over and stirred his heart a little.

Kato Yusuke looked down at her, not having the heart to wake her up.

The girl closed her eyes gently, her thick and long eyelashes clinging to her double eyelids, her beautiful facial features and her skin as white as milk.

The small cherry-colored lips were slightly open, and a faint breath flowed out from between the delicate and moist lips, making people want to kiss her.

Kato Yusuke stared for a while, then raised his gaze and looked at the retreating scenery outside the window.

Hui placed her hand on his thigh, as if she was dreaming about something, and her slender fingertips would occasionally tremble slightly.

Kato Yusuke, who felt this change, thought for a moment, then reached out and held the hand.

The slightly cool soft touch came from the palm of my hand, as if it wanted to continue that night, leisurely and quiet.

He pretended to be calm, turned his attention away from the breathing and body temperature beside him, and began to listen to the movements inside the bus.

The clear voice of Masaru Nakamura came from the front row, and there were many shy laughters from the girls around him.

Shinjoka and her friends didn't know what they were talking about, but they were also laughing and playing around.

The Mangkhut brothers sitting in the back row had a loud voice. From time to time, they seemed to be chatting about comics, which was also mixed with other boys' discussions and Himekawa Yoshiko's lecture on them being too loud.

——Kazikazi, Gudugudu.

The melody of snacks and drinks is always there.

The lively atmosphere is like the time before the fireworks show at a summer festival.

Kato Yusuke felt relaxed unconsciously, and his eyelids gradually became heavy.

His head began to shake, and finally it rested against Megumi's head.

There is still soft music lingering in my ears, and there is a slightly warm touch in my hands.

While half asleep, he felt someone gently hold his hand.

It was a very reassuring feeling.


His shoulders were gently shaken, and a girl's voice could be heard in his ears.

"Really~ How long do you want to sleep? Get up quickly!"

Kato Yusuke slowly opened his eyes, but his head was still awake.

"...I'm sorry, what's wrong?"

Hey hey haha, hey hey quack.

"You still ask what's wrong, it's time to get off the car, uncle?~~~"

"Is it comfortable to sleep next to a girl~~~?"

Some weird voices and weird laughter mixed together, creating a strong sense of dissonance.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but pause, and the vision in front of him finally became clear from the Mo Lake.

What caught his eye were Yamaguchi and Takei, who were covering their mouths and smiling evilly. The two of them were talking at the top of their voices and pretending to be girls.

He subconsciously looked to his right hand, where there was no trace of the girl. The scenery outside the window also changed from gray cities to undulating maple-red mountains and forests.

Many students had already stepped off the bus and took their luggage from the driver.

"——What's wrong? Master, do you want Yamaguchi and Zhujingzi to help you get out of the car?"


Kato Yusuke took a deep breath, suddenly stood up from his seat, punched the shoulders of the Mangkhut brothers who were still causing trouble, and got off the bus amidst the strange screams of the two people.

As soon as you get out of the car, the rich smell of grass hits your nostrils.

Surrounded by forests, one can't help but feel relaxed and happy.

In addition to the bus from Toyosaki Academy, there were also some private cars parked in the empty parking lot. Judging from the equipment fixed on the cars, it was obvious that they were camping nearby.

The place everyone came to was the natural home of Chiba Prefecture.

As mentioned above, this is a public social education facility built on the mountainside.

There is a gymnasium, a small square, an outdoor cooking area and a handicraft class area. It is usually used as a place for primary school students to conduct two-day and one-night off-campus teaching.

Although it is called teaching, it is actually a recreational activity where everyone makes candles, makes handmade wooden signs, cooks in lunch boxes, holds a courage test meeting and a campfire party.

However, because the usage fee is low, ordinary tourists usually choose to camp here.

It's roughly such a place.

Kato Yusuke silently recalled the information about this place in his mind until a familiar voice reached his ears.

"Ah, Yusuke, I took your luggage for you."

Looking towards the source of the sound, Huizheng was standing not far away waving to him. Next to him was Yoshiko Himekawa, who was covering her mouth with her sleeves and smiling.

From the way the latter kept looking at the bus, it was obvious that he was well aware of what was happening above.

There was their own luggage at their feet, and one of them was a black suitcase that belonged to him.

Kato Yusuke then stepped forward and took his luggage.

Yamaguchi and Takei also slowly walked out of the car and took their luggage from the driver.

Ignoring the grinning complaints of the two.

The five of them took their luggage and arrived at the gathering place in the open space. Others from the first-year E class were already waiting here. As for the other classes, the situation was similar.

Masaru Nakamura, wearing a brown mountaineering outfit, stood in front of the team and announced loudly:

"Attention everyone, put your luggage in the main building first. After a thirty-minute break, gather in the small square. The arrangements for these three days will be announced then. No absences are allowed. Do you understand?"


"I understand──""

The students' excited responses echoed all around.

"OK! Then everyone follow me and set off!"



Nakamura Masaru walked in front of the team, followed by the students.

——Gulu Gulu Gulu.

The friction of the pulley mixed with the messy footsteps, ringing happily in my ears.

Kato Yusuke pulled the suitcase and looked towards the end of the asphalt road.

A large looking white building was sitting there quietly.

. :

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