The time came to seven o'clock in the evening.

After changing clothes, Kato Yusuke, together with Sango, Takei, Yoshiko and Megumi, came to the big square where they worked during the day again.

Preparations have begun for barbecue here.

There were several sets of tables, chairs and fires in the large square, and oil lamps were hung everywhere, illuminating the place brightly.

Seeing them, Masaru Nakamura shouted:

"Hey - it's still the same as before, get the charcoal and fire starter from my side, and get the ingredients from Hasumi-sensei's side. Remember to pay attention to safety when lighting the fire!"

Some distance away, Hasumi Kanoko was distributing ingredients to the students. When she heard this, she subconsciously looked over and met Kato Yusuke's gaze.

It took two or three seconds.

There was a little shyness on her face, which she covered up with a gentle smile, and finally nodded gently to them.


Himekawa Yoshiko blinked in confusion, put her right hand on Kei's shoulder, and shook her.

"Hey, Megumi-chan! Do you think there is something different about Hasumi-sensei?"

"no the same?"

"Yes, yes, should I say that the hairstyle has changed, or the makeup has changed... Well, it doesn't seem right, but I always feel..."

"Always felt?"

After touching her chin and thinking for a moment, Himekawa Yoshiko suddenly had an idea and cried out.

"——That's right! It's feminine, this is it!"


"Pfft, what are you talking about now? Kako, isn't Hasumi-sensei always upright?"

"Everyone, what does femininity mean?"

Megumi, Yamaguchi, and Takei responded in turn.

Kato Yusuke said: "It's almost time to get your things. There are still people queuing up behind you. Let's talk about it later if you have anything to talk about."

"Ah, that's right! Then Kako, you go get the ingredients, Takei and I get the charcoal, and Kato, you go find a perfect seat!"

The four people quickly divided their tasks and started taking action.

Kato Yusuke glanced at Hasumi Kanoko's side, temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​going up to greet her, and then randomly found a peripheral table to sit down.

In addition to a small stove on the table, paper plates, disposable soap, barbecue sauce and other items have been prepared in advance.

After the Mangkhut brothers returned with the supplies, charcoal and ingredients were placed on the table one by one.

The meat, seafood, and vegetables in the ingredients are all cut into small pieces and can be grilled directly, which is very convenient.

Next, Yamaguchi and Takei took the initiative to make the fire, while Yoshiko and Megumi ran to get drinks.

Kato Yusuke didn't want to be too idle, so he said he wanted to go to the bathroom, and then went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

When he walked out of the bathroom, a delicate voice with a hint of surprise suddenly called him from behind.


Looking back, Shinjoka, wearing a wide yellow coat, trotted up quickly and said hello with a bright smile.

"Good evening, President, I didn't expect to see you here. What a coincidence~"

"Good evening, are you okay?" Kato Yusuke greeted back.


Shinjoka stretched her arms and raised her hands as she spoke, and turned half a circle to the left and right on the same spot. Then she deliberately showed a shy smile and spoke with looking up.

"Actually~ I just bought this outfit recently. Does the president think it looks good? Is it cute~? Or does the president like this style?"


He was deeply confused by this and couldn't help but frown slightly, "Is this what you want to say?"

"Well, actually there is another important thing, but this is also very important~! Because I want to become something that the president likes."

Shinjo said in a cooing voice, gesturing with her hands in front of her lips.

Kato Yusuke was noncommittal, his eyes lightly swept over her body, and he looked at her a little seriously.

A ginger-yellow deer head coat from Aberbiefitch wrapped her small body, and underneath was a pure white T-shirt and pure black high-waisted pants.

On her feet, she wore a pair of black knee-high socks and small glossy leather shoes. The thickened heels made her taller by a few inches, but she looked a little heavy when she walked.

I don't know if it was to reduce the presence of her chest, but Shinjou Xiangxuan's jacket was obviously much larger than the size she usually wears, and the zipper was open at the moment.

Kato Yusuke originally thought that this combination was different from her usual style, but after thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have only seen her in casual clothes once, and the rest of the time she was basically in school uniform.


He thought for a moment, then reached out to the hem of the other person's coat, pulled up the zipper, and then withdrew his hand.

"...Hey, President?"

"This is better."

Shinjoka stared at him in a daze, then looked down at the zipper of the jacket that was pulled up to her neck, then raised the hand that was retracted into the sleeve and shook it gently.

"Hehe, I understand~ It turns out that the president likes this. Although it's a bit boring, I will try my best~?"

"No, you are free to do whatever you want."

"That's what I say, but..."

The girl tilted her head slightly and said with a smile: "Because I am the president's son, this body not only belongs to me, but only the president can see it, right~?"

Her innocent face shone slightly under the shade of the trees, and the corners of her raised mouth had a provocative arc.

Kato Yusuke's brows furrowed and relaxed, and he didn't answer the question. He asked straight to the point: "Let's get down to business. What is the important thing you just said?"

"Ahaha~ Well, let's get down to business~"

Shinjoka looked around and saw that most of the students were concentrated in the main square, and no one noticed the remote corner here, so he took a step forward with confidence.

Then, while putting her right hand next to her lips, she held Yusuke's chest with her left hand and gently stood on tiptoes.

"Hey, President, when I went to visit Teacher Hasumi this morning, I smelled your scent on her~"

As the meaningful whisper floated into his ears, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, a hint of panic flashed in his eyes, but his expression remained as usual.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but it's best not to make a joke like this in front of other people."

"Ah~ I know this, I will never say it, I swear."

Shinjoka blinked slyly, stuck out her tongue to wet her lips, and giggled.

"I just feel it's such a pity. As long as the president is happy, I would be happy to get along well with Hasumi-sensei."

The tone was full of regret.

However, Kato Yusuke ignored it and said calmly: "Have you finished what you want to say?"

Shinjoka looked at him left and right for a while, only to see that his expression was still as calm as before, making it difficult to tell what was in his heart.

Isn't it really true? She murmured secretly in her heart, having some doubts about her guess.

After all, the so-called smell is, to put it bluntly, just the smell of mint shower gel commonly used by Kato Yusuke, and this fragrance is quite ordinary, so there is no guarantee that someone will not use the same type of bath product.

When she was hesitant, Kato Yusuke spoke again: "If you finish speaking, I have something for you to do."


"Do you know about the rumors about Shiyu-senpai and Megumi in school recently?"

"Rumors..." Shinjoka reacted immediately and asked, "Is the president talking about the triangle relationship between you, Kasumigaoka-senpai, and Vice-President Kato?"

"...That's what happened, have you heard of it?"

"Well~ After all, President, you are too dazzling. Everyone will always look at you. Ah, but the students in our class respect the President. Most of the people who gossip are seniors and other students. students in the class.”

"It doesn't matter. I want to calm down the storm. Can you do it?"

"So that's it, I understand~"

Shinjoka became energetic, her eyes flickered one after another, and then she pinched her chin in thought.

"Well, although there are many ways to stop people from talking, is this all the president wants? Is there no other request?"

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment: "Don't damage the reputation of Shiyu-senpai and Megumi."

He mentioned Shiyu and Megumi, but not himself.

Shinjoka noticed this immediately, his eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously, and he wondered: "Isn't that right? What about you, the president?"

"I don't care about that. You can turn the blame on me if you need to."

"...For example, is the national high school track and field champion and student council president actually a scumbag who plays with women?"

Kato Yusuke nodded lightly and said: "Also, this matter cannot be solved through the student union. You should be better at how to do it."

"Sigh... Although that's true, but being told so directly by the president makes me feel a little complicated. The most important thing is..."

A depressed sigh responded to him.

"He seems to be a frivolous sportsman, but he is actually warm-blooded and gentle. He will take care of the girls around him in his own way. Your charm points are too high, President."

"There is no need for such flattery. I have never been noble. We both know this."

"Both of us know it well...Hmm~ That seems to be the case."

Shinjoka laughed happily for some reason, her petite shoulders shook slightly, and then she said softly:

"But - the president and I are different. I'm not as powerful as you. All I can do is parasitize others. Otherwise, I can't do anything myself."

The words were less smiling and more serious.

The mixture of half-truth and half-falseness made her feel a little erratic, giving people the feeling that this might be another mask.

Kato Yusuke has no intention of exploring her heart. He just needs to abide by the contract. Being straightforward is the way they should get along.

"That's the specific thing. I will send you some contact information now. If you encounter any problems that are inconvenient to come forward, you can ask them for help."

He said, taking out his mobile phone and sending the number of Santo Group.

"Huh? President, are these people...?"

"Three sophomores on the baseball team."

"The baseball club...ah~~it's them! They are very interesting people."

"Well, can I leave this matter to you?" Xin

"Well, it's completely ok~!"

Shinjoka made a reassuring gesture, nodded energetically, and said: "Although there is no way to prove it now, I promise that I will solve all the president's troubles~!"

Then he changed his words and asked: "And President, if I perform well this time, can you give me a reward later?"

"The reward will be given to you alone."

"Well...although that is also very good, but I am thinking about another thing now."

"What is it?"


The girl laughed and said: "If possible, I would like to have the opportunity to work with Hasumi-sensei in the future and get to know the president better~"

Kato Yusuke was unmoved and regarded this as another temptation, so he didn't say much and quickly turned around and left.

After returning to the stove, the charcoal had successfully turned white while burning, and red flames kept appearing on it.

Yamaguchi and Takei made fun of him for taking too long to go to the toilet, while Yoshiko and Megumi poured drinks for everyone.

After confirming that everyone had received their drinks, Yamaguchi cleared his throat and spoke first,

"Then-! Let's prepare for the last night-"




Several people raised their glasses together.

I drank up the oolong tea in one gulp, and my thirsty throat was relieved.

Seeing this scene, Hui picked up the plastic bottle and asked naturally: "Would you like to pour you another glass? Yusuke."

"Okay, please."

"No, you don't have to be polite to me."

The paper cup gradually filled with oolong tea.

After setting up the grilling grid, Himekawa Yoshiko held a plate in one hand and a barbecue tong in the other, and said enthusiastically: "Then, let's start grilling the beef tongue~!"

Facing her orders, the four of them nodded happily and sat quietly in their seats, like primary school students sitting in a row waiting to share the fruit.


The beef tongue makes a wonderful sound when grilled by the flames, undergoing the Maillard reaction.

Gudu, there was the sound of someone swallowing saliva from somewhere.

The air is filled with the aroma of meat.

after awhile.

"Okay, Xiaohui, give me the plate."

Kako first gave Kei a piece of beef tongue, then gave Yusuke, Yamaguchi, and Takei a piece, and finally it was her turn.

"I'm going to start-" x4

Dip the grilled beef tongue into the barbecue sauce, then put it in your mouth and chew it. You will immediately feel the crispy texture on the surface of the beef tongue, and then add the slightly sweet sauce -


Delicious! ""

The Mangkhut brothers couldn't help but said in unison.

"Wow, why does meat become so delicious after being grilled over charcoal?"

“It feels so good to eat outside!”

Kato Yusuke turned his face to the side and saw Hui Zheng covering his mouth with one hand, chewing the food slowly, looking very delicate.

The sound of clinking dishes came from all around.

The climate in late autumn is already low, and because it is located on a plateau, it can be quite chilly when the wind blows.

At a certain moment, Hui, who seemed to feel a little cold, and was about to eat, suddenly stopped what he was doing, put the plate down, then tightened his jacket and put his legs together.

Kato Yusuke looked subconsciously and his eyes fell on her taking off her sports jacket from her skirt.

"If it's cold, put this on your legs." He said, handing over the coat.

"Huh? But Yusuke..."

"I'm fine, but you're wearing too little. It doesn't matter if you use it first."

Hui's eyes swayed slightly, and then nodded slightly.

"...Sorry, and thank you, Yusuke."

Covering your legs with a warm jacket, the chill quickly disappeared and your body became warm again.

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