Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred, the meeting of the old and the new

Put your shopping on the bus.

Just as Kato Yusuke was about to get out of the car, Erili suddenly ran back.

In his questioning eyes.

The person involved ran to him in a panic, and searched the luggage rack above for a while. He was not relieved until he saw something.

"What, did you forget something?"

"Well, my wallet is still in my backpack, I forgot to take it just now."

Eiri nodded and explained and stood on tiptoes, trying to reach for her backpack.

However, no matter how hard she tried, there was always a gap between her fingertips and the backpack above her, and she could not reach it.

Witness this scene.

Kato Yusuke took the initiative to reach out and help her take off the sports backpack from above.

"for you."

"Thank you. By the way, why are you in the car?"

"Putting away the things I bought, I happened to meet you."

"Yeah, you've already bought everything? That's so fast."

After hearing this, Eiri looked along his thumb pointing behind him, and then saw a large pile of merchandise piled on the empty seat.

Slow down.

"——You actually bought so many!?"

She couldn't help but scream out.

"That's okay, after all, there are a lot of people to send."

"There are more people to send to?? But your parents are not...ah, I'm sorry."

As if she realized that she had made a mistake, Yinglili immediately apologized and looked up at him with some anxiety.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Kato Yusuke explained calmly: "Those are for other people, including your parents."

"Oh.........Eh! Why??"

"what why?"

"Why do you want to buy gifts for my dad and mom?"

"Aunt Sayuri and the others have always taken good care of me. Is there anything wrong with me expressing my gratitude?"

"You are really serious. It doesn't matter if you don't have to be so polite, right?" Ying Lili muttered softly.

"...Anyway, your parents have always treated you as family."

"Oh, like the eldest son?"

"How do I know? But..."


"I don't want that..."

The aqua blue eyes looked over, and there seemed to be something swaying inside.


Kato Yusuke looked puzzled at this and tilted his head slightly, waiting for her explanation.

Ying Lili pursed her lips slightly, unconsciously grabbing the hem of her knitted sweater with both hands, taking a deep breath, then raised her head and glared at him with fierce eyes.

"Even if it's a family member! I'm also the older one, so you have to call me sister! Otherwise I won't admit it, a little~~"

The small tongue stuck out from the cherry-pink lips and then retracted immediately.

After saying this, the girl ran out quickly.

Kato Yusuke looked at her back and couldn't help but smile.

Would it feel like this to have a sister?

He was thinking a little uncertainly, but he couldn't come to a conclusion. After all, no matter in his previous life or in this life, he didn't have a sister by his side, so the proposition couldn't be established.

But at least, he didn't hate the feeling now.

While thinking about this, I stepped off the bus.

Yinglili, who thought she had left, stood there with her arms folded, as if waiting for him to get off the car.

"Now that you've finished shopping, will you be fine next?"

"Should I say it's okay? I plan to buy some buttered potatoes and then meet you. Why don't you go find Megumi and the others?"

"We agreed to meet at the store, but I'm also a little hungry and want to eat buttered potatoes, so you have to take me with you."

"I have no objection, but do you want a treat?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Generally speaking, if you are playing the role of a sister, you will pay at this time, right?"

"You, you! You actually asked a girl to pay. How bad do you have to be to be satisfied? You are a scumbag, a stingy, and a pervert!"

As he spoke, a foot wearing a small black leather shoe kicked his calf gently.

"I understand. Anyway, I'll be the one to invite you here, so you don't have to say any more, Yinglili."

Kato Yusuke shook his head pretending to be helpless and walked forward first.

Ying Lili flipped her ponytail proudly and followed suit.

The two came to the entrance of the snack bar together and successfully bought butter potatoes after queuing for a short time.

Kato Yusuke is responsible for paying, and Eiri is responsible for eating.

Next, I went to the store to meet the others.

"Give me one of those butter potatoes too."

"don't want."

"One shouldn't matter, right? After all, I paid for it."

"You really care about everything."

"I would like to know why you are so resistant?"

"Because - ugh~~ it's delicious!"


Yinglili chewed the food in her mouth with a satisfied look on her face and gave a vague answer.

"...Who told you not to buy two copies? Besides, I've already used this wooden sign."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Huh? What's the problem...just..."

"At once?"


Kato Yusuke raised his eyebrows slightly and said the second half of the sentence for her, "Do you want to say indirect kiss?"


"——! If you know, don't ask!!"

Ying Lili waved the wooden stick in her hand up and down, as if if you dare to ask any more questions, it would be over to see if I prick you.

Where did this Aunt Rong come from?

Kato Yusuke touched the back of his head speechlessly, although he thought it would be okay to use the other end of the wooden skewer, or just grab one with his hands and eat it.

However, seeing how resistant the other party was, he gave up the idea.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you eat the butter potatoes or not. After all, it was just a whim that came out of the blue, so it's not that important.

There seemed to be more and more people around, and noisy voices sounded from everywhere.

Perhaps because of her conscience, Ying Lili suddenly quickened her pace and ran in front of him, then turned around, reluctantly picked up a potato and said:

"Well... I'll give you one, but if you dare to touch it with your lips, I'll kill you."

"No need, you can eat it yourself."

"What, are you angry?"

"No, I just suddenly didn't want to eat that much, so it doesn't matter." Kato Yusuke shook his head and explained calmly.

Yinglili stared at him for a while, and seeing that his expression didn't seem to be fake, she stopped insisting and happily put the butter potatoes on the wooden skewer into her mouth.

With a little force of teeth, the soft potatoes melted in your mouth, with a very rich buttery aroma.

As I ate, I couldn't help but feel a little thirsty.

She subconsciously looked around, her eyes fell on a vending machine not far away, and she was about to speak——


Suddenly there was a moderate impact from behind.

""Ah ah! ""

Someone exclaimed at the same time as her.

The unprepared Yingli stumbled, and her body fell forward under the influence of inertia.

The floating feeling of losing strength in her knees made her heart tighten.

don't want!

The moment she thought this—

A pair of strong arms hugged her shoulders in time.

"Are you okay?"

Kato Yusuke's voice came from above.

From the hands holding her shoulders and the chest she was leaning on, Yinglili felt a body temperature much higher than her own.

So warm, I thought in my confused mind.

She took a gentle breath. The fresh mint smell contained a little bit of sweat, but it was not unpleasant. It smelled like a boy's scent that was very comfortable.

"...Um, Yusuke!?"

Yinglili suddenly woke up, hurriedly twisted away from his body, and lowered her head in panic.

I don’t know whether it was luck or misfortune, but not a single butter potato in the box was spilled.

At this time, a painful voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"it hurts."

Looking back, a girl with long black hair was sitting on the ground, lowering her head and rubbing her buttocks. It was obvious that someone was not as lucky as her to pick her up.

Immediately afterwards, another girl ran up and bent down to help the black-haired girl.

"Ah, really, I told you not to walk backwards! Yuko."

The girl had long brown hair and looked like a friend of the girl who bumped into her earlier.

Judging from the uniforms they were wearing, they seemed to be students from a certain high school.

Although she felt a little depressed about this sudden disaster, Yinglili still walked up and asked: "Excuse me, are you okay?"

"Ah... I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I bumped into you accidentally just now."

The black-haired girl spoke hurriedly, raised her eyes and looked over, then froze on the spot and blurted out unconsciously.

"So, so beautiful...!"

Influenced by her friend, the brown-haired girl also looked over, with surprise also appearing in her amber eyes.

She has long, shining golden hair, and the twin ponytails on both sides are gently held up by black ribbons.

Her delicate appearance and skin are as radiant as snow, and her eyes are as bright and moving as sapphires.

Underneath the dark green sweater is a neatly pressed white shirt with a yellow tie at the collar. The combination of black shorts and knee-high socks modifies the lines of the lower body very gracefully, giving it an elegant British style.

Coupled with the un-Japanese appearance, the overall look is very elegant.

Involuntarily, the girl with cute brown hair was also amazed by her beauty.

Yinglili was not surprised by this and just looked at them with questioning eyes.

In her past life, she had long been accustomed to such looks. As long as they were not uncomfortable and dirty looks, they would not cause her to react.

Snap, the boy's footsteps sounded.

The next second, Kato Yusuke's voice came from behind.

"What's wrong, Yinglili, someone is injured——"

The voice suddenly stopped for no reason, as if someone had strangled the throat.


Yingli turned her head instinctively, and what came into her eyes was the tall figure who was frozen in place for some reason.

The young man's dark pupils shrank violently, as if he had received some kind of shock.

Little by little, the shadow of the clouds gradually climbed up the sharp face.

Seeing this, Yingli Li frowned slightly, tilted her head in confusion, and called out again: "... Yusuke?"

The person involved still had no reaction, and his eyes seemed to have lost focus.

The two girls regained consciousness as if they were just waking up from a dream, and subconsciously followed her line of sight to look behind her.



"It's you--!"

The moment she saw the person clearly, Masaka Yuko's eyes widened suddenly, and then she struggled to stand up from the ground, blocking Sayu behind her, and asked without thinking:

"Why are you here!? Do you still want to harass Sayu-chan again! Please leave immediately, or I will call the teacher here now——!"


Kato Yusuke lowered his eyes slightly, put his hands into his trousers pockets, and remained silent.

At this moment, time seemed to suddenly freeze.

There are always some unexpected opportunities in the world, and the tricks of fate are also very cruel and ruthless.

Under the pale sunlight, under Kato Yusuke's dazed eyes, the girl was standing there.

It was like a picture buried deep in the memory was opened, and all the memories came out at once.

The Sayu in front of him was still the same as in his memory, but it was different.

Her eyes were still gentle, but they were not the kind that depended on others.

Those amber eyes contain confidence and gentleness, and his body exudes a reassuring and calm temperament.

As if his heart was grasped by an invisible hand, Kato Yusuke's face tightened, and he clenched his teeth unconsciously, and the muscles in his cheeks were affected and trembled slightly.

He wanted to turn around and leave, but his feet refused to obey him as if he had lost consciousness, and he stayed rooted to the spot.

Eirili, who was standing in the middle, looked alternately to both sides and asked in confusion: "Wait a minute, what is going on? Yusuke."

"Girl over there, that person next to you is dangerous! Get away from him quickly!"

The person who answered her was not Yusuke Kato, but Yuko Masaka.

"Huh? Danger?"

"That's right! He is a very dangerous pervert! Please come to our side. Our school teachers are nearby and can protect you!"

" mean pervert?"

Ying Lili frowned deeply and cast her eyes on her face. She then took a deep breath and glared hard.

"It's so noisy. Can you please shut up because it's annoying?"


"Not only did you bump into me without permission before, but now you are here to slander other people's friends! You also called them perverts. What on earth do you want to do!"

Masaka Yuko was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said:

"What I said is true! I'm not lying to you. I didn't mean to bump into you just now, but that person really harassed my friend before, and now he's chasing him here. Isn't this a pervert? "

After hearing this, Eiri's anger index skyrocketed, and a rare look of pure disgust appeared in her eyes. Then she walked quickly in front of Kato Yusuke and blocked him behind her. Her little body couldn't stop trembling.

"...Pervert, pervert, pervert, how long are you going to be satisfied with calling me——! Now it is a crime to slander others. Do you want me to call the police?"

Without waiting for Masaka Yuko to react, she continued:

"Although I don't know where you come from and what kind of mess you are! But Yusuke is the best in my heart——!!"

The girl was so angry that she was shaking, but there was no room for doubt.

. :

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