Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 50 The Unfortunate Nature of Life

After the waiter left

Kato Yusuke knelt down on one knee, holding the shoe in one hand and supporting Sayu's ankle with the other, but she avoided her.

"I'll just come by myself..."

"Don't move." Kato Yusuke patted Sayu Ogihara's calf and put on casual shoes for her.

"Is it tight?"

"Alright, alright..."

"Well, that's good." Kato Yusuke nodded and said, "Then try this pair next."

He took off his loafers and put them aside, then picked up the high heels and took off Sayu's stockings.

"Wait, wait a minute...!"

The girl tried to stop her, but it was too late.

The cotton stockings up to the calf were taken off and put aside, revealing the smooth and jade-like feet.

The arches of the feet that Yingying grasped, the soles of the feet were well-proportioned and delicate, the milk-like skin was still lightly rosy, and the toes like the tender lotus buds were tightly shrunk together and continuously stretched back.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke grabbed her ankle involuntarily, and wrapped her wrist, ankle, and heel with her five fingers together.

Like a piece of warm nephrite, as soon as you start it, the soft touch and a touch of warmth are transmitted through your fingertips, with a faint scent of shower gel.


The moment the skin was touching, the girl suddenly let out an exclamation, and then, as if afraid of being discovered, she immediately covered her mouth with her hand.

She tried to withdraw her calf, but failed.

The boy's slender five fingers were tightly fixed on the ankle like pliers, and the ivory white high-heeled shoes were gently put on her feet.

The shoes matched her skin color very well. The combination of the two complemented each other well. At this moment, the girl was like Cinderella wearing crystal shoes. Under the lighting of the store, she looked bright and moving.

Her cheeks were burning with bright blushes, her eyes full of aura were filled with mist, and the slender eyelashes attached to her eyelids were also trembling gently.

She stared at the boy who was kneeling on one knee in front of her, and the blood from the Buddha's whole body was concentrated on his face, which was hot.

Ogihara Sayu lowered his gaze, and then murmured like a gnat.

"No, don't keep staring at it..."

The toe of the shoe kicked lightly on the boy's chest.

Kato Yusuke smiled, released her ankle, and repeated the previous process on the other foot.

Seemingly knowing that resistance is hopeless, this time the girl chose to be obedient, but she frequently avoided looking at Yusuke.

Kato Yusuke didn't mind either, put the changed uniform shoes and socks into the cardboard box, and then called the waiter to check out.


"A total of 64,500 yen, thank you for your patronage."

The waiter put his hands together in front of his belly and said with a professional smile on his face.

"...It's so expensive!" Sayu was obviously hesitant when he heard the price, pulled Kato Yusuke's arm and said, "Forget it."

"Don't like it?"

"...It's not like that either."

"Then it's no problem, you can't wear a uniform every time you go out, can you?"


Sayu opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by Kato Yusuke.

"No but." The slender palm pressed on her head, and the boy's voice was as warm as jade, "I want to buy it for you, and I like Sayu's current appearance very much."

As he said that, the corners of his mouth raised a radian, and he tilted his head and asked, "Please forgive me for this little selfishness?"

A heart-pounding feeling came to her heart, the girl's eyes swayed slightly, she couldn't help lowering her head, and tucked her soft and boneless hands into the palm of the boy's palm, and intertwined with the other's fingers.


She responded with a voice not much louder than a mosquito: "If Yusuke thinks this is better..."

That kind of pity I see,

Even the female waiter felt extremely cute, and couldn't help but admire: "Sir, your girlfriend is really cute."

"Well, I know." Kato Yusuke nodded with a chuckle, and handed the card to the other party, "Let's settle the bill."

"Okay, please wait a moment~"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Sayu Ogihara couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at the boy secretly, and quietly increased the strength in his hand, as if he wanted to prove something.

After leaving the women's clothing store, the two came to the cosmetics store on the first floor.

In Sayu's puzzled eyes, Kato Yusuke pointed to the top of his head, where a striking advertising banner was hanging - "There is good news for JK who pays attention to makeup! Makeup is up to 30% off!"

"That's what it said above." He spread out his hands and said, "You've run out of lotion too, just buy some at a discount, my Miss JK."

Ogihara Sayu stopped, "It's okay, things like lotion... don't mean you'll die if you don't use it."

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke took her hand, half dragged and half dragged her towards the direction of the merchandise counter, "I've come anyway."

It is said to be buying lotion, but in fact it is far more than that.

Facial cleanser, lotion, moisturizing cream, hand cream, lip balm, until seeing Kato Yusuke pulling her to the lip gloss area and asking her about her favorite color, Sayu Ogihara finally couldn't help it.

"...Didn't you just buy lotion!"

Kato Yusuke turned around and said, "Does JK usually use lip gloss?"

Sayu shook her head in denial.

"What about the lip gloss?" Kato Yusuke asked again.

Sayu shook his head again, thought about it and said, "Maybe some of them will use it, but most of them are lip balms with a little color, lip gloss and the like should be more suitable for OLs."

"Yeah, what a pity."

"...Hey, what are you sorry for?"

Kato Yusuke smiled, put the lip gloss in his hand back on the counter, put it next to Sayu's ear, and said in a sinister tone.

"I originally wanted to buy one for you and ask you to pay me back a little every day, so it's a pity."

"Hey, how do you pay back a little—" Sha Xianxian was puzzled, and then suddenly reacted, his eyes widened suddenly.

"I-I'm going to the bathroom!" After saying that, he ran away in a panic.

"Then I'll wait for you outside!" Kato Yusuke shouted towards her back, and after paying the bill, he walked out of the mall with his things.

While calculating the time in his mind, he looked around a little bored, so a bookstore next to him came into view.

Buy some more books and go home, Kato Yusuke couldn't help thinking, and then walked into the store.

There were not many people in the bookstore, only a few boys who looked like students were standing in front of the bookshelves, picking out their favorite books.

Kato Yusuke randomly selected several popular novels, and then came to the publicity area of ​​Jidui.

The same book is displayed here, and the slogan on the cover of the book is written like this - "The 40th Fantastic Award winner, the highly anticipated debut!"

"Love metronome?" Kato Yusuke murmured, "Maybe Sayu will like it."

He reached for the book on top, and it turned out—


Another person next to him also aimed at the book at the same time, and the two couldn't help but look at each other.

"Hey, are you the one who was at the family restaurant last time?"

Said the boy with big round eyes on the opposite side.

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