Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and twelve, the sensation in the school

The weekend was spent with a steady stream of visits.

In addition to delivering the special products to the corresponding objects, Kato Yusuke also retrieved the contract from Akane Benisaka and received the corresponding copyright transfer fee.

After filing his taxes for him, all the fees were settled in one go and transferred into his account.

Just like that, the time came to the first Monday in November.

The private Toyosaki Academy was a little uneasy today.

Since the morning, there has been a busy traffic situation in front of the school gate, full of noise.

Reporters from various media outlets swarmed in, and interview vehicles parked nearby one after another.

Although it did not block the door, it even thoughtfully left a passage for people to enter and exit the school.

However, facing these two rows of welcome formations, every student walked on the road in panic, not knowing what was going on.

Of course, not all students are paying attention to this.

An Yilun, for example, walked towards the campus with his head down and deep in thought while pushing his bicycle.

Even though the people around him were noisy, it did not affect his thoughts at all.

There are several problems that are currently deeply troubling him.

Facing the upcoming release of the fifth and final volume of the novel "Metronome of Love", which store should I buy the better version of?

The store closest to his home, "aniate", is the store he often goes to. There will also be a special short story bonus included with the book, making it a relatively easy store to buy.

——So, "aniate" must go!

Next is the "Melonbooks" bookstore, which also has exclusive discounts. The nearest store to his home is one stop away, and you need to take a train to get there, so it's not difficult to get.

——So, you must go to Honeymelon Bookstore! (Do not go to the adult area)

Then there are "GAMERS" and "Toraden". If you want to go to these two stores at the same time, it is more convenient to go to Akihabara, and the special editions sold by these two stores are also mouth-watering.

According to reliable sources, it seems that a limited number of ultra-luxury editions will be sold at that time.

In addition to the exclusive bonuses, you even have the chance to get a signed poster by the illustrator of "Metronome of Love" - ​​Mr. Matsubara Hozumi (female)!

——So, "GAMERS" and "Tiger's Den" must go! (Do not go to the 18X area on B1 floor)

In general, the four major bookstores have their own special offers.

In addition, on the e-book channel of "BOOK☆WALKER", there seems to be a special discount this time, so buy it too!

Of course, he considered all of the above in terms of the first-run version and the deluxe first-run version, and these were the versions he wanted to buy.

As for the paperback version?


Facing Kasumi Shiko-sensei’s crowning masterpiece! How can you use a cheap paperback edition to blaspheme! ?

Of course, if you want to buy something, buy the best and most expensive one, and all of them--! !

To sum up, if you want to buy all the products from these stores at once, you should go to Akihabara.

As for the electronic version, you can buy it on your tablet while queuing.

However, there is still a problem with this combat plan.

Since the first edition comes with many non-for-sale gifts, the price is naturally quite high, not to mention having to buy all the editions at once!

Mr. Pouch, big crisis~~~!

The soft and cute dubbing of the beautiful girl character rang in my ears.

even so! Nor can it stop his determination!

He, An Yilun, has long been ready to wake up!

Even if you starve to death, even if you jump off a cliff, or even if you are shattered to pieces... none of the above situations will happen.

All in all, Kasumi Shiko’s novels are a must-buy!

Even if it seriously shrinks your wallet, or you have to eat bread for a week, you still have to collect all the versions.

The worst case scenario is to bite the bullet and find a way to get another job!

"But in this case, it seems that we have to give up some other things..." An Yilun also murmured quietly, his brain kept running.

For example, for new games and animations, those that are not in your strike zone can just buy the regular version. For limited editions, you can induce Yingli to buy them.

Considering that he had previously lent her the Blu-ray animation and presented the ultra-rare version of the game, it shouldn't be difficult to borrow the bonus from that guy.

As for comic magazines, you can also borrow them from Xiyan. That guy seems to be quite obsessed with "Chainsaw Man" recently, so he basically buys it.

Just as he was thinking about this, his eyes suddenly went dark.

Huh? The weather forecast clearly says there will be no rain today.

An Yilun also thought in hindsight and instinctively raised his face to look forward.

I saw a dark machine with red dots facing me - it was a professional camera, and it was very valuable.

Before he could think about it, a microphone was stretched out in front of his face from the side.

The soprano sounded slowly, as if reading aloud.

"Sorry to bother you, classmate, we are reporters from "aniate" magazine. Can we do an interview with you? "


What? Interview? What the hell?

An Yilun couldn't help but have questions on his head.

Besides, no matter what these people want to ask, whether it is a social survey or some prank show, they have chosen the wrong target! !

By the way, don’t they know that today is a school day?

And standing here has already affected students’ schooling! Can these adults be a little more conscious? ?

In Japan, take jujube pills!

He thought with indignation in his heart, waved his hand indifferently and replied, "Sorry, I have something else to do," and then prepared to leave.

As the bicycle tires rotated, the two sides slowly passed each other.

As for the reporter of "aniate" magazine, he is not interested.

And even if he was interviewed, he couldn't give any excellent answers other than two-dimensional.

The two sides are not on the same channel at all, they are just playing the piano to each other.

Reporter of "aniate" magazine...

"aniate" magazine......


""aniate"——! ? ! ? "

He stopped suddenly, pressed the brakes with a squeak, and shouted back.

The female reporter wearing a skirt suit was startled by him, but she still smiled and answered with a professional attitude.

"Yes, although I just introduced it."

"——"aniate"! "

An Yilun also asked, turned the front of the car and walked back quickly, and asked the two of them:

"Are you talking about the "aniate" in Akihabara? You are "aniate" reporters! ? "

The reporter and the photographer next to him looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning of "something interesting" in the other's eyes, and naturally they would not let this opportunity go.

The male photographer immediately picked up the lens on his shoulder, and the female reporter took advantage of the situation and continued.

"That's right, it's the "aniate" who mainly focuses on animation. Are you willing to be interviewed by us? This classmate. "

"Yes! Please do!"

An Yilun also nodded excitedly and asked repeatedly:

"Excuse me, what do you want to ask? What is the most popular animation now? Or the recent rating ranking of Galga? As long as it is related to the two-dimensional aspect, I can tell you everything!"

"Thank you~ This classmate, you are so awesome, I can feel strong enthusiasm from you!"

The female reporter first flattered her a little, and then extended her microphone.

"So, do you know who the author of the manga "Chainsaw Man", Teacher Fujimoto, is from this school?"


An Yilun's expression was stunned, and he repeated mechanically: "Which student of our school is the author of "Chainsaw Man"...?"

"Yes, that's right~ the talented cartoonist who was spotted by Akane Kurisaka! The copyright of his work was bought for 100 million yen! Do you know his name?"

"Ah? Wait a minute, Akane she that fan queen!"

"Yes! That's Miss Benisaka! And if you know who Teacher Fujimoto is, please! Please tell us!"

The female reporter excitedly raised a palm to her chest as a sign of begging, but it left him confused.


An Yilun also scratched the back of his head with some distress and said: "...Sorry, actually because I have been busy working to make money recently, I haven't paid much attention recently..."

"Huh...? Haven't you paid attention to the recent news?"

"Haah...yes, yes, um, what exactly happened?"

Hearing this, the female reporter suddenly felt greatly disappointed and looked around unconsciously.

I wanted to find the next interviewee, but the students all avoided them, walking quickly with their heads down, unwilling to meet their eyes.

Among so many people, only the boy in front of him was walking struttingly in the center, exuding a calm and calm aura, and he just bumped into them.

——So they were successfully caught.

But now it seems that they obviously chose the wrong person.


The photographer on the side coughed twice and asked with his eyes "Do you want to change someone?"

The female reporter nodded slightly, looked around for the next target, and continued absentmindedly:

"Actually, you can find out by searching on the Internet. Ms. Akane Benisaka gave an interview two days ago and talked about how she acquired the copyright of "Chainsaw Man".

One of the biggest pieces of news is that Ms. Hongsaka said personally that the author of "Chainsaw Man" is a high school student studying at the private Toyosaki Academy, which means..."

The female reporter paused for a moment before saying this, and then concluded with a sense of relief: "There is a new talented cartoonist and billionaire in your school."

An Yilun's eyes widened for a moment, and he said in shock: "Billionaire, billionaire——!?"

It was only then that the sound of conversation, which he had always regarded as meaningless background sound, reached his ears.

He followed the sound and looked around blankly, and saw that some reporters from other houses were also looking for people to interview.

From the constant chatter, you can hear that the contents of the inquiries are almost the same.

——Who is the author of "Chainsaw Man"?

——Do you know who among your classmates is drawing comics?

——Has there been any noteworthy situation in the school recently? Like an appreciation party sponsored by the Comics Research Club?

——Do you have any friends from the comics research club? Have you heard anything?

Questions like this are happening all around.

With the last bit of hope, the female reporter asked again: "This classmate with glasses, even if it is just a little bit, do you really have no clue about this information?"

How can it be repaired! Who is the classmate with glasses? ?

Isn't this a terrible title? ?

It is simply more infuriating than being called Lun Ye Gang!

Why should I be looked down upon by reporters from anime magazines? ?

Even under such circumstances, An Yilun's inner desire to complain remained unabated.

But now, he finally figured out the truth of the matter.

Although I still couldn't figure out who the author of "Chainsaw Man" was, it was even a little hard to accept the fact that the talented cartoonist and billionaire was actually his classmate.

But he still couldn't help but think about it.

How many sets of Kasumigaoka-senpai's novels can be bought with 100 million yen?

Since the prices of the first brush version and the deluxe first brush version have not yet been announced, they cannot be estimated for the time being.

Calculated based on the price of the paperback version of "Love Metronome", which is 600 yen per book and 3,000 yen for a set, it means...

An Yilun also swallowed hard. Even if he emptied his house, he probably wouldn't be able to hold so many light novels, right?

But you can’t just buy light novels, you can’t forget games and comics, as well as original sound CDs and Blu-ray DVDs, plus figures, peripherals, etc…

The second dimension is amazing!

I want to live with such a splendid culture forever——!

Regardless of the "aniate" reporter who was still waiting for his answer, An Yilun, who was immersed in his own world, slowly walked towards the campus.

When he pushed his bicycle into the school gate, Director Yamashiro, Masaru Nakamura and other teachers also came out.

The two sides didn't talk to each other, or the other side didn't have time to take care of it for the time being, and walked directly in opposite directions.

"Sorry! We don't accept interviews here. Please don't disturb the students' school -!"

"If you want to conduct an interview, please apply to the school through formal channels. Other private interviews will not be accepted by our teachers and students."

"All students in Toyosaki, enter the school immediately."

Loud shouts from the teachers came from behind, followed by the sound of footsteps suddenly accelerating.

An Yilun also looked back.

I saw that the teams formed by the teachers had a clear division of labor. Some were responsible for blocking reporters, and some were responsible for guiding students into the campus.

It feels very reliable, as if it has been prepared for a long time.

However, reporters are not easy to dismiss. Although they no longer pester students out of moral reasons, they have turned their targets to teachers.

In an instant, they all gathered together and started asking about formal interviews.

Poor Director Yamashiro couldn't fight with four fists, but he still had to cope with countless lips and tongues.

Fortunately, Nakamura Katsu took the initiative to help when he saw that the situation was not good, otherwise he would not have been drowned in spit.

An Yilun also held a minute's silence in his heart. After storing his bicycle, he entered the primary school building and began to change his shoes.

The place in front of the shoe cabinet was equally lively. Students who had escaped into the school gathered here, inevitably discussing what had just happened.

With an accidental glance, An Yilun also happened to see Shintiao Xiang.

She is petite and has just put on indoor shoes. Now she is holding the shoe cabinet while bending down to pick up the heels.

Under the fluttering skirt, a pair of well-shaped thighs stretched out. A touch of alluring white greasy is exposed between the black knee-length socks and the skirt tail, which are of perfect length, forming a perfect and absolute realm.

On the slender waist, the plump and proud jade clock exudes a strong sense of presence, and the tight buttons of the shirt seem to be groaning, making it difficult to look away.

As if noticing his gaze, Shin Touxiang, who had put on her shoes, turned to look over.

After a brief moment of surprise.

"Good morning~ Classmate An Yilunya."

A cheerful smile appeared on his pure and lovely face, and the person concerned greeted him kindly.

"Oh, oh, good morning, Shinjo-san."

An Yilun also responded with a hasty greeting, and then quickly walked to the shoe cabinet in his class.

If viewed from a two-dimensional perspective, Shinjoka, with her childlike face and big breasts, is undoubtedly the most resembling a two-dimensional character besides Eiri and Shiwa-senpai.

She exudes a laid-back energy at all times, and is a little mysterious. Plus, she can dance very cute house dances, so she is very charming.

However, for An Yilun, who has seen the opposite side, the strong contrast is a bit uncomfortable.

‘This guy obviously hates me, but can he still smile like this to me in front of others? Although he is still a two-faced person, he is better than Yinglili in this regard...'.

He couldn't help but think so, and then let out an irritated complaint.

"...That's why I hate the third dimension!"

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