Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and twenty-two, phantom woman

Influenced by the events of "Chainsaw Man".

The students of the private Toyosaki Academy have become more reluctant than before about the cultural festival later this month.

Having said that, after the class meeting, the things that should be decided are almost settled.

As for what activities other classes plan to hold at that time, Kato Yusuke does not know yet.

However, the project for Class E of the first year, which was his own class, made the decision quickly.

With almost more than 70% of the class's votes in favor, the maid cafe won the top spot with great success.

It no longer matters who came up with the idea in the first place.

——"It's cliché, but you can see girls in the class wearing maid outfits."

Under the seemingly calm water, there seems to be such a faint emotion flowing.

At the morning class meeting, the boys looked at each other, secretly exchanged glances, and understood the behavior of a united front...

All of which made the final result less suspenseful.

It is worth mentioning that some boys were too enthusiastic and unwisely proposed a project like a bunny girl cafe at the meeting.

Unfortunately, it was immediately rejected.

And because of his obvious ambition, he also aroused unanimous disgust among the girls.

Kato Yusuke also voted against this aspect.

As for the reason?

Let’s not talk about the ethical issues that may arise from the sensitive role of Bunny Girl.

Just having Megumi put on that costume couldn't help but make him feel conflicted.

To prevent that from happening.

In the final voting session, Kato Yusuke very casually wrote the words maid cafe on an anonymous piece of paper and cast an insignificant vote.

Come from the masses, go to the masses.

As the student council president of the entire school, it is also part of my job to listen carefully to students' ideas and provide support.

As for the maid outfit or not.

Somewhat interested, but not much.

He, the student council president, is upright!

As for the cultural festival that will be held, the group that is most looking forward to it is actually the second-year students.

After all, with the second semester coming to an end at the end of the year, this is their last chance to have fun, and then they have to prepare for the exam.

Thinking of this situation, the students, mainly sophomores, became more motivated and determined to do their best.

As for the third-year students, this is also a rare opportunity to relax and take a breather from the huge pressure of the exam.

In summary, it is not difficult to understand why the school organizes cultural festivals with such dedication.

It is in such a lively atmosphere that the morning time flies by.

As the last class of the morning ended, the students stood up from their chairs in unison and gathered with their close friends.

While chatting about the cultural festival, they set off to have a meal in a restaurant or atrium.

Naturally, there are also people who plan to go to the canteen.

"So, Kato."

Yamaguchi, who was sitting in front, turned his head and asked casually: "What are your plans for lunch today? Do you want to go to the restaurant together?"

"Didn't you already have an appointment with someone for dinner?" Kato Yusuke asked back, not planning to answer him immediately.

"What? Did you hear everything?"

"If you mean borrowing comics in exchange for lunch, I did overhear it, but sitting so close to you, I can't help but not listening."

Yamaguchi laughed and said proudly: "How is it? Are you envious? Otherwise, I'll treat you to a barbecue set meal. Let's go to the restaurant together~"


"Why? Let's go together. We can also talk about "Chainsaw Man" and the cultural festival."

Kato Yusuke was unmoved by this and refused: "If it's you and Takei, forget it. It won't matter if there are other people present."

"Don't say that, let's go together, I'll treat you." Yamaguchi persisted for some reason.

But immediately, Takei, who walked up to him, revealed the truth.

"Actually, the reason why Takashi said this is because he wants to use you to use the seat of the student union, Kato."

"I see. I was just wondering how you could offer a treat, you despicable person."

"Idiot Takei, why did you say it! I'm about to succeed right now!?"

"Hey, are you almost successful?"

"Isn't that of course! Just Kato, let me take him down with the barbecue set meal!"


Kato Yusuke watched their interaction speechlessly, and for a moment he didn't know how to complain. He only felt vaguely insulted.

"...Anyway, I have an appointment here for lunch, so you don't have to worry about the barbecue set, Yamaguchi. I will never agree to it from the beginning."

"Have you made a date?"

Yamaguchi was stunned when he heard what he said, and asked without thinking: "Who did you date?"

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment and replied: "It's Shiyu-senpai, we will have lunch together."


Yamaguchi immediately closed his mouth and looked aside involuntarily. Then he remembered that the two of them had left the classroom just now, and then looked back.

He breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart, scratched the back of his head with some distress, and hesitated: "Is that and Kasumigaoka-senpai..."

"We're dating."

"Uh, is that really the case?"

Kato Yusuke hummed, then glanced at Takei who was a little confused next to him, and said:

"If Jiazi asks, you can tell the truth and it's okay. But things between me and senior Shiyu can just let them take their own course. There's no need to let others take the lead."

"Well...that means don't publicize it in a big way, right? We already know this kind of thing even if you don't say it."...

As Yamaguchi spoke, he scratched his hair irritably, as if something was stuck in his throat. Finally, he dropped his shoulders as if giving up, and said with relief:

"Anyway, I understand what you mean.

But it's true, after all, Kasumigaoka-senpai has reached that point, and she has completely blocked her reputation.

Under such a premise, if you are rejected again, you will definitely be criticized, right? That kind of blow can be called devastating..."

As if he was trying to convince himself, Yamaguchi nodded his head repeatedly and wrinkled his whole face.

"--I have to say is."

He sighed with emotion: "No matter how delusional I am, I would never have imagined that that Kasumigaoka-senpai is so powerful, so handsome."

Kato Yusuke also nodded imperceptibly and said: "...Senior Shiu, she is indeed very good."

"Isn't that natural? You enviable bastard!"

Yamaguchi had a familiar hearty smile on his face and said to him carelessly:

"You are actually dating such an outstanding senior. You have to treat her well. As for Kato-san... we will find a way to help you talk. Right? Takei."

"...Ahaha, although I don't have much confidence, I will try my best to see." Takei agreed weakly, obviously lacking confidence.

"Can't you speak more energetically? You idiot!"

"Oh, oh~~~~~! Like this?"

"...Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Yamaguchi held his forehead and couldn't bear to look at the miserable appearance of his forced smile.

"—About this matter."

Kato Yusuke interrupted their interaction and said calmly:

"I've talked to Megumi, so you don't have to do anything, just act like normal, but thank you both for your kindness."

He closed the conversation by conveying this point clearly and clearly.

Yamaguchi and Takei looked at each other in confusion. Although they had doubts in their hearts, they didn't ask any further and just accepted it for the time being.

After that, the two parties parted ways outside the classroom.

Kato Yusuke first went to the canteen to buy some things, and then took the things to the rooftop alone.

On the bench under the pergola, a girl as quiet as a virgin was sitting there quietly, holding a book and reading it.

Her long, smooth black straight hair shone slightly, and was tied up with a white hairband. The hair was as dense as fine soft satin, with a dazzlingly white neck exposed underneath.

The slender legs were wrapped in stockings and folded together comfortably.

The fluttering short skirt clung to her hips and made her waist slim. The side waist is so soft and concave, depicting a crescent-like arc.

She shook her feet gently, and the dark blue skirt swayed around her thighs like sea water.

The sunlight was close to the boundary line of the pergola, sleeping meekly at her feet, and as if it absorbed the light, it covered her body with a thin veil woven from shadows.

Vague and hazy, exuding a sense of mystery.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but stop when he saw this scene in his eyes, then silently walked up and sat down on the empty seat next to him.


Sensing his arrival, the girl closed the book.

The words on the cover immediately fell into his eyes——

"Phantom Woman (William Ireland)"

"Yu-chan, so slow..."

Shiyu whispered, a pair of burgundy eyes squinting over.

"You are eleven minutes and forty-nine seconds later than I expected to arrive. Including the three minutes of shopping at the canteen, you are still seven minutes and forty-nine seconds late.

So what? Did you have an affair with some naughty cat behind my back~? "

"...I'm sorry, I wasted a little time talking to Yamaguchi and the others. Speaking of timing and stuff...senpai, isn't it too exaggerated?"

"Is there~?"


Kato Yusuke tore open the package with a "chie" sound, then opened the tab of the can of coffee, and handed over the pineapple bread and coffee in his hand.

However, the other party didn't answer.

On the contrary, Shiyu narrowed her eyes and glanced back and forth at his face, as if she was repeatedly guessing whether the words were true or false.

Then she leaned over and sniffed him gently.

"Um, Senior Shiyu...?"


"What are you doing?"

"Check the smell."

"Can you please stop talking about this kind of thing so easily..."

Even after saying this, the girl still went her own way. Not only did she have no intention of stopping, but she moved closer even harder, sucking on his collar, chest and other places.

Hiss ha~ hiss ha~ hiss ha~

The inexplicable sound of rapid breathing lingered in my ears.

At the same time, an extremely pleasant fragrance drifted into the depths of his nose.

"Well, senior sister..."

Kato Yusukehei raised the bread and coffee in his hands and couldn't help but ask: "I'm not used to being held and sucked like this. If you don't mind, can you let me go?"

Shiyu made a long note, deliberately pressed against his ear, and whispered: " doesn't seem to smell like other women."

"...Let me tell you, if senior wants to know if I have gone to see anyone else, wouldn't it be better to ask me directly?"

"The question is, wouldn't that take away the feeling of catching an adulterer?"

"To be honest, this starting point was wrong from the beginning, right?"

Kato Yusuke was really powerless to complain, and couldn't help but say: "Obviously, when the senior sister is not talking, she is a literary and beautiful girl with a temperament..."

"Can I be very literary now?"

"Whatever you say."

"you do not believe?"

Someone just shrugged noncommittally and didn't answer.

Shiyu raised the corners of his lips in a funny way, stretched out a finger to draw circles on his chest as if teasing, and then recited it softly.

“The body, which was originally as undeveloped as a hard bud, gradually relaxed and softened, and finally blossomed into large flowers that bloomed fragrantly.

A man can play a catalytic role in the process of a woman's blossoming and maturing, which proves that his figure has been deeply implanted in a woman's heart, and he will feel a certain sense of satisfaction in life. "

"A flower that burns as hot as a fire tube... Hmm~~~?"

"——Okay, that's it."

Shiyu's recitation could not continue because Kato Yusuke went too far and blocked her mouth with a pineapple bun, leaving her speechless.

"...What on earth are you thinking about?"

Kato Yusuke stared at her face and said speechlessly.

Ah woo~

Shiyu took a bite of the pineapple bun and said playfully: "...Didn't you ask me to be more literary?"

"In the end, did you have to choose this part of Paradise Lost to recite?"

"Oh~ don't you like it? It's human nature for a man to love a woman."

The girl chewed the food slowly, causing half of her cheeks to bulge slightly.

"There's obviously something more suitable...?"

"more suitable?"

Kato Yusuke glanced at her thighs and said slowly: "The night is clear, and his experience in the world is also light. It's just that the night is sweet, but he is very surly - is this normal?"

The wine-red eyes moved slightly, and then looked at the "Phantom Woman" lying on his lap.

"...Yu-chan, you actually read this book, which I didn't expect."

"Actually, I have only read the beginning of the text, and I don't know what happens after that. Anyway, senior, are you willing to eat now? It's quite tiring to hold it all the time."

Hearing this, Shiyu glanced at his hands on both sides, and then smiled sweetly.

"Hey, Yuu-chan."


"As you can see, I still want to keep reading, so I don't really want to get my hands dirty."


"So, if you would feed me, it would be a big help."

The girl said softly.

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