Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and twenty-seven, the master of the harem

At this moment, time seemed to be suddenly pulled back to the student union yesterday afternoon.

Including the roasted snail in front of me, it seems to have turned into the shape of oolong tea.

Kato Yusuke stared at the spoon, Shiyu stared at him, and the others stared at the two of them.

If you look at it from a third party's perspective, this scene must be very interesting.

However, for those involved in the situation, things are not so wonderful.

Kato Yusuke felt a little painful.

Contrary to his apparent calmness, he felt a little nervous.

The most worrying thing is whether a spoon will suddenly appear on the right, or what words will come out.

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on my back.

November in Tokyo has already entered winter, and the air-conditioning in the store is not turned on as much as in summer. Instead, the warm air is turned on at a suitable temperature.

In order to cover up the band-aid on his neck, he has not taken off his stand-up collar uniform until now.

The combination of the two creates a heavy and sultry feeling in the body, but what is shed is cold sweat.

Under the light of the store, the spoon in front of me reflects the cold light of metal.

Through the blurred reflection on the handle, you can vaguely see the lustful wine-red eyes.

That wasn't directed at him, or in other words, it wasn't directed at him alone.

Beneath the superficial intention, there is also a hidden meaning of fishing.

As for who its target is, at least half of the people at the table know it.

Kato Yusuke did not observe the surrounding environment and did not want to make unnecessary actions, so he did not know what was going on on the right.

He just vaguely felt as if there was an An Ran gaze that was examining him intentionally or unintentionally.

This might just be a conjecture and an illusion, but he couldn't confirm it at this juncture.

During his wandering thoughts.

Although physically it feels like a long time has passed.

However, in reality, less than two seconds had passed since Shiyu asked, "Aren't you going to eat??"

Kato Yusuke made a decision quickly.

Before the other person could say anything, he took a big bite of the spoon at his mouth and ate the roasted snail on it.

The taste of snails is similar to that of snail meat. The rich sauce has a lot of butter and green onion aroma, and the taste is quite good.

He swallowed the snail with a slurp, then calmly pushed the girl's hand holding the spoon back gently, and smiled to express his gratitude.

"Thank you. This is quite delicious. You should try it too, Senior Shiyu. Also, I'm not used to being fed like a child. Just let me do it myself next time."

"That's it, um~ I understand~"

Shiyu chuckled and nodded, as if she was satisfied with his performance.

Then he scooped up a roasted snail with a spoon. He didn't mind that he had just used the spoon a second ago, so he put it directly into his mouth.


Ying Lili, who was sitting opposite, suddenly dropped the spoon on the plate for some reason, but she quickly picked it up.

Kato Yusuke didn't care when he saw this, but reached out to the glass, wanting to drink something to quench his thirst.

Fortunately, Hui, who had a small confrontation with Shiyu yesterday, did not give him any problems until the end.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s considerate or in a good mood, or if he just feels it doesn’t matter.

But no matter which point it was, he escaped smoothly.

This made him feel slightly relieved, and he was ready to pick up the cup and drink.

At this time, a piece of facial tissue was gently handed over from the right.

Slowly, Hui's calm tone reached his ears.

"Hey, Yusuke. There's sauce on your mouth. Use this to wipe it."

"...Really? Sorry, thanks, Megumi."

"Well~~don't worry about it."

Kato Yusuke was ready to reach out and get it...



As if something was being pulled out quickly, another tissue paper was suddenly handed to his hand from the left.

"Give you a tissue, Yuu-chan?~" Shiyu smiled and made this declaration forcefully.




The table fell silent again.

Two tissues were spread out in front of him.

Still a familiar recipe, still a familiar taste.

‘She was clearly eating just a second ago, right? ’

At this moment, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but fell silent.

He thought he had avoided a crisis, but he never imagined that a real landmine was buried here.

This feeling is like just escaping from an executioner's knife, only to encounter a desperate situation at the next corner.

Commonly known as, kill around the corner——!

It makes men cry silently and women cry!

Contrary to his rigid body, his inner activities are extremely active.

There is no way to delay this kind of thing. The longer it is delayed, the greater the trouble will be.

"...Well, thank you."

He opened his mouth with difficulty, squeezed out this sentence in a deep voice, and then stretched out his hands, intending to take down both tissues at the same time.

However, what happened next was completely beyond expectations.

Just before his hand was about to touch the tissue——

Coincidentally, the two tissues shrank back in unison.

The next second, the voices of two girls rang together.



"What do you want to do?" - There seemed to be such a question in the doubtful voice.

Um---? ? ?

Kato Yusuke's eyelids twitched involuntarily, but he pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Well, I'm used to using two pieces of paper...can't I?"

""--oh? ""

Meaningful responses overlapped.


The sounds of pulling out tissues also overlapped.

Ever since.

"Then~~please use it."

"The two you want?"

The two hands stretched out again.

Double the Kleenex, quadruple the happiness!


The corners of Kato Yusuke's eyes twitched, and he imagined in his mind the action of covering his face with his palms. His expression management was almost out of control, but he was still holding on.

Now, he finally understood.

This is an alternative route!

Facing the tissues handed over by Hui and Shiyu, he could only choose one person's!

And neither of them has any intention of giving in!

Kato Yusuke's nerves were suddenly twisted into a ball of twine.

He raised his head cautiously and looked to the opposite side involuntarily, looking for an opportunity to break the situation.

An Yilun's eyes were evasive, and he didn't dare to look at him with a look of worry about getting into trouble.

Then he seemed to realize that he might have to rely on him in the future, so he looked over hesitantly.

After hesitating for a few seconds.

An Yilun also took a deep breath, then put on a silly smile and started laughing loudly.

"Well, everyone——"

It's just the beginning...


"Ethical Lord?"

Two cold voices interrupted him.

The cold gaze that followed not only dispelled the slightest bit of courage in his chest, but also completely knocked him back to his original form.


An Yilun also let out a scream, suddenly became silent, and became a coward again.

After all, compared to Kato Yusuke, who is relatively easy to talk to, two girls with a strong sense of oppression are more terrifying...

Seeing that the person who disrupted the situation disappeared, Hui and Shiyu looked at each other again.

If the confrontation between Shiyu and Eirili gave people the feeling of dry and intense electric charge movement.

So the feeling that Shiyu and Hui give people at this moment is the turbulent undercurrent hidden under the calm sea.

As a last resort, Kato Yusuke endured the pressure from both sides and looked at Shinjoka.

Not surprisingly, Shinjoka also had an embarrassed smile on her face, but she did not avoid his eyes.

On the contrary, the other party seemed to be thinking about something, and there was a bit of desperate ferocity on that innocent and sweet face, as if he had a plan.

Kato Yusuke didn't know what she was thinking of, but he instinctively sensed that it was definitely not a normal method.

At the moment when the two parties were unable to communicate, he was unable to assess the possible consequences of his actions, so he quickly gave her a stop look.

Shinjoka was a little surprised for a moment, but immediately turned her face to the side and calmed down as if nothing had happened.

And after such a long stalemate.

The two girls seemed to become a little impatient, and both asked:

"Hey, Yusuke."

"Hey, Yuu-chan."

""Tissue, don't you want it? ""


Kato Yusuke suddenly felt as big as his head.

But his misfortune doesn't stop there!

Just as he was trying to form words to respond, a crisp sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

‘Ding, you have triggered a limited time task, please pay attention. ’

‘[Lord of the Harem (0/1)]. ’

‘Task description: Please accept the tissues from Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi within sixty seconds, and make the following declaration to the two parties involved - "You are all my wings."

‘Task reward: 100,000 points, charm attribute point*1. ’

‘Countdown: 00:59. ’

A strange yet familiar electronic female voice echoed in my mind, and then quickly disappeared.

Only the large countdown was left counting down in my mind.

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment.

As his mind whirled, there was only one thought left.

This dog system wants to cause trouble!

Basically, Chun Chun is just here to cause trouble and watch him seek death!

His body was stiff, his eyes were out of focus for a moment, but his brain was functioning reflexively.

In the final analysis, neither Hui nor Shiyu can be blamed for this matter. Both sides just care about him.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for causing all this.

Even so, he is not confused.

During the period when he fell into the abyss.

If Hui is his beacon in the vast sea, Shiyu is the person who has been supporting him from behind.

Both men reached out to him and pulled him out of the mire, and neither gave up on him.

Faced with two people who gave him irreplaceable things, he couldn't give up on either one, and he also wanted to be someone's salvation.

This kind of thinking is unreasonable, selfish and pretentious, but it is a true portrayal of the heart.

He had faced this frankly, but he just didn't know how to do it yet.

But at least, in the future of his life, he doesn't plan to lose anything easily.

——The brain thought with unusual clarity.

With a solemn mood, Kato Yusuke made a decision in his heart.

Tick-tick-tick, tick-tick-tock.

In his mind, there are only ten seconds remaining in the mission.

He secretly took a deep breath, moved his slightly stiff fingers, and was about to take them off...

——Bang Qiang!

Suddenly, the tabletop shook violently.


With a clear voice that broke through the thorns, Yinglili suddenly stood up on the table for some unknown reason, and stretched out a hand to him with a "swish".

"Here, this is for you...!"

A pure white silk handkerchief stopped in front of Kato Yusuke.




The girl bit her lower lip tightly, forcing herself not to look at the surrounding eyes that were focused on her for a moment, and not to respond to Hui and Shiyu's words.

She was just stubborn and fragile. She forced herself to look at only one person and said in a harsh tone of disgust:

"...You are so dirty! Can you stop dragging your feet and wipe your mouth quickly? It's really unbearable!"


Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be startled, and then immediately realized that the other party was helping him out.

I felt a little confused for a moment, but I still reached out and took the pure white handkerchief decisively.

In the accidental touch, he clearly felt that the little hand was trembling slightly.

A warm current surged into my heart.

The warm feeling slowly spreads in the chest and spreads to the limbs and bones.

"...Thank you, Yinglili."

He said warmly in a sincere tone, wiping the sauce from his mouth with a handkerchief, and added: "I'm sorry for dirtying your handkerchief. I'll return it to you after washing it."

Unexpectedly, the girl didn't appreciate it. Instead, she snatched the handkerchief from his hand, replied fiercely "No need!", and immediately sat down on her seat.

"...Idiot who causes trouble for others." Ying Lili muttered, lowering her head.

As if he was uncomfortable with his actions.

She picked up the fork, hoping to eat some salad to relieve her mood, but she failed to hold it properly and the fork fell to the ground with a clang.


Yinglili was startled by herself and was at a loss as to what to do.

Looking at her dilemma, Kato Yusuke suddenly remembered that the other party also dropped the tableware a few minutes ago.

Probably from then on, the girl noticed the stain on his mouth and wanted to give him a handkerchief...

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a simmer in my heart.

Such a clumsy and cute girl gave him a warm presence like family, which was equally irreplaceable.

Kato Yusuke felt soft in his heart, and before others could react, he sent his fork over.

"Use mine, Yinglili, I haven't used this yet."


Facing the tableware he handed over, Yinglili looked a little flustered for a moment, but she felt relieved after hearing the explanation.

While taking the tableware hesitantly, he blushed and whispered.


"It's just a small thing, don't worry about it."

Kato Yusuke smiled and replied: "Compared to your handkerchief, this is nothing, thank you."

At this time...

"I said so!"

An Yilun, who had been cowardly, suddenly started talking.

"You should be more careful about the impact. This is a restaurant in a public place!"

The voice was full of sourness, as if he had eaten a ton of lemons.

(Back to draft progress 8/10)

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