Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and thirty, mentally ill

The next day after school.

Kato Yusuke came to the Immortal River Comics Club.

When he was still in Salia yesterday, the other party sent him an email saying that he wanted to discuss something, but it was not until today that he finally had time.

This is not because he is deliberately putting on airs, but because the timing is not chosen well.

Things about the cultural festival, things about the studio, things about the news media, and things about comic creation...

Many things from all aspects were piled up at once, all waiting for him to deal with, which inevitably made him a little overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

Considering that after the studio officially starts and the game starts production, the busyness will only be even worse.

He really needs someone to help him.

It’s not just him, it’s the same in terms of art and programming.

Now that we have decided to make a commercial work, we cannot operate it according to the loose model of a fan club.

Even if she has decided to outsource part of the art work, the remaining workload is not something that Yinglili can do alone.

Especially for excellent group portrait works like AD, behind its extremely delicate character portrayal and plot design, the amount of work involved is also terrifying.

Therefore, it is basically imperative to recruit several excellent second original artists.

And in terms of program production.

Although he promised An Yilun that he was willing to leave this part of the work to An Yilun, it did not mean that he would completely place his hope on the other party.

To put it simply, An Yilun is not reliable enough on his side.

That person may be an expert in otaku activities, but unfortunately he or she has no talent or talent in other areas.

The most fatal problem is that An Yilun is not only too easily influenced by external things and distracted, but his self-control is also difficult to describe.

Just during the time when he couldn't play games because he was short of money.

Instead of taking advantage of this gap to recharge and study, the other party was still immersed in otaku activities.

Follow the animations, read the novels, and play the games.

During this period, in addition to working part-time to avoid being a homebody, I really didn’t miss out on fun activities.

Of course, things like learning programming have probably been relegated to the back burner.

So much so that Kato Yusuke even had some doubts.

I doubt whether he will be able to find those few programming learning books that have been eaten away in a pile of comics and novels.

It would be fine if his abilities were limited, but if his attitude was as if he was fishing for fish, there really would be no hope for him.

Therefore, under such unsatisfactory circumstances, Kato Yusuke believed that it was necessary to take out insurance to prevent the situation from happening in the future where one person would delay the overall progress.

This is not deliberately targeted, nor is it that he is too demanding on others, but the surrounding environment determines that he must be like this.

Unless he can ignore the production time.

Just like those clubs in school that don't care about grades, everyone just participates in club activities as they please, and only puts happiness first.

Although that is not bad, it deviates from his original intention.

Even if nothing else is said, he must at least shoulder his due responsibilities.

Create a favorable living environment for people like Kano-chan who completely leave their future lives in his hands.

——Only in this way can he live up to the trust others have placed in him.

Therefore, he cannot run the studio with a playful and relaxed attitude, nor can he tolerate failure, he can only succeed!

Because of this, it is decided that he must operate with a rigorously structured business model.

Even if you don't meet the strict standards of large companies, you still need to establish a relatively stable personnel structure in exchange for a reasonable production cycle.

Develop a more streamlined production schedule and steadily advance it until the work is completed.

It can be said that this is the most basic part behind basically every successful commercial work.

To sum up, there is still a lot to do in the future.

Although Xiaoyano has already submitted her resignation to the school, there is still a period of time to hand over the work before the formalities are completed.

In addition, Xiaoyano must also need some time to deal with interpersonal relationships, so this matter cannot be rushed for the time being.

But the good news is that after Kano-chano's matter is resolved, Kato Yusuke will also have a capable general.

So he just needs to hold on for a while longer.

Back to business.

Yusuke arrived at the Immortal River and was invited to Editor Suzuki.

It’s still the familiar editor-in-chief’s office, the familiar sofa, the familiar tartary buckwheat tea, and the familiar old editor-in-chief with a kind-hearted smile.

Everything is basically the same as before when I came here.

Two people, one old and one young, each held a cup of tartary buckwheat tea.

Talk and sip.

"I haven't seen you for a while. Teacher, you seem to have become a little more handsome and your temperament is different." The old editor started with this sentence.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel happy when he heard it. It felt subtly like visiting relatives and meeting elders.

This made him feel a little funny, but he didn't show it on his face. He just smiled and expressed his gratitude.

"Thank you for your compliment, but I think, editor-in-chief, you are much more energetic than last time, and you have a calm demeanor. Did something good happen to you?"

The old editor laughed when he heard this and said with a smile:

"That's right. After all, meeting a genius like you, teacher, is a great blessing for me and our comics department."

"You are ridiculous."

"What are you talking about? I'm not bragging. Teacher, your achievements are obvious to all. The news media are reporting on you now. It's really scary for future generations."

"You're lucky, I'm just lucky."

Kato Yusuke said casually: "If you want to say it, I heard it from a friend. It seems that it is difficult to buy the magazine "Shounen Undead" now. Has your last trouble been solved?"

As soon as he said this, the old editor immediately became energetic.

"Hey! Teacher, have you heard about it too?"

He straightened up energetically, straightened his waist, and spoke with great joy.

“It’s all thanks to your relationship.

Affected by the news, our magazine exceeded one million yesterday, and it is still in short supply in the market.

If this momentum continues, I might be able to compete with Jup and the others this time! "

No wonder the old editor-in-chief was so ecstatic.

For any comic magazine, there is no one that does not want to surpass "Shōnen Jup".

However, the other party's status in the industry is like a big mountain, which is really difficult to reach.

But now!

"Young Undead" really touched the opponent's back, which is really an exciting thing!

As the old editor said.

Affected by gimmicks such as "sky-high copyright transactions", "doujin queen Akane Kurisaka", and "genius high school cartoonist".

"Chainsaw Man" is now gaining momentum! It has the potential to detonate the Internet.

As the rising tide lifts all boats, the sales of "Young Undead" are also rising steadily!

In this unprecedented publicity and hype, "Chainsaw Man" is also a natural and successful breakthrough!

Even people who have never heard of this work before will buy a magazine to read it out of curiosity, which further expands the popularity of the work.

As a result, "Chainsaw Man" is as popular as it is today.

Due to the lack of resonance, Kato Yusuke cannot be as excited as the old editor-in-chief, but he will not disturb his interest in a big way.

So he just sat quietly drinking tea, being a listener, and occasionally offering a modest compliment.

Whenever this happened, the old editor would wave his hands humbly, saying thank you for taking care of him, and respond with an even more disgusting rainbow fart.

The two of them just chatted and exchanged business blows.

——It shows the hypocrisy of people in society (blackened).

And although the old editor-in-chief politely said something like "Thank you for the favor" and looked like he didn't dare to take credit, he was smiling from ear to ear from beginning to end.

In this way, the two sides spent a period of chatting time that was not nutritious but was quite comfortable.

As if feeling thirsty, the old editor-in-chief took a sip of hot tea to soothe his throat, and then coughed heavily.

Because of this action, Kato Yusuke thought he was about to get to the point, but the next second he heard this sentence.

"In short, Mr. Fujimotoshu is really hot right now.

Not only are the works popular, but the people are also popular.

The news media couldn't find you at the school, so they all came to us to find out the news. "

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect such a thing. Did it cause you any trouble?"

"Oh, teacher, you have misunderstood me. It is a good thing for us to have media attention!

Moreover, it is also our duty to solve problems for cartoonists so that teachers can concentrate on cartoon creation, so this is not a problem at all. "

The old editor first explained it this way, and then continued speaking righteously.

“Also, please feel free to rest assured.

Our people will not disclose any information to the media before getting your permission.

The only thing acknowledged was that you were indeed a high school student, and nothing else was said. "

"Thank you and your company for taking the trouble." Kato Yusuke nodded politely.

The old editor smiled and waved his hand, saying no.

After a while, he deliberately put on a worried expression and said seriously:

"But... Teacher, you are really in the limelight right now. Although this is a good thing, it can also turn into a bad thing."

Kato Yusuke asked in cooperation: "Excuse me, what happened?"

"It's not a big problem. It's just that because of your outstanding achievements and the fact that you have earned other people's money for more than ten or decades even though you are so young, it will inevitably arouse the jealousy of some people."

"I see, that's the reason why a tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, right?"

"A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind..."

The old editor's eyes suddenly lit up, he patted his knee repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes, yes! That's what it means. Please wait a moment and let me write this sentence down."

After that, he took his small notebook from behind his desk and started writing it down.

"Editor-in-Chief Suzuki...?"

"Teacher, you are really capable of saying some very powerful things. But as you said, there are indeed some bad remarks on the Internet."

"Is that so? Sorry, I haven't paid much attention to things online recently."

"It's fine if you don't pay attention, it's best if you don't pay attention. In fact, similar things have happened here before.

The originally budding cartoonist couldn't stand the negative comments on the Internet, so he gave up his writing... It's really a pity. "M..

Kato Yusuke nodded without any reaction, feeling a little unconcerned.

This is the era of information explosion.

Since I can't resist, the only thing I can do is to adjust my mentality, which can at least make me feel better.

Even an environment like Japan, where there are only so many types of swear words, such as "idiot", "idiot", and "bastard", would be unbearable.

Then our country’s eighteen national quintessences can definitely make people come and baptize them.

To put it simply, these people should really be made aware of the law of hostility in our country.

With mom as the center, dad as the radius, and the eighteen generations of ancestors as a circle. (A 360-degree greeting to the eighteen generations of our ancestors.)

If you win, your parents will be alive! If you lose, your ancestors will ascend to heaven!

Highlight a variety of styles, highlight a wide radiating area.

Something like nsl is even a bit low-level.

For example, when he was playing League of Legends in his previous life, the magical Zaun was dubbed the "E-Sports Pianist" by everyone.

I have never been to Zu'an, so my knowledge is limited.

As for the old editor's concerns about him between the lines, Kato Yusuke really didn't take them seriously.

After all, you can't expect him to take seriously people who only use cute slurs like "idiot".

"So editor-in-chief Suzuki, don't worry. This kind of thing happens everywhere, I don't really care about it."

He said calmly and calmly: "Personally, instead of having time to think about that, I would rather draw more original cartoons."

"——I wish you could think so!" the old editor said in surprise, he was really surprised in his heart, and even muttered faintly.

To say that this teacher Fujimoto is really unpredictable.

Whether facing praise or slander, the other party's mentality is extremely stable.

It feels like someone who has experienced in the workplace, and even the words "young and mature" are not enough to describe it.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of the strange and treacherous content the other party had drawn in the comics...

In an instant, the old editor suddenly thought of a suitable adjective - mental illness!

Vine tree! My mental patient!

Involuntarily, he was startled by his sudden thought.

However, deep in the inner world, a deep sense of identity becomes stronger and stronger.

The old editor couldn't help but squirm his mouth when he thought of this, and reflexively picked up the thermos cup and drank tea to suppress the strange thoughts in his heart.

It wasn't until his mood almost calmed down that he put down the thermos cup again and looked at Kato Yusuke.

(Back to draft progress 9/10)

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