Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and thirty-six, handsome guy in Tokyo

Calm Thursday morning.

Kato Yusuke rode to school.

Since getting this mountain bike, he has become more and more interested in riding a bike when commuting.

Compared with the commonly used tram travel method in the past, although the efficiency of bicycle commuting to and from school is about the same as that of the previous car, he likes this kind of free transportation.

Therefore, it can be said that the current mountain bike has completely replaced the tram and has become his preferred means of transportation when going out.

In a sense, this may be regarded as making the best use of it. After all, he spent a lot of money when he bought this mountain bike.

Today, the campus entrance is still calm. The only people entering and exiting the campus are teachers, students, and staff. There is no scene like Monday when there were so many media reporters.

Although Kato Yusuke himself likes this kind of calmness, this phenomenon is actually a bit unusual.

As for why I say this, there is no need to say more if you just look at the blazing heat of the chainsaw man.

Considering the reaction of the school on Monday, it seems that some kind of agreement was reached with the media, so that the current peaceful situation does not affect the students.

Otherwise, given the enthusiasm shown by the reporters at the time, it is difficult to imagine that they would easily give up exploring the truth of this kind of news.

In this aspect, Kato Yusuke has a very good attitude.

If someone comes to him, he will actively cooperate.

If no one came to see him, he would be happy in peace and quiet.

In these increasingly cold days, the uniforms worn by the students have also been changed from autumn clothes to winter clothes.

Compared to the weather forecast on TV or the calendar ripped out of a notebook. The uniform styles worn by students can actually reflect the changes of the seasons.

Follow the many noisy footsteps into the campus.

Enter the teaching building as usual, change your shoes as usual, and come to the classroom of Year E as usual

Kato Yusuke repeats this calm and ordinary daily life, and is quite satisfied with his current life.

However, today's routine is different from the past, and things become a little strange.

From the moment he stepped into the classroom, the square space that was originally full of lively chatter and laughter fell into a strange silence.

This brought him an extraordinary and strange experience.

Looking at the root cause, Kato Yusuke vaguely understood where the problem came from, but when he actually faced this scene, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The cover of false daily life was torn off, like a calendar torn from a notebook, crumpled into a ball and thrown into the trash can.

The truth is revealed.

In fact, things have been a little weird since he left the house this morning.

For example, the neighbor’s wife who got up early and went out to take out the garbage suddenly stood still, the girl who was in charge of the cashier in the convenience store suddenly became distracted, the girl who was changing shoes at the shoe cabinet suddenly became confused, and the sudden silence in the classroom

Of course, this is just an exaggeration.

But without exception, they all had eye contact with someone and saw his face from the front or side.

To be fair, Kato Yusuke's return rate today was at least double that of usual.

This troubled him greatly.

Just now, facing the suddenly quiet classroom, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Although he doesn't care about the opinions of others, when this base suddenly increases, it will also make him deeply troubled.

Just when Kato Yusuke was feeling a little troubled, two overlapping girls' voices suddenly sounded from behind him.

"Oh, isn't this Kato-san?"

"Hey Yusuke, what are you doing standing at the door of the classroom?"

Looking back, the figures of Yoshiko and Kei came into his eyes.

The familiar face made Kato Yusuke feel more relaxed, and he smiled and said hello.

"Good morning, Megumi, good morning, Kako."

The three people's eyes met as a result.

The young man smiled languidly, his whole body seemed to be wrapped in a hazy mist, giving him an inexplicable feeling.

Not only is it quiet and comfortable, but it also has an indescribable gentle flavor.

He stood there quietly, as if there was a breeze and the bright moon accompanying his shoulders, shining dazzlingly.

Only the brilliance on his body is like the mist that can spread over the mountains, like the nocturne brought by the gentle wind from the strings of the quiet world, like the moonlight shining brightly on the stream.

That kind of dream, unreal, but intoxicating.

Just like the sea breeze hugs the moon, and the waves kiss the rocks.

"Eh?" Himekawa Yoshiko's expression froze on her face, and her waving movements froze in mid-air.


Hui was stunned for a moment, and there were some ripples in his eyes as calm as clear springs. Then he nodded calmly and replied: "Good morning, Yusuke, um, won't you come into the classroom?"

Her reaction was very normal, including her tone of voice, just like countless other times.


Kato Yusuke couldn't help being slightly stunned when he saw this, but he responded immediately, "Sorry, come in now."

As he spoke, his eyes couldn't help but look to the side.

Himekawa Yoshiko was still staring at him blankly. It wasn't until Kei gently pushed her back that she shyly woke up. However, she refused to look directly at his face anymore and only glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

This reaction was similar to that of other students in the class, and proved that the changes in him had not disappeared.

However, Hui's dull reaction gave him the illusion that his abnormality was just his own delusion.

As for the special reason for this, he couldn't figure it out yet.

With many messy thoughts in his arms, Kato Yusuke walked towards his seat.

As a result, Hui's reaction didn't change much after that.

Even when even Nakamura Katsu and the Sangoshu brothers were puzzled by his changes, the girl still looked calm.

Basically, how you treat him in normal times is how you still treat him now.

This unique and unique performance can't help but make Yusuke Kato very concerned.

He is not someone who likes to attract attention, but subconsciously, he is still curious about Hui's reaction.

That girl was truly a strange being, treating everyone equally and kindly.

He has an easy-going personality and can speak freely even to people who are not popular among girls, and he always cares and considers the people around him dutifully.

He only expresses his feelings appropriately and does not leave entanglements in people's hearts. He is a friend who makes people feel at ease with him.

But at least, he felt that he would be a special person in the other person's heart. In other words, they should be special existences to each other.

However, the girl's mediocre performance made him doubt this.

As soon as this idea came up, it showed strong pollution, invading his heart and making him become irritable.

Distraught, Kato Yusuke made a somewhat impulsive decision in his heart.

System, exchange for 1 charm point.

If the exchange is successful, 50,000 points will be deducted and the host's charm attribute will be 1.

After the brief exchange, his character panel was updated in real time.

Character: Yusuke Kato, the intruder in time and space

Explanation: Time has left traces on you. About ten years have been deducted from your life, accompanied by certain negative effects.

Age: 16 years old

Stamina: 8

Intelligence: 8

Charisma: 9

Rating: The posture of dragon and phoenix.

Items: USB flash drive, 18 qi and blood pills, 2 tracker usage times

Skills: dodge entry level, shooting proficiency level, fighting proficiency level, camping proficiency level, painting master level

Points: 794180

There was still no change that he could perceive.

For Kato Yusuke, he just took a few breaths during the class meeting and felt nothing else.

Unlike the process of transforming the brain by exchanging intelligence attributes, changes in charm always seem to be silent.

On the podium, Nakamura Katsumasa was holding a class meeting, talking about matters related to the ritual sacrifice, and did not pay attention to the situation on his side.

For the girls in the class, it was a daily routine for the handsome teacher to catch their eyes, so no one noticed someone in the corner.

After all, there are two handsome guys in this class, one is in front and the other is behind. It is not easy to openly favor one and the other. We still have to get the rain and dew equally.

Furthermore, although the man on the stage is a teacher, he is at least single.

Although the one at the back is a classmate and is still a cool type, after all, he has a master.

Among girls, no matter how popular a boy was before, once this happens, his popularity will plummet.

The girls thought this through very thoroughly.

This is one of the reasons why, even if they notice someone suddenly becoming more handsome in the morning, no one comes up to talk to him.

Let’s leave these digressions aside for now.

Kato Yusuke has no interest in studying other people's thoughts.

He calmed down a bit and moved his arms as if nothing had happened.


A piece of eraser accidentally fell from the table and rolled right to the feet of the girl wrapped in black calf socks.

The movement at his feet caused Hui's attention to shift from the podium to his feet, and then he saw the eraser lying on the ground.

She bent down to pick it up and whispered to someone who seemed to be looking ahead without noticing:

"Um, Yusuke, your eraser fell to the ground."


Kato Yusuke secretly said.

While holding back the inexplicable nervousness, he secretly took a deep breath.

"Excuse me."

He said with a straightforward smile on his face and looked to the right.

"Thanks, Megumi."

He looked directly at the girl's face and took the eraser back.

Hui blinked twice in a daze, then tilted his head slightly in confusion, shook his head and said something.

"Well don't worry about it."

There was still no special reaction. Kato Yusuke calmly retracted his arm, his mood became more complicated.

The noises made by the two people attracted Himekawa Yoshiko's attention.

Curious about this, she turned back and looked over, so


She screamed involuntarily and jumped up from her seat.


The steel chair made a harsh and heavy noise that resounded throughout the classroom.

Under her influence.

In an instant, more than thirty pairs of eyes in the class gathered over and stared at her.

However, Jiazi didn't care about this. She just stared at someone with a shaken and shy face, blinking frequently.

She knew this behavior was very inappropriate and tried very hard to look away.

But it's like it has some kind of magic power!

Her eyes were firmly attracted to that face, and she couldn't move away.

Himekawa Yoshiko couldn't help but feel a little confused, and her pounding heart made her feel uneasy.

She originally thought that with Nakamura Masaru present, she would already have a certain immunity to Kato Yusuke, at least she would not have the same embarrassing reaction as in the morning

But what on earth is going on!

Why? Why?

I really wish someone could tell her right away!

Why does Kato-san look so charming today! So exciting!

It's almost like it's glowing

This kind of thing is just like cheating!

Jia Zi thought about it shyly and angrily.

Others also followed her line of sight and looked at the position in the corner and the person sitting on it.




Uncontrollable exclamations sounded one after another from everywhere.

Kato Yusuke quickly lowered his head, his eyebrows furrowed into a "chuan" character.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have done something very stupid.

Nakamura Katsu on the podium watched this scene speechlessly, and it took him a while to turn the students' attention back to him.

The class meeting was delayed for a few minutes, but fortunately, everything that needed to be said was finally said.

After the morning class meeting, Nakamura Katsu, who had no teaching schedule, did not stay in the classroom for long and went directly back to the teacher's office.

By coincidence, Kanoko Hasumi, who was sitting opposite her, didn't seem to be in class either, and was playing with her mobile phone on the table at the moment.

Seeing that the other party looked serious for some reason, he didn't even notice that he entered the office.

Nakamura Masaru curiously walked around to her side and glanced at the picture on his phone.

Above is a photo of Kanoko Hasumi and Yusuke Kato participating in the borrowed object race together.

"Oh, are you looking at the photos from the time of the sports? Hasumi-sensei." He asked.

"Eh? Ah, huh?"

Hasashi Kanoko couldn't help being frightened, and her body trembled as well, as if she was a student caught doing bad things by the dean, trembling with fear.

"Teacher Nakamura?"

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, did I scare you?"

While Masaru Nakamura apologized, he couldn't help but laugh and asked: "But why did you suddenly look at the students' photos?"

Although there was no deep meaning in his tone, it still made Ren see Kanoko and couldn't help but panic, and she explained with a guilty conscience:

"Well, I'm leaving school soon, so I'm a little reluctant to leave them."

She said, her cheeks heating up slightly from lying.

However, Nakamura Katsu didn’t think too much. Instead, he nodded repeatedly in understanding and said with emotion:

"So I'm thinking about my students when I'm taking a break. Hasumi-sensei is really a role model for teachers."

“Don’t dare to take it seriously, don’t take it seriously”

Feeling guilty, Hasashi couldn't help but lower his head when he saw Kanoko, and said in a low voice: "This would be detrimental to the teacher's ethics."


Nakamura Katsu looked surprised and confused by her reaction.

But before he could ask anything,

"Ah, no, it's not that. I'm going to the bathroom."

Having said this, Hassan ran away in a panic when he saw Kanoko, leaving only his back.

εεεεεε┌; ̄ ̄┘


Nakamura Katsu blinked his eyes blankly, vaguely wondering if he had said something unflattering, but when he thought about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help scratching his head depressedly and sighed at the empty office.

Originally, he wanted to complain to Kanoko Hasumi about the commotion caused by Yusuke Kato at the class meeting.

This is a good time. Now that he has forced everyone away, naturally no one can talk to him.

Nakamura Masaru returned to his work station without any interest, and could only reluctantly start preparing lessons.

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