Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

138. Two people fall into the water at the same time. Who do you save?

That was after finishing the conversation with Director Yamashiro.

"Hey, Yusuke, I have something to discuss with you. Can you come over?"

Kato Yusuke had just entered the classroom when Kei, who was sitting next door, suddenly said this.

Although he was puzzled by this, he quietly followed the girl to the vending machine in the campus atrium.

"Well, do you still want to drink oolong tea? Yusuke."


"What's wrong, don't you drink this?"

"No, drink. Wait a minute and I'll give you the money."

"Ah, there's no need for that, because I called you out as a thank you, so I just invite you."

Ignore Kato Yusuke's slightly confused expression.

With that said, Hui took out the change from his wallet, bought a bottle of oolong tea and a bottle of coffee au lait, and handed the oolong tea to him.

"Then, here you go"


Kato Yusuke reached out to take the oolong tea, and while twisting the bottle cap, he asked tentatively: "So, what are you looking for me for? Megumi."

"Yes, yes."

The girl nodded her head gently, looked at him and said, "Can I have another day off from the student union activities after school today?"

The reason why I say "again" is because yesterday, in order to choose a gift for Hasumi Kanoko, neither of them could attend the student union, so they suspended the day.

Now, Hui seemed to have other things to do and was unable to participate in student union activities, so she told him about this.

Kato Yusuke cleared his thoughts in an instant and replied: "If you have anything to do, just go and do it. I have arranged it for the student union, so Megumi doesn't have to worry."

"Sorry, you don't seem to understand what I mean."


Megumi, who was holding a drink in his back, tapped his hip with the bottle and said to him in a normal tone:

"Actually, I wanted to go shopping today after school, and I wanted Yusuke to come with me, so I said I wanted to suspend activities for another day."

"Am I coming too?"

"Yeah, that's right. Ah, but if it bothers Yusuke, forget it."

"I can't say it's bothering me."

Kato Yusuke showed a somewhat embarrassed smile, "It's just that I promised senior Shiyu that I would send her home today, so it's a little inconvenient after school."

While speaking, he was also quietly observing the girl's expression, hoping to understand a little bit of her heart through this.

However, what is disappointing is that there is no obvious emotion on that beautiful and refined little face.

Even after hearing his words, Hui only tilted her head slightly and thought for a moment before speaking.

"That's it, um, then I understand."

Just when Kato Yusuke thought she would change her mind, she suddenly heard such a sentence.

"Then I will send you the place where I want to go. You can come back after you finish the things there."


"Isn't this okay?"


Kato Yusuke shook his head and said: "Anyway, I understand. Please send me the meeting place. I will go there after sending Shiyu-senpai home."

Although there were doubts in his mind, he did not choose to ask.

Hui nodded casually, said a nice word, and then sent the address to his mobile phone.

After discussing the matter, they returned to the classroom.

It is worth mentioning that even though the two were seen leaving and returning to the classroom together, it was strange that no one showed any abnormal reaction.

Perhaps thanks to the girl's indifferent attitude towards him today, people seemed to have less doubts about their relationship.

To say that this is something Yusuke Kato should be happy to see

But at the same time, deep in his heart, he felt an inexplicable loneliness.

Amidst this little entanglement, the afternoon class ended unknowingly.

After the evening class meeting, school is over.

Since the student council members had been notified in advance that they would be on vacation today, Kato Yusuke went directly to the school gate with his schoolbag on his back.

According to the agreement, Shiyu will wait for him in front of the school gate.

However, when he came to the shoe cabinet, he happened to bump into Shiyu who had just changed her shoes.

The girl is tall and has a perfect figure. Even through the uniform, you can see her plump bust, and her legs have the beautiful curves that all women dream of.

Her beauty is so beautiful that even women can be attracted by her.

Lazy and indifferent, aloof and arrogant.

She looks like an inviolable queen with infinite charm, provided she doesn't speak.

A good girl, but she has a mouth that makes her speechless. Kato Yusuke thought idly and walked up.

Although meeting here was a bit unexpected, it had no impact on the rest of the trip.

Seeing him coming, Shiyu was obviously very happy.

The originally indifferent expression immediately turned into a mischievous smile.

"Should I say this is fate?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a sexy voice: "I always have a feeling that I will meet you here."

The long hair that reaches her waist is so shiny that it looks very gorgeous under the partial sunlight that shines into the school building.

As long as she doesn't speak obscenely, she is still a beautiful girl with elegant temperament. Kato Yusuke made a small correction in his mind.

"Based on a fateful encounter, wouldn't the school's shoe cabinet be a little too cheap?"

"You are still the same as before, a man who cares too much about unnecessary details, you can't be called a handsome guy in Tokyo, right?"

"Even senior said that? But my hometown is Saitama."

Shiyu smiled teasingly and lightly opened her red lips.

"Most of the time, you're like a beautiful park where you can't have fireworks."

"It sounds like it's hard to distinguish between praise and blame. Isn't it nice to have a beautiful park?"

“You can’t play balls or let dogs out in that park, and even amusement equipment that could cause injuries has been removed.

There were no children in the park, only a group of serious adults reading books seriously. "

"What a boring place."

"If you think so, just take off the shackles on your body, and then the beautiful park can become a happy playground."

"Sorry, I don't quite understand."

When Kato Yusuke said this, Shiyu laughed "ha".

“For example, let’s say the girl you’re closest to in class drowns at the same time as me.

There is a sea with no land in sight. You paddle a small boat here, but there are only two people in the boat. Who will you save? "

"Isn't this the problem of my girlfriend and my mother falling into the water at the same time? Although this may not sound good, I will save you first than the parents of this body."

"Don't pretend to be stupid? I also know about the fact that you were abandoned by your parents since childhood, and I believe that you will save me first in that situation, but the people we are talking about now are not your parents."

"Then let you all get on the boat, and I'll hold on to the edge of the boat, so that everyone can be saved."

"But there are bloodthirsty sharks, piranhas and crocodiles in the water!"

The girl raised her index finger sternly, as if teaching a child.

"Why set such harsh and unreasonable conditions? And why are there crocodiles in the sea!?"

Ignoring his complaints, the other party continued.

"If it were me, I would save you without hesitation, because I like you more than the best boy in the class."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel a little moved, but he didn't want to delve into this topic.

"Senior, is there anyone of the opposite sex in the class with whom you have such a good relationship?"

"Do you have to be serious in a place like this?"

"Okay, so what's going to happen to that boy?"

"Who knows, let him die, but I will pray that the shark can eat him in one bite, so the pain will be less."

"Isn't he a boy with whom we have a good relationship!?"

"What can I do? I just like you so much, my favorite kind. But you definitely won't make a choice."

Shiyu lowered his eyes slightly when he said this, but refused to stop the topic.

"The only thing you can do is sacrifice yourself so that we can be rescued because you firmly believe that is the right thing to do."

Kato Yusuke stopped talking and just shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed to hide his inner shake.

"As long as it's someone you care about, even against your own will, you will prioritize others and sacrifice yourself when necessary, even if it makes you bruised."

As he spoke, Shiyu stretched out his right hand and poked his chest with his index finger, then gently opened his palm and placed it near his heart.

"Tell me, who made you become like this?"


Kato Yusuke's eyes shrank slightly, but he immediately lowered his gaze.

Thump, thump, thump.

His slightly faster heartbeat echoed inexplicably through his body, making him unable to calm down.

"Seriously, what's the point of this story, Senior Sister?" He asked in a relaxed manner, wanting to cherish something for life.

Shiyu stared at him for a while, with a hint of sadness in his eyes, and said softly: "It seems that I am not the person you can confide in."

Such a look touched Kato Yusuke's heart, and he was shocked. His Adam's apple rolled up and down unconsciously, and he murmured:

"Senior Shiyu"

"Well, anyway, you should change your shoes first. Although I really want to continue chatting with you, from now on, there are always people snooping around here."


After hearing this, Kato Yusuke turned his head in confusion, and saw several girls hiding behind the cabinet in a panic.

As Shiyu said, school is not a suitable place for conversation.

He didn't want to stay here for a long time, so he packed up and prepared to change his shoes.

As for being watched

After a whole day, he was able to remain unmoved.

If your heart is as clear as ice, you will not be surprised when the sky falls.

It's basically a reflection of his current inner self.

However, the next second, an accident suddenly came unexpectedly.


As Kato Yusuke just opened the door of the shoe cabinet,


Colorful papers were flying, like a heavy rain, pouring down suddenly.

In an instant, a hill made of envelopes piled up at his feet, and even his feet were buried in it.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned, and his originally stable mood suddenly took a turn for the worse!


Shiyu, who was standing aside, made a long note, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he glanced at the heads hiding behind the shoe cabinet.

Then, she knelt down on the ground and picked up an envelope at random. While observing it in front of my eyes, I called out as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, Yuu-chan."


"What are you going to do with these things?"

After reacting, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frown, took out the leather shoes and a few envelopes still in the shoe cabinet, and replied calmly:

"We don't deal with it very much. We take it home first and then throw it away."

This is also the way he has always dealt with it.

This kind of thing happens basically every day, but it's just not as full as today.

Needless to say, this should also be the impact of charm points


After hearing his answer, Shi Yu raised her head and asked meaningfully: "Aren't you going to reply to a girl's love letter written with care?"

"That will only complicate things, but this is faster."

"If you think so, why don't you just leave these things to me?"

"Yes, yes, but what are you going to do, senior sister?"

"You're going to throw it away anyway, right? Why don't you just let me use it as a pastime after work."

A devilish smile appeared on the girl's face, and she sneered.

"I will take a good look at the content and help them check if there are any typos or grammar issues.

Of course, if the writing is really bad and unsightly, I will criticize it mercilessly and reply to the letter. "

"Isn't this too cruel?"

"Who told me that I am really unhappy? Or that you can't bear it?"

Kato Yusuke smiled bitterly and changed his shoes, "Senior will be hated by others if you look like that."

"Oh, resentment from an insignificant passerby, A and B, doesn't hurt me at all, right?"

As Shiyu spoke, he picked up the love letters scattered on the ground and put them all into his schoolbag. Then he stood up and stretched out a hand towards him.

"So give me those you have on your hands too?"

It seems that she has made up her mind to do that.

Kato Yusuke glanced around casually, put the love letter in her hand into her schoolbag very cooperatively, and said: "Actually, it doesn't have to be like that."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, there's a faster way."


Shiyu couldn't help but frown slightly, and was about to ask what he meant by his words, when a pair of hands hugged her shoulders.


The next second, her body was turned in one direction and she leaned against the cabinet.

Immediately afterwards


One hand was placed beside her head, and the other hand gently pinched her chin.

"If you don't like it, just stay away."

"Yu-chan?" Shiyu murmured unconsciously, her brain confused by this sudden move.

Before she could react

Kato Yusuke brought his face up and kissed her lips lightly.


The soft touch came from her mouth, and Shiyu suddenly opened her eyes wide.

This is a school!

She thought this subconsciously, but her heart was beating uncontrollably.

The boy's kiss was very shallow, he simply touched her lips with his lips, but his movements were very gentle, which gave her an inexplicable feeling of heartbeat, and at the same time, she felt a little sinking.

Vaguely, Shiyu seemed to hear several lively mouth-covering exclamations coming from around him.

The warm breath hits the face, also very light and gentle, like the breeze caressing the cheek.

Her body couldn't help but soften, her cheeks turned red with shyness, and her thoughts became dull.

For a moment, it seemed as if there was only an instinct left, and she wanted to respond to the kiss.

But the next second.

Someone stepped back first, as if just a taste of it was enough.

"Yu-chan?" Shiyu called in a soft voice, the look in her eyes was like a glimmer of light, with a hint of trance.

"Okay, let's go back?"


Ignoring her slightly confused eyes, Kato Yusuke raised his hand to close the door of his shoe cabinet, and then pulled her out of the school building quickly.

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