Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and forty-three, the first snow in Hokkaido

It has snowed in Hokkaido in November.

The crystal snowflakes slowly fell from the sky, scattered and fluttering like catkins.

This is the first snow of the year. It is not too heavy yet and can only be regarded as the vanguard of Hokuriku scenery.

Once you wait until next month, this place will completely transform into a snow country filled with clouds and jade, showing the unique style and charm of Hokkaido.

Xugao on Monday, the campus is still peaceful today.

For students who have lived here for a long time, the phenomenon of snow has long been integrated into the city and is not a surprise.

At most, it's like saying that this year's snow will come earlier or later than last year.

On the other hand, if there are really those people who will be excited about the snow, they will even be so excited that they will run and roll in the snow.

Such cute outsiders are more likely to arouse their curiosity and surprise.

Otherwise, the only things that can arouse people's interest are interesting and popular things.

For example, a talk show broadcast by TV Tokyo this morning.

Reveal? Take you into the inner world of a talented cartoonist!

Interviewer: Yuka Nitta

Guest of this issue: Kato Yusuke Pen name: Fujimoto Shu, representative work: Chainsaw Man

During lunch break, in the classroom of Class 3, Grade 3.

When Sayu and Yuko were about to have lunch, Taniguchi from the class suddenly came up in a panic.

"I said, monitor, deputy monitor!"

Ignoring the slightly frightened reactions of the two women, he just yelled.

"About the group of people we saw in Chiba County last time! The leader among them, do you two really not know him??"

"Until then, Taniguchi-san."

Sayu covered her ears in confusion and said, "I'm sorry, but can you please lower your voice? You can still hear it that way."

"that is!"

Yuko Masaka couldn't stand it and echoed: "Can you please stop suddenly running into other people's ears and shouting like this? This behavior is too bad!"

Facing the two people's soft and hard condemnations, Taniguchi could only smile and apologize repeatedly, but then started talking again.

"Anyway, you two take a look at this first!"

As he spoke, he stretched out the screen of his mobile phone and played the TV Tokyo interview program.

Sayu and Yuko looked at each other, and the camera in the picture happened to give a close-up, so they saw the boy with white hair and black eyes.

"It's him! Why??"

Masaka Yuko couldn't help shouting: "Why do you have that person's video?"

However, Taniguchi seemed to be even more excited than she was, and raised his voice and said, "Right? It really is him, right!? He is the author of Chainsaw Man! I am a huge fan of that work!"

"Wow! Didn't I tell you to keep your voice down? I feel like my ears are going to be broken!"

"Compared to that! Please tell me quickly, do you two know that talented cartoonist??"

"So! I don't know what the genius cartoonist you are talking about is. That person is just a pervert who once harassed Sayu-chan, that's all!"

"Even if you say so, didn't they do nothing last time? Seriously, could you have mistaken the wrong person? Deputy monitor."

"I didn't admit my mistake!"

Masaka Yuko grimaced angrily, "What, do you trust outsiders more than the two of us, Taniguchi?"

"The issue is"

Taniguchi scratched the back of his neck in a dilemma and said, "Forget it if it's someone else. He's my favorite cartoonist, so he's not an outsider, right?"

Masaka Yuko's eyes widened in disbelief and asked: "Do you mean, I'm lying to everyone???"

"Calm down a little first. I didn't say that, but I just think there might be some misunderstanding."

"I don't care if he is a cartoonist or not! Anyway, I just saw it with my own eyes. He did something outrageous to Sayu-chan!"

"For example?"


Taniguchi glanced at Sayu first, and then asked: "Deputy squad leader, didn't you say that he did something very excessive? What was it specifically?"

Masaka Yuko was stunned for a moment, then followed his gaze and looked towards Sayu.

For some reason, the girl was looking at her phone intently, looking thoughtful.

Seeing this, Yuko Masaka pursed her lower lip, then returned her gaze to the straight line, and lowered her voice and said:

"That person kept saying that he had an agreement with Sayu-chan and insisted on being friends with Sayu-chan, but we don't know him at all!"

"Like picking up a conversation?"

"Yeah, almost the same, but he also hugged Sayu-chan."


Taniguchi was speechless for a while, and then said doubtfully: "Um, deputy squad leader. You must not have forgotten what happened that day in Chiba County, right?"


"Didn't you notice?"

He whispered: "That girl with blond hair and white porcelain skin, as beautiful as a porcelain doll."

After this reminder, Masaka Yuko immediately thought of the girl she knocked down. She was really an impressive beautiful girl.

Even though it's been so long, I can still clearly remember each other's eyebrows and glances

If Masaka Yuko were a boy, she believed that she would fall in love with that girl at first sight.

It almost comes from human instinct, a yearning and pursuit of beautiful things.

The last person who made her react this way was Sayu, who has now become her best friend and best friend.

However, the beauty of that girl was so beautiful that even a glimpse of her would be unforgettable.

"So you asked me if I remember. How could I forget?"

"Ah, anyway, just remember."

Taniguchi said with deep emotion, his expression was unusually sad.

"But isn't this strange? After all, there are beautiful girls of that level around me, and it seems that the relationship is not ordinary. Can such a person really be a stalker?"


Masaka Yuko was shocked and subconsciously denied: "Wait a minute, that's not what happened, right??"

at this time

"Hey! So you are also a fan of Xiaoyu! Ogiwara-san!"


? ""

A surprised girl's voice suddenly sounded, which not only interrupted the conversation between Yuko and Taniguchi, but also pulled Sayu out of her thoughts.

Looking towards the source of the sound, a girl with a quiet face was standing in front of her.

It was the study committee member of the class, Sayu. Thinking of the other party's identity, he couldn't help but asked with a little doubt: "Xiaoyou?"

"Yes, he is the handsome guy you are looking at now. Everyone is fans of him now! But I didn't expect Ogiwara-san to like him too!"

The girl said as she took out her mobile phone and leaned forward excitedly.

"Qiang Qiang, you see, even the wallpaper on my mobile phone is his. I mean Xiaoyou, he looks like a star! Don't you think it's perfect!"

As I said, the wallpaper set on the girl's phone is that person.

Seeing his usually quiet classmate suddenly become like this, Sayu couldn't help but smile awkwardly. He hesitated for a moment and didn't know how to react, so he just replied casually.

"I see, but why Xiaoyou?"

"Hey Ogihara-san, don't you know?"

The girl blinked in confusion, but explained thoughtfully.

"Is this the pet name everyone gave him? Even so, it's actually just splitting the name "Yusuke" and using a more intimate name. Everyone in the support group calls him that. "

Before Sayu could say anything, Yuko Masaka intervened with a shout of "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," Yuko Masaka interrupted.

"Wait a minute, what's going on with that support group you're talking about??"

"Huh? Vice-deputy squad leader?"

The other party was startled by her sudden approach, and his body took a step back reflexively, not knowing how to respond.

Fortunately, Masaka Yuko immediately realized the abruptness of her behavior and apologized repeatedly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to ask about the support group you mentioned."

"Uh-huh, that's it. Well, to put it simply, someone has established a fan club, and it's full of people who like Xiaoyu."

“Does our class have that kind of organization??”

"As far as I know, that support club seems to have been established by girls from other classes, but there are also many girls from our class who have joined."

"How many are there?"

"I don't know the exact number, but there are about ten people."

"There are actually so many!?"

"Ahaha, is that a lot? But there are actually more people in Le's chat group? There are almost hundreds of people, right?"

The girl took out her phone and checked it as she spoke, "Ah, that's amazing. There are already two hundred people here! Look."

After finishing speaking, she generously showed off the "Xiaoyou? Support Group 201" that she had joined.

Masaka Yuko immediately stretched her neck to look, and then saw such a conversation.

Girl A: Xiaoyou is so handsome! Really like?!

Girl B: I understand, I understand, I understand very well! I mean, I don’t read comics at all. Are all current cartoonists so handsome? people;

Girl C: I don’t read comics either, I only watch talk shows, but the silver-haired boy is so handsome! ? \\?\\

Girl D: By the way, is what was said on TV true? Cartoonist, student council president, national champion, and super rich man. Is there really such a person in the world?

Girl E: It’s true, don’t you know? Moreover, Yuu was previously called "Japan's strongest high school student"! It was published in previous sports newspapers.

Girl F: Fuck you, what kind of bad naming taste is this? It's the same as chuunibyou. ?????

Girl G: That’s right! This title doesn’t match Xiaoyou at all! Having said that, I found a photo of Xiaoyou winning the championship and would like to share it with you!

Girl G: Pictures

Girl A: Wow, she has black hair! So rare! \\

Girl B: I like it! full of love

Girl C: Uh-huh! Although the black-haired one is also handsome, the silver-haired one is indeed more handsome, just like a prince! ω

Girl D: Thank you for sharing! Both sides look so handsome! I will cherish and preserve it!

Girl E: He is like an idol, I have completely fallen in love with him! Na na, does anyone know Xiaoyou’s SNS account?

Girl F: Same request! I searched based on "Kato Yusuke" and "Fujimotosuki", but the results were all fakes╥﹏╥

Girl G: Everyone, Xiaoyu doesn’t seem to have an SNS account, but I followed the accounts of other students in Xiaoyu’s school. Here are photos of Xiaoyu when she participated in Kyudo Club activities. I want to share them with you!

Girl G: Pictures

Girls: That’s a lie! ?

The already lively group immediately started to inquire about the identity of G, a girl with great supernatural powers.

But in reality

"Ugh wow wow! Hate it, what is this? So handsome!"

The quiet girl jumped up and down, hurriedly saving the photo, and muttering "I'm going to die, I'm going to die" with a red face.

"It's so bad! It means that Xiaoyou is basically a unicorn man!"

"Unicorn man?" Yuko Masaka asked with a confused look on her face.

"The so-called unicorn man is simply the kind of boy that all women like."

Taniguchi, who listened for a while, answered her questions with a smile.

"Needless to say, you have seen the appearance of such people. In addition, income, character, talent, etc. are also of the highest standards.

Men who can satisfy this kind of man, which does not exist even in the world of comics and animation, are called "unicorn men."

To put it in simpler terms, is he the legendary Diamond King? "

"This kind of thing is simply ridiculous! Shouldn't the most important thing about a person be his inner nature and character? Don't you all care about these??"

"It's not that I don't care. The problem is, judging from what happened last time, they really didn't do anything. If anything, it's our side that's in the right position, right?"


Seeing that Masaka Yuko was about to lose her temper, Taniguchi quickly started to make amends.

"Deputy monitor, please hurry up and get angry. As I said at the beginning, I just think there may be some misunderstanding.

How about this? If the other person is really the person who once struck up a conversation with the squad leader, would you like to contact him and see? "

"Hey, what does this mean?"

"That's the literal meaning. After all, aren't we not sure about this now? Then just ask the other party directly and find out? That way we can also figure out what he means."

Yuko Masaka was speechless for a moment, "What do you mean you want to find out?"

"The first thing is to find out whether the other person is the person who once talked to the squad leader, and the second thing is to find out why he did that at that time. I think this is the fastest way."

Taniguchi said, turning his head to the side and continuing.

"Of course. Having said that, it's up to the squad leader how to do it specifically. Although this is just my guess, judging from your attitude last time, I think you don't seem to hate that person that much, right?"

"Is this true? Sayu-chan!" Yuko Masaka suddenly turned her head to look.


Sayu was silent when asked.

After a long time, she slowly said: "I'm sorry, I don't want to think about these things now, please leave me alone for a while."

After finishing speaking, she stood up from her seat and walked outside the classroom.

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