Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and forty-eight, spiritual magic

The pen fell, and the two people in the room looked at the drawing paper.

As soon as the picture came into view, their minds were instantly taken away!

A wild and wild aura rushes towards the face, as if it suddenly pulls people into a certain artistic conception.

Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!

A beast-like roar roared in the ears, making the hairs all over the body stand on end!

Occupying the center of the field of vision is a giant as tall as a mountain.

A head of rough and wild black hair shaped like kelp, flying freely, with a strong savage aura.

The giant's clothes are simple and primitive. He wears wristbands and battle skirts made of animal skins and metals, and his strong and naked upper body is wrapped with chains.

He has dark skin, a sturdy build, and is covered in exaggerated muscles with veins all over his body. His body is as perfect as a wild warrior who stepped out of the mythical era!

Coupled with the ferocious eyes that were as red as blood, and the ferocious expression with slit eyes and canthus, it was like a ferocious beast that was about to rise up and devour someone, its whole body was filled with madness!

Just rely on aura! It can make those who see it deeply feel the terrifying aura exuding from its body, and be controlled by all their minds!

Vaguely, Hashima Yinzhi seemed to smell the rusty smell of blood, and the violent breath that sprayed on his face.

It was as if the black ghost in the picture had torn through some kind of dimensional barrier and truly descended in front of him!

"What's this"

He murmured tremblingly, his penis suddenly shrank and enlarged, his breathing became rapid unconsciously, and goosebumps suddenly appeared on the skin all over his body!

Although it was just an ordinary painting in front of him, it inexplicably gave him an immersive and frightening feeling!

The instinct from his body made him subconsciously want to look away, and he wanted to run away from here immediately!

However, the mystery in that picture firmly attracted his mind, making him unable and unwilling to take away even the slightest bit of attention!

That seems to be something that can no longer be described as skill.

Rather, it is a more soul-stirring concept that is difficult to describe in words!

It is incredible and beyond reason.

But it is real and extremely mysterious.

Just like a frog sitting in a well and looking at the sky, one day it suddenly left its original narrow environment and came to a broader world, seeing the majestic and magnificent world.

It breaks the conventions, shatters the shackles, and brings a whole new experience and viewing feast to people.

Just like the magic and miracles performed in the world, they all make the viewers horrified and moved!

Hashima Yinzhi stared at the painting with concentration, unconsciously holding his breath and not even noticing that his mouth was dry.

However, in the next second, a hand suddenly appeared above the drawing paper.

Immediately afterwards


The pure black comic ink poured down, spread across the drawing paper, and in a few seconds contaminated the painting with darkness, making it turbid.

Thanks to this, both the black giant and the wild aura were transformed into the most primitive comic ink and disappeared.

Hashima Yinzhi was shocked, stood up on one leg unconsciously, and screamed: "What are you doing!?"

And what responded to him was a pair of dark eyes that were unwavering in the ancient well.

"What, haven't you seen enough?"

The young man's voice was clear and magnetic, but with a coolness that instantly brought him back to reality.


Oh no!

Kato Yusuke covered a few napkins on the ink-splattered drawing paper, crumpled it into a ball like garbage, and threw it on the table.

Hashima Yinzhi looked at this behavior in astonishment, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pity in his heart. He couldn't help but ask:

"No, why did Kato-kun throw it away? Are you dissatisfied with it??"

"It's nothing, I just want to throw it away, can't I?"


"For Akane's sake, I have satisfied your curiosity."

"Even so, there is no need to destroy it, right?" Bo Daoyin sighed sadly, the regret on his face was beyond words.

Kato Yusuke looked at him deeply, with a sneer on his lips.

"Don't get me wrong. I have no obligation to cooperate with you. It's not your turn to tell me what to do with my own things."

Although it was a pity to destroy the manuscript, Yusuke did not regret it.

As for the reason

Tip: The host has triggered the additional effect of the painting skill to be immersive, with a level of 90.

Explanation: When the host creates in a focused state, there will be a certain chance that the audience will have an empathic experience.

Considering the magical effect attached to it, he did not intend to spread this manuscript.

Not to mention that he is currently in the limelight and it is really not appropriate to attract more attention.

For now, ordinary painting is enough to meet his daily needs, so why bother with showing off to stir up trouble?

Including Namishima Yinzhi's reaction just now also proves that this manuscript is not suitable for spreading to the outside world, so the only way left is to destroy it.

After all, no matter where you are, a big tree attracts the wind is a universal truth.

Besides, some things still cannot withstand research.

Such things as artistic conception can be said to be mysterious to the extent that they seem to be nothing, and are worthy of careful consideration and appreciation.

But once the force is too much,

It's his pure spiritual magic.

After turning off the system prompt, Kato Yusuke raised his hand and gently pinched his eyebrows, slowly relaxing his tense spirit.

In fact, he didn't originally want to paint to this extent, but the hearty feeling of being immersed in it made him continue to paint without reservation.

Since raising his painting skills to the master level, this is the first time Kato Yusuke has gone all out to show off his skills.

Although limited by the simple conditions of the scene, the painting level this time has not reached the upper limit, but he did try his best.

As a result, even a person like him whose brain has been strengthened several times can't help but feel a deep fatigue. This is also a normal reaction after spending a lot of effort.

At the same time, Akane Benisaka, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"I said, boy"

Her voice was lower than usual, and had a slightly ethereal tone, as if she was immersed in some kind of thinking.

"What character is that in the picture you just drew?"

"Yes, it's the great hero Hercules."

Kato Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief: "You can also call him Berserker."

Hercules, the demigod hero in Greek mythology.

Berserker, derived from the name for berserkers in Norse mythology.

Akane Hongsaka hummed in her heart while closing her eyes and thinking about the manuscript she saw a few minutes ago.

That crazy and powerful feeling was indeed vividly presented.

The exaggerated tension brings a strong sensory impact.

Until now, the shock in her heart is still unbearable

After a while.

She opened her eyes suddenly and looked at someone with a keen eye. She suppressed her emotions and asked, "Are Berserker and Hercules the characters in the game you want to make?"

As soon as these words came out, even Hashima Yinzhi on the opposite side could no longer care about feeling sorry, and immediately looked over with a solemn expression.

Once this thing is true, it means that it is possible to see that miraculous painting skill in the future.

Not to mention how good that game is, even if the final product is a piece of garbage

But the vertical painting just now is enough to make everyone amazed!

Similarly, there will definitely be a turmoil in the industry by then!

By now, Hashima Yinzhi no longer doubts Akane Kurisaka's vision, and the only thing left is wonder!

This teacher Fujimoto is indeed a genius in painting, he should be said to be a miraculous magic master!

Facing the two men's eyes that were so hot that they wanted to eat him, Kato Yusuke slowly shook his head.


He said: "What I am currently preparing to do is a campus-themed Gaga, which has nothing to do with that character."

Bo Dao Yin Zhi was immediately disappointed.

"This isn't right."

Akane Kurisaka frowned openly and asked: "If it's not the case, why do you need to add a Berserker setting to that character? Or do you have any plans in the future?"

"Although it's a bit of a plan."

Kato Yusuke nodded and said calmly: "But that will happen in the future. It is useless to mention it now."

"That is to say"

Akane Kurisaka's eyes flashed, "You don't just have a game plan, right?"

"Well, after all, a studio can't rely on just one work."

boom! A slender white palm slapped on the table.

"Don't be secretive here. Tell me about your plan. If it's interesting, I can invest in it for you!"

Kato Yusuke remained silent about this and smiled weakly at her.

"It's too early now, at least we have to wait until the Chainsaw Man comic is finished. When the time comes, I will satisfy your curiosity."

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking and began to concentrate on enjoying the delicious grilled Wagyu beef and eel rice to replenish his energy.

No matter how hard and soft Akane Benisaka tried, he ignored her, which made people very angry.

After that, Hashima Yinzhi also changed his previous reserved attitude and began to become passionate.

After being deeply impressed by Kato Yusuke's painting skills, Benisaka Akane's number one disciple seemed to have transformed into a fan, and he admired him highly.

Even though his attitude was still indifferent, the person involved didn't mind and got close to him with great praise.

Including the three manuscripts of JK girls skipping rope that he had previously drawn, they were also shamelessly taken away by him.

Considering that there was no buff added to it, and Akane Benisaka didn't like anything of that level, Yusuke didn't refuse.

In this way, the three of them chatted and ate, and the atmosphere behind them was quite harmonious.

During this period, Kato Yusuke also gradually understood why Benisaka Akane designated Hashima Yoonori as the next club representative.

Although his ability as a producer is still unclear, his negotiation skills and eloquence are very good. Coupled with his cheeky personality, it is indeed not difficult to get things done in the business field.

Should I say it was expected?

Not surprisingly, Akane Kurisaka was so drunk today that she couldn't even stand back, let alone walk.

Just when Kato Yusuke was planning to call a taxi to take the three-legged cat home, Hashima Yinori stopped him.

"Ah, we came by car, so Kato-kun doesn't need to call a taxi. I will be responsible for taking you and Akane-san home."

"Do you have a driver's license?"

"Of course I took my driver's license test during the summer vacation and have some driving experience, so you don't have to worry about safety issues and you can rest assured to leave it to me."

After glancing at Akane Benisaka, who was drunk and unconscious, Yusuke Kato nodded and accepted the proposal, picked him up and walked out.

The person involved seemed to still have a little bit of hazy consciousness. He squinted his eyes and took a look. After seeing clearly that he was holding him, he closed his eyes with relief and naturally put his arms around his neck.

Needless to say, although Akane Akane is sometimes as rough and bold as an uncle, she is physically a woman and is very light when held in her arms.

Therefore, when Hashima Yinzhi asked, "Isn't it heavy when you hold Zhu Yin like this?", he just answered "not heavy" truthfully.

So, the three of them took the elevator to the parking lot.

By the way, since the account has been settled in advance, there is no obstacle in this regard.

Then, Kato Yusuke saw the car the other party mentioned.

It was a black 5 Series BMW.

Hashima Yinzhi thoughtfully helped them open the back door and explained:

"Don't get me wrong, although I did make a little money from Sister Zhu Yin, it's not to the point where I can easily buy a car like this. This car belongs to Sister Zhu Yin."

"Do you often send her home? I haven't seen you much before." Kato Yusuke asked casually as he got into the car, while Akane Kurisaka was lying on his lap in the back seat.

"Nothing like that. I was just called to Tokyo by Sister Zhuyin yesterday. I usually live in Nagoya. The main reason for coming here this time is to meet Kato-kun, and I will go back tomorrow."


"That's right," Hashima Yinzhi said as he started the car, put on his seat belt, and drove slowly towards the exit.

"Our family lives in Nagoya, and I am currently studying in a university there. Having said that, our family actually moved to Nagoya last year, and we have lived in Tokyo before."

"In that case, how are you going to complete the job Akane gave you?"

"Ahaha, so I can only rely on regular contact and phone calls. However, considering that it may annoy Kato-kun, I will try to reduce the frequency to a level that is not necessary and will not disturb you."

"Is that okay?"

"As long as the result is good, it's enough. Sister Zhu Yin won't ask for a process, so I hope Kato-kun won't refuse to answer my call, otherwise I will have to come to visit you."

"Is it"

Kato Yusuke replied casually without meaning, and reached out to help Akane Benisaka on his lap to tidy up his hair without saying anything more.

At the same time, the car came to the exit of the parking lot

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