Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and fifty-six, a girl born at home

Because of someone's sudden stop, Shinjoka couldn't help but stop.


She asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

However, the young man remained silent and just stared straight ahead, with an obscure light flashing in his ink-like eyes.

Follow his gaze.

A lone, slender figure was sitting on a telephone pole with his knees in his arms.

The girl has long black hair, a delicate face and a slender figure, giving people a fragile feeling.

She was wearing a black sailor suit, a blue scarf on the chest, and a gray cardigan jacket that looked equally thin.

At this time, he was curled up and hugging himself, as if to resist the chill of the night.

However, although Tokyo is not too cold in November, the average temperature at night is only 10°C. It is not possible to maintain body temperature just by dressing up at that level.

Including the action of hugging the knees to keep warm, it is actually just a drop in the bucket of spiritual comfort, and it does not help the current situation at all.

If we really want to talk about the actual effect, it is better to go and sit in a nearby McDonald's restaurant.

For girls like this who would rather stand outside and suffer the cold, Shinjo-ka would usually indifferently classify them as those who take over their father's job.

On the streets of Shinjuku, there are countless girls waiting to be approached like this.

But this raises a new question.

That is, after all, this is a secluded place off the beaten track. If you really want to be talked to, you should at least choose busy places like the pedestrian street and in front of the station instead of squatting here alone.

That's something only a bum would do.

But to say that the girl is a tramp, the other person does not have that insensitive and empty feeling of losing hope in life.

Moreover, for a homeless person, the external conditions of this innocent white rabbit are too good.

If it had been left in Kabukicho, I would have been tricked into doing a dangerous job long ago.

"So you ran away from home?" Shinjoka murmured with enlightenment.

In a sense, this phenomenon was also not uncommon, and there was nothing unusual about it. She really didn't think there was anything worth paying attention to in this kind of person.

But things happened to develop in an unexpected direction.

After observing the girl for a while, Kato Yusuke silently walked up.

"Hey, that JK over there."

He said so that the other party would be aware of his arrival.


The girl raised her face buried between her knees and chest and looked up blankly.

As if she didn't expect to be spoken to, her reaction was a little slow, and she muttered to herself unconsciously: "Uh-huh, is he a handsome guy?"

With a pair of very clear, but full of weak, big eyes. His slightly pale complexion looked a little weak, and he didn't know if he was from the cold.


Ignoring her reaction, Kato Yusuke put his hands in the pockets of his jacket and continued to ask condescendingly.

"May I have your name?"

As if being dragged back to reality by his indifferent attitude, the girl blinked twice nervously, her expression tightening unconsciously.

"Before that, were you a police officer?"


"That's it"

"So, why are you sitting here alone?"


Hearing that he was not a policeman, the other party relaxed a little, then hummed for a while, and replied hesitantly: "Actually, I'm very worried now."

Kato Yusuke looked at her quietly, waiting for the follow-up.

"Um, my name is Xiao Xi Serizawa, can you help me?"

"What help?"

"one week"

The girl named Yu Serizawa said hesitantly: "Can you take me in until next weekend morning?"

Kato Yusuke's eyes quietly became much deeper, "Why don't you go home?"

"If you ask me why, it's not a big deal. I just don't want to go home."


"Ahaha, that's pretty much it. You understand it very well."

The girl showed a forced smile and said tentatively: "In return, I will cure you?"


"That's right, I won't live and eat for free, I'm very good at housework.

If you are willing to take me in, you can leave all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry to me. "


Hearing this answer, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be silent for a while.

However, the girl misunderstood his reaction and thought that her conditions were not enough to get a place to live.

“In addition”

Serizawa Yu stood up from the ground with her knees on her knees, her eyes wandering around uneasily, and she whispered with a red face.

"Well, as long as you take good measures, you can do whatever you want. You can do anything."

When he said the last sentence, his voice was almost so weak that Yusuke Kato could hardly hear it.

"How many times have you brought this up to someone?"

"Eh? Well, this is my first time, haha."

The girl smiled awkwardly while looking over with embarrassed and pleading eyes.

"Is this okay?"

Didn't wait for an answer.

Silent silence permeated the air, making the already secluded alley even more deserted.

Maybe it was ten seconds in the past, or maybe a few minutes.

Gu Gu

A faint but clear sound of abdominal rumble suddenly drifted into their ears.

"Ah, I'm sorry about that," Serizawa Yu hesitated, covering her stomach in embarrassment.

The silence at the scene was also broken.

Kato Yusuke pursed his lips tightly, took out his wallet from his trousers pocket, took out all the cash containing about 90,000 yen, and handed it over.

"Here's the money for you. It'll be enough to get you through tonight. Then go home."


With the girl's stunned expression, he just put the money into her hand, then turned and walked towards the brightly lit station.

"Let's go, Shinjo."

"Ah, I'll come, President."

Shinjoka, who had been observing silently from behind, trotted up to him and looked back curiously at Serizawa Yu, who was staring blankly at the money in his hand, and then straightened his face.

"Hey, President, do you know her?"

"do not know."

"Do you believe what she said? There are actually a lot of girls who take advantage of other people's kindness to cheat?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Hehe, this is how the president is surprisingly gentle sometimes."

"Have you said enough?"

The indifferent voice sounded, causing Shinjoka's footsteps to stagnate.

"Ah, well I was wrong."


Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

In the silent atmosphere, the two walked forward one after another.

After walking like this for a while

winter winter winter winter

A rush of footsteps sounded from behind them.


A girl's voice shouted: "Please wait for you!"

Serizawa Yu ran to catch up, put her hand on the young man's back, and stopped them.

"Please, please wait a moment. Huhu trouble, please wait a moment."

She first bent over while holding her knees and panting for a while. After she recovered a little, she raised her head.

"I'll give you the extra one!"

She gasped and said, "I just need to leave 10,000 yen."

Facing their gazes, Serizawa Yu took out one card from a stack of cash and handed the rest of the money to herself.

Shinjoka's eyes suddenly became strange, and he looked at the girl with interest.


Kato Yusuke looked at the money that was brought to him, but did not reach out to take it. Instead, he said, "I told you, you can use this money."

"Yeah, so I took one. This already gives me a place to sleep, hehehe."

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"This is it"

Serizawa Yu hesitated at first, then forced a smile and said: "It doesn't matter, there will always be a way. Thank you for your help, but this is too much, so I give it back to you!"

Just like his previous behavior, the girl grabbed his hand, forced the money into his hand, and then bowed seriously.

"Thank you very much! Brother, you are a good person. I will remember this kindness well. Goodbye then."

After saying that, he straightened up, chose a direction at random, and walked forward aimlessly.

The solitary figure unconsciously exudes a sense of abandonment and confusion.

Two steps, three steps, four steps, the young man frowned and said nothing.

Five steps, six steps, seven steps, the girl kept walking.

Until the frail figure was about to disappear into the crowd, Kato Yusuke's brows tightened and relaxed, and finally he spoke.

"Just wait a moment"


The girl stopped in confusion and looked back.

"Well, what else can I do?"

"New article"

Kato Yusuke asked in a low voice without squinting: "Do you think there are any traces of man-made or something wrong here?"

"Well, it's hard to say now."

Shinjoka's eyes flickered slightly, he looked around intentionally or unintentionally, and replied:

"At least there seems to be nothing suspicious so far, but the information is still too little. It would be nice if we could learn more about it."

"Is this so"

Kato Yusuke nodded and asked without emotion: "Do you mind having an extra roommate?"

"If you really want to talk about it, people will really mind it!"

Shinjoka said with great resistance at first, then changed the topic and smiled at him.

"However, the president's words are everything to me, so the answer is completely OK?"

"Go and bring her over and have dinner together."

"Follow your orders"

Ten minutes later.

Diagonally across from Takadanobaba Station, there is a barbecue shop called "Shichiwa Yakiniku An'an".

In the noisy atmosphere, the sounds of cheers and cheers came and went.

The smells of charcoal fire and oil smoke intertwined, and the air was filled with the aroma of food.

It was in this environment that the three of them sat down at a table.

sizzle sizzle

On the burning stove, the meat slices are undergoing the most primitive Maillard reaction on the iron net, playing a beautiful melody.

The rich aroma of meat is astounding to the nostrils, as if to seduce the greedy worms in people's stomachs, and goes straight into the depths of the nasal cavity.


Serizawa Yuu stared at the barbecue in front of her, swallowing a mouthful of saliva for the first time.

As a girl, such behavior is not only unladylike, but also very impolite.

She was fully aware of this, but the hunger in her belly was like a monster.

No matter how much she endured, her appetite, which had been neglected for a day, was completely out of her control, and she just wanted to eat it eagerly.

Seeing her reaction, Shinjoka joked: "Even if you keep staring at it, the meat won't cook faster, right? Ms. Serizawa."

"Ah, yes! Sorry about that"

"Xintiao Xiang, you can call me Xitiao, but there is no need to add an honorific."

"Okay, well, then it's the same for me, just call me Xiao Xi."

She must have had a personality that was relatively close to people. The girl responded politely and cheerfully, then blushed slightly and involuntarily cast her eyes on the face of the boy next to her.

"What about big brother's name?"

"Kato Yusuke."

"Brother Yusuke"

"No need to use honorifics, just Kato."

"Then Brother Yu?"


Kato Yusuke couldn't help but paused, but in the end he didn't say anything and acquiesced to this title.

"As you wish."


The girl showed a shy and soft smile, and said with a little uneasiness:

"Um, is this really okay? Not only do you give me money, but you also treat an unknown person like me to dinner."

"It's a small thing, don't worry about it."

Kato Yusuke glanced at her and said, "Besides, what we ordered is a topical buffet. You can eat whatever you want. It doesn't matter."

"No thank you, haha"

"I'm talking about you, Xiao Xi." Shinjoka on the side took over the topic with a smile, "Is it a god-like girl?"

"God treats girls"

Serizawa blinked twice in confusion, then immediately shook her head in denial: "No, really! I'm still a high school student, and I'm not doing that kind of thing."

"Hey, but you clearly said "Yes" to the president before? "

"Then that's because"

The girl lowered her head in shame and whispered:

"I'm sorry. I just don't want to go home, but I don't have anywhere to go. I'm sorry for saying that to your boyfriend without permission."

"Don't worry, and the president is not my boyfriend. And how old are you? Where are you from? And why did you run away from home?"

Facing a lot of questions thrown by Shinjoka one after another, although Serizawa Yu was a little embarrassed, she still opened her mouth to respond.

"Well, I am 18 years old and a native of Tokyo. As for the reason why I ran away from home."

She said apologetically: "Can I not say anything about the last one?"

Shinjoka didn't press too hard on this, but asked in a different way: "From your tone, it should be more than a simple reason like quarreling with your parents, right?"

"Well, no." Serizawa Yu slowly shook her head, her expression becoming a little sad.

This change did not escape Shinjoka's observation, but she did not point it out. Instead, she asked calmly: "You said before that you wanted to find a place to stay for a week, right?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"In that case, do you want to come and live with me?"


The girl couldn't help but let out a confused cry, and was stunned in place for a moment.

The barbecue on the stove just happened to be roasting at this moment.

Ignoring her reaction, Shinjoka first used a tong to pick up a piece of meat for Kato Yusuke, then picked out a piece for herself, and finally put the remaining pieces on the girl's plate.

"Well, the meat is already roasted, let's talk while eating."

After a while, Serizawa Yu finally came back to her senses.

First he glanced at the barbecue on the plate, and then immediately looked to the opposite side.

"That Shinjo-san"

She sat up unconsciously, feeling a little hungry for a while, and asked uneasily:

"Is what you just said true? Are you willing to take me in?"


Shinjoka said with a relaxed face: "But the president will come here sometimes to guide me in my homework, and the time is not sure. Can you accept this?"

Serizawa Yu was slightly startled at first, and then nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, I am willing to accept it! So Yu-nii and Shinjo-san are also students? I won't disturb you, and I can also help with housework!"

She said taking a deep breath and clasping her hands in front of her face.

"As long as next Sunday, I will definitely leave then, so please let me stay during this week, please!"

"Yeah, sure, I mean I just said it."

"Great, I was still thinking about what to do if I was rejected." Serizawa Yu breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes lit up with hope.


Kato Yusuke watched all this in silence, knowing in his heart that the reason why Shinjoka said that was because he didn't fully trust the other party and was defensive, so he didn't say much.

After that, the girl who relaxed probably because her troubles were solved began to eat happily.

Seeing the other party's almost gulping down the meal, Kato Yusuke took the initiative to give her the barbecue on his plate.

Although the girl was a little embarrassed about his behavior, she didn't think much about it and accepted it happily.

However, when it comes to Shinjoka, who has a little understanding of his character, the shock deep in his heart is almost as much as a tsunami!

With deep shock and suspicion, Shinjoka finished the meal absentmindedly.

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