Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and sixty-four, full of doubts

"——The heroes in the story will be rewarded in the end."

For some reason, these words echoed in Sayu's mind.

She had been a hero twice.

Once he rescued his mother from an out-of-control truck, and once he rescued his classmates from the roof of a TV station.

The former allowed her to gain a harmonious and warm family, and the latter allowed her to gain the admiration of others.

Her name is remembered.

Her story was told widely.

Her side was filled with flowers and applause.

If this was a hero's reward, she certainly got it.

Whether it is the family love that I once longed for but could not ask for.

It was still a friendship that was on the verge of collapse and in desperate straits.

These are the people and things she longs for and wants to cherish.

——Now stay with her in the best possible way.

Things that she had suppressed that made her feel desperate.

——Now they have all turned into dust in memory.

The people who stayed were reborn, changed and grew, and became more mature and stronger.

The bad guys all got the punishment they deserved, and had to hide their names and go to other places, living like rats on the street.

If there really is such a thing as destiny in the world.

Then she must have miraculously moved the key gear twice in a row to achieve what she has today!


But she couldn't think of anything.

It's obviously something to be proud of.

It's obviously something that should be engraved in memory.

Even a small look, a subtle movement, or even those emotions of seven emotions and six desires——

These things she should obviously remember, but she couldn't remember anything...

It was as if someone had erased this memory and overwritten it with a new one.

Not just her, but everyone else too...

"Sorry, monitor, I don't understand what you are talking about. Shouldn't you know these things best?"

"I'm sorry, Sayu-chan, I may have been frightened at the time and can't remember too many details, but you were the one who saved me!"

"What happened in the summer of the second year of high school? How did you resolve the matter with the perpetrators? Didn't you hand over Masaka-san's final letter and recording to the reporter?"

Taniguchi, Yuko, Misaki-sensei.

As long as I ask about what happened before last summer vacation, everyone's answer is extremely certain, and they insist that she is the one who solved the incident.

But once they wanted to inquire about the details, everyone would look confused and couldn't give any useful information.

Such an abnormal performance couldn't help but make Sayu feel strongly violated, and the doubts in his heart only increased.

With many doubts, she asked her family members separately.

"...You asked me about the accident last year? Well, of course I remember it. In fact, I always wanted to say, thank you for being willing to lend a helping hand to me, an unqualified mother."

"What? How did you save me, you ask?"

"...I remember that I tripped over something and everyone was frightened. Only you kid rushed over stupidly, then hugged me and ran to the side of the road. Is that what it was?"

This was the reaction from my mother's side, and then from my brother's side.

"——It's really strange. Why did Sayu suddenly ask about that?"

"What? You said you don't have that much strength to hold your mother and escape in that situation...?"

"Well... I don't know the specific situation. I don't know why part of the surveillance on that road is missing..."

"As for you being able to save your must be the human instinct that explodes in times of crisis, right?"

"To be honest, the harmony our family has now is all thanks to you, Sayu. As an older brother, I have been using work as an excuse to escape reality. I am very ashamed."

"Since that incident, I have also been deeply reflecting on it. From now on, I will work hard to be a good and dedicated brother and be someone you and your mother can rely on."

Looking at Ogiwara Kazusa with a guilty look on his face, Sayu couldn't help but feel a slight tingling in her scalp.

Especially when listening to them talk about things that even I have no impression of, it's even a little creepy -!

Exactly the same situation as in school.

Everyone has the same opinion, seeing her as a hero who solves and saves everything, but they are weirdly unable to tell any details.

No one thought there was anything unusual inside, everyone believed it as a matter of course.

Such a sense of disobedience is as if they have been collectively brainwashed!

Even including myself, I was once one of them...

The more we investigate, the more confusing things become.

It was like being shrouded in a huge fog.

For a moment, I couldn't tell which side was the dream and which side was the reality.

In such an environment, Sayu couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

I wonder if this is just my imagination...

But in the next second, she rejected this idea!

——After all, what I heard and felt at that time was so real!

The tide came from the Qiantang River, and today I know who I am.

People may be confused for a while, but they will never be confused for the rest of their lives.

With this thought in mind, she collected a lot of newspapers and information, trying to find some clues in them, but in the end, everything backfired.

Those reports about her deeds are nothing more than some flowery words of praise, or else they are discussions on the social issue of "youth campus safety."

– There is no information available at all.

Since you can't find the reason within yourself, look for it from outside.

"Kato Yusuke"

Sayu, who was unwilling to give up, found information about that person again.

Out of some sixth sense, she felt that the white-haired boy might know something.

Thinking back, their encounter was extremely unusual from the beginning.

As a person who went to school in Tokyo, why did he appear in Hokkaido, and why did he find me that day.

After all, the school was not on vacation at the time, which meant that the person came here while absent from work.

There must be some reason for this, but she didn't think much about it at the time.

And those weird things the other party said to her...

"Iwanami", "Yusuke", "Promise", "Yu-chan and Yuu-chan"...

Sayu recited these words in a low voice, vaguely feeling that there should be some meaning behind each word.

And judging from that person's reaction, these seemed to be closely related to her.

Although I just felt that the person's state was a bit strange at the time, maybe the other person really knew something?

Based on this analysis, it should be the most convenient way to ask and confirm directly with the person.

However, when I think of that slap and that person's indifferent reaction that day in Chiba Prefecture...

——She couldn't help but feel a little confused and hesitant.

After all...will the other party pay attention to her?

Judging from the reaction in Chiba Prefecture that day, it seems that that person no longer wants to have anything to do with her. Is it really appropriate for me to bother her so rashly...?

Not to mention that the boy is now a super famous celebrity.

Under such a premise, even using the excuse of wanting to apologize in person seems ridiculous.

After all, I didn't apologize before, but I chose to raise it now.

What will the other party think?

Do you think she has ulterior motives?

Once I think about it this way, I can't help but hesitate.

It can only be said that one step is wrong and the other is wrong.

She had missed the best opportunity and had no choice but to think of other ways.

He stared at the computer screen in the library in despair, looking at the handsome young man with black hair on it.

"black hair……"

Sayu unconsciously slid the mouse wheel and his eyes fell on the names in the column of contributors.

"Baozhi Sports" reporter:

——Aizawa Uichi

Search Twitter using this name.

Should I say lucky? It seems that my account popped up.

The updates in the account not only contain a large number of comments about sports competitions, but have also forwarded reports from "Baochi Sports" many times.

——Including the interview with that person at that time also appeared in it!

Sayu's eyes moved slightly when he saw this.

'Perhaps something can be learned about that person in other ways. ’

With a try mentality, she thought about it and sent a private message to the reporter.

Just after finishing this matter, the class teacher Misaki suddenly came over.

"Ogiwara-san, I have something to tell you about the things you mentioned before. Are you free now?"

"What I mentioned you remember anything——?" Sayu said, standing up from his seat unconsciously.

Even if it's just a little bit, as long as there is some sign that can prove her suspicion, she hopes to get such news.


"Remember what...?"

Teacher Misaki looked puzzled when he heard her words, and said: "No. I'm just a little worried about your condition, so I wanted to talk to you."

"That's it..." Sayu couldn't help but drooped her shoulders in defeat, frustrated.

"Anyway, I don't know what's bothering you right now." Teacher Misaki said sincerely.

"But what you should do most right now is to concentrate on university matters instead of being distracted by other things. After all, going to Tokyo is your dream, right?"


"Yes. I shouldn't have said these words originally, but your recent state is really strange. You are distracted from time to time even in class... You must know that you must not relax at this moment, do you understand?"

Sayu's eyes were slightly dazed, and there was a bit of melancholy on his face.

Tokyo, that was indeed where she wanted to go.

Although it can't be said to be a dream, the voice that once appeared in her dream also mentioned this place...

Other than that, things were just as Misaki-sensei said.

With only two or three months left before the big exam, it really is not appropriate to be distracted by other things.

He took a few breaths quietly to calm down some of his turbulent emotions.

Sayu said to Teacher Misaki who looked worried: "...Well, thank you for your concern, teacher. I know what to do."

No matter what, my trip to Tokyo cannot be affected, so I still have to study hard.

As for the rest, we can only think about it in the long term...

Here in Tokyo, Shinjoka is also giving a report today.

"Speaking of which, President, Xiao Xi cried last night."

Opening with this sentence instantly grabs someone's attention.

"——Tell me clearly, what do you mean by this?" Kato Yusuke frowned and said.

He sent the completed illustrations to Machida Enko this morning, and is currently checking the reply, but now he is not in the mood.


Shinjoka nodded, lowered her eyes in anticipation, and looked at him with red eyes as if she was about to cry.

""Dad...Mom...don't leave me" - that's what the child said, right? "

The first half of the sentence is still heartbroken, but the second half of the sentence immediately returns to the usual leisurely mood.

Not only can I learn it vividly, but the switching between two emotions is also smooth and natural, and can be relaxed and relaxed.

——Vividly reproduces Xiao Xi’s appearance at that time.

Kato Yusuke's brows furrowed deeper and asked: "...What did you talk about?"

"There was nothing~at least not at that time. After all, she was talking in her sleep."



Shinjoka waved her hands and said boredly: "Maybe it's because I remembered sad things, so I had nightmares in the middle of the night."


Kato Yusuke couldn't help but remain silent.

This matter should also have something to do with him.

If he hadn't asked about family matters at that time, Xiao Xi might not have recalled those sad past events.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty in my heart.

"...You don't need to participate in today's student union activities."


Looking at Shinjoka who was puzzled by these words, he calmly took out an envelope from the drawer of his desk and explained.

"Put this away, there are two hundred thousand yen in it. You go home early today and take her to the mall to buy some clothes."

"Well...but the Cultural Festival Executive Committee has a regular meeting today..."

Kato Yusuke thought for a while, "What time does the meeting over there start?"

"Four o'clock, in the audio-visual classroom."

"I know, I will be there when the time comes, so you don't have to worry about it."

"...Hey, will the president attend?"

"I'm with Megumi."

"That's it..."

Shinjoka blinked and replied: "Yeah! Then I understand ~ I will do what the president told me."

After putting away the envelope containing the cash, she left.


Kato Yusuke thought for a moment and then checked the email from Machida Enko again.

There are no revision suggestions included.

In addition to expressing admiration for his completion speed, Machida Enzi also sent a thank you from the original artist.

Perhaps thinking that it was causing trouble for him, Matsubara Hozumi's words were very polite. At the same time, he was amazed that he could completely restore his own brushwork, and requested to exchange email addresses.

Kato Yusuke did not refuse this, but he did not want to take credit for it.

Not to mention that Karube also paid him corresponding remuneration.

Even without pay.

In the final analysis, this matter was Shiyu's business, and he couldn't just sit idly by.

Under such a premise, he naturally cannot claim to be a benefactor.

So for Teacher Matsubara Hozumi.

Kato Yusuke also entrusted Machida Enzi to convey his apology and gratitude, and also politely said that he could contact him again if anything happens in the future.

This matter passed like this...

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