Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and seventy-two, about adoption

"Don't be so cold, little sister. Come and play with me. I know there is a good store nearby, right?"

In a corner of the station, a man was pestering his prey with frivolous words, plotting evil intentions.

That was the goal he stumbled upon.

The girl has soft black hair, a slender figure and slender limbs.

She has a standard oval face, smart almond eyes, a gentle sweater and a long skirt. That look makes me feel pity for her. It makes me feel unbearable.

When he found that the other person was still alone, he naturally came up to strike up a conversation.

After all, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is rare. If you miss it, you may regret it later.

Therefore, even if the girl feels wary and timid towards him, he does not intend to give up easily.

But at this moment, a solemn voice suddenly came from behind.

"——Xiao Xi."

Before he could react...

"Xiao Xiang...!


He saw the girl who was pale a second ago, but now she looked like a rescuer. Her whole face suddenly glowed and she looked behind him.

"Tsk, do you have any companions?"

The man clicked his tongue in displeasure and turned his head to look around.

As a result, when he saw it, he couldn't help being slightly startled, and then his eyes lit up.

There was no other reason than that the person walking this way was also a cute girl.

In fact, the other party is more beautiful and cuter than the prey he originally fancied!

Smooth short hair, childish appearance, and fair skin as smooth as milk.

Especially the pair of Europeans on the chest, they can be called human weapons.

The moment he saw the person clearly, all the thoughts that he was planning to back out disappeared in an instant.

Chatting up one person or another is still chatting up, and chatting up two people is still chatting up. It would be better to just go together.

With this thought in mind, the man cleared his throat with a cough, then put on a smile that he thought was handsome, and took the initiative to say hello.

"Hey~ little sister, is this your friend here? You came just in time. We are getting ready to play together. Can you come too~?"

While speaking, his feet also warmly greeted him.

What excited him greatly was that the girl gave him a sweet smile in return.

At this moment, all the bones in the man's body were almost numb, and then his feet accelerated a little faster.

The girl didn't panic about this, she just smiled and put her hand into the pocket of her large sweatshirt and took out something from it.

"Look here ~ you abstract-looking pig."

It was a very delicate and sweet voice.

The man was subconsciously attracted and looked at the thing in her hand.

next moment--

Bah, bah——

A stream of mist-like gas rushed directly to his face, blinding him instantly.

In an instant, a burning feeling surged from around the eyes!


! "

The man instantly hunched over his back, covered his eyes and shouted, "Eyes! My eyes -!"


But before he can react more...



A strong dull pain came from his abdomen and he was kicked to the ground.

The force was so amazing that it almost knocked him out of breath. It was hard to imagine that it was a girl who did it.

"Don't be an eyesore, trash."

The girl's careless voice sounded from above, "I've taken pictures of the evidence that you harassed others... Hey, are you the police? Someone is harassing women here..."

"——Damn it! You brat, please remember this!"

He didn't even bother to distinguish what was true from what was false. The man just stumbled away towards the passage like a headless fly with his eyes narrowed in tears.

Because he couldn't see the road clearly, he accidentally fell down several times while escaping, and even crushed two pigeons.

The remaining group of pigeons were so frightened that they immediately flapped their wings and took off, making a panicked "coo-coo-coo" sound, attracting passers-by to cast suspicious glances.

"Wow, you actually ran towards the surveillance camera, idiot." Shinjoka looked at the man's retreating back with disdain and put away the anti-wolf spray.

I just finished doing this...


Along with the girl's urgent voice, she was suddenly hugged by her neck.

Shinjoka frowned in disgust. She wanted to say something, but changed her words at the last moment.

"...I'll contact the president now. Anyway, let's go home first."

Serizawa Yu raised his face from her shoulder, nodded vigorously as if he was about to cry, and replied with a choked sob: "...Yeah."

Kato Yusuke arrived very quickly indeed.

Basically, not long after they returned home from the station, he came in a hurry, and Hui came hand in hand.

As for the question of whether the two happened to be together before or whether they reconciled later, Shinjoka did not ask.

She just sat aside calmly and listened to the man asking Serizawa Yu about the situation.

Faced with the boy's inquiry, Serizawa Yu only said this.

"...Sure enough, it still doesn't work."

This was said a bit without any clue, but everyone present knew her situation very well.

As long as we think about her original intention of running away from home, which was to attract the attention of her indifferent uncle and family, it is self-evident what that "no" means.

Normally, a young girl has been away from home for a week, so basically any guardian would have some reaction.

As a result, even so, Serizawa Yu's uncle seemed unwilling to open his heart, ruthlessly destroying her hopes.

It is said that communication is the bridge to solve all problems, but if the other party refuses to communicate wholeheartedly, the problems will be almost irreconcilable.

"So, the only people who are willing to have a relationship with me now are probably Yuge and you. Haha... I'm really a lonely high school girl, right?"

Serizawa Yu said helplessly, her smiling expression seemed to be mocking herself, but also seemed to want to lighten the atmosphere.

Hui looked at her with a bit of sadness on her face.

Put yourself in the other person's shoes and their situation.

First, he lost his parents in an accident, and then he was hated by his relatives because of his parents' relationship, and he even received no help from anyone.

Once I think about this kind of thing, I feel that no matter what I say, it seems very pale and superficial.

"I just want to help that girl, that's all."

What someone said last night couldn't help but echo in my mind.

Then he thought of the other person's idea, which was so special that it seemed like a whimsical idea.

For some reason, Hui suddenly felt a sense of recognition on a subjective level.

"I'm sorry, Serizawa-san."

She murmured to herself: "...that kind of thing must be very uncomfortable."

As if being moved by something in the words, Serizawa Yu looked at her blankly, then sniffed hard and lowered his head in frustration.

"Well, it's very uncomfortable..."

The frustrated words that sounded like gnats blurted out unconsciously.

"I'm sorry, if only I knew the right thing to say to you now..."

"...No." The girl shook her head, "Miss Kato does not need to apologize."

After a pause, he slowly raised his head.

"At least Ms. Kato thinks I can't be blamed for this, which makes me feel a little affirmed and not so confused anymore, hehehe..."

After they finished talking, Kato Yusuke interrupted: "What are you going to do next?"

When he asked, Serizawa Yu couldn't help but pursed her lips and hesitated for a while, her eyes switched between him and Shinjoka, and then asked uneasily:

"Well...can I continue to stay at Xiaoxiang's house? Yusuke-san."


Kato Yusuke nodded affirmatively, while Kei next to him glanced at him casually without saying anything extra.

Serizawa Xi didn't notice anything and turned her face to her side again, "Then...Xiaoxiang, you..."

"Well, I don't have any objection either."

Shinjoka nodded lightly with a calm expression, "I will listen to the president."

After hearing this, Serizawa Yu showed a surprised expression, then blushed and smiled.

"Hehe... Then I'll ask for your advice from now on."

This topic has been put to rest for the time being.

Kato Yusuke and the others did not continue to ask any questions about her family.

"And there's—"

I don't know whether it was because she felt guilty or something, but Serizawa Yu spoke again in a daze.

“Because it’s not easy to live and eat for free, I will also find some part-time jobs to support my family.

Although I may not be able to pay it back all at once, I will try my best to return the money Yusuke-san supported me to you, so please give me a little more time, okay? "

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, "Don't rush about the part-time job, I have arrangements. Before that, what are you going to do about the school?"

"Where is the school? Ah... Well, actually, I don't plan to continue studying. After all, having a job is more important to me in the future than my grades."

Serizawa Yu scratched her cheek in embarrassment, but her tone revealed a calmness after careful consideration.

Kato Yusuke declined to comment on this, and went on to say: "You don't have to think about it so much. As long as you want to continue going to school, I will let you continue studying."

Although the cost for a person to go to college is not cheap, it is not a big deal to him now.

Serizawa Yu couldn't help being slightly stunned when she heard this, then shook her head and answered.

"...Really, thank you Yusuke-san for your kindness, but I still want to enter society as soon as possible. Besides, the procedures for entering a higher school...the procedures are still with my uncle, so I can't do it."

After her parents passed away, she realized that the path to higher education was not suitable for her, so this was not a lie.

"If you are worried about the procedures, I can ask my guardian to adopt you. Are you willing?"


As soon as these words came out, not only Serizawa Yu was stunned for an instant, but even the room became silent for an instant.

Shinjouxiang, who was playing with his mobile phone, shook his hand unconsciously and almost dropped his mobile phone to the ground.

He suppressed the horror in his heart, and then raised his eyes as if nothing had happened.

I saw that both Kato Yusuke and Kato Megumi had very calm expressions at this time.

She couldn't help but think about it...

At the same time, Serizawa Yu also recovered from the impact of this incident, then put an embarrassed smile on his face, and waved his hands as if he couldn't bear it.

"Uh, that... is so annoying, Yusuke-san, you must be joking, right? Stop being like this... I might accidentally take it seriously, haha..."

"No, I'm serious. You don't have to force it if you don't want to."

"Hey, it's not that I don't want to... uh... it's just..." she said incoherently.

"In other words, if we are adopted by Yu-ge's family, we will become Giri brother and sister...? Does this mean that I will have the same surname as Yu-ge... and become Kato...Yu...?"

By the time I got to the end of the story, my whole face was so red that I was almost bleeding.



——That’s impossible, right? ""

Two overlapping voices interrupted her decisively.

"Are you stupid?"

Shinjoka sneered and said: "I have already told you that you are older than the president. Even if you are really adopted, they should be siblings!"

Following closely——

"Well, no matter what, that kind of thing won't happen, right?"

In a tone as calm as possible, Hui also explained:

"After all, Auntie Mina... who is Yusuke's guardian, actually has no blood relationship with Yusuke, and she is not a relative, so neither a sworn sister nor a sworn sister exists, right?"

"By the way, there is also the issue of surname. Aunt Mina's surname is Motoyama.

Basically, if it really needs to be changed, it should be "Motoyama" instead of "Kato". Serizawa-san, you don’t have to worry about this at all, right? "

"Hmm...? Thank you, Miss Kato, but I'm not worried..."

"Yeah~ That's good, I just think we have to clear up the misunderstanding."

Shinjoka secretly watched their interaction, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but curl up with a hint of amusement.

It was an unexpected bonus to see the girl who was so calm that she didn't seem to care about anything in such a panic.

But think about it from another angle. In addition to enjoying the only special treatment, the other party also has a natural advantage in terms of surname.

This unique advantage is really hard to describe.

It can only be said that some people are born in Rome, while others have to work hard to catch up in order to reach the other person's starting point.

But fortunately, this girl is arrogant enough, and it seems that she can't do it unless the man takes the initiative to pursue her.

Judging from the various usual reactions, it seems that he is not the type to coexist with others.

‘I don’t know how the president plans to deal with such a heavy daughter. ’

While thinking about this, things also made new progress...


For some reason, Serizawa Yu, who had been scolded by them, suddenly sat down on her knees in a sitting position, and looked straight at the young man, her expression tense and stiff.

Under everyone's gaze.

The girl took a deep breath first, then pressed her hands to the inner corners of her body on the ground in front of her, then bent down and lowered her head.

"Yes...! I am willing, ah, no, I mean, please let me become Brother Yu's family. Anyway, in short...! This little girl is not talented, please give me more advice in the future...!"

A voice full of anxiety resounded in the room and reached everyone's ears clearly.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Hui couldn't help but frown slightly and looked to the side, with unclear meaning in her eyes.

As if he didn't think too much, Kato Yusuke nodded calmly and said: "I understand. You will live here during this period. I will inform you later if there is anything."

"Brother Yu..." Serizawa Yu's voice was full of apology and emotion, and her almond-shaped eyes were filled with tears.

Let’s leave aside Serizawa Yu who was deeply moved and Shinjo Kaoru who watched from the sidelines.

Hui's mood is a bit complicated.

On the one hand, there is sympathy for what happened to Serizawa Yui, and on the other hand, there are also some unspeakable emotions.

If you were his girlfriend, you could have said it openly and jokingly at this moment - "Stay away from Yusuke, you vixen~"

It's a pity that she is not.

If the name is not correct, the words will not be correct.

When the teacher is unknown, it seems that he lacks a little confidence in whatever he does.

The gods and humans fought for a while, and finally put the matter on hold in the Mohu area for the time being.

"Speaking of it, Serizawa-san."

After calming down, Hui took out the paper bag beside him and handed it to the other side.

"As for that, I discussed it with Yusuke, and sure enough you'd better accept the coat."

"Coat? Hey, this is not the coat that Brother You lent me before... why?"

"Hmm~ After all, you seem to like the way it looks, and the temperature has been getting colder and colder recently. It's not enough for you to just wear a sweater, so I'll give this to you."

"That's it..."

Serizawa blinked in confusion, carefully held the paper bag in her arms, and then asked with some uncertainty: "Um, can I really accept it...?"

Kato Yusuke nodded his head in affirmation.

After all, it was just an ordinary coat, and it had no special meaning inside.

But the girl looked very happy, as if she regarded it as a treasure, and expressed her sincere gratitude.

"Hehe, thank you Brother Yu, I will cherish it."

"No, don't worry."

After discussing the matter, Kato Yusuke did not stay long and soon left with Kei.

Serizawa Yu and Shinjoka returned to the living room.

After feeling relaxed, Serizawa Yu showed her lively and talkative side again, and started chatting with Shinjoka with great interest.

"Xiaoxiang Xiaoxiang! Will I become Brother You's family?"

"I guess so."

"Xiaoxiang Xiaoxiang! In order to get familiar with each other in advance, would it be better for me to use the title "Brother You" in the future? "

"as you like."

"Xiaoxiang Xiaoxiang! I'm super excited now! What should I do?"

"Who cares about you?"

"Xiaoxiang Xiaoxiang..."


Shinjoka slammed the table hard and said unbearably: "You won't stop making noises as soon as you come back. Careful if I throw you outside?"

Serizawa Yu was choked immediately, and then smiled angrily.

"...I'm sorry, I seem to have gotten a little too carried away."

Even so, the anticipation and excitement inside me have not diminished at all.

To distract herself, she brought up another one.

"By the way, I forgot to mention it. Xiaoxiang, you were so handsome at the station and made people feel so powerful...!"

"Station? Oh, are you talking about the person who struck up a conversation? There's nothing to mention about that kind of thing."

"Wow, your reaction is so calm."

"Basically, your reaction was too bad, so it gave people the feeling that there might be a chance." "

"However, even though I clearly refused, that person still refused to let me go unreasonably. I was very nervous at the time..."

Shinjoka suddenly realized something when he heard this.

"Speaking of which, you seem to have been studying in a girls' school... Now, do you rarely interact with the opposite sex?"


Serizawa thought hard for a while, then nodded helplessly.

"...Actually, apart from relatives and elders, I really haven't had much interaction with boys of the same age."

"I see... That's why you expressed your affection for the president so blatantly, but it turns out that you can't grasp the distance between you and the opposite sex..." Shinjoka muttered to himself.

"Eh? Sorry, Xiaoxiang, did you say something?"

"Nothing~ Also, I'm giving this to you. Remember to take it with you when you go out in the future."

"Is this... pepper spray?"

"Hmm~ Do you know how to use it? Just aim at the person and press the button on it."

"Ah~ I still know how to use it. But...if you give this to me, what will Xiaoxiang do?"

"It's nothing, I still have a spare. Anyway, remember to make good use of it next time you encounter danger."

"That's it, thank you, Xiaoxiang!"

"No need to thank you, I only take care of you because of the president. Well, that's it anyway, I'm ready to work, you can do it yourself."

As if to tell her that the chat was over, Shinjoka waved her hand, then took her mobile phone and sat down on a bunch of cloth sofas.

So Serizawa Yu also wisely stopped disturbing her, and instead looked at the room with some nostalgia.

Even though it was only a day or even half a day away from here.

However, when she returned to this room again, she felt an indescribable sense of intimacy, as if this was her place.

Everything makes people feel nostalgic.

(The progress of the outstanding manuscript is 0/5, the previous ones have been paid off)

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