Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and eighty-one, cultural festival (4)

The playground in Toyosaki was crowded with people.

Countless activist groups are holding events here.

Kato Yusuke followed the crowd here, still wearing the eye-catching doll costume.

After looking around, he didn't find the target at the agreed place, so he sent a message on his mobile phone.

【Where are you? 】

Not long after the message was sent, a reply was quickly received.

【Here in the southeast corner~(^-^)】

He stretched his arms and looked around, and found the beautiful silhouette of the bird Tingting under the high metal fence.

She has long brown hair tied behind her head, and two strands of slightly curly hair swaying in front of her silver face, with a smile on her face.

The long black woolen windbreaker opens up to reveal the white silk shirt, and the lake blue tight jeans set off the slender legs, which is chic and beautiful.

The woman leaned against the edge of the fence, gently raised a hand, and waved to him happily.

Kato Yusuke strode forward, and the other party deliberately ran into his arms and gave him a big hug.

"Hmm~ You are warm and feel so comfortable~" Hasumi Kanoko murmured, and gently rubbed her face against his furry chest.

"Good morning, Kano-chan."

Kato Yusuke smiled and hugged her, "I'm sorry, I just picked up my guardians and others, did I keep you waiting for a long time?

"No way~ Have you settled everyone in?"

"Settled in."

"What about work?"

"What job?"

Hasumi Yoshiko raised her head and looked up at him with a smile, "Aren't you busy with work like the student union?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head, "I said hello to the executive committee of the Hua Festival. If there is any problem, they will contact me. I can accompany you before the afternoon."

"Accompany me? In fact, if you have something to do, just be busy~ I can just stroll around by myself, or chat with my colleagues."

"It's okay. I wanted to do this myself. Besides, aren't you only free today? So I have to accompany you."

"...I knew you would say that."


Hasumi Kanoko sighed with a helpless smile, and poked his chest with her finger, "Because you are always serious in these places, and your sense of responsibility is too strong and a bit stubborn."

"Well...I don't have much self-consciousness in this regard. Does this put any pressure on you?"

"Eh~ It's not pressure or anything..."

The woman blinks and her eyes become warmer)

"I just think we are already in this kind of relationship, it doesn't matter if you don't need to be so cautious anymore...

It should be said that I am a little worried that your bad habit of carrying everything on your shoulders will cause too much burden on yourself. "

"Speaking of burden..."

Kato Yusuke scratched his head subconsciously, "The clothes I'm wearing are stuffy. I'm going to change them to get some fresh air. Do you want to go shopping by yourself first or come with me?"

"Well...where are you going to change?"

Looking back at the bustling playground, the young man replied: "...On a day like this, I can only go to the student union room."

Hasumi Kanoko nodded, "Then I'll accompany you~"

"Then let's go."

Then, the two of them walked towards the moving building together.

Compared with the classes concentrated in the teaching building, this is mainly an activity place for various clubs.

As soon as Fang entered the building, noisy voices and shouts came from all directions.

"Calligraphy, do you want to practice calligraphy? Calligraphy."

"Battle of singing cards, one hundred people per song ~ Do you want to play a song of playing cards?"

"Photography Department~ All the handsome beauties passing by, would you like to take a photo?"

"Supernatural Research Society ~ Supernatural Research Society. Do you want to see UFOs? All kinds of supernatural photos are also on display~"

In the crowded corridors, students dressed in fancy clothes are working hard to entertain themselves, showing their energetic side.

Kato Yusuke takes Hasumiyoshi (this chapter is not finished yet!)

181. Cultural Festival (4)

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Naiko tried to go upstairs quietly, but...

"Eh~! Meet the teacher? Is it Ren Jianlao-!?"

Both unexpectedly and within reason, Hasumi Kanoko recognized him.

It should be said that it had only been a week since her resignation, so it was normal for this kind of thing to happen. The only thing to blame was their bad luck...

Inevitably, the two had to stop.

Following the sound, a girl with a SLR camera hanging on her chest was looking at them, or at least Kanoko Hasumi, with bright eyes.

As for Fuji Yusuke, who was wearing a doll costume, he was probably ignored because he was regarded as the mascot of a certain club.

The girl trotted up.

"Ah, it is indeed Mr. Hasumi! You are back to see me~!


"Huh? Hasumi-sensei is back——??

"real or fake?"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the students who were originally focused on attracting customers immediately surrounded him.

"Uh, hello everyone~"

Renkanoko smiled bitterly and waved to Yusuke Kato covertly.

"I'm sorry, please leave first. I'll find you later."


The two exchanged brief glances.

Then, Fuji Yusuke walked up the stairs alone.

After all, he is of no use here. If his identity is exposed, it may cause even greater commotion.

As for Xiaokanao's safety, she doesn't have to worry about it.

With the students' love for her, there would be no questions at all. It was nothing more than holding her to chat for a while, and she could take advantage of this time to breathe.

Just go to the end of the corridor on the third floor and use the key to open the door of the student union. Kato Yusuke stepped inside, closed the door, and then began to take off his clothes.

First he took off his headgear, then he opened the lock on his back and got out, and finally he took off his prop shoes.


With a long sigh of relief from his chest, Kato Yusuke finally regained his freedom.

The hands of the clock on the wall clearly showed the time at this moment - 11:05.

He has been wearing this heavy doll costume for an hour since morning.

Even though it was winter now, it was inevitable that I would sweat from this outfit.

He pulled the collar of his clothes and wiped his face casually. The water-soaked sportswear stuck to his body, and his back and chest were a little sticky.

Kato Yusuke took off his costume and took out a cup of oolong tea from the refrigerator, then sat down behind his desk.

I drank half a bottle of oolong tea in one go to regain my composure.

Turning to look out the window.

The sky I looked up at inadvertently was very blue, the winter sunshine was exceptionally bright, and even the wind blowing from the playground made people feel comfortable.

From a distance came the shouts of the sports club, the soft singing of the choir club, the shouts of students at the stalls, and the laughter of tourists.

Listen to those joyful melodies and feel the strong atmosphere of celebration.

At the end of the day, this place will become an ordinary school again, and this enthusiasm will completely fade away.

So now, it wouldn't be a bad idea to immerse myself in this atmosphere for a while longer.

Kato Yusuke thought leisurely and relaxed completely)

At this time——

With a "click" sound, Hasumi Kanoko pushed the door open and entered the room.

"……Excuse me."

The woman said apologetically, and gently touched the door with her body. Then Shi Shiran came over and asked, "Have I kept you here for a long time?"

"No, I just sat down not long ago."

Kato Yusuke looked at her and smiled, "Has the matter downstairs been resolved?"

At the mention of this, Ren saw Kano and smiled bitterly and nodded gently.

"Well... everyone was so enthusiastic and gave me a lot of coupons, telling me to check out their store, but I was put off by what I wanted to do."

"As expected of you, Kano-chan." (This chapter is not finished yet!)

181. Cultural Festival (4)

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Kato Yusuke joked: "By the way, it's a celebration day, so don't cry, okay?"

"Crying? Why should I cry?" Hasumi Yoshiko raised her eyebrows in confusion, moved a chair and sat down next to him.

This time she sat down, her windbreaker opened wider, and her slim figure was fully displayed.

Show off your neck, slender waist, perky butt, and beautiful legs.

From top to bottom, it is well-proportioned and gracefully curved.

Plump where it should be plump, slim where it should be slim.

It is both charming and full of charm.


Kato Yusuke observed her calmly, feeling a little confused in his heart, and then paused:

"...After all, Kano is a little woman who is easily impressed by others. If I see you crying, I will also feel uncomfortable."

Hearing this, Lian glanced at Kanoko angrily and said angrily: "How can I be so weak? That's why I'm like that."



Kato Yusuke smiled deliberately, turned his attention away from the other person, and took two more sips of oolong tea.

"You mean you like oolong tea very much. Why?"

"Huh? I also like coffee and stuff."

"That's different." The woman shook her head, "Although you can drink coffee, most of the time you will still choose oolong tea."

"Well, what's the problem with this?" Kato Yusuke looked over strangely, and the other party shook his head again.

"That's not true~ I'm just a little curious, so I just asked."

"There's no particular reason. I'm just used to drinking."

"So why?"

"...Are you going to break the casserole and ask the truth?"

"What does it matter~ I also want to know more about my boyfriend's heart, isn't that okay?"

The woman's tone was full of coquettishness, as if she didn't care about spending time at all.

"...I can tell you that it doesn't matter, it will be fine later."

"Yeah~ I want to hear it!"

Kato Yusuke sighed helplessly and had to think about the reason for this thing he had never thought of.

"If you insist on saying it..."

"What do you have to say~?"

"I just think it tastes like tea, right?"

"What...?" Ren saw Kanoko's face confused)

Kato Yusuke reached for the bottle, turned to the ingredient list, and opened it.

"Look, the raw materials on it are basically water, oolong tea leaves, oolong tea powder, sodium bicarbonate and vitamin C, etc. There is no sugar. Don't you think it is healthier?"


Upon hearing his answer, the other person blinked two or three times, then covered his mouth with a puff of laughter.

"—Ahahahahahaha, what are you talking about? It's so strange!

"...Is it weird?"

"Hmm, haha, it's really weird~! Hahahahaha."

Kato Yusuke looked at her with confusion and confusion, "...Why are you smiling so exaggeratedly? It makes me feel a little embarrassed. Can you stop?"

"Be good, be good, I'm not laughing at you, it's just, pfft, you're really...funny!"

Hasumi Kanoko laughed so hard that her branches trembled, and her hair danced happily with her movements.


Seeing that the persuasion was effective, Kato Yu couldn't help but sigh with disinterest and simply let it go.

After laughing like this for a while, Kanoko finally stopped out of breath.

Then, while pressing her chest, which was still rising and falling, she stretched out a hand, explored the young man's handsome and perfect face, and gently rubbed Fang's chin.

"Well - it's all because of your old-fashioned way of talking, just like my grandpa. Can't you act more like someone your age and do something more like your peers?"

Hearing this, Kato Yusuke didn't look at her sideways.

"...On the other hand, Kano-chan feels like a girl who is still in school. Is that why you can get along so well with everyone?"

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

181. Cultural Festival (4)

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Hasumi Kanoko knew that he was still depressed, so she didn't argue, just said with a smile, "You are sophistry, besides, I only act like this in front of you."

Kato Yusuke said nothing about this, and when he unscrewed the cap of the oolong tea bottle and continued to drink, the other party suddenly said: "Give me a drink too."

"for you."

"Thank you~"

Hasumi Kanoko happily took the oolong tea, raised her chin and drank it.

Gudu, Gudu~

She seemed to be very thirsty, so she didn't put the drink down immediately.

Her long brown hair was tied up with a hairpin, revealing her slender neck like a swan.

The lips that had been protected by the lipsticker's lip glaze were holding the mouth of the bottle. The lips were red and shiny under the sunlight, which was a bit alluring.


After her thirsty throat was relieved, the woman opened the oolong tea from her mouth. The mouth of the bottle was stained with a hint of red, and it reluctantly left the red lips.

" tastes terrible."

"You can't say it tastes bad. You said that on purpose, right?" Yusuke Kato said speechlessly.

"Hey~ have you discovered it?" Hasumi Kanoko stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"After all, it's not like you haven't drank before. Anyway, if you finish drinking, give it to me. I want to drink too." Kato Yusuke stretched out one.

Hasumi Kanoko looked at his hand, a hint of cunning appeared in her eyes, and she drank the remaining sip of oolong tea very maliciously.

"You like grabbing things so much, are you a child...?"

Seeing this scene, Kato Yusuke insulted her in a funny way, and then prepared to get up to get a new bottle.

However, the next second, a pair of catkins hugged his face and pulled him in a certain direction.

Accompanied by a wafting fragrance of orchids...


A soft wetness suddenly surged from his lips.

Slowly, the slightly warmer oolong tea was delivered to his mouth.

One, two, three seconds, Kato Yusuke tasted a slight sweetness. It's not much, but it's enough to tug at the heartstrings.


Renkanoko stepped back slightly, her face full of pride, "Here, I'll give it back to you now."


Kato Yusuke narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her without saying a word.

Underneath the high bun of hair, she has a pair of dark eyebrows like spring mountains, and eyes like autumn waves. She has a delicate and new wife feeling, which is indescribably gentle.

"Little Kano)"

The boy wiped his mouth with the thumb of his right hand and said in a low voice, "...What are you doing?"

Seeing Kanozi, Hassan tilted her head in confusion and answered as if it was natural, "Hey, didn't you mean your oolong tea?"

Kato Yusuke's eyes became darker, "...To be honest, I have always had a question to ask you."

"Problem? What problem~?"

"Why are you wearing professional attire to visit today?"

"Well..." the woman drawled, her eyes flickering, "Aren't you happy?"

As their eyes crossed, there seemed to be something suddenly in the air.

Kato Yusuke took a deep breath, stood up from his seat, and placed the naughty child on the table.


Caught off guard, Hasumi Kanoko couldn't help but let out a exclamation, and even the empty bottle after drinking the drink fell to the ground with a "bang!"

The young man leaned down to reach out to her, but she pushed him hard on the shoulder.

"Wait a minute, no, no, no! You pick up the bottle first, and the door... it's not locked." Hasumi Kanoko said anxiously and shyly, her moist eyes mixed with a little confusion.

Fuji Yusuke looked at her deeply, nodded solemnly, then squatted down and looked for the special bottle on the ground.

——Finally found the target under the dim table.

He moved inside.

Hasumi Kanoko, who breathed a sigh of relief, jumped off the table and was about to say something...


Suddenly a loud voice called out from behind.

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

181. Cultural Festival (4)

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"G~! Kano-chan, are you here?"



Hasumi Kanoko was shocked when she heard this, "Mr. Maria——??"

In a flash, without even having time to think, the body reacted instinctively.

She immediately turned around and faced outside. At the same time, she pushed hard with her legs and pushed someone in who was about to get up from under the table. Then she pulled the seat behind her forward and sat down.

The movements are completed in one go, just like flowing clouds and flowing water.

As for Kato Yusuke, he was cornered by her unpreparedly under the dark table, and sat on the ground sullenly.

The next second, Teacher Maria's half-English accent sounded again, approaching here.

"Oh~onderful! You are here) I just heard from others that you came to visit, why didn't you tell me?"

"Ah, uh, um... sorry! I thought everyone was working, so I didn't want to disturb you."

"Hat—? You're too outspoken, everyone wants to see you."

"Is that so? Then when we go now...why did you get off——!"

"Wow...! Why are you screaming so loudly all of a sudden? Can't you sit down?"

"Didn't you say you were going to find a home—! Kiss Maria."

"Well, I want to take a rest before that. No matter what, I will kill you for a long time."

"B-but, I don't think it's right to keep everyone waiting, so we still..."

"Bytheay, by the way, Kano-chan, why did you come to the student union and sit in Kato boy's seat?" Teacher Maria's voice was full of doubt.

In an instant, Ren saw Kanoko's body tense up...

181. Cultural Festival (4)

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