Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and eighty-five, cultural festival (8)

"Fishing for goldfish..."

Kato Yusuke murmured, and then asked: "It's okay if you want to play, but if you catch it, do you want to raise it?"

"Yeah! I want to raise them." Ying Lili nodded and said, still holding the two palm-sized figures in her arms.

Kato Yusuke didn't say anything when he saw this, and paid 600 yen to the girl at the booth in exchange for two fishing nets.

The two squatted beside the inflatable pool together.

"Yinglili, let me fish the net for you. I'll help you get the figure first."

"Hey, didn't you help me fish it out?"


"Because." Ying Lili tilted her head to look at him in confusion, "I can choose whatever I want. If I can't get it, it's your fault... You clearly said so."

"That's true...but don't you want to play with your own hands? It would be more fun this way, right?"

"Is it fun? That's true. Then I'll choose and you'll be responsible for fishing."

‘…Isn’t this completely wrong? ’

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be a little speechless, but the other party had no intention of changing his mind, and immediately started searching in the pool with interest.

Colorful goldfish swim in the water. Whenever a tourist gets off the net, they will run away and create a small splash of cool water.

Snap, snap, the water surface shook.


Yinglili quickly found her favorite target, and her whole face suddenly lit up, "Hey, I want the red and black ones."

Kato Yusuke looked in the direction she pointed, and two goldfish paddling leisurely came into view.

The red tail fin has a beautiful gleaming gold color, while the black one is as shiny as black agate.


Kato Yusuke's lips moved and he nodded quietly.

Holding the bowl in his left hand and the net in his right hand, he carefully approached the water.

As if sensing danger, the two goldfish were shaking uneasily and turning around, preparing to escape.

After selecting the target, Yusuke Kato quickly took action, inserted the fishing net diagonally into the water, and then gently picked it up with the outer frame of the net, and the red gold fell into the bowl with a "pop".

Then, he used the same technique to scoop up the black agate.

"So strong, really strong!" Ying Lili came over with bright eyes and stared into the bowl.

Two goldfish, one red and one black, were swimming in pairs inside, so lively.

"The game of catching goldfish is all about working hard. If you hesitate too much, you can easily break the net." Yusuke Kato explained.

"Hey, that's it."

Yinglili couldn't help but nodded and said happily: "They look very happy too~"

"No, it should be said that I was frightened..."

"Hey, what do you think would be a better name for them?"



The girl agreed with a smile, then rolled her eyes angrily.

"Besides, why are you so surprised? After all, you caught these two goldfish. Isn't it natural that you should name them?"


Kato Yusuke was silent and lowered his eyes slightly, and said softly: "...No, it's up to you to start."

"When did you become so humble?"

"It's not humility, it's just that since you are the one who wants to raise them, you can name them."

After all, naming a goldfish only needs to be done once.


Yinglili couldn't help but frown slightly, spying on his expression, and vaguely felt that something was wrong, but she didn't expect it, and she suddenly became irritable.

"Ah, really? I really don't know what you are doing with your mother-in-law. If you don't want to, forget it."

She looked at the goldfish in the bowl. The black one also looked at her and blew a bubble.

"It's decided, because this black one is just as stinky as you, so I'll call him Kato... No, let's call him Xiaoyu."


Kato Yusuke was stunned. Some things always happened suddenly, causing him to fall into silence unconsciously.

Yinglili didn't notice his reaction and was still talking on her own.

"Besides! I don't have any special meaning in naming it this way, it's just because it's easier to pronounce... Don't get me wrong?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a big hand pressed on her head.


Kato Yusuke said in a low voice: "Whatever you like... If the fun here is about the same, let's go to the next place."

Ying Lili looked at his somewhat unreal eyes and couldn't help but blink twice blankly, feeling a sad emotion suddenly well up in her heart.

She herself didn't know why she felt like this.

But whether it was the emotions swirling in her heart at this moment, the noise of the people around her, or the boy in front of her who made her feel sad.

Along with everything else, she could never experience this moment again. This situation made her feel inexplicably lonely.

As if separated by a layer of film, she still couldn't see clearly this hazy emotion at this time.

As if to cut off her melancholy, the young man suddenly said something.

"Excuse me, please help us pack the goldfish."

Kato Yusuke said as he handed the fishing net and bowl to the girl at the booth. Eiriri reacted and hurriedly stopped her.

"Wait a minute, Toyama-san."

She said: "Well, since we have other arrangements later, could you please help me put away these two goldfish first?"

After all, they had just started visiting the cultural festival, and there were still many places they wanted to visit, so it was quite inconvenient to just bring the goldfish with them.

"Yeah, okay, Yinglili."

Harumi Toyama happily agreed: "Then I will help you keep them in the fish tank first, and you can come to the classroom to get them after you finish the work~"

"Well, thank you~!"

"You're welcome, that's it~"

Harumi Toyama smiled and waved her hand, took the bowl and went to settle the goldfish.

After settling the matter, the boy and girl left the classroom of Class F for the first year.

"Hey, Yusuke, where do you want to go next?" Eirili asked proactively.

Kato Yusuke adjusted the peaked cap on his head and his tone returned to his normal state.

"...If you don't mind, please support our class's activities."

"What's your class's activity? A maid cafe?"

Yinglili narrowed her eyes slightly in disgust, "After all, you just want to see girls wearing maid uniforms, right?"

"It's just a drop-in. If you have other arrangements, just do it."

"Forget it, it's nothing. I just want to see Xiaomei and Shinjou-san's maid outfits, so I'll go."


The two of them walked up and lined up together.

For some unknown reason, the proportion of women in the long queue was almost 70%, and the remaining 30% were made up of men and families with children.

After waiting for thirty minutes, they finally arrived at the classroom door.

The person in charge of welcoming guests is not Yoshiko Himekawa, but Chiyo, a girl who has a close relationship with Shinjoka.

Kato Yusuke felt slightly disappointed when he saw this.

You know, Jiazi still owes him a favor, and it's almost time to pay it back today.

However, the person involved was entertaining guests inside at the moment, and he couldn't communicate with the other party for a while, so he had to act according to the situation.

"We have the next guest. Are they two guests? Ladies."

When Chiyo asked this question, the two girls from other schools in front couldn't help but nod.

"Ah, yes. Well, I'm sorry..."

One of the girls asked: "Can we sit in that seat?"

Hearing this, Chiyo suddenly showed an understanding expression, smiled and nodded slightly.

"I see~ It's "that" seat, right? "

"Yes! If it's not free now, we can continue to wait. Please let others go first."

"No~ basically the guests at the previous table have arrived at the same time, so we can just arrange it for the two of us~"


The two girls were ecstatic.

"Yes~~~but I need to explain the rules in advance."

Chiyo showed an apologetic expression and bowed slightly to them.

"Because our reception capacity is limited, each table can only use that seat for twenty minutes. After that, other seats will be arranged for two people. Can you accept it?"


OK. ""

"Also, please don't put gifts in the drawer, because we will clean them after playing foreign games, so President Xiaoyou will not receive them.

In addition, you are not allowed to leave your contact information on the table, otherwise we will not be able to receive you. We hope you can understand. "

The two girls looked at each other, then nodded slightly nervously in agreement.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation."

Chiyo bowed slightly again and made a gesture of invitation.

"Well, now that you two have heard about it...welcome to your presence, young ladies~"


Thanks. ""

There was a sound of welcome in the classroom immediately.

Ying Lili stretched her neck and looked into the room, only to see the two girls being led to the window seat in the back row.

The girl who seemed to be the previous customer was leaving her seat with a satisfied expression on her face.

She couldn't help curling her lips and whispered sarcastically to someone: "You actually use this way to attract customers, you are so despicable."

Kato Yusuke shook his head blankly and replied in the same voice: "I have not participated in any of this."

You must know that when he served as a welcome guest on his first day, that seat had not yet been set up in the classroom. It must have been added later by classmates in the class.

There is no doubt that the table and chair must belong to him.

But during the school anniversary when everyone's desks and chairs were drafted for use, he had nothing to complain about.

Again, this is all about contributing to the class.


Chiyo, who was in charge of greeting guests, clasped his hands in front of his chest and asked with a smile: "Good morning, Sawamura-san~ Are you here to find someone in our class?"

"No, I'm here as a guest."

"So that's it~ Well! If you don't need a designated seat, you can come in now~"


Eiri nodded in thanks, while Kato Yusuke remained silent.

The two walked into the classroom together.

Compared to the bustle of Class F in the first year, the atmosphere in this space is closer to a place for afternoon tea, leisurely and relaxed.

"Welcome back~! This lady, and this master...?" Shinjoka stopped unconsciously when she finished speaking, and looked at Kato Yusuke with twinkling eyes.

Kato Yusuke nodded gently to her, while Eiri said a friendly hello.

"Good morning, Shinjou-san, I'm here to disturb you~"

Shinjoka looked at them alternately, then with a brighter smile on her face, she replied: "It turns out to be Miss Sawamura, welcome you, and this master?~"

"Wow, it seems a bit weird to be called that by a friend. You should call me by my name. As for this's up to you."

"Okay~ I understand, then please come with me and I will take you to your seats."

"Okay, thank you~"

The two were taken to a double seat in the last row, right in the center of the classroom.

"I'm going to get the menu, please wait a moment~" Shinjoka said and turned to leave.

Kato Yusuke took advantage of the situation and looked around.

By coincidence, Hui Zheng was serving the two girls sitting by the window and taking photos for them.

As for Himekawa Yoshiko, she was entertaining a table of male guests at the front of the classroom.

Classmates wearing cute maid outfits came and went, but no one seemed to recognize his identity.

Seeing everyone running around and busy, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but sigh in his heart and simply gave up some ideas.

After all, he really couldn't speak out if he had to satisfy his selfishness under such circumstances.

At this time, Shintiao Xiang also came back with two menus.

"Waiting for a long time~ Here is the menu, what do you two want to order~?"

Ying Lili stared at the menu and thought about it for a while, "Well... I want a cup of black tea and potato chips, Yuu... cough, I mean you?"

She almost spilled the beans out of habit, but luckily she reacted in time.

Shinjoka chuckled good-naturedly and whispered a great compliment to her.

Kato Yusuke glanced at the menu and said casually: "Give me a cup of coffee."

After ordering, he was about to return the menu to Shinjoka, but the other party also stretched out his hands to him, pretending to accept it.

In the process of passing the menu, a hard object was secretly stuffed into the palm of Kato Yusuke's hand.

He couldn't help but be stunned by this and looked down subconsciously.

A small pink remote control with no known purpose burst into his eyes.

"Then, I'll go prepare it for you two~"

Shinjoka first looked at Eiri, then turned to look at Kato Yusuke, giving him an intriguing wink.

"If you need anything else, please call me at any time, Master?"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Eiri looked at her back and couldn't help but sigh: "I feel like Shinjou-san is very suitable for such cute clothes."

"Have it?"

Kato Yusuke put his hands under the table.

"Hey, don't you think so?"

Yinglili turned around in surprise, "Actually, many people in school think she is cute recently, including classmates in my class."

"Sorry, I'm not sure."

"We are obviously classmates, are you too slow?"


Kato Yusuke responded absently while looking down at the things in his hands.

This is a rectangular remote control, about as long as a finger and about two fingers wide.




Arranged in top, middle and bottom order, these three English words are engraved on the surface of the remote control. There are two buttons, one small and one large, in the upper left corner and the center.

After pressing the button in the upper left corner, the small green light next to the English word flashes twice, which seems to mean that it is powered on.

Kato Yusuke studied it for a long time and couldn't figure out what it was.

Judging from Shinjoka's speech when he left, this should be an instrument such as a call bell. Many restaurants outside are also equipped with similar equipment.

‘But does our class have such a thing...? ’

He thought with some uncertainty, and he couldn't help but be filled with doubts.

They say practice is the only way to test truth.

In order to confirm what it is, Kato Yusuke decided to give it a try.

Press the middle button with a "Hey~" sound, and the small green light next to "MINIMUM" will enter a steady state.

——However, the expected electric bell was not heard.

He couldn't help but feel a little confused about this, so he pressed "Bo~" again.


A sweet and charming muffled sound came from the kitchen.

In an instant——

The already relatively quiet classroom suddenly became silent.

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