Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and eighty-seven, cultural festival (10)

After that, Kato Yusuke and Eiriri reunited.

Perhaps under the influence of Shinjoka, the tired girl asked to have something to eat, so the two of them came to the atrium together.

This is the patio area of ​​the school, and it is also the area with the strongest smoke.

There are rows of stalls all around.

For example, fried noodles, hot dogs, toasted waffles, candy apples, chocolate bananas, and a shaved ice stand that was set up because someone took the wrong drug.

The air is filled with the aroma of all kinds of food, stimulating the greed in people's bellies.

Students hawking goods and tourists enjoying local food gathered together, making the atmosphere very lively.

Members of the executive committee wore armbands and conducted safety checks on all booths one by one.

Including but not limited to the freshness of ingredients, dangerous goods near fire sources, garbage cleanup status, etc., and finally recorded according to the situation.

Kato Yusuke bought a piece of fried noodles and two bottles of melon soda, and Eiri bought a maple syrup-flavored toasted waffle.

About ten centimeters apart, the two sat down on a bench in the atrium.

"Here, here's a soda." Kato Yusuke opened a bottle of soda and handed it to him.

"Well, thanks." Ying Lili took the soda, took two sips, and then put the glass bottle aside.

Under the winter sun, both her shining blond hair and her skin as white as fresh snow looked particularly dazzling.

"So, what's going on over there in Shinjo?"

"Well... let's leave her to Teacher Kiyura in the health room."

"You've been there for a long time. Is there anything wrong with the situation?"


Eiri shook her head slightly and explained: "Teacher Kiyura said that Shinjou-san was probably just a little tired, so she arranged for her to rest there, and I chatted with her for a while."

Kato Yusuke nodded to express his understanding and had no intention of asking further, but the cell phone in his pocket vibrated with a "buzz".

Open it and take a look.

【New Tiaoxiang: Daily Lesson? (Photo.jpg)】

A pink ball the size of a pigeon egg, plus a pair of slightly transparent underwear, came into view brightly.

"What are you doing?"

"No, it's nothing."

Before Erili looked over, Kato Yusuke immediately put away the phone and put it in the pocket on the other side without the remote control.

In order to cut off the thoughts in his mind, he neatly took apart the disposable chopsticks.

When I was about to eat fried noodles...

"——Hey, give me a bite too."

Such words suddenly came to my ears.

"I'm talking about you..."

Kato Yusuke handed over the fried noodles and the newly opened chopsticks, and said silently: "When I bought it just now, didn't you say you wouldn't eat it?"

"What does it matter? I'll just take a bite, you cheapskate."

Ying Lili took the fried noodles box, picked up a handful of wheat-colored noodles with chopsticks, and slurped it in.

"Ah~ this is delicious!"

The innocent look made Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile: "If you like it, do you want me to buy you another one?"

"No, I still have waffles to bake and fried noodles for you."


Kato Yusuke took back the fried noodles, turned his chopsticks over, and took a big bite.

The noodles taste good or bad, just like the instant noodles you buy in the supermarket. There is nothing special about the cooking method, just stir-fried with salty Teppanyaki sauce.

Overall, this fried noodles is not delicious, full of the cheap taste unique to festival stalls.

As for why the girl thought it tasted delicious, it was probably due to the atmosphere at the scene.

Just like when eating barbecue, choose a crowded place and sit outside to eat. Under the influence of a unique atmosphere, ordinary food will become delicious.

Kato Yusuke was eating fried noodles and drinking soda with relish, but Eri suddenly hit him in the side with her elbow.

"Hey, this toasted waffle is so delicious! It's so soft!"

"Well...I can understand that you are excited, but there is no need to bump into me because of this, right?"

"What are you doing? Are you dissatisfied?" Ying Lili looked sideways.

Kato Yusuke shook his head helplessly, "No..."

"Huh huh..." Ying Lili hummed softly, as if she suddenly thought of something. She cut off a small piece of muffin with a plastic fork and brought it to his mouth.

"...As a return gift, let me give you a bite."


Kato Yusuke was stunned. Before he could speak, the other party warned him urgently: "Also, if your lips dare to touch the fork, I will kill you!"

Hearing this, he suddenly couldn't bear it and drooped his eyes, lamenting: "Then can I choose not to eat...?"

Yinglili didn't say a word, staring straight at him, with a strong expression and wavering eyes, as if she had gathered enough courage.


Kato Yusuke tilted his head slightly and said in a funny tone: "Okay, okay, I'll just eat. You don't need to be so serious."

He opened his mouth and leaned forward, carefully biting off the golden waffle from the fork, then closed his mouth to chew.

"...Hey, this waffle is quite delicious, almost as good as those sold outside."


Yinglili's shoulders relaxed slightly and she stared at the fork for a while, then she straightened her head with a "Humph~" and a proud look on her face.

"——So didn't I say it was delicious, idiot?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

"Although it is delicious, I can only give you one bite, okay? The rest is mine."

"Even if you weren't so vigilant, I wouldn't rob you." Kato Yusuke looked at her half amused and half helpless, thinking she was inexplicably cute.

The person involved glared at him angrily, then lowered his head in embarrassment and continued eating the waffle.

"Speaking of which, are you in the mood to talk about business now? Yinglili."

Ying Lili stopped moving her hands and said vaguely: "Not yet..."

Kato Yusuke nodded lightly, without being too pushy. While watching the people coming and going in front of me, I drank melon soda leisurely.

"Then have you decided where to go next?" he asked.


Yinglili agreed in a low voice, with a rare uneasiness on her delicate little face, "I want to go to the haunted house."


Kato Yusuke turned to look at her strangely, suspecting that he heard wrongly, "Haunted house? But don't you hate this kind of thing?"

"Is there... a... method?"

"Huh? What did you say?"


Ying Lili lowered her head with a frown on her face and refused to explain.

"The Strategy for Sluggish Angle"

Author: Sayuri Sawamura

Point 1: Invite the target to go to the haunted house together, use the suspension bridge effect to create a heart-racing atmosphere, increase physical contact, and show off your feminine charm?~

Yinglili recalled her mother's words in her mind, her eyes gradually became firm.

So, after eating and drinking, the two returned to the teaching building and came to the third-floor corridor.

Among the crowded crowd, only one classroom exuded an ominous atmosphere.

On the wall outside the classroom, newspapers with bloody handprints were spread all over the wall in disorder, giving off a crazy atmosphere like something from a B-level movie.

——That is the classroom belonging to Class D of the second year.

The two consciously walked to the end of the line and started queuing.

It was obviously just after noon, but there was a long queue in front of the classroom, and there were dedicated personnel in charge of organizing the queue.

Students and tourists who like excitement gather here, eager to try the taste and depth.

"Is this the haunted house built by Class D and Class E? It seems very interesting."

"It's true~ It is said that there are sound effects recorded by real people in it."

"I've heard about it too! And the last part is a great experience, perfect for couples to come together!"


People were discussing it with excitement written on their faces.

Kato Yusuke glanced at Eri, who was standing next to him with her arms folded, her fingers on her arms tapping her arms frequently, and she was obviously nervous.

‘If you’re so scared, why come? ’ He groaned secretly in his heart, unable to figure out the reason.

But no matter what, since he had agreed to the other party, he had no intention of going back on it.

After waiting in line for twenty minutes, it was finally their turn.

The conductor guarding the door was wearing a black cloak and a Jason mask on his face, and he deliberately spoke in a strange voice.

"Jiejiejiejiejiejie ~ Please pay the entrance fee, 600 yen per person."

The sharp screams came from the classroom behind the black cloth, which was intimidating.

Eirili tensed her nerves and swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously. Then she stiffly prepared to get her wallet, but was stopped by Kato Yusuke.

"I'll do it," he said, taking out his wallet to pay and getting two light sticks from the conductor.

"Jie Jie Jie ~ Two fresh lambs presented their sacrifice."

The conductor spoke in a cadence, and raised his hand to lift the door curtain, revealing the dark entrance inside, his tone full of hints.

"Remember, if you are in danger, please shout for help, and someone will come to save you."

The rules of the game here are that two people work together, so they don’t have to wait to get together.


Kato Yusuke looked at the conductor expressionlessly, wanting to ask him if he didn't feel ashamed. As a result, Yinglili seemed to like this very much and came towards him tremblingly.

Seeing this, he asked.

"How about it? If you regret it now, we can play something else?"

I don't know what kind of stimulation she received, but Yinglili shook her head firmly, obviously not agreeing with this proposal.

Kato Yusuke simply took her into the classroom without further persuasion.


As the curtain was lowered behind them, all the light was blocked out.

Of course, what was in front of him was pitch black, with only the fluorescent stick in his hand emitting a faint light, illuminating the person's face in a blue light.

Kato Yusuke picked up the light stick and looked at it, and found that it probably wasn't there yet, so he called Eiriri and walked forward.

It wasn't until after turning the first corner that the scene changed.

In front of him was a narrow passage built with boards, barely wide enough for three girls to sit side by side.

The board was covered with a black plastic bag, and there were many unknown phrases and ghostly symbols stuck on it, such as "I hate it so much" and "Give me back my life."

Just like when the admission was arranged, they were all specious psychological hints.

Looking up to the front, the dark passage was dim and shadowy, as if something was quietly lurking in the darkness.

Whenever the cool wind blows in, the plastic bags on the board rustle, and the shadows of the two people also distort.

Tick ​​tock——, tick tock——.

The sound like water drops falling into a deep well came from the depths, and mixed with the sound of the wind that sounded like mourning, making people shudder.

Kato Yusuke turned his head and looked to his side.

At this time, Yinglili was looking around anxiously, her white face slightly pale, and she was clutching her chest with one hand, and holding the hem of his coat with the other hand.



He just asked casually, but the other party's body jumped suddenly, and then his eyes opened angrily.

"W-what are you doing...Why are you talking suddenly!?"

"No...I just want to say, if you are ready, let's move forward."

"Then, you don't need to say that kind of thing, just leave quickly!" Ying Lili said this, but her feet did not move.

Kato Yusuke looked at her ugly face and asked: "...Anyway, do you want to hold hands?"

"Ha-ha...? Holding, holding hands? Why would I do that? Could it be...are you scared?"

"...Well, let's just take it as that, so let's hold hands."

Yingli looked at his outstretched hand, hesitated for a few seconds, and then put her hand up tremblingly.

"I-I'm not hurting you, are you afraid? I just saw you shaking, so I helped you...Don't, don't misunderstand me!"

The parties involved acted as if they had no choice but to do so.

‘...So why do you want to find fault for yourself? ’

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but sighed heavily: "Ah, I understand, let's go."

After finishing speaking, he led her forward, and this time the other party was very cooperative.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

The sound of heavy and light footsteps echoed quietly, exploring the depths cautiously.

As if to dispel the fear of the dark, Eirili raised her voice and spoke.

"Ahem, hum! What you say, what you say shows that you are a boy, but you are actually afraid of...that kind of thing. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"Well - if you want to say it, I think everyone has their own things that they are afraid of, right? There is nothing to be ashamed of."

"B-but... Ghosts are just like Santa Claus. Even elementary school students don't believe in them...!"

"Everyone is different, and there is no need to compare with others."

"...Then, besides ghosts, what else are you afraid of?"

"In my's probably because I'm afraid of losing someone important to me."

"...Losing someone important?"

"Well, this is the only thing I can't accept."

"What would you do if you lost it?"

"Well, it's hard to answer this question."

"What does that mean...!"

"After all, people will change due to various opportunities. Now I can only answer you in one sentence."

Kato Yusuke turned around and said softly: "I will never lose anyone easily again."

Yinglili couldn't help but be stunned, she felt that there seemed to be something hidden in these words, and she hurriedly wanted to ask.

But at this moment, something suddenly fell from the sky and fell to the ground with a "snap".

She looked down subconsciously.

Through the faint blue light of the fluorescent stick, what came into view was a broken forearm, with cold white bones visible between the flesh and blood.

The moment she saw the thing clearly, her pupils suddenly dilated and contracted, and her scalp felt numb.


The person involved screamed without any image: "Come out, come out, come out, come out—!!!"

The shrill screams echoed.

Slowly, the boy's voice rang in his ears.

"This is just a prop, Eiri."

There was a strange calming power in the voice, full of calmness.

But even so, Yinglili still didn't dare to look, she just closed her eyes tightly, "You, take it away quickly——!!"

Kato Yusuke picked up the amputated limb and found that it was made of silicone material. It looked realistic at first glance in the dark.

He put the small prop aside casually, and then said: "Okay, it's done."

"Really, really...?"

"Well, really, I'm not going to lie to you."


Yinglili opened her eyes slightly and saw that the thing was no longer on the ground, so she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Kato Yusuke looked at her and suggested: "If you are really scared, otherwise we will retreat from here..."

"--I do not want!"


Yingli pressed her chest lightly, took a deep breath, and then exhaled it from her chest.

"...Keep walking, let's play until the end."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but asked in confusion: "...There's nothing to be brave about in this kind of thing. Is it necessary to be so persistent?"

There was a slight doubt in his heart.

After all, the other party is not the kind of person who likes horror themes. He also showed strong discomfort, but refused to give up.

This kind of behavior is so abnormal that it’s hard not to think too much...

"But I just want to play... at least until the last part..." Ying Lili lowered her head and muttered, without explaining the reason.

Kato Yusuke scratched his hair in confusion, thought for a moment, and then said helplessly: "Okay, if you insist..."

"Um...thank you."

"It's not like I'm going to say thank you...anyway, if you're scared, just close your eyes and pull me, and I'll take you the rest of the way."


After hearing this, Yinglili nodded heavily, immediately hugged his arm tightly, and pressed her whole body against him, as if she was conjoined with him.

'There's no need to be so close...'

Kato Yusuke thought so, and wanted to persuade her not to get so close, otherwise it would affect her walking. But when he saw the other party's trembling look, he gave up this plan.

"…Then, if you're ready, I'm going to start leaving."

Yinglili didn't say anything to this, she just closed her eyes and nodded repeatedly to acknowledge his words.

Kato Yusuke smiled bitterly and felt as if he had become a guide dog, so he slowly walked forward with her.

The two people were side by side and holding hands.

Step by step forward in the darkness...

(Back to draft progress 4/10)

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