Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and two, female dog character

In the conference room, people gathered together again.

Namishima stood in front of the conference table, looked at everyone present slightly nervously, encouraged himself secretly, and then spoke loudly.


I am Demi Namishima, I am 14 years old, and I live in Nagoya with my family. My hobbies are animation, games, and drawing~!

I am very honored to be a member of "TYPE-MOON". I would like to ask for your advice in the future, please————! "

After finishing speaking, he bowed deeply.

The clear and loud voice echoed in the room, sounding full of energy.

Pah pah pah pah——

"Welcome to join us and go to sea!"

An Yilun also took the lead in applauding, smiling like a kind old father, very pleased.

"Congratulations on passing the exam and going to sea."

Sitting next to him was Namishima Iori, with a handsome face and a smile on his face. He was also clapping and applauding to express congratulations.

"Senior Renye, brother... thank you...!"

Namishima Dekai straightened up and said, his expression seemed like he wanted to cry, but he was also sincerely happy.

Whether sincerely or following the crowd, others also applauded.

An Yilun also glanced sideways at Hashima Iori beside him, and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "You are not one of us, why are you here?"

Although the voice was small, Hashishima Iori still heard it and responded with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for two years, are you too cold, Toruya-san?"

"I've said it several times, right? Don't call me 'classmate' in a nasal voice. "

An Yilun said unwillingly: "Besides, didn't you move to Nagoya? Why did you come back?"

"Well, didn't you see that the person standing above is my sister? As an elder brother, I naturally have to accompany her. What's more -"

Namishima Iori continued without squinting:

"Winter I at the end of the year is coming soon, so I naturally want to attend the long-awaited event. I don't know how many business cards, emails, notebooks, boutiques and money I will receive this time? I'm looking forward to it now. I can’t stop~”

"Iori, you are indeed still doing that kind of thing...!"

"What reason is there to stop?"

"Don't make me repeat myself... I just don't like how you look like this!" An Yilun also said from the bottom of his heart.

As a conservative who sticks to the rules, there is a huge ideological conflict between him and his former friend who pursues fame and wealth!

The two met in the spring of their first year in junior high school.

Having the same hobbies, they only chatted for a few dozen minutes and became like-minded brothers.

At that time, Iori Namishima was already an elite among otakus. Not only did he have a profound knowledge reserve and a rich collection of collections, but he also had connections that were beyond the reach of An Yirun.

In the summer of that year, he went to Iket for the first time with the other person, and he further saw the other person's power.

From big-name fan creators, to well-known cartoonists and animators in the commercial field, to big shots with the titles of director and president, there are all acquaintances of Iori Hashishima.

Even with some important people they meet for the first time, Iori Hashishima can naturally chat with them and win their favor, and her social skills are superb.

Of course, An Yilun was also severely shocked, but at the same time, he was even more fascinated by this first otaku friend he had made in junior high school.

Even if the other party is a handsome but carefree young man, and there are different girls by his side every time they meet, he shows an annoying look that makes people itch!

——But he is still willing to interact with the other party, and he is happy for it!

It wasn't until he saw clearly the nature of Namishima Iori's speculator that he would choose to part ways with him a year later, until the other person moved his family out of Tokyo and completely disappeared from his world.

In a word, there was indeed a regrettable and unbearable fate between the two.

While An Yilun was thinking about this, Bo Dao Chuhai also came over.

"Senior Renye, can I sit next to you?" The person involved pointed to the empty seat on his right and asked, dragging him back to reality.

"...Huh? Well, of course. Please sit down and go to sea."

"Okay~~Thank you, senior."

"There's no need for you to be so polite."

An Yilun also waved his hands pleasantly, feeling very comfortable.

Unlike his unpleasant ex-friends, Chuhai is the only fan and disciple he has maintained.

"I always feel that Izuku and Aki-san are exactly the same." Hui, who was sitting opposite, suddenly said something with mixed feelings in his tone.

Hearing this, An Yilun couldn't help but ask: "...Are you praising or criticizing? Depending on the options, it seems that there can be various explanations."

"Uh, none of that. I don't mean to praise or criticize you, I just express my feelings."

"Don't use excuses like elementary school students to deal with people."

"Well, this is..."

Megumi's eyes wandered between An Yirunya and Hashima Dekai, and said thoughtfully: "How should I put it? I just think that you two should have shared a quite fulfilling time two years ago~"

"Well, this is not bad..."

An Yilun also scratched his head and turned his attention to the busty loli on the right, who gave him a sweet smile in return.

He couldn't refute or deny Hui's point of view, after all, it was the truth.

During the six months before Hashishima moved out of Tokyo.

The other party is his chosen successor, a comrade who deeply loves the same works, and a disciple who has inherited his otaku knowledge and spirit——

He has indeed been protecting this girl who is younger than him.

Although I didn't recognize each other the first time they met again, this was a true portrayal of their friendship at that time.

For An Yirun, who had lost two comrades in succession, the appearance of Hashima Dekai was like a new hope, allowing him to recover a little from the setbacks in elementary school and junior high school.

——The significance is extraordinary.

Seeing his look of reminiscing about the past, Shiyu joked: "It's great, I've got a clingy schoolgirl character from Ethical Classmate."


"A junior high school student, different uniforms, a heavenly appearance, and the dedication of waiting for the ethical classmates... I feel like I really let people see the essence of a dog-type female character."


"If you add "yes" at the end of the sentence when you speak, it will be perfect. "

"Yes? Isn't that the mouth habit of the heroine in "ToHeart2"? Doesn't it turn out that Toruya-senpai likes this~? Well, I can try to add it~!"

"Huh...what nonsense are you talking about!"

Facing the innocent Haidao, An Yilun, who didn't want to be misunderstood, defended himself repeatedly and couldn't help but complain.

"Besides! You've been called a dog-type female character by others, aren't you angry?"

"Huh? No, I don't hate dogs anyway~!"

", so dazzling..."

"I hate it~~Senior."


A hint of amusement flashed in Shiyu's eyes, and he looked sideways at Yingli, who was sitting on the right and was unusually quiet.

"Well, after hearing what the woman from two years ago said, what does the woman from six years ago, Sawamura, think?"

"...If you keep talking, I will not draw the characters in the work, but change it to a humiliation version of the author Kasumi Shiko."

Shiyu didn't care about this and laughed.

"But, judging from the time, you two have known each other for a longer time, right? But you, your childhood sweetheart, lost to the woman from two years ago~"


Even though she knew she was deliberately fanning the flames, Yinglili couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

As the first original artist of the art department, she was originally inspecting the works brought by Hashima Dekai, but she was disturbed by their noise, so she said something to the other side impatiently.

"Are you done yet? Is this the time to talk about these gossips? Can't we get down to business? Our studio is not for you to have fun!"



An Yilun and Bo Daochang immediately stopped talking, and then responded one after another.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, Sawamura-senpai! I was so excited to see Tomoya-senpai that I accidentally got carried away."

"It's not your fault, Izumi. After all, you were influenced by me... But even if you say you want to talk about business, Yingli, what is business?"


Yinglili couldn't help but be stunned.

She was just using the topic as a way to vent her emotions, but she never really thought about it so much, and she fell into a misfire for a while.

"Speaking of which, I have a question~"

As if to help her out, Hui on the side took the initiative and asked:

"You mean you don't live in Nagoya when you go overseas? How will you work then?"

"Ah, about this problem. Although I'm sorry, I will probably have to work remotely for a long time...but I will video chat with you! I have caused trouble to you all!"


Shiyu frowned slightly as he thought about it, looked at the young man sitting in the front seat who had never spoken a word, and asked, "Do you think this is okay, Yu-chan?"

Kato Yusuke knew what she was worried about, so he nodded gently and answered.

"It's nothing, I know this well. Besides, in addition to going overseas, the studio will also recruit a local painter, so you don't have to worry."

When everyone heard this, they didn't say anything more.

"By the way, Yinglili."

An Yilun also subconsciously looked to the opposite side and asked, "It seems that you have seen Hai's paintings for a long time. What do you think?"


Ying Lili frowned slightly, then put the works in her hands neatly on the table with an expressionless expression, and said lukewarmly: "It's okay."

"Hey, you are a senior who has gone to sea. This attitude is too cold, isn't it?"


Ying Lili folded her arms lightly and remained silent as if she didn't bother to answer.

"Ah, by the way...Sawamura-senpai~!"

Namishima Dekai clasped his hands on his chest, with a innocent and harmless smile on his face, and a pair of big round eyes with a hint of excitement.

"Well, I heard my brother talk about it! I didn't expect that the beautiful girl from Shimamura Middle School, Sawamura-senpai, is actually the famous teacher Eri Kashiwagi. I'm really surprised!"

As soon as these words came out, the room suddenly fell silent.

"From Shimamura Middle School..."

"Jade girl...?"

Shiyu and Hui murmured unconsciously, focusing on Eirili among them.

An Yilun also had a strange expression, as if he was suppressing a smile, "...Yinglili, it turns out that you were called that embarrassing nickname when you were in junior high school."

Yinglili glared fiercely and choked: "Luosuo, don't you know that I am also being praised in an exaggerated way now?"

"Oh, that's true."

An Yilun also nodded with deep feeling and couldn't agree more with these words.

As for Shiyu, she said it unintentionally.

"Let me think about it, "The Ace of the Art Club", "The Most Beautiful Girl in the School", "The Golden Legend of Toyosaki"... You have quite a few nicknames, Sawamura. "

"Why did you tell it on purpose! Besides, you are not called "Snow Girl" yourself, and the last legend is not a compliment at all, right? "

Eiri's cheeks felt slightly warm, and she subconsciously glanced at Kato Yusuke, who was in the first place, and then hurriedly took it back.

Her movements were concealed and fast, but Hui who was walking in the same direction happened to see her clearly.

The girl couldn't help but frown slightly, her eyes alternated between the two people, and finally she lowered her head slightly without saying anything, pretending to be thoughtful.

After everyone had stopped laughing, Hashima Dekai continued talking about the previous topic.

"Well, Sawamura-senpai... No, Kashiwagi-sensei!

I have actually heard of your name a long time ago, and I am also a loyal fan of your community website. I have always followed your works.

So I am really honored to have the opportunity to create with you in the future like this!

Please give me your advice in the future——! "

His voice stuttered slightly due to excitement, but also contained a bit of respect for his seniors.


Yinglili failed to respond politely.

If it were normal times, she would definitely chat happily with a female fan who shared the same interests.

However, after what happened in the park just now, she couldn't be happy no matter what, she just felt like a knot in her heart, which was extremely awkward.

In silence, Kato Yusuke lightly knocked on the table twice, attracting everyone's attention.

"Okay, let's stop talking here first.

It just so happened that it was almost noon now. Xiao Kano made a reservation at a nearby restaurant. It was a welcome party for the new members. Let's pack up and get ready to go. "

"""""Welcome party?"""""

An Yirunya, Hashima Izumi, Eiri, Shiyu, and Hui said in unison, showing unexpected expressions.

Namishima Iori touched her nose, raised a hand and asked: "Kato-kun, since you are going to have a dinner together, then I will..."

"You and Ms. Kosaka's seats have also been reserved, so just come together."

"That's it..."

Hearing what Yusuke Kato said, Iori Hashishima suddenly showed an understanding expression, smiled and nodded, "Well, then I'd rather be respectful than obey."

"Miss Kousaka?" x3

Except for the brother and sister Hui and Hashishima, the other three people all expressed doubts about this unfamiliar name and looked at Kato Yusuke in confusion.

The next second, a lazy voice sounded from the door.

"Oh? Are you finally done talking? I'm almost bored."

Everyone looked at the source of the sound again.

A mature woman with long brown hair and a black trench coat came into view.

Shiyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and she stood up from her seat unconsciously, "Miss Benisaka Akane...why are you here...?"

Following closely——


A loud voice full of surprise also sounded, shaking the ears of everyone present.

"K-Kenisaka Akane——!?"

An Yilun also ran up in three steps at a time, clenched his fists in front of his chest excitedly, and shouted loudly:

"That! Miss Zhuyin, I am your super fan!

The work you once created, "The Cardinal of Gotanda", is my favorite animation.

If you can, please sign for me——! "

Because he moved so quickly, Iori Hashishima didn't even have time to stop him, so he just watched him step on the thunder.

As expected...

After being stunned for a moment, Akane Benisaka's originally smiling expression gradually turned cold.

"Hey, kid."

She asked Kato Yusuke angrily: "Where did you find such an ignorant brat?"


An Yilun was also stunned on the spot.

After stepping on the thunder, An Yilun finally got his wish and got the autograph, and also had a great talk with his idol during the banquet.

Although he was talking shamelessly to himself most of the time, when certain topics came up, Akane Kurisaka still had a few words with him.

In addition, Kato Yusuke also officially introduced the identity of Akane Kurisaka to everyone, using the name of a partner.

Although everyone was a little surprised by this, they quickly accepted it.

After all, they had the copyright deal for "Chainsaw Man" in front of them, so it would be strange to say that the two of them didn't know each other.

After the dinner party, An Yilun, who had nothing to do, did not stay in the studio for long. He said hello to Yusuke Kato and took the train home.

A little unexpectedly, Yinglili also took the same bus as him, but she didn't talk to him along the way, and even deliberately kept a distance from him, but she didn't know what it meant.

An Yilun was a little troubled at first, but later it didn't matter.

He only has one mood left now, and that is to quickly take the collected signatures home and treasure them, without even wanting to delay for a second!

In this way, the two arrived at Gakushuin Station together and walked on the road like a pair of strangers.

An Yilun also thought that Yinglili would remain silent forever, but the other party spoke when she walked to the detective slope.

"...Otakus like you just don't know how to care about others, so your social status remains low. You just do your own thing!"

"Don't you think that your disrespectful and high-pressure attitude towards others is the main reason for the low social status of otakus? You are unruly and unruly..."

"Even if we are all otakus, Yusuke is ten thousand times better than you..."

"Ah, Kato is indeed very good. Even Iori is far behind him among the big people I know. But the problem is..."

An Yilun also said calmly:

"If you want to use Kato as a standard, let alone otakus, even among those super cashiers, how many people can match him?"

Eirili couldn't help but nodded and whispered: "Yusuke is indeed very good, although sometimes he is a bit unhuman... but no one is better than him."

"...By the way, have I been treated as nothing by you since just now?"

"I really ignored you."

"Then what do you mean by following me so aloofly? Are you angry?"

"not at all."

"Are you angry with me and Chuhai? After two years of absence, friends will come back here. Of course, the conversation will open up, right?"

"I just said that I am not angry anymore. You are too self-aware and your misunderstanding is too deep."

"Yeah, that's good."

"Your attitude of explaining things to your own advantage and relaxing your mind is also very bad."

An Yilun also stopped immediately, "What are you doing? Are you angry?"

Ying Lili had displeasure on her pretty little face and asked in a murmur: "What kind of "Little Rhapsody" did you give me? You..."

"...That's a masterpiece, right?"

"But, that's obviously...!"

"'Little Love Rhapsody' is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation."

An Yilun also adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in a nonchalant manner: "When it comes to games that you want to give to ordinary girls who are not otakus, you usually choose this series of games, right?"

"Well... Lun Ye!" Ying Lili frowned, unable to help but feel angry.

"Uh, did I say something wrong?"

"You obviously obviously know what I want to complain about!"

"Yinglili, I don't think I have any reason to have you point my fingers at me?"

"How long are you going to hold grudges? When you are a boy, you only care about trivial things!"

"A true otaku is one who pays attention to details, right? What you're saying is incomprehensible. "

An Yilun also said, the lenses of his glasses glowed white under the afternoon sun, making it difficult to see his expression clearly.

"In that case! Why are you still..."

Yingli felt like she had something stuck in her throat, and she couldn't even ask, "Come to talk to me?"



They both fell silent.

After six years, the huge rift between them gradually emerged.

For Yinglili, the meaning of "Little Rhapsody" is not that simple at all, because it symbolizes the friendship between them and it was also the game she originally lent to him...

She originally thought that the other party should think so and cherish it.

As a result, today, another girl got this work from him.

How to describe this feeling?

It was like something she cared about very much, but was given away by the other party in an understatement, which made her feel a deep sense of betrayal!

When she thought of this, Yinglili couldn't help but feel extremely irritable.

The long-standing knot in my heart has not been resolved, but has made my heart even heavier.

She took a deep breath, the expression on her face became cold, she paused and said: "...Forget it, there is nothing more to say."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and walked forward quickly.

When Yinglili passed by, An Yilun opened his mouth subconsciously, trying to say something, but was stopped by the hatred that emerged from deep within his heart the next second.

So he just stood there silently.

The footsteps behind me gradually fade away...

(Back to draft progress 6/10)

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