Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and six, cordial and friendly exchanges

After Eri, Nitta Yuka also opened fire on her own account.

"As a journalist who has interviewed Mr. Fujimoto, I would like to briefly explain my views here.

He was a very outstanding young man, both in terms of talent and character. At least I didn't find anything worthy of being criticized.

On the contrary, I would like to ask Mr. Horikoshi Jinbei some questions here, and I hope you can answer them without hesitation.

First of all, I learned that your serial work "Battle Star Kid" seems to have released its latest single volume at the beginning of this month.

I would like to ask you why you chose to slander others at this point in time. Did you want to promote yourself, or did you want to sell your work better?

Secondly, I want to know that you did not hesitate to suppress a high school student in order to promote your work. How did you feel when you did this?

Finally, I would like to ask on my own behalf only. What do you think of the widely circulated opinion that you have passed away?

@Horikoshi Jinbei”

As the signature reporter of TV Tokyo, Nitta Yuka is also a public figure.

As soon as this post was posted, it attracted countless attention.

Unlike Eri and others, Nitta Yuka's status as a reporter determines that she can come into contact with people from all walks of life, and the resulting influence is not limited to a single field.

On this basis, this matter also successfully broke through the circle and successfully spread to the eyes of people in other fields.

After reading Yuka Nitta's updates, Hasumi Kanoko said something dumbfounded.

"You mean, this Nitta reporter is just swearing in the name of asking questions? Has she always been like this?"

Kato Yusuke nodded and replied something similar.

This is indeed Yuka Nitta’s interview style.

On the surface, everything seems to be peaceful and peaceful, but in fact, every word is poking at the heart of people's hearts, even killing people and punishing people's hearts is nothing more than that.

Next, others also took action.


“As a light novel editor, although I don’t know much about comics, if it comes to drawing skills, I can tell you responsibly——

Teacher Fujimoto’s painting skills are absolutely unparalleled!

In fact, we also asked Mr. Xia Shizi for a manuscript for the final volume of his works. As for the quality, you can judge by yourself.

All I can say is that Mr. Fujimoto’s style of painting is far more than the one in comics. Don’t underestimate him. "

Matsubara Hozumi:

"I have worked with Mr. Fujimoto and I can attest that he is nothing like Mr. Horikoshi Jinbei said.

Mr. Fujimoto is not only a very nice person, but also has excellent painting skills. He is a creator worthy of respect.

I hope everyone can distinguish right from wrong and not be misled! "

Fumio Sagano:

"It's okay to want to promote your own work, and it's normal to envy other people's achievements. But it's despicable to elevate yourself by belittling others! @Horikoshi Jinbei"


When he saw the name Sagano Fumio, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but froze for a moment. This was the first time he had seen this name.

After briefly recalling the ruffian who once appeared at the comic exhibition, Kato Yusuke also became a little curious about this creator who has always supported him.

On Twitter, members of "rougeenrouge" also took action.

Many creators with Blue V certification have issued statements online one after another, giving support and affirmation to Yusuke Kato.

A rough calculation shows that there are about a dozen creators who took action. There is no unknown person in there, they are all people who can be named in the circle.

And when they clearly stood on Kato Yusuke's side, their fans were naturally affected and began to wave the flag and cheer.

Following these big moves with blue V certification, a large number of ordinary netizens also actively rolled up their sleeves and got involved.

The Internet suddenly became very lively.

As An Yilun also said, this is a holy war.

A large number of users flocked to Horikoshi Jinbei's blog and Twitter account, sending "kind and friendly" greetings to the person involved in the comment area.

"Horikoshi Jinbei, get out of here. This old guy is totally shameless. He takes advantage of the large number of people and bullies the small number of people, right? You can tell me one more thing now."

"How disgusting! I thought only the entertainment industry was chaotic, but I didn't expect that even in the comics industry, there are such bully people. It's really eye-opening."

"If you say other people's works are bad, how good are you at drawing them yourself? You've been using the routine for several years and you still don't know how to change it. The character settings are always the same, and you've been doing the same thing all day long!"

"Who is the one who needs to learn humbly? You bastard, you keep fooling everyone with the same set of things from a few years ago, just thinking about making money. Don't insult us otakus!"

"I really liked your work, and I also liked the decent image of the protagonist in your work. I didn't expect the creator to be such a person. I'm so disappointed. I will never read your comics again."

"My friend from Kashiwagi Eri-sensei's place has a report."

"My friend from Matsubara Hozumi-sensei has a report."

"My friend from Sagano Fumio-sensei's side has a report."

Faced with the sudden surge in negative comments, Horikoshi Jinbei's fans were not to be outdone and immediately began to troll each other online.

As the number of comments and retweets increased, more and more people joined in the ‘friendly’ discussion.

It was under such circumstances that the students led by Shinjoka entered the venue.

Starting from the official account of "Shounen Undead", a group of people began to scroll through the comments from beginning to end.

Everyone turned over and sprayed all the way.

He has the aura of attacking Nantianmen from the Eastern Tang Dynasty without blinking an eye.

In fact, it’s not like no one spoke for Yusuke Kato online before.

But often if they just say a word, the enemy will spray back in time and quickly, drowning them in saliva.

Although people are angry about this, the power of individuals is too weak.

In addition, some people don't have much friendship with Kato Yusuke, so at most they just say a few words to help. Seeing that they can't have much effect, they will leave it alone later.

——But the situation now is different!

Under the leadership of Shinjoka, the friends in the school broke into pieces and twisted into a rope, officially launching a counterattack against the enemy!

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

Besides, there is someone taking the lead.

Under the old and new grudges, how could the people who were holding their breath be able to bear it? They immediately responded to all the comments made by the trolls.

With the counterattack, the situation immediately became complicated.

The situation escalated, and a group of people started a fierce exchange of opinions in the comment area.

"It's so funny. A rubbish comic is a rubbish comic. A comic that became popular purely by relying on counter-conventions and soft porn, but so many people are trying to criticize it? Are you all mentally retarded?"

"I'm going to die laughing, those upstairs should stop pretending.

But any reader who has actually watched "Chainsaw Man" knows that the reason why this work is popular is because of the meticulous characterization and the unexpected plot development.

The fact that you can say this can only prove two points:

1. You haven’t read the comics at all.

2. You are the naval force invited by Horikoshi Jinbei. "

"Bah! When Horikoshi Jinbei-sensei made his debut, your author was still a raw elementary school student. Do you need to hire a navy to deal with him? Is he worthy?"

"You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.

Anyone with any brains knows that Horikoshi Jinbei is deliberately trying to sell his own book.

Didn’t you see that all the Nitta reporters from TEPCO spoke out? Why didn’t Horikoshi Jinbei dare to respond? "

"Don't be too harsh here. With the childish style of "Chainsaw Man", would it have become popular if it hadn't been based on side effects?

Again, people who can draw such bizarre works must have psychological problems themselves! "

"I'm really convinced. There are so many big Vs who have stood up to prove Mr. Fujimoto's painting skills. Are there still people here who are so stubborn? Don't you know that the style of painting is just to suit the theme of the work?"

"Don't argue with him, brother, go read the long comment made by Mr. Sagano Fumio. It's so good! It speaks to people's hearts!"

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