Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and seventeen, unexpected encounter

After picking up Sayu who ran away from home, she began to be reborn in Tokyo Main Volume 217. She unexpectedly encountered "the result of the game just now."

The private Toyozaki High School is in the 18th grade, and the Tongxian High School is in the 17th grade.

Therefore, the winner was the private Toyosaki High School. "

As the referee made his announcement...

"Win... win——!


Miyazaki shouted as he rushed towards Nomiya.

Looking at Miyazaki who was jumping and fussing with his arms around his neck, Nomiya couldn't help but let out a big sigh, and then looked back.

The young man was sitting silently on the seat, holding the broken string bow in his hand, frowning slightly.

He couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this, then pushed Miyazaki's hand away and walked up.

After searching in his mind for a while, Nomiya said dryly:

Miyazaki followed him and said carelessly:

"Oh~ Kato-kun, thank you for your hard work!

It means that it was really dangerous just now. Fortunately, the opponent's No. 4 made a mistake, and Nomiya was still on track, otherwise he might have been dragged into the extra round~

By the way, were you injured just now? Do you want someone to take a look? "

Facing Miyazaki's question, Kato Yusuke calmed down the expression on his face and shook his head.

Miyazaki expressed nervously.

Nonomiya coughed maturely and made arrangements.

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

No one laughed at him.

Except for Kato Yusuke, the faces of the other three people were filled with joy from the bottom of their hearts.

The group of people started to pack their things.

Leave the shooting range and come outside.

The other members of the Archery Club were already waiting there.

Seeing them appear, they surrounded them excitedly.

"Thank you for your hard work. Come on, let me give you mineral water~

As Zuo Mei said this, everyone else nodded in agreement.

Kato Yusuke had no reaction to this. He drank water from a plastic bottle absentmindedly, his eyes wandering between the venue and the auditorium.

Groups from various schools were scattered around, now chatting animatedly and creating a noisy buzz.

--Nothing worth noting.

There was a trace of self-mockery in his eyes, and he felt a little ridiculous about his auditory hallucinations.

Ryoko Nakano, who came from the audience, just caught the emotion in his eyes. She couldn't help but pause slightly, and then came to the people with a normal expression.



Won the team competition. "

Nakano Ryoko smiled and said:

When his name was called, Nomiya scratched the back of his head and asked hesitantly:

Nakano Ryoko said and looked aside.

As she expected, Kato Yusuke refused without any surprise.

Seeing that his expression didn't seem to be fake, Nomiya felt relieved and said with some embarrassment:

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his feet and walked forward.

The other members of the Kyudo Club did not want to miss this scene and ran to join in the fun. In a blink of an eye, only Kato Yusuke and Nakano Ryoko were left.

Kato Yusuke took the initiative and said:

Ryoko Nakano stretched out her hand to take the bow, twisted the bow string with two fingers, observed for a moment, and asked with a smile:

Ryoko Nakano reached into his pocket and took out a medal and gave it to him.

Kato Yusuke accepted the somewhat lukewarm medal and put it into his pocket.

As the game came to an end, the crowd began to disperse.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the members of the Kyudo Club left and returned.

The leader, Nomiya, walked with majestic steps and couldn't hide his excitement as he handed the commendation book and trophy to Nakano Ryoko, and received a few words of encouragement from the latter.

Seizing this opportunity, Zuo Mei said coaxingly.

Miyazaki questions this.

Ryoko Nakano watched their interaction with a smile, and then said to everyone:

Zuo Mei said happily:

Seeing this, Miyazaki said another insult to her:

Of course, this is just a joke.

When they heard that a celebration banquet was going to be held, no one present was unhappy.

Just when everyone was discussing where to go next, Kato Yusuke spoke.

Zuo Mei said with an unacceptable look:

Ryoko Nakano said this first

He said something, then turned to look at Kato Yusuke.

Ignoring Kato Yusuke's dazed reaction, Nakano Ryoko couldn't help but said:

After greeting everyone, the girl led him outside the venue.

Before I knew it, the sky had completely darkened.

Bright street lights dotted both sides of the road, lighting up the night.

White snow covers the streets, dyeing the city white.

Ryoko Nakano made a phone call.

The two chatted while waiting.

Almost five minutes passed.

A black car drove slowly from the corner of the intersection and finally stopped in front of them.

The driver in a crisp suit got out of the driving seat and walked quickly to them holding an umbrella.

Nakano Ryoko didn't say anything, tightened the silk jacket tightly, and then introduced to Kato Yusuke:

Kato Yusuke first looked at the middle-aged man holding the umbrella for them, then looked at the S600 in front of him, and couldn't help but smile helplessly.

Ryoko Nakano smiled without saying a word, stretched out her hand to open the rear door, and joked:

Kato Yusuke suddenly felt even more helpless.

However, rather than rejecting it, he felt that it was better for him to accept the other party's kindness frankly.

Just when he was about to say thanks...

A nervous voice suddenly came from behind.

Kato Yusuke's expression froze and he suddenly looked back.

In the wind and snow, the girl standing there was as illusory and beautiful as the mirror image on the ice, occupying his field of vision.

The night breeze ruffled her hair slightly, and the familiar eyes under her long eyelashes stared at him intently.

Kato Yusuke's penis shook violently, and his heart suddenly shrank.

Just by looking at each other, his mind will be completely taken away.

The surrounding sounds suddenly became quieter, as if they were coming from a very far away place.

Sayu walked over with her legs spread, her tight little face looming in the hazy white air, with a touch of redness due to the cold temperature in her white skin, and a slightly forced smile.

The girl declared so, her amber eyes full of sincerity.

Nakano Ryoko let out a light sigh and whispered:

After hearing this, Sayu glanced at her doubtfully, his eyes wandering between her and Kato Yusuke, hesitation appeared on his face for a moment, and he pursed his lips slightly.

She couldn't help but think about it, then took a deep breath and explained:

There was a hint of apprehension in his clear eyes.

Ryoko Nakano looked at this scene thoughtfully and asked the boy next to her:

Kato Yusuke was silent, his dark eyes flickering like candlelight, and his throat seemed to be blocked, unable to make a sound.

He stared at the girl in front of him quietly, his eyes seemed to be traveling in the long river of time. Finally, he closed his eyes, exhaled heavily from his chest, and then opened his eyes again.

Frightened by his indifferent and distant tone, Sayu's weak body trembled, and he frowned and bit his lips and said:

There was a hint of stubbornness in his voice.

The young man remained silent, and the thing in his eyes went out silently, and became gloomy.

He turned around and faced the senior sister beside him.

Nakano Ryoko's eyes stayed on their faces for a few seconds, then smiled and nodded gently.

Without asking any questions, she took the umbrella from the driver and handed it into his hands.

Kato Yusuke said nothing, nodded solemnly, and then stepped forward in the opposite direction to the car.

As he passed by, Sayu suddenly heard a sound.

This made her startled for a moment, and then she suddenly woke up and quickly turned her body to follow his footsteps.

Two people, one in front and one behind.

Just slowly walked towards the depths of the night.

Behind them, the driver took out an umbrella from the car and held it for his young lady.

The girl wearing a silk coat was always looking at them.

On both sides of the straight road, street trees are neatly arranged.

Snow was hanging on the bare branches, and it was about to fall heavily.

The entire journey was silent.

The heavy and light footsteps echoed in the quiet night, leaving deep and shallow footprints.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the young man in front suddenly stopped.

He whispered, and then walked first towards a store across the street.

Sayu quickly followed the footsteps and instinctively looked around.

A rather fashionable-looking coffee shop comes into view.

The two of them entered the store one by one, and were led by the waiter to sit on the sofa area by the window.

It's brightly lit here.

Although Christmas has passed, the store still retains its festive decorations.

Soft bossa nova jazz fills your ears.

Bright soft lights fill the entire interior, creating a unique atmosphere to the café.

There is an indescribable sense of distance between the guests' conversations, which makes people feel as if they are floating in the water.

Looking out of the window, the monorail is running in the night, with an advanced atmosphere that is not found in Hokkaido.

I was brought back to reality by the waiter's question.

Sayu subconsciously looked to the opposite side and happened to hear the young man ordering a cup of American coffee and casting his gaze at her.

There was no emotion in the other person's eyes, but it made her a little nervous for no reason, so she hurriedly said:

The waiter who took the order turned and left.

While waiting, Kato Yusuke spoke bluntly:

Sayu unconsciously sat upright and didn't know where to start.

She first lowered her head and stared at the table for a while, then slowly raised her head and asked word by word:

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