Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty, the real thing

Starting from picking up Sayu who ran away from home, she began to be reborn in Tokyo Main Volume 220, the real thing-Padang.

Gently touch the door, isolating the scene inside.

Kato Yusuke took a deep breath and let the cold air flow into the depths of his nasal cavity.

There was no one around in the deserted outdoor area, and the emptiness made it even more chilly, but he didn't care at all.

From just now, his blood flow rate has increased sharply, and his body is feeling hot.

The sound of the wind beating on the windows in the cold night and the roar of people at the station seemed to be far away on the other side of the sky.

He kept taking deep breaths repeatedly, and no other sounds could reach his ears.

The body feels so heavy that it feels like it doesn't belong to him.

The thirsty mouth became sticky.

He wished he could run away home immediately, or go somewhere and get drunk. Exile yourself in the depths of the night where you can't see your fingers, so as to escape reality and the feeling of loss.

However, things have changed...

When he thought of the people who had stayed with him when he had fallen, he could no longer indulge himself without betraying their feelings.

Kato Yusuke stretched out his trembling hand and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

The hands that were hit by the cold wind became cold.

In the list of contacts that had grown unknowingly, he dialed Kano-chan's number.


After a brief busy tone, the person's gentle voice came from the receiver.

Kato Yusuke calmed down his mood and said in a relaxed tone as much as possible:

Click, there was some kind of faint knocking sound on the other end of the phone.

Slowly, the woman responded with a softer voice.

Hasumi Kanoko smiled and said:

Hearing the excitement in the other party's words, Kato Yusuke didn't want to dampen her mood, so he forced himself to continue talking.

Maybe it was because he acted well, but Hasumi Kanoko giggled happily.

Suddenly, their conversation stopped.

Hasten saw Kanoko and asked:

Yusuke Kato couldn't help but be startled by those harsh words, and fell silent.

He thought this to himself and responded at the same time.

Seeing Kanoko, Hassan asked doubtfully:

After a brief silence, Kato Yusuke answered her in as cheerful a tone as possible.

Ren saw Kanoko paused and whispered:

The two said good night to each other and ended the call.

Kato Yusuke looked at the phone screen and was silent for a moment.

He originally wanted to chat with Xiao Kano, but now that he knew that the other party was busy, he couldn't selfishly run to disturb him.

What's more, it doesn't seem appropriate to bring your negative emotions to the people around you without permission.

There is a bit of loneliness floating in the open space in front of the apartment.

Looking up inadvertently.

The thin ice-like moon floats in the distant sky.


Whether it is yesterday, today, tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow, helpless and tragic moments are happening in the world.

Unfortunately, the hands of the clock don’t stop for people’s grief.

Even if I wash my hair and take a bath after returning home, eat tasteless food, cry again under the quilt, and spend a sleepless night, the world still goes on as usual.

So people continue to wash their faces, brush their teeth, and start a new day.

He survived this, too.

No one could share it with him.

But in fact——

From the moment he saw Sayu, Kato Yusuke felt a tsunami in his heart. He stood there quietly, not letting anyone know.

But no matter how hard he tries to hide it, there is still a deep wound in his heart that opens, and bright red blood gushes out from there.

It's like a unique book preserved in memory.

He began to waver in his heart, whether he should continue reading and see the ending of the story.

Especially when he saw the other person's expression on the verge of tears, he felt his chest being squeezed tightly, and couldn't help but want to look away, but he also wanted to get closer.

after all--

That was the girl he once regarded as his life.

However, he could not become Sayu's favorite Iwanami classmate after all.

Bottom line.

It was just an out-and-out fake, not the real thing he was pursuing and longing for.

Something was twisted, and it was twisted by his own hands. This was the result of his own choice, and he had to digest the bitter pill alone.

Everything is fine with Sayu now, and there is no need to worry about a meaningless past.

——Even if it is a real thing that is important to him.


He forgot nothing, but some things were just for collection.

You can't talk about it, you can't think about it, but you can't forget it either.

Thinking of this, Kato Yusuke let out a deep breath.

Something was rolling and rolling in his chest, causing some kind of spasmodic pain in his stomach, making his face turn pale.

At this time, a girl's voice suddenly called him from behind.

While talking, the person involved ran up to him.

Kato Yusuke looked sideways.

The light gray casual jacket kept flying, revealing loose trousers of the same color underneath, and a pair of furry snow boots on his feet, which looked very warm.

Needless to say, the person who came was Shinjoka.

"Good evening, President

~I have everything "

Seeing the bitterness remaining on his face, the girl stopped mid-sentence and stood there for a moment, wondering and not daring to get closer.

Kato Yusuke tightened the clothes on his abdomen, focused his eyes on the paper bag in her hand, and asked breathlessly:

Shinjoka nodded happily, but she didn't act immediately. Instead, she looked at him with some worry.

Kato Yusuke's voice was deep and his face was ashen.

Shintiao Xiang hesitated for a moment and then asked:

Kato Yusuke waved his hand and said, then dragged his heavy body and prepared to leave.

Shinjoka quickly ran up and stopped in front of him.

Kato Yusuke remained silent, waiting for her next words.

Still empty. "

After a pause, Xintiao Xiang added:

Kato Yusuke glanced at the apartment behind him and asked thoughtfully:

Shinjoka took out a key from his pocket as he spoke and handed it to him.

I took the key just in case. President, don’t stand here in the cold. It will be more comfortable if you quickly go up and take a hot bath~"

As soon as she finished speaking, she took a breath and trotted away.

Because of this, Kato Yusuke took the key and came to the room on the second floor.

Take off your shoes that are wet with snow at the door.

He walked into the living room with legs that felt like they were filled with lead.

He didn't turn on the light, so he just sat down on the floor.

The layout of the slightly deserted house is basically the same as that of other rooms.

The room was shrouded in silence. Only the north wind outside made the windows rattle and the indoor temperature dropped very low.

Once he calmed down, his thoughts began to grow wildly like vines in the deep forest, making him inevitably worry about the things downstairs.

While he was sitting here, Sayu——

Is she still crying?

Was Shinjoka comforting her?

Was his attitude just now too hurtful?

The things I want to confirm come one after another.

Even though he couldn't do this, he still couldn't help but care about the other person.

The past events replayed in his mind scene after scene, accompanied by unspeakable guilt and sorrow, blaming his heart.

Rationality and sensibility collided with each other, causing the internal organs to feel as if they were being burned.

In order to suppress his runaway emotions, Kato Yusuke struggled to stand up from the ground and decided to take a bath to calm down.

He walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

He took off his wet clothes and came under the shower head.

Turn on the tap.

A shower head fixed high then sprayed cold water.

Kato Yusuke put his hands against the wall and let the cold water pour on his head, sending chills to his bones.

The sobs that she had managed to suppress in front of Sayu surged into her throat again.

The water flowing down the cheeks flowed into the mouth, and the tip of the tongue suddenly felt a strong salty taste.

even so--

He must also face tomorrow with the guilt of hurting Sayu and the decision to refuse.

Even if it was only a small step, he had to move forward.

If he keeps stagnating, he would be very sorry to the girls who have supported him and saved him.

This, he thought, must be the kind of closure he could achieve.

Until this moment, he still couldn't face his feelings.

He raised his head and lifted his hair, and the gradually hot water continued to pour on his body.

No matter what, he wanted to pursue the real thing.

Since he didn't bring any change of clothes, Kato Yusuke had no choice but to wear a bath towel for the time being.

When he walked out of the bathroom, the room that was supposed to be dark was now lit with lights.

In the living room.

Shinjoka was sitting on her knees in front of the low table with her hands on her chin, and she didn't know when she came.

Seeing him coming out, the other party stood up naturally and came over with a set of clothes in his arms.

Without saying anything, Kato Yusuke lowered his head and took the clothes back to the bathroom to change, and then came to the living room again.

When he came back, there were two more mugs on the table, and white air was rising from them.

Shinjoka smiled and pushed a cup over.

Kato Yusuke nodded, reached out to take the cup, and asked:

A strange color flashed in Shinjooka's eyes, and she began to ponder.

As she spoke, she picked up her hot milk, took a sip, and said nonchalantly:

Kato Yusuke lowered his head and drank his coffee without explaining.

After a long while, he spoke.

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