Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-two, annual meeting and gifts

Immortal River Press Year-end Appreciation Party

In the Hilton Hotel adjacent to Tokyo Bay, Fusugawa's annual meeting is being held here.

The magnificent banquet hall was brightly lit.

Gorgeous crystal lamps hang from the high ceiling, making them particularly dazzling.

In the center of the hall, there are many round tables covered with white tablecloths, with exquisite vases and red table flowers placed on them for people to rest.

The area against the wall on the north side is the buffet.

There is a dazzling array of food on the long dining table, and the white plates and smooth tableware are arranged neatly and meticulously.

Directly in front of the hall is a stage, which is decorated with delicate light-colored flower branches, cleverly separating the stage from the surrounding environment. There is currently no one on it.

Lively and melodious music was playing indoors.

The well-dressed guests mingled with each other, and the waiters with drinks in their hands shuttled gracefully among them.

The men sat at the table or gathered in a corner of the hall, holding wine glasses and talking and laughing.

The women were dressed brightly and whispered in groups of two or three. When they talked about something happy, they covered their mouths and smiled softly.

The banquet has not yet started, and some latecomers gradually entered the room.

Occasionally, when someone of distinguished status arrives, people will stop what they are doing and nod to greet the arriving distinguished guest. Those who are more accustomed to the relationship will take the initiative to talk.

The rest were paying attention to him while whispering about topics related to the person involved.

Wait until the guests have almost arrived.

The host stepped onto the stage, stood in front of the microphone and announced loudly:

Welcome all guests, the Fusukawa Fantast Grand Prix award ceremony is about to begin. Please hold up your wine glasses. First, I would like to invite teacher Xia Shizi to the stage!

Amid the applause, a graceful figure gracefully stepped onto the stage.

The black evening dress draws elegant curves along the body.

She wore a necklace as a decoration on her snow-white neck, which made her skin as white and pure as fresh snow particularly dazzling.

With every step she took, her dark and gorgeous hair and long skirt flew around, and every viewer was distracted.

Seen from a distance, the round earrings on the ears are also shining brightly, and the whole person is as gorgeous as a black rose.

The person involved stood in front of the microphone wearing stiletto heels, with his hands naturally folded in front of his lower abdomen. He exuded an awe-inspiring and powerful aura that could not be ignored.

The audience couldn't help being surprised and started talking in whispers.

very young!

Just like an actress…

I heard you are still a high school student, is that true?

Seizing this opportunity, let the host on the side introduce it.

Teacher Kasumi Shiko is the winner of the last Fantast Newcomer Award. Her first work "Love Metronome" is very popular in the market, with a total of 1.2 million copies sold!

Below, I invite teacher Kasumi Shiko to give a toast——!

After saying this sentence in a cadence, the host smiled and was about to leave the stage, and then heard this sentence...

Hello everyone, I am the Xia Shizi whom I just introduced. First of all, I hate speaking in front of people.

In an instant, the banquet hall became silent.

I was shocked by this shocking statement.

The host, who was about to step off the stage, stumbled suddenly and almost came into close contact with the ground.

Regardless of people's shocked reactions, Shiyu continued speaking.

... In order to survive by writing alone without interacting with people, I determined to become a writer, and my efforts have paid off so far.

What I didn't expect was that it pushed me onto this nerve-wracking stage. It was really ironic.

The slight smile in his voice made the atmosphere in the audience slightly warmer.

People's originally tense expressions lightened slightly.

So, congratulations to everyone this year

Newcomer Award winners, a year ago I was in the position you are in right now.

The girl talked freely.

At that time, I didn’t understand anything, nor did I understand the needs of readers. He is just a stupid young author who can write some self-satisfied and crude articles, and is otherwise useless and hopeless.

Although he finally won honors and awards, due to the above reasons, the initial sales of the work were not good, and he was ordered to cut it in half early.

In the audience, Keita Yamashina, who has been promoted to the head of the Animation Division, heard this with a smile on his face.

Oh my, this is such a nostalgic past. Right? Machida-kun~~~

Next to him, Machida Enzi had a hash mark on his forehead and replied in a nonchalant manner:

...As expected of Minister Yamashina, you are so proud of your lack of vision at that time.

Yamashina Keita was not angry after hearing this, and looked back to the stage in a friendly manner.

The speech continues.


I have someone who tries his best to protect me, a self-satisfied writer, while pointing out my shortcomings and areas for improvement, and helping me polish my poor work——

My managing, my partner.

Shiyu's expression softened.

Secondly, there are my juniors who first met me as readers and later provided me with many wonderful suggestions. They grew up with me... and the most important people.

The people in the audience couldn't help but let out a burst of knowing chuckles.

As participants of the Immortal River Publishing House, except for the newcomers and authors who have just joined, the rest of the people basically know who the people in these words are referring to.

Finally, the illustrator who provided high-quality illustrations for my serious articles, Matsubara Hozumi-sensei. I am truly grateful to have met these strongest partners.

Although I am still not good at socializing with people, I am fortunate to have met people who are willing to cherish me and can grow as a writer.

So I hope that all of you here are about to become writers, and when you spread your wings, you can also find your important partners like me. My best wishes to you all.

The beautiful and clear voice came out through the microphone and echoed in the venue.

In the atmosphere that unknowingly became heated, the girl raised the goblet filled with grape juice in her hand and signaled: Then, let us all work together...


The voices of men and women overlapped and responded to her in unison.


While people were changing glasses, Shiyu stepped off the stage in a cool and elegant manner and went straight to a corner of the banquet hall.

On the bench placed next to the floor-to-ceiling window, Kato Yusuke was sitting there alone.

Due to the requirements of the event, he also wore a suit and tie today. With her neatly styled hair combed back, she looks very eye-catching and stylish.

This caused many women present to cast their gazes in this direction, but they were worried about someone's presence and did not dare to step forward.

Shiyu's face showed a look of satisfaction, and his eyes looked around casually, his wine-red eyes glowing with provocation and pride.

That look is like saying: This is the person who belongs to me.

She raised the corners of her mouth happily, sat down on the empty seat next to him generously, and said: Sorry, did you keep waiting for a long time? Yuu-chan.


Kato Yusuke put away his cell phone, turned his attention to her, and replied: Senior sister gave a great speech just now, thank you for your hard work.

oh? Do you think so?


Then tell me, how many times did I just watch you on stage?


Shiyu raised his eyebrows with a half-smile and said: The correct answer is three times, but you

Every time you are busy looking at your phone, what happened?

Kato Yusuke was speechless when asked, and subconsciously thought of the message Shinjoka sent not long ago.

Report to the president, the girl named Sayu has left? I personally sent her to the airport and confirmed that she left. Above~

He was silent for a moment, then smiled, was nothing, just some trivial matters from the association, which had been taken care of.


Shiyu said oh, but did not point out the insincerity of his words. Instead, he reached for the bag placed aside and took something out of it.

By the way, I didn’t have a chance to see you because you were busy the past two days. This is the Christmas gift I prepared for you. Do you like it~?

Christmas gifts……?

Kato Yusuke reached out to take the thing and opened the box in his hand at the other party's signal.

——A silver watch immediately came into view.

Pointer dial, metal strap.

The dial adopts a traditional twelve-scale timing design, with the brand's name and logo printed on the top.


I have been choosing for a long time, and I think this classic style is more suitable for you and matches your skin tone. You can try it on.

As Shiyu said this, he excitedly took his hand and helped him put the watch on his left wrist.

With the click of the locking buckle, Kato Yusuke suddenly felt a chill on his skin.

Hmm~ It looks pretty good, with a sense of elegance.

The girl held his hand and looked at it for a moment, and finally nodded with satisfaction and asked: So, Yu-chan, do you like it?

...Isn’t this too expensive?

...Facing the gift from your girlfriend, your feelings are a bit too confusing, right?

Kato Yusuke frowned in pretense of distress and said jokingly: The problem is, spending my senior's money like this makes me feel like I'm being taken care of.


Shiyu chewed the word, naturally held his arm, and whispered: You are mine.

Kato Yusuke was stunned, smiled and nodded.

Shiyu continued: Speaking of which, today is obviously your award day, will you feel uncomfortable being arranged behind me...?

Um? Why do you say that?

Kato Yusuke turned to look at her. He could clearly smell the fragrance of her hair and feel the softness of the body next to her.

What to say~

Shiyu's expression is lazy. Among the authors present today, no one has better grades than you. You should be the one to give the toast.

...Senior Shiyu would say this because you hate attending such occasions, right?

With a group of unknown big shots and colleagues, greeting each one with a smile... Do you think I would like this kind of thing?

Of course not.

Kato Yusuke shook his head and said: However, being able to be chosen as the toast speaker on such an occasion, doesn’t it also mean that the senior is very powerful?

Shiyu blinked his eyes first and thought for a moment, then slightly frowned and turned away.

...Sending blessings to the winner of the Newcomer Award is just like sending warmth to an enemy, just like a fool.

Kato Yusuke looked at her slightly red cheeks, a faint smile appeared on his lips, but he also did not reveal that she was not good at being praised.

On the stage, the winners of the Young Newcomer Award were taking the stage to receive their awards.

Obviously those talents are the protagonists, but many people present are always secretly observing them.

Not only because of their looks, but also because of other factors.

Looking around, the entire banquet hall was basically filled with people from Immortal River, and more than 80% of them were adults.

In such an environment, the two high school students naturally stood out.

But both of them are different from ordinary people.

Shiyu is indifferent to everything except the people he cares about, making it difficult for people to get in touch with him.

Kato Yusuke is a little better than her, and he can communicate with others when he should, but overall he is still a somewhat taciturn person.

As for the attention from the surroundings, they have long been accustomed to the attention of the outside world, so they will not feel any discomfort.

This creates a unique atmosphere around them.

Both out of place and otherworldly.

Senior Shiyu.

Kato Yusuke glanced at the watch in his hand and said thoughtfully: Is there anything you want me to give you in return for the watch?

Um? You are finally willing to take me to climb that adult staircase...


Shiyu frowned in displeasure, gritted his teeth and said: You are a man that makes people really angry sometimes.

She sighed and stretched one leg forward, determined to ignore someone for now.

Kato Yusuke looked at her awkward appearance, and then noticed that the other party was no longer wearing the iconic pantyhose today, and her beautiful and long calves were directly exposed.

But he hadn't noticed it before and had been thinking about other things. As a boyfriend, this is obviously incompetent.

He thought for a while and suggested: ...How about this? It's New Year's Day soon. Can we go shopping together in two days?


Shiyu's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up and she instinctively turned her head to look over. Then she seemed to realize something and coughed lightly as if nothing had happened.

...just the two of us?

Just the two of us.

...Aren’t you called Kano-chan?

Kato Yusuke tilted his head and looked at her, then I need to ask her about her arrangements... Hiss——

In response to his gasping reaction, Shiyu calmly took back the hand on his side, narrowed his eyes and asked:

... He said he wanted to return a gift to his girlfriend, but ended up bringing another woman or something. This kind of person should really repent.

Then why did you ask that just now...?

Kato Yusuke thought a little speechlessly, and replied: Sorry, I just mentioned it casually, don't pay attention to Shiyu-senpai.

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