Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-six, unexpected events

After picking up Sayu who ran away from home, she began to be reborn. Tokyo Main Volume 226, Unexpected Event December 30, the second day of Winter COMI.

Tokyo Big Sight.

After a few months, Kato Yusuke came here again.

Just like the situation at Xia COMI, there was a sea of ​​people outside the venue. Although it is already the twelfth lunar month of winter, it still cannot stop people’s enthusiasm.

Wherever you look, the dense crowds are as dark and suffocating as the tide.

The piercing noise fills the sky, with more vitality than in midsummer, injecting a bit of warmth into this winter.

——The noise makes people dizzy.

Holding Comiket's club-only ticket, Kato Yusuke entered the East Building venue where clubs gathered.

The noise outside suddenly became much quieter.

He did not stop and continued walking alone.

Go up the stairs to the second floor.

Every step forward, the noise and chaos around you disappear a little.

Until I came to an office door.

Ignoring the sign, Kato Yusuke pushed the door open and walked in.

In a warm room, a sophisticated and capable woman is sitting on the sofa.

The long brown-red hair is soft and dense, flowing along the slightly heroic face and draped over the shoulders.

There are two light red eye shadows painted on the white eyelids, which complement the vermilion lips, making it slightly charming.

The black suit is naturally open, revealing a pomegranate red silk shirt, and the slim-fitting black trousers set off the slender legs, which is both chic and formal.

The person involved crossed his arms, crossed his legs, and assumed a queen-like posture, then closed his eyes and lowered his head to take a nap.

Kato Yusuke's footsteps paused.

Not wanting to wake the other party, he lightly touched the door behind him, then slowed down and walked over, taking off his coat and covering the other party.

Maybe it's because he didn't sleep deeply in the first place, or maybe he still has some instinctive wariness against the outside world.

Although his movement was very slight, Akane Benisaka was still awakened by the rustling movement and opened her beautiful eyes alertly.

As soon as she saw him, the sharpness in those majestic eyes receded, turning into a half-dreaming laziness.

"... Huh~~ When did you get here, you little bastard?" the client asked with half-squinted eyes, leaning on the sofa lazily and not moving.

Kato Yusuke sat down next to her and casually put the cap on his head and the paper bag he brought beside him, "I just came in not long ago. Sorry, did I disturb you?"

Akane Benisaka yawned, pulled his coat up a little, and replied: "I don't blame you, I fell asleep accidentally."

There was still a hint of sleepiness in his voice as he spoke, obviously he hadn't slept enough yet.

Seeing her like this, Kato Yusuke asked casually: "Did you stay up late last night?"

"Absolutely. I have a case recently. I just came back from Osaka last night."

"Thank you, but why did you call me here today?"

Akane Benisaka yawned again.

"It's nothing, I just brought you some souvenirs. Here, take it."

As she said this, she picked up a square gift box from the side and handed it over.

"……What's this?"

"Open it and see for yourself."

Kato Yusuke nodded and started to unpack.

Although the other party's tone was a bit bossy, as the two of them had been together for a long time, he had become accustomed to this in her.

After opening the lid, what comes into view is a ball buried in white plastic foam...

"...Oh, it's a mug?"


Kato Yusuke took out the cup.

The smooth white porcelain glaze is printed with orange patterns that look like window grilles and paper-cuts. The style is neither monotonous nor gorgeous.

When you touch it with your thumb, you can feel the slight concave and convex feeling outlined by the pattern, which is very textured.

Kato Yusuke played with the cup for a moment and couldn't help but sigh, "...this is damn capitalism."

"Huh? What did you say?" Akane Kurisaka frowned and looked at him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say that you bought this."

Kato Yusuke put the mug back into the box, then picked up the instruction manual that came with the mug, and said speechlessly: "Besides, do you call this a specialty of Osaka?"

"Why not?"

Akane Benisaka looked at the Hermès instruction manual between his fingers with a leisurely smile, and said lazily: "That's something I bought seriously from Osaka."

"Can this still be considered?"

Kato Yusuke asked: "It's like Hokkaido's special soup curry. Is it actually sold in Saitama Prefecture?"

"What kind of incomprehensible metaphor are you talking about?"

Akane Hongsaka couldn't help but laugh: "Also, what do you mean by capitalism just now?"

Kato Yusuke smiled and said nothing, just took the bag aside and handed it to the other party, "This is for you."


"The gift I was going to give you is now a gift in return."

"Gift in return..."

Akane Hongsaka muttered and opened the return gift at the same time.

——Inside is a unique silk scarf.

The fragrant orange satin is printed with many gorgeous and eye-catching patterns, which looks both retro and fashionable.


Akane Hongsaka's expression became strange, and she looked sideways at someone, "Did you go to their store too? Going shopping with your girlfriend?"

"That's not the point of the issue."

Kato Yusuke shook his head, his expression slightly depressed.

"I originally wanted to buy a mug similar to yours, but they said it was a VIP-restricted product and I was not qualified to buy it."

Akane Benisaka laughed, "Pfft~", and while laughing, she put an arm on his shoulder and said happily:

"How about big sister give you my card, and you can buy whatever you want next time~"

A burst of fragrance rushed into Kato Yusuke's nose, and at the same time something soft pressed on his shoulders.

He looked at the face so close and asked thoughtfully: "Are you trying to catch me?"

Akane Benisaka blinked in curiosity, then slightly raised the corners of her lips, playing with the taste: "Well, do you want to fish?"

Kato Yusuke's eyes swept over her face, his careless eyes seemed to have some thoughts, and finally he laughed hoarsely.

"let me consider it."

As if he lowered his voice deliberately, his Susu voice sounded a bit sultry.

Akane Hongsaka was stunned for a moment, briefly looking away from his face, squinting her eyes slightly and saying, " would be a pity for the little bastard not to become a cowherd."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head, looked at the silk scarf in her hand for a moment, then looked at someone again, pretending to be calm and said: "However, I didn't expect you to buy this..."

Kato Yusuke smiled slightly, "I didn't expect to bump into you so coincidentally."

"That's true. It's indeed a coincidence."

Akane Benisaka smiled knowingly, handed him the silk scarf, and said lazily: "It happens to be a little cold, tie it for me."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned, "What is it?"


"I've only worn a tie and scarf, you want me to tie a beautiful red scarf for you?"

"red scarf?"

Akane Kurisaka looked at him with an expression on her face, and finally said in disappointment: "You are really stupid, forget it, I will teach you this once, so that you will not show such stupidity in front of women in the future."

As soon as she finished speaking, she took someone step by step and started teaching.

Along with the faint rustling movement, the silk scarf was quickly tied.

"How is it? Have you learned it?"

Kato Yusuke nodded and looked at her with his eyes.

Not to mention, the silk scarf recommended to him by the store clerk was indeed very suitable for him and had a sense of elegance and luxury.

Let’s put aside the unspeakable character for the moment.

Akane Akane's foundation is good, and coupled with her temperament, which she has honed over a long period of time in the business world, she naturally has a dashing air about her, which makes her very charming.

As if she was satisfied with the emotion in his eyes at this moment, the corners of Akane Kurisaka's mouth turned up slightly, and she grabbed his collar and fell back.

Kato Yusuke was caught off guard and fell to the side with her.


The sofa, which carried the weight of the two of them, groaned faintly.

"What are you doing..."

Before Kato Yusuke finished speaking, a pair of soft jade arms wrapped around his neck.

Immediately afterwards——


Akane Benisaka forcefully opened her mouth and kissed his neck.


Kato Yusuke suddenly felt a pain and a warm, moist itching sensation, which made him gasp involuntarily.

Ten seconds later.

When Akane Hongsaka left his neck with satisfaction, there was already a red mark there that had been sucked out.

"...Bah, it tastes really bad." She said with great disgust, and reached out to help wipe off the saliva and lipstick on it.


Someone had nothing to say and just looked down at her.

Threads of red hair bloomed like poppies on the sofa, her burgundy eyes shone with a different kind of light, her long and curled eyelashes curved into delicate arcs, and the ends of her eyes were teasing.

Kato Yusuke's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and his voice was low: "...little aunt, what are you doing?"

Akane Kurisaka didn't respond. She took back her hand with a look of contempt and ordered: "I'm in a good mood and I'm just giving you a little sweetness. Now get out of here and don't hold me down."

Kato Yusuke narrowed his eyes and asked, "Do you think you are a queen?"

As if he was surprised by this question, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he became interested again.

The person involved raised his chin slightly and smiled contemptuously, "I don't need to take it seriously, I am."

The young man above looked into her eyes, and the queen below also stared at him quietly, letting a certain atmosphere ferment in the air.

Without any explanation, Kato Yusuke put his arms around her shoulders, lowered his head in response to the atmosphere, and kissed her soft lips quietly.

Akane Hongsaka's shoulders trembled slightly, and then her body went limp.

When the lip lines meet, both sides are absorbing moisture, and even the breath becomes thick and charming.

I don’t know how much time passed.

The attacker slowly left her lips, raised his head and asked: "...Seriously, why did Auntie call me here today?"

"Huh? Are you sure you want to tell me this now...?"

Akane Benisaka hooked his neck, and her perfect D cup rose and fell with her breathing. Finally, she swallowed and said bluntly: "My car is in the parking lot, what are you going to do?"

Kato Yusuke responded with silence.

Noisy people came from outside.

Just a wall separates the indoor and outdoor spaces into two worlds.

The woman in front of her has crimson cheeks, a neck as white as jade and fat, charming eyebrows, and an intoxicating mature aura floating around her body.

The two of them are intimate here, and downstairs there are countless passionate fans who worship Akane Benisaka like a god.

But this is such a doujin queen who is all-powerful in the business world, but now she is allowed to be as frivolous as she wants.

Out of the male's instinctive reaction, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel a strong sense of conquest, and his eyes darkened slightly.

at this time……

"Excuse me, Sister Zhu Yin, are you in there... uh——?"

Hashishima Iori, who pushed open the door and saw the situation inside the house clearly, couldn't help but froze in place.

The three of them looked at each other.

A second passed.

"...I'm sorry for being rude, you two, please continue."

Namishima Iori suddenly retracted the foot that had not yet stepped forward, closed the door faster than when he came, and fled away.

Kato Yusuke turned to look at Akane Kurisaka with a slight embarrassment, and saw that the other person was massaging his temples with his hands.

Except for the irritability of being disturbed, his face did not show the usual shyness of a daughter who had been hit by someone, and was very calm.

"...You bastard, get out of your way now. I'll go see what's wrong with Iori." The person involved said as he pushed him away and sat up on the sofa.

Kato Yusuke shook his head with a wry smile, helped her tidy up her messy hairstyle and clothes, and said, "Then I'll go down with you."

"Huh? What are you doing down there?"

"I'm still busy at the studio. I'm going to go back to work. If you have anything, you can sue me after you're done."

Akane Hongsaka nodded and said nothing.

The two of them came downstairs together.

It was now afternoon, and the number of visitors in the venue had decreased slightly, but it still seemed crowded.

The enthusiasm brought by the event has not yet faded, and there are noisy otaku men and women everywhere.

The two of them slowly moved forward with the crowd, heading towards the club located at the gate of the east hall.

When passing a certain stall...

"I'm very sorry, the book has been sold out~~~!"

Along with the all-too-familiar high-pitched shouts, a slightly choked girl's voice also sounded.

"Really...really thank you very much~~~!"

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but stop and follow the sound.

There were a lot of people crowded around the stalls in the island area.

Whether it is backpackers who come to visit the exhibition, or community workers who set up stalls in adjacent locations.

People focused their attention on the stall that was announced to be sold out, and enthusiastically applauded without hesitation.

Akane Hongsaka was also attracted by the movement and stopped.

"Hey, that's Iori's sister...and that kid from your club?"

She asked, looking curiously at Hashima Izumi, who was crying with joy, and An Yirunya, who was holding up a sign to comfort her.

"Ah, they are right."

Kato Yusuke calmly withdrew his gaze, not intending to get involved in such an occasion. Instead, he lowered the peaked cap on his head.

After all, whether it was him or Akane Benisaka, whoever exposed their identity here would definitely cause a huge commotion, so they naturally had to keep a low profile.

Thinking of this, he was about to call the little aunt beside him to leave.

His eyes glanced casually.

A petite figure wearing a beret and blue suspenders suddenly came into his eyes.

The person involved ran outside the venue as if he was running away.

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly.


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