Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and thirty-two, night talk

Seeing Eri Riri crying without any warning, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

The girl who was always straightforward and stubborn, who was always full of arrogance and refused to admit defeat in anything, showed her lack of confidence for the first time.

This was the first time Kato Yusuke saw the other party like this.

He silently took out a handkerchief and handed it to the other party.

"Thank you...woo..."

Yingli lowered her head and wiped her tears, as if she didn't want him to see her expression at the moment.

"Hey, Yusuke, I'm so scared..."

The girl whimpered and said:

"Obviously before the winter COMI started, I encouraged that girl to some extent.

Telling her that everyone is making progress little by little and telling her not to care about her grades seems arrogant and unreasonable now...! "

"That's it..."

Kato Yusuke half-closed his eyes and agreed softly without emotion.

"Just like me...just like am I qualified to give advice to others? That girl's creative ability is incredible. Sooner or later, she will surpass me..."

Ying Lili bit her lip tightly and squeezed out a sound from her throat:

"Even... when she was about to give me her own book, such a precious commemorative book, I had evil thoughts that a creator should never have... I almost wanted to tear up the book. Already..."

At the end of the sentence, the emotions I had been holding on to suddenly collapsed, and my breathing became messy and rapid.

"...I made things embarrassing, I made myself embarrassed..."

The girl burst into tears and said: "And Lunya... Lunya... He also asked me to apologize to that girl. Wouldn't this be too bullying?"

Two lines of clear tears flowed down her beautiful face, dripping down and soaking her evening dress.

Intermittent cries echoed in the quiet room, making the air heavier.


Kato Yusuke looked at her pale face, opened his lips slightly, and tried to say some comforting words, but he felt unable to speak.

Without getting to the core issue, he didn't know where to start.

What's more, is this something he can do at will?

He couldn't help asking this in his heart.

Not to mention that Yinglili's words did not mean to ask him for help.

Ultimately, this is a conflict between the other party and his childhood sweetheart who grew up together.

Does he, an outsider, really have the right to interfere in other people's problems?

Kato Yusuke hesitated for a moment.

Yinglili continued to talk.

"Obviously "Little Rhapsody" was a birthday gift I gave him when he was in the third grade of elementary school, but he easily promoted it to others and even chatted with others so enthusiastically. But it was all my fault, wasn't it...! "

When she said this, her voice suddenly rose with excitement.

"If I hadn't promoted this work to him at that time, he wouldn't have been exposed to "Little Fantasy", and the genius of Izumi Dehashima would not have been born. But now-"

The girl said word by word: "But he wants to use "Little Rhapsody" to hit me... Why do you want to bully others like this...!"

"I see……"

Kato Yusuke held his breath unconsciously, feeling that he had vaguely touched the core of the problem. He didn't make any meaningless interruptions and waited for the next step.

The other party did not disappoint him.

As if determined to open her heart, the girl confided in him a certain past event that she had never mentioned to anyone before.

From how I became friends with An Yilun in the first place,

To how they were ridiculed and bullied by their classmates because of their status as otakus,

Then why she pretended to be leaving the house, and An Yilun was unwilling to cooperate with her, which eventually led to the two parties parting ways.

The person involved held his knees with his hands and said in a trembling voice:

“I was forced to break up with my best friend, couldn’t even speak in school, and had to ignore his existence…

I was really sad, sad, and in pain at the time, and I didn’t even know how many times I cried.

I have already endured such cruel punishment, why should I be treated like this by him and suffer even deeper retribution? "

Yinglili said, picked up the handkerchief, wiped her tears randomly, and kept hiccupping.

“I have been painting so hard since I was a child, just to get his approval one day and impress those guys who have laughed at us.

In the end, he said that I was not good at painting... No, he didn't say it directly, but he clearly thought that others were better than me.

I suddenly felt that everything I did was wishful thinking, like a fool, really stupid! "

The girl's soft voice contained anguish and regret, and her eyes also contained loneliness and hatred.


Kato Yusuke looked at the other person, and the face that came into his eyes made him slightly uncomfortable.

The long-standing doubts suddenly became clear at this moment.

He finally learned about the past between the two and the intricate entanglements.

Although from today's perspective, it was just a group of children making trouble at best.

However, for the parties involved, as elementary school students, they must not be as mature as they are now, so the thorn in their hearts remains until now.

Today, it has become something of a chronic disease. The slightest touch would cause pain to the bone marrow.


There's no question of who is right or wrong in this matter. It's just that the two people's ideas have diverged under pressure from the outside world. If you insist on saying so, both sides have something wrong.

However, he didn't want to care so much.

Kato Yusuke thought so.

Although he is a cold and indifferent person, he only pays great attention to the people around him.

Morality has never been the primary factor in his considerations.

He only cares about those he wants to care about and protects those he wants to protect.

Just like others once gave him salvation, he also wants to be their support one day, that's all.


He slowly raised a hand and placed it on the other person's head, stroking it gently soothingly.

"It's okay, it's okay. As I said before, you will always be the most powerful painter in my heart. You are just a little confused now, but it will pass soon."

"I can not do it--!"

Ying Lili shook her head decisively, holding her arms with both hands, her fingers digging into her skin so hard that they turned slightly white.

"I have done my best, whether it is visible to others or not, I am working hard!"

She almost yelled: "But -! I still can't break through. The next step is the realm of talent, but my soul has been imprisoned..."

The voice full of unwillingness echoed in the room, as if even the air was vibrating.

After a brief silence.

"So didn't I say that..."

Kato Yusuke sighed helplessly, rubbed her little head, and said, "You can rely on me occasionally."

"…………rely on you?"

Ying Lili slowly raised her head and looked back at him with a dazed expression, her beautiful little face wrinkled up in tears.

"Isn't that right? Or do you think it would be embarrassing to let your former disciples guide you?"



Kato Yusuke nodded and said in a gentle tone:

“Just like you once introduced me to it.

As long as you are willing, I will do my best to teach you everything I understand, so that you will not only become the number one in my heart, but also the number one in everyone's heart. "

As if frightened by his speech, no one in the room spoke for a while.

Yingli stared at him blankly, letting tears flow down her cheeks.

Kato Yusuke reached out his hand and gently wiped away his tears.

"In short, whether you want to draw easily in the future or you want to seek a breakthrough..."

He looked directly into the other person's eyes, and there was no falsehood in his dark eyes. He said warmly every word: "I will be here anytime you need me, I promise."


Yinglili sniffed several times and murmured in a low voice.

What caught her eye was the big, round full moon that seemed to be hanging high in the night sky, quietly waiting for her, quiet and bright.

Her lips were pouting, but she frowned deliberately and muttered in a low voice: "What... you... are really boring."


"Generally speaking, to heal a girl's heart, shouldn't you hug the other person tenderly and say sweet words like "Don't worry, I will protect you"!" "

Ying Lili squinted her eyes and said, "But you forced me to stand up. There is no such prince in the world!"

Kato Yusuke suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression.


The girl sniffed hard and tried to force out a smile, which looked a little funny.

She looked at him with wet pupils, and then nodded heavily, "I'll do my best!"

After saying that, she immediately threw herself into his arms.

Kato Yusuke's body couldn't help but stiffen, and he only felt that he was enveloped by something warm and soft.

The other person hugged his neck forcefully, buried his head into his shoulder, and let out a weak sob that was deliberately suppressed.

He couldn't help but feel soft in his heart, and then he reached out and hugged this small body, and gently patted the other person's back with one hand.

"Thank you for persisting for so long. You have worked very hard. It is really amazing."

The sobs lingering in his ears suddenly paused.

After a few seconds, the crying began to get louder and eventually turned into howling.

A grievance that had been held in for a long time suddenly surged up and accumulated in Yinglili's chest. Finally, it turned into a voice and poured out like a flood that had opened a floodgate.

For a while, the two of them just maintained this posture, motionless.


The drama of the prince healing the princess’s heart could not last forever.

"I'm going to change clothes next, you get out first!"

For this reason, Kato Yusuke was kicked out of the room by the owner.

Before I knew it, the party had ended.

The maids in long skirts were neatly cleaning up the mess.

I looked at the time and saw that it was now 10:45 pm.

Nearly two hours have passed since the two left the banquet hall.

Don't know why.

Although it had been such a long time, no one came to the room to call them.

With some questions, Kato Yusuke came to the living room on the first floor.

The TV was playing the Red and White Song Concert.

Sayuri Sawamura was sitting alone on the sofa watching a show, while Leonard Spencer was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing him coming, the other party just smiled and waved, "Kato-kun, come and sit here."

"Aunt Sayuri."

Kato Yusuke walked over and stopped next to the sofa, "Are you here alone? Where is Mr. Leonard?"

"Hey~ There is a beautiful big sister right in front of me, but it was Leonard who asked first? I'm going to be angry~~"

"Are you watching the Red and White Song Contest?"

"Ah~! If you ignore my question now, I will be sad~~"

Sayuri Sawamura raised the sleeves of her kimono as she spoke, pretending to hide her face there and cry.

Kato Yusuke looked at the moaning monster in front of him and couldn't help but raise his hand to press his temples, with the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

"...Seriously, considering that I just visited your daughter, can you spare me for now?"

Sayuri Sawamura raised her eyes slightly from her loose sleeves, with a shrewd light in her eyes, and asked:

"Speaking of which, you two have been upstairs for a long time~ You probably didn't hurt Yinglili... right?"

"It won't be what you think."

Kato Yusuke replied with a pair of dead eyes: "We just talked about some normal topics. If you are worried, you can confirm with Eiri later."

"That's it~~"

Sayuri Sawamura held her face lightly with one hand and sighed:

"Obviously, Mom, I am still worried about when to interrupt you, and I am afraid that I will see some scenes that I shouldn't see, so I have been lingering outside the door for a long time."

After a short silence.

"Can I say a word...?"

"What are you talking about~?"

Kato Yusuke opened his mouth, "Basically, you wouldn't have any problem even if you opened the door and came in. Besides... people usually call this behavior listening to the corner."


Sayuri Sawamura blinked slightly, subtly not answering, and asked instead: "Well~ compared to this, where is Eiriri?"

She just finished speaking...


Along with the clear voice, brisk footsteps came from upstairs.

The two of them looked at the sound at the same time.

On the retro-carved wooden stairs, a cluster of red skirts was kicked forward and suddenly appeared like a deer in the jungle.

Ying Lili held on to the armrest, her two thin white calves crossed quickly, and walked over like a dance.

When the two looked at her, she also looked at the two.

In other words, he was looking at someone standing next to his mother.

The young man was still wearing the thin and soft white village shirt that he had worn at the banquet, which was supported by his body shape and highlighted his upright character.

Just like a noble son from a prosperous family that has declined for several generations but can still hold on to its wealth.

The scholarly atmosphere is still there, and there is a hint of laziness in the naughtiness.

Yinglili's steps slowed down a little, then quickened her steps to come to the two of them.

Without looking at him, he directly asked Sawamura Sayuri: "What are you doing here? Where are dad and others?"

The voice regained its usual vitality, and there was no trace of frustration.

Sayuri Sawamura tilted her head slightly, her eyes moved around her face as if inadvertently, and paused for a moment on her concealed but still slightly red eyes.

"Your father is chatting with the Foreign Minister and others in the study. Do you have anything to do with him?"

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