Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and thirty-seven, infatuation curse

The morning of the first day of the new year.

Hokkaido, which has been snowing for a whole month, rarely gets sunny days.

In front of the full-length mirror, Sayu carefully observed himself wearing only underwear, as if he was looking at someone else.

Smooth brown hair, smooth and oily skin, feminine thighs and buttocks, a slim waist, and plump breasts that even she finds beautiful.

Fresh sunlight poured into the room from between the curtains, making the transparent indigo underwear look delicate.

"...If I were like this, would that person feel moved?"

she muttered.

Just like this faint sunshine, a layer of silence seems to be floating on the hazy memory.

Although she didn't pay attention to certain things deliberately, Sayu thought she was pretty cute considering her external conditions.

Whether inside or outside school, people of the opposite sex would often come up to her and strike up a conversation. This is not a narcissistic boast, but a matter-of-fact discussion from an objective perspective.

For things like love.

She had thought that was a very troublesome thing.

Although I don't say that I am opposed to it, I don't have much interest in it either.

But now, for the first time, she had the idea of ​​hoping that she could be more attractive.

The girl leaned gently on the dressing table behind her, her hands resting on the edge of the table. The two slender thighs are close together, the snow-white calves are staggered back and forth, and the beautiful toes are as smooth as jade, full of vitality.

She stared at herself in the mirror and then made a motion like waving a wand.

"Yusuke...fall in love with me, infatuation curse."

Lips moistened by lip balm chanted.

Then, she smiled sheepishly.

As she changed into the clothes she had prepared the night before, she couldn't help but think.

The connection between people does not have a well-arranged "foreshadowing" or "opportunity" like a movie.

There is no clear reason for the prince and princess, they are just naturally attracted to each other and connected.

And she really couldn't become the princess that the prince fell in love with at first sight...

Just then, a shout from outside interrupted her thoughts.

"——Sayu~~~Are you ready? It's time for us to leave for the shrine!"

She opened the window and responded loudly to the car parked at the door: "I know, I'll be right away, brother, mother."

Sayu closed the window again and prepared to go downstairs.

Before she was about to walk out of the room, she suddenly stopped and turned back to the dressing table, picking up the cinnabar bottle necklace that she had almost forgotten.

After putting it on her neck, the girl felt at ease and walked outside.

It's true that she can't become a princess, but...

As long as she can become an ordinary girl pursuing her own happiness, that is enough.

When I got in the car, my mother and brother were already waiting here.

"Sorry, I am late."

When Sayu said this, Mrs. Ogiwara in the passenger seat turned to look.

"Why don't you wear a scarf? Even if the snow stops today, you still have to pay attention to the cold and be careful of catching a cold."

"Well, I know, Mom, I'll put it on before I get off the bus."

Ogiwara, who was in the driver's seat, looked at the two of them with a smile and reminded: "Remember to fasten your seat belt, I'm ready to drive."

The mother and daughter nodded, fastened their seat belts as instructed, and said hello.

Ogiwara Kazusa first turned up the heater, then stepped on the accelerator and drove.

The car drove out of the residential area and drove smoothly on the road where the ice and snow had not disappeared.

The sky you look up at casually is very blue.

Thick clouds like whales floated in the blue sky. The weather was so good that it was hard to imagine that it still snowed heavily here yesterday.

The air conditioner sent warm and pleasant wind, which felt very comfortable on my face.

"What a nice view……"

Sayu looked at the sky quietly, couldn't help but murmur, and at the same time couldn't help but think——

Is that person also looking at the sky at this time?

Did anyone around him remind him to wear a scarf?

Will she and him have a chance to stand under the same blue sky again, holding hands...?

As I thought about it, sadness gradually came to my heart, making my mood heavy.

As if to expel those distracting thoughts from her head, she quickly shook her head, then took out her phone and pointed it at the window.


Although it was meaningless, she still took a picture of the sky at this moment, looking forward to sharing it with that person one day.

'How ridiculous...'

Sayu groaned secretly in his heart.

She was obviously indifferent to things like love before, but now she is like this.

However, she did.

The boy she wanted to give everything to.

The love affair that she wanted to risk everything to achieve.

While thinking about this silently, the brother in the front row suddenly spoke.

"Speaking of which, it's almost time for Sayu's exam, right?"


Sayu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he came back to his senses belatedly, "Ah, that's there any problem?"

"Nothing, nothing, I just suddenly thought of this. I remember that this year's exam is on... January 19th and 20th, right?"

"Well... the national unified examination will indeed be at that time, and the university's specialized examination will be next month."

"That's it~!"

Ogiwara Kazusa looked straight ahead and asked in a cheerful tone: "How is it? Are Sayu confident about the exam?"

"...I'm sorry, I didn't think about it that much. Misaki-sensei just told me to perform steadily."

Sayu replied calmly, trying not to sound abnormal in his tone.

"So, is this the so-called do your best to obey fate?"

Ogiwara smiled and nodded, "Then let's pray to the gods later and bless Sayu to be on the list smoothly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mrs. Ogihara next door frowned in displeasure.

"Why do you have to talk so badly about your sister?"


"Even if you don't rely on God, Sayu's usual grades are enough to get into those good universities. Don't you know these things?"

After hearing this, Ogiwara Kazusa blinked in astonishment, dumbfounded:

"Mom, you have misunderstood me. Of course I know that Sayu's grades are very good. I just said that because I was afraid that she would be nervous. I had no other meaning..."

"Even so, you should pay attention."

Mrs. Ogiwara was reluctant to respond, "As a manager of a company, you should know that you should pay attention to your words, right?"


Ogiwara Kazusa touched his nose in embarrassment and admitted his mistake very honestly, "You are right, I didn't think carefully. Sayu doesn't need me to do that kind of unnecessary thing..."

"——What are superfluous things?"


Mrs. Ogihara's frown deepened.

"Sayu is about to take the big exam. Of course our family must sincerely visit the shrine and pray to the gods to bless her everything goes well. Don't make fun of such an important matter!"


Ogihara Kazusa was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to do.

All these good and bad things can be said by one person, and you can tell him how to say them.

Quite wisely, he thought it would be better to remain mute.


Mrs. Ogiwara solemnly warned: "We all want to pray for Sayu today, including Sayu yourself. Do you understand?"

""clear. ""

The brother and sister agreed in unison.

"And there's Yisa."

Mrs. Ogihara continued patiently:

"We can't help her with Sayu's college entrance examination, but we need to work harder on you in other aspects.

She will go to college soon, and her tuition and living expenses must be prepared in advance to avoid any problems. "

"Don't worry about this, I will be ready."

"Don't just talk about it, it's better to implement it first."

Mrs. Ogihara's tone became a little anxious.

"After all, Sayu has never traveled far since she was a child, but now she is about to go to such a far place alone.

If there is any danger, none of us can rush to her immediately... In that case, in that case..."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but feel slightly excited.

Ogihara Kazusa saw this and quickly comforted him:

"Okay, okay, mother, please calm down first.

I will arrange all the issues you mentioned. Besides, there are still three months until the official start of the university. I will also accompany Sayu to report by then, so don’t worry! "

His tone was full of helplessness, but his mood was full of comfort.

Once upon a time, the mother who always treated Sayu harshly had disappeared into distant memory, and what was left in front of her was just an ordinary woman who simply cared about her daughter's safety.

He glanced furtively in the rearview mirror.

The girl sitting in the back row was staring at them blankly, her eyes slightly red but silent.

Ogiwara Kazusa was stunned for a moment, and then smiled with understanding.

‘Sayu must have the same feeling. ’

He subconsciously determined this, and then deliberately used a more relaxed tone to lighten the atmosphere.

"Speak of it, Sayu."

He asked: "Don't I remember that I opened your own bank account for you before? Do you still have that passbook?"

The girl answered him with a slightly slower reaction than usual.

"...Well, it should be there, but I haven't used that thing. I need to look for it."

"Ahaha, after all, you have always lived at home, so naturally you won't use that."

Ogihara Kazusa smiled and said:

"Just think of it as preparation for the future. Find it when you have time. Then I will directly transfer the money for Tokyo to your account."

"Transfer to my this okay?"

"I don't think there is any problem. After all, you are an adult now and can learn to plan your own life. Besides, did you hear what mother just said?"

"——Yisha is right."

Mrs. Ogihara turned sideways and continued what he said.

"Anyway, don't treat yourself badly when you go to Tokyo, remember to take good care of yourself.

When you encounter difficulties, please contact us in time. If you are wronged, come home. This is always your retreat. "


Sayu looked at the two family members in the front row and murmured with his lips. Finally, he lowered his head and muttered the word "um" in a muffled voice.

Facing the two people's unabashed love, her heart felt slightly hot, and at the same time, a feeling of panic also followed.

Does she really deserve to be in such a happy environment?

Without that person, where would she be now?

Can her family still be as harmonious as it is now?

The moment she thought about it, she felt as if her heart was being squeezed tightly.

Then, the depths of her eyes began to gradually become hot, and tears began to burst out of her eyes, but she forced them to hold them back.

The boy's face loomed in her mind.

Compared with the pain the other party endured, this grievance was nothing at all.

Sayu took a deep breath and let it out, then slapped her cheeks with both hands to cheer herself up.

not to mention--

‘…This is not the end, but the beginning. ’

She told herself this, her expression gradually becoming awe-inspiring.

A huge emotion was quietly brewing in my heart.

Thanks to [Lei Xin Jiang] for the tip.

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