Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and forty, dispute

Outside the office door.

The three women who bumped into each other had big eyes and small eyes, and they were stunned for a while.

Two or three seconds passed.



Shinjoka and Hasumi Kanoko spoke one after another, as if they were a little surprised why she appeared outside the door.

"Oh, oh, Shinjo-san, Hasumi-sensei."

Yingli nodded slightly at them, then put her right fist in front of her lips and coughed slightly.

"Ahem, um... I heard from Ms. Sagara that Yusuke is here, and I have something to do with him..."

Hearing her explanation, the two of them were stunned again.

Shinjoka blinked twice very quickly and smiled without saying a word.

Hasumi Kanoko glanced at her in surprise, and then a friendly smile appeared on her face.

"Hmm~ If you're looking for Kato-kun, he's inside. Sawamura-san, just go in."

After speaking, the two of them left together.

Yinglili walked into the office pretending to be reserved and closed the door very vigilantly. It wasn't until the sound of someone coming downstairs came from outside that his body slowly relaxed.

Although there was no need to do this, she just felt inexplicably guilty.

As soon as Fang raised her head, she saw Kato Yusuke looking at her in confusion.

A pair of steady black eyes held a hint of inquiry and inquiry.

Yinglili didn't explain this, she walked to him and stopped beside him, her lips parted slightly.

"...Shinjo-san, what do you want to do today?"


Kato Yusuke didn't understand why she asked this question, but he still pondered and gave the answer.

"It's nothing, it's just about the association."

"What's going on with the association...?"

Yinglili tilted her head in confusion, with a slight curiosity in her beautiful eyes, and she put on a posture of listening attentively.

"Well, it's actually nothing special. It's just that Xiao Xi and the others met a girl who needed help. They couldn't make up their minds, so they came over to ask."

"Eh? What you are talking about now...are you the kind of girl who is treated like a goddess——!"

"...That's true, but isn't your reaction a bit too big?"

"If anything, your attitude is too casual! Apart from Serizawa-san, this is the first girl that the association will take in, right? Don't you even care?"

"It's not like I don't care. I just believe that Xiao Xi and the others can handle it properly."

Kato Yusuke replied casually, without further talking on this topic, and instead asked: "So, do you have anything to do with me?"

"'s nothing actually."

Eiri pretended to be calm and said: "It's me and that girl...Hashima Izumi has talked with her, so I want to tell you."

While speaking, a pair of eyes were still peeking at the boy from time to time, as if expecting something.


Kato Yusuke raised his eyebrows slightly, hesitated for a moment, then raised a hand and gently touched her furry head.

"I've worked very hard."

"H-huh...! You don't need to talk about that kind of thing. Didn't I already tell her that I wanted to apologize to her before...!"

Ying Lili said impatiently, but there was no hint of boredom in her tone. Instead, she sounded soft. ….

"...Well, that's right."

Kato Yusuke nodded, calmly retracted his hand, and coughed: "Anyway... I already know about this matter. Is there anything else?"

" more."

"Okay, let's go down then."


In this way, the two people left the office together and came downstairs.

In the large office of the art department, Mayu Sagara and Izumi Hashishima were sitting together chattering.

Talking about something.

"Mayu, Dekai, what are you doing?" Kato Yusuke asked casually.

"Ah, teacher~!"

Mayu Sagara waved her hands happily and said first, "We are looking at the notebook Kashiwagi-sensei gave to Izuku. It's so awesome~~~!"

Kato Yusuke took a closer look and found a copy of "Little Rhapsody" on the table of Hashishima Dekai.

The familiar style of painting made him unconsciously glance at Yinglili who was following behind him, but the other party pretended to gently move her hair without any expression.

He smiled slightly, said nothing, and returned to his seat to start working.

Perhaps determined to maintain her masterly demeanor, Yinglili returned to her seat calmly, picked up a piece of drawing paper, and began to write and draw on it.

But soon, her attention was attracted by the conversation between two girls.

"Hey~ Dekai, can you let me see Kashiwagi-sensei's notebook?"

"Ah, yes, please take a look if you don't mind."

"Thank you~~Wow, the smooth lines and colors look so comfortable."


"What a surprise. I didn't expect that Kashiwagi-sensei, in addition to drawing cute girls, could also draw such female-oriented works very well~"

"It's... like this."

"Ah~ especially here! The composition and artistic conception are so great!"


"Hmm~ It's just the hero carrying the heroine on his back while walking in the snow, and the last kiss on the cheek. These and other things, the brushstrokes are too delicate!"

"Ah, I also like this part the most. It's really well done."

"Na na ~ Kashiwagi-sensei, Kashiwagi-sensei!"

Mayu Sagara couldn't hide her excitement and said: "The storyboards and plot here are great, you are so awesome!"

"~~Well, thank you."

"By the way, how on earth did you come up with such an arrangement~?"


The sudden question made Yinglili stunned for a moment, then she glanced at someone secretly, blushed slightly and said:

"...Well, I just got inspired and drew it."

"Ahaha, so that's it~~~"

At this time, Hui and Shiyu also walked in.

Seeing them chatting happily, the former couldn't help but curiously asked the reason, and Mayu Sagara also told them about the notebook openly.

After listening to the explanation, Shiyu couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Hey, that Sawamura actually gave me a sailing book...? That's strange. When did your relationship get better between you two? Sawamura~"

"It's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks about that kind of thing, Kasumigaoka Shiu!"….

"See, it's this easy-going bad temper that makes you - huh? Kato-kun, what are you doing?"


Kei raised her face with a confused expression and replied, "I wanted to say that everyone is probably thirsty, so I brought some drinks over. Is there any problem?"


Shiyu looked at the bottle of oolong tea placed in front of Kato Yusuke, his eyes twitched slightly, and then he walked up quickly.

"...Thank you for your hard work, Kato-san, but I will prepare Yu-chan's next drinks."

"Hmm~~ Although I don't have any objections, Kasumigaoka-senpai didn't come in with a drink. If you don't make it a habit, it's usually not easy to remember this kind of thing."

"...Where are you from as a housekeeper?"

"Well, no matter how you say it, that's a bit too much. I don't think I should be called that... Also, this is Kasumigaoka-senpai's favorite black coffee, here you go~"

"And my...?"

"Hey, this is so strange. I thought I just said I would get drinks for everyone, right?"

Ignoring Shiyu's stunned expression at this moment, Hui put the can of coffee into her hand, then walked to the other side carrying the plastic bag, and distributed the drinks to the rest of the people.

When she came to the seaside of Bo Island, her eyes naturally fell on the book spread out on the table.

"Hey~~Is this the notebook Sawamura-san drew?"

The girl was quite surprised and said: "It's strange. I originally heard that Sawamura-san's drawings seemed to be... that, a more mature type, but this one is surprisingly ordinary?"

"An author who draws eroges can only draw eroges... That's a complete prejudice, Megumi."

Yinglili took a sip of black tea and screwed the cap on the bottle, raised her index finger and explained:

"You have to know that even doujinshi can be divided into two versions: eighteen-ban version and all-age version. The one I gave to her does not contain any content that is not suitable for minors, so you don't have to worry."

"Eh~~Is that so?"

"That's right. Besides, if the subject is "Little Fantasy", even if it is forbidden, generally speaking, girls' bodies will not appear."

Hearing this, Hui, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, asked again in fear.

"Then what kind of body will appear? Is it really okay??"

"After all, this is a female-oriented game, so of course what will appear is a boy's body."

Eiriri's straightforward answer made Megumi's expression become speechless for a moment, but she regained her composure after a while and casually said "Oh~ That's it."

This time it was Yinglili's turn to be surprised.

"Wait a minute! Although it's not right for me to say this, isn't your reaction a bit too bland Megumi?"

"Hmm~~What else should I do?"

"Normally speaking, you should be quick to complain here, right?"

"Even if you say——?"

"What, what's wrong?"

"Eiriri, did you wear a new headgear today?"


As Hui said this, everyone else also glanced at Eirili, and then noticed the pair of black hair accessories on her head. ….

"Ah, really!"

"Wow, what a cute headdress!"

"You actually chose this color scheme, Sawamura, are you finally going to mature yourself?"

Namishima Izumi, Sagara Mayu, and Shiha said in turn.

A flash of panic flashed across Yinglili's eyes, and she subconsciously wanted to raise her hand to cover it up, but when she raised it halfway, she turned to twirling her hair.

She glanced at someone unconsciously, then nodded nonchalantly and explained in a nonchalant tone.

"...Well, I changed into a new headdress. It was a gift from someone else. I thought it was still acceptable, so I used it. Is there any problem?"

There was silence.

Shiyu's originally smiling face changed slightly. A pair of beautiful eyes switched suspiciously between Eiri and Kato Yusuke, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Even though the former's sneak peek just now was relatively subtle, it still didn't escape her eyes.

It was precisely because of this that her clever mind guessed the answer to the riddle at once, her joyful mood disappeared, and a dark aura gradually emanated from her body.

Just when she was about to ask questions about this matter, the silence was broken by Hui's soft moan.

"Eh~~ Aki-san? Why are you standing there?"


An Yilun, who was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, was also shocked and subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave. However, after the reminder from above, people had noticed him.

"Ah, Toruya-senpai~~!"

Izuku Hashima ran up like a puppy and asked energetically: "Why are you here, senior? Are you here to find me~?"

"Ah, no...that, I was just passing by.

That’s all. "

"I'm passing by...but the entrance is just past the art club's office. Senior, do you want to go out?"

"Ah, it's not like that. What I mean is that I just came out of the bathroom and heard a noise over here, so I stopped by to take a look."

"Ahaha, so that's it~!"

Hashima Dekai accepted this statement without any doubt.

"Actually, we were just discussing the notebook that Sawamura-senpai gave me. I originally wanted to ask the senior to read it together, but I was worried that it would disturb your work, so I tried my best to hold it back."

"...Huh? You said the notebook Ying Lili gave you?" An Yilun also asked blankly.

Izuku Hashima kept nodding "Yeah, yeah, yeah", told him about exchanging notebooks with Eiri, and forcibly led him to his work station.

"Here~~This is it, senior, please read it."

Ever since, An Yilun also saw the book of "Little Rhapsody" that the girl mentioned.

However, when he saw clearly that the combination painted on the cover was "Prince Airal and the heroine"...

——His pupils shrank imperceptibly.


An Yilun also pretended to be fine and picked up the book, flipping through the contents at will while talking as if he didn't mean it.

"...Speaking of which, I remember that on New Year's Eve, Kato, you seemed to have gone to Eri's house for a banquet, right? The snow was so thick that night. It must have been difficult for you to go home, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the air seemed to suddenly freeze for a few seconds.

When his name was called in public, Kato Yusuke moved his hands and replied without changing his expression: "Well, I spent the New Year at Eiriri's house."

"Ah haha." An Yilun also asked: "Then how did you get home later?"


Kato Yusuke frowned slightly and stared at him thoughtfully for a while, "I didn't go back. Aunt Sayuri arranged for us to stay overnight that day."

""Stay, stay the night——!?"

Sagara Mayu and Hashima Dekai shouted, with surprise and excitement in their eyes.

Even An Yilun himself was shocked by this "shocking" news and was stunned for a moment.

"Wait a minute, it's not what you think-"

Seeing their reactions, Yinglili stood up quickly and wanted to explain, but was interrupted by An Yilun.

"No! Kato, isn't your behavior too bastard? You are already dating Shiba-senpai, but you still go to another girl's house to stay overnight without telling her. This is simply too much——!"

The words were spoken quickly and urgently.

It was a few seconds before everyone realized that he was not joking, but was making a serious criticism.

There was a deathly silence on the scene.

Xiaoxiao has four cats

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