Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and forty-four, I have other plans (Thank you to the leader who doesn’t like corn!)

Finally, the two started chatting.

Of course, Hashishima Iori asked why Aki was also in a bad mood.

However, no matter how much he pressed, the person involved still refused to reveal a single word. He just put on a bad face and told him to stop asking.

After testing it several times, Iori Namishima finally realized that he could not change the other person's mind, so he reluctantly gave up the plan.

Then, they talked about Izumi Hashishima and Eri Riri.

"Speaking of which, my sister seemed to have received a gift from Eri Kashiwagi two days ago~"

"Are you referring to the copy of "Little Fantasy" they exchanged?"

"Haha, in fact, in addition to doujinshi, Eri Kashiwagi also generously gave her a full-color paper card, right?"


"Hey, I don't know how to thank you for bringing out such a precious thing all at once. You know, if the full-color paper card drawn by Eri Kashiwagi is auctioned online, the price can reach hundreds of thousands."

"Hey, you bad guy! That's not something that can be sold, is it-!"

"Ahaha, I'm just talking casually. I will never make things difficult for you."

"Don't ask me to repeat it again and again, I just can't stand this kind of thing about you!"

Namishima Iori shrugged nonchalantly and added, "But, Izumi has been troubled by the fact that she was being made trouble by Eri Kashiwagi recently."

"Looking for trouble?" An Yilun also asked in confusion: "What do you mean by this?"

"Oh? It looks like you don't know about this from the look on your face."

Namishima Iori smiled and spread his hands, explaining: "To put it simply, Eri Kashiwagi left a message similar to a letter of challenge on the full-color paper card she gave to Izumi~"

"War letter..."

"That's right~ Although in my opinion, with Chuhai's current level, it would be an honor to be considered as a rival by that person."

"Yinglili, she..."

"Do you want to say that she won't do such a thing? You should know that among the group of creators, there are countless childish guys, right?"

"... Chuhai didn't tell me about this, so how is she now?"

"Hey, if I have to say it, I feel a little stimulated and feel very unwilling. I don't want to lose to that person."

"That's it..."

An Yilun also murmured: "As a creator, Chuhai has a very tough character."

"Oh, she is great at going to sea. I have always firmly believed in this. But if you really want to say it, Sawamura-san's future is more secure."


"Don't you think so?"

Namishima Iori smiled knowingly and spoke casually.

"At least here in "TYPE-MOON", as long as Sawamura-san stays with Kato-kun for one more day, she will always be the one closest to the master painter. I don't have high expectations for going to sea to learn this much." thing. "

"Iori, you guy...why are you telling me this?"

"It's just a casual mention, I don't mean anything special."


"Speaking of which, how have you been lately? Are you happy playing games~?"

An Yilun also fell silent after hearing this and did not answer.

Are you happy playing games?

He thought he was happy, but things seemed to be getting different from what he imagined.

Think carefully about your current life. Every day you are either typing code or on the way to type code. The work is mechanical and monotonous, without the passion for creation.

the most important is--!

He, a Galgame expert, has no use at all in the studio.

Everyone was doing their own thing step by step, and even if they encountered difficulties, they would immediately run to ask Kato Yusuke.

Of course, it is understandable that the other party is trusted by everyone as the founder of the studio, and it is not impossible for him to understand.

Understandable is one thing, uncomfortable is another.

Ultimately, he felt slighted and longed for a chance to prove himself, but there was little hope.

All these factors combined made it really difficult for him to be happy.

Thinking of this, An Yilun couldn't help but complain.

"...Speaking of being unhappy, how can you be happy when you have to program every day?"

"Ahaha, but apart from this, there is no other job you can do, right?"

"It's not what I want to do anyway, it's not what I want to pursue."

"Hey~~This is a bit unexpected."

Namishima Iori turned her head and looked at him in surprise.

"Basically, you are joining Kato-kun's studio now, and among the members are painters and scripters of the same level as Eri Kashiwagi and Shiko Kasumi. Do you know this is an opportunity that many people dream of?"

“I don’t need you to remind me about that kind of thing—!”

"Now that you know it, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

"This is because--"

An Yilun also said as if venting his dissatisfaction:

"The current studio is simply too boring. There is no passion for creation at all. Everyone is just following Kato's instructions and working step by step. There is no freedom at all!"


A glint flashed in Hashishima Iori's eyes, "From what you said, do you mean to start your own business?"

"Huh!? I didn't say that!"

"But the current situation in the studio makes you very unhappy, right?"


An Yilun also remained silent, then nodded, "...I can't deny this."

"Have you not discussed this issue with Kato-kun?"

"...This is not a difficult problem that can be solved easily."

He spoke vaguely, not wanting to mention the quarrel between the two.

Hashishima Iori stared at him sideways for a while, then suddenly laughed.

"Well~ since you said so, how about we just form a club of our own to play games?"


"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong~?"

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? This kind of joke is not funny at all!"

"A joke? You misunderstood. In fact, I have always valued you as a person."

"Huh? Do you value me...?"

An Yilun also showed a dumbfounded expression, full of confusion.

"That's right~"

Namishima Iori nodded with a smile and said:

"With my connections, negotiation skills and political ability, coupled with your ideas, enthusiasm and action, I think sooner or later I will have the opportunity to take charge of the entire fandom."

"You are saying such annoying things again. If you want to take charge of those things, you should join the event planning committee..."

"It's such a shame, I really think so.

Toruya-kun, you always come up with interesting ideas that no one else has thought of. This is the part where I am always inferior to you, and it is also the reason why I can't take my eyes off you. "


An Yilun also suddenly showed a disgusted expression, folded his arms and complained: "Don't you feel sick when you say this?"


Namishima Iori raised the corners of her mouth frivolously and said with a smile: "In short, if you come up with any good plans or ideas, I am willing to help you realize it?"

"...With such a loud tone, can you be like Kato and spend tens of millions to play games in one go?"

"Stop talking about those unrealistic fantasies, right? Toruya-san."

"Sure enough, I knew..."

An Yilun also lowered his shoulders sadly, "Don't say 10 million, I can't even come up with 1 million, so why play games like this..."

"About this, it's not as absolute as you think, Toruya-san."


Facing his puzzled look, Hamishima Iori pointed at herself and said, "If it's just money, I can help you get investment, right?"

"Help me get investment..."

An Yilun couldn't help but be stunned, "Wait a minute, are you telling the truth??"

"Of course, have you forgotten my connections? Although tens of millions may be a bit reluctant, but a few million is not difficult for me~"

Namishima Iori paused for a moment before speaking, and then reminded him again.

"By the way, the premise of all this is that you must have an excellent project worth investing in, right? Toruya-san."

"——I understand that kind of thing without you having to say it!"

An Yilun also shouted loudly, and then asked: "Speaking of which, why do you want to help me? What are your intentions?"

"Is this difficult to understand? To put it simply, I believe in your vision. Since Sister Zhu Yin is gone, compared to the members of our club, you, Tonya-kun, are more trustworthy."

"... You are already famous now, but you still want to climb higher?"

"Ahaha, didn't I tell you before? I am very greedy, so I must become a big shot in the industry."

Finally, Namishima Iori said in conclusion:

"Anyway, that's how things are. When you make up your mind, Renye-kun, please contact me then."

After speaking, he left here.

An Yilun was also sitting on the bench, his expression uncertain.

A few days passed after that.

As the two-week winter vacation came to an end, the Hashishima brothers and sisters also said goodbye to everyone in Tokyo and returned to Nagoya.

Similarly, everyone has also ushered in the last semester of the freshman year of high school.

The days passed uneventfully.

School, studio, home.

Kato Yusuke maintains a three-point and one-line life.

Until Friday.

Hui suddenly came to him after school and expressed that he wanted to see the girl Xiao Xi and the others brought back.

Although this request was a bit sudden, Kato Yusuke only hesitated briefly and readily agreed.

In this way, the two bought some snacks as condolences on the way, and then came to the association.

After receiving the notice, Shintiao Xiang and Xiao Xi had been waiting for a long time.

Before meeting the parties, the two also explained the specific situation to them.

The girl who was brought back to the association called herself Muzi and was nineteen years old. Xiao Xi met her on the street when she went shopping one time.

According to his age, Muzi should have gone to college, but he is currently on a long-term hiatus.

As for the reason, it is because the owner has symptoms of mental instability.

After hearing this, Hui couldn't help but ask in detail, and Xiao Xi also explained it to her while preparing dinner.

It turned out that Muzi was born in a very controlling family. She had watched her parents engage in domestic violence against her sister since she was a child, and she herself began to experience auditory and visual hallucinations when she was in fourth or fifth grade.

Out of a rebellious mentality, Muzi began to hang out with some bad boys after he entered senior grade, and got into bad habits that hurt himself.

Finally one day, Muzi, who couldn't stand his parents' study-oriented attitude, ran away from home and came to Tokyo alone from his hometown. He was then brought back to the association by Xiao Xi.

When Kato Yusuke heard this experience, he couldn't help but worry about Xiao Xi's safety.

After all, given the state of the person involved, it would not be a strange thing to hurt the people around him one day.

Thinking of this, he directly expressed his worries and suggested that Muzi be sent to a larger welfare organization or nursing home. However, Serizawa Yu said that he wanted to persist for a while longer.

Perhaps considering that this was the first girl she had helped, or for some other reason, the girl sincerely hoped that she could improve the other person's condition.

Kato Yusuke had no choice but to tell Shinjoka to pay more attention and notify him immediately if there were any problems that could not be solved.

The latter naturally would not refuse his request and immediately nodded in agreement.

Then, several people came to Room 101 of the apartment and actually met a girl named Muzi.

It was a girl with short brown hair and a cute dress, giving off a princess-like feel.

Looking carefully at her expression, there is no sign of mental instability at all.

Kato Yusuke and Kei looked at each other and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

As if she could read their inner thoughts, the girl generously pulled up her sleeves and showed them her scarred upper left arm.

——It is staggered with sharp scars of different shades.

"If you want, you can touch it and see."

Faced with this invitation from the girl, Kato Yusuke wisely did not accept it, but Megumi said, "Excuse me..." and touched it.

The girl caressed the other person's arm with some restraint, and the uneven feeling through her fingertips gave people the illusion that she was directly touching her mental state.

"I haven't been able to completely get rid of this bad habit, but it has become much less severe than before. It only happens two or three times a week. The doctor said I have a dissociative disorder and it needs time to be treated."

Looking at Muzi who was smiling and saying this in a calm tone, it was hard for Kato Yusuke and Megumi to imagine that the other party would be cruel to them.

Only then did they realize that the girl in front of them was indeed different from ordinary people.

However, when the other person spoke, he was very organized and cheerful.

In fact, Muzi sincerely expressed her gratitude to them for allowing her to stay here temporarily, just like a polite ordinary girl.

Through these reactions, Kato Yusuke vaguely understood why Xiao Xi wanted to help the other party.

In order not to irritate Muzi's mental state, they did not interrupt for too long and took the initiative to leave after chatting for a few words.

On the way to the studio.

Hui's tone was slightly worried.

"Well, Yusuke, given Ms. Muzi's condition, is it difficult to return to a normal life?"

"It's hard to say. Although it should be a little difficult, it's not completely impossible."

"Do you think she can still work a normal job?"

"It's too early to say this now. At least she needs to get rid of the bad habit of hurting herself first, and then she can consider other things only after her mental state stabilizes."

"Is that kind of thing...possible?"

"I don't know that either."

Kato Yusuke shook his head and said: "Anyway, Shinjou-san has contacted the community doctor and will visit the girl regularly to diagnose her and help her maintain mental stability."

"As for Miss Muko, do you plan to leave it entirely to Shinjo-san and Serizawa-san?"

"Any questions?"

"Aren't you worried about their safety?"

"As long as Shinjou-san is here, nothing will usually happen. In addition, I will ask Saito and the others to help take care of it. As for the problems in life, I believe Xiaoxi and the others can handle it."

"That's it..."

Megumi said softly, then nodded.

Thanks to the leader [who doesn’t like corn]!

(Back to draft progress 3/9)

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