Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and forty-six, dilemma

Kato Yusuke doesn’t know what happened in the studio for the time being.

But when he was called to Kano Kano's apartment at night, the other party explained everything to him.


Hasumi Kanoko stood in front of the stove, adding seasonings to the steaming and fragrant pot, and said:

"Everyone is a little worried about Miss Muzi. I don't know if Shinjou and Xiao Xi can handle it. They have been discussing this matter at noon, but I have already comforted them."

"Is this so..."

Kato Yusuke replied lazily, leaning on the sofa and staring aimlessly at the ceiling above.

"What do you think about this matter, Kano-chan?"

"Yes, I think everyone's worries are not unreasonable, but Miss Muzi's situation is indeed very sympathetic and makes people want to help her."

"You basically didn't answer anything. Wouldn't that be too cunning?"

Hearing the helplessness in his tone, Hasumi Kanoko covered her mouth and snickered: "Actually, I don't have many ideas. As long as it is a decision you make, I will support it."


Kato Yusuke turned to look at the kitchen, his eyes falling on that slim figure.

Today, Kanoko Hasumi is wearing a Tiffany green suspender dress. The color is very eye-catching.

The skirt made of chiffon fabric sticks to the body, and the well-cut silhouette is gathered at the waist, highlighting the graceful waist curve, making it look thin and delicate.

Under the fluttering skirt, a pair of snow-white slender legs stretched out, depicting the unique soft lines of women. On her feet were a pair of cotton home slippers.

He thought for a moment, then stood up and walked over, hugging the other person from behind.


The sudden behavior caused Hasumi Kanoko to tremble slightly, then she turned her face away in a troubled manner and said: "Really, I'm still cooking."

"You're cooking, don't worry about me."

Kato Yusuke whispered, hugging her tighter and smelling the fragrance of her hair.

"It's so itchy."


"It's not 'huh', is it? What exactly do you want to do?"

"Just chatting with you."

"Stop making trouble."

Hasumi Kanoko muttered dissatisfiedly: "I can't cook like this, please go back and sit down, okay?"

Kato Yusuke hummed for a while, then kissed the soft ear gently.


The woman in her arms suddenly let out a muffled groan, her voice trembling slightly: "No, Kato-kun..."

Kato Yusuke ignored her, and instead raised a hand to hold her chin. Ignoring the owner's struggle, he kissed her lips lightly, and then explored more deeply.

Their faces were very close.

The woman's eyes were misty and moist, her face was flushed, and small beads of sweat were leaking from the tip of her nose.

The lips like rose petals were slightly open, pure and charming.

That endearing look made him unable to help himself, and he kissed her lips more tenderly and lovingly.

Hasumi Kanoko's body trembled slightly to accept his love, and her eyelashes unknowingly became moist.

——Gurgling gurgling.

The pot played a peaceful melody on the stove, and the fire was getting hotter.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Kato Yusuke took a deep breath, letting the intoxicating orchid fragrance stay deep in his nose, and then asked in a hoarse voice: "... Let's go to the bedroom? Huh?"

Hearing this, Ren saw that the confusion in Kanoko's eyes quickly receded like the tide, and she began to shake her head and struggle desperately.

"——No, no, no, no!"

She said: "At least not now, I'm still stewing fish. If you don't watch it, the fish will fall apart...!"

Kato Yusuke wanted to say something more, but she pushed his chest hard and drove him out of the kitchen.

"Anyway! Just be honest with me. As for other things... we'll talk about it after dinner, do you understand?"

The woman put one hand on her hips and raised an index finger, warning in a tone of anger and resentment.

Kato Yusuke looked at her with an indescribable expression, stretched out his hand to touch the back of his neck, and said with a wry smile: "... Even if you say so, I have nothing to do now."

"Then go watch TV or take a shower, or even work, but don't disturb me anyway. From now on, you are temporarily prohibited from entering the kitchen!"

As Hasumi Kanoko spoke, she crossed her arms and made a cross in front of her chest with a stern expression.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke sighed helplessly, pulled up a chair and sat down at the dining table.

"...I understand. Anyway, I won't disturb you anymore. Let's chat."

"Well...that's okay. What do you want to talk about?"

"Let's leave it to Kano-chan to decide on this today."

"How can I be like you?"

"Because I don't care about the content of the conversation, I just want to talk to you, no matter what."

"Really, you are making excuses again..."

Seeing Kanoko pouting and saying something, Hassan lowered his head to think.

"Speaking of which...didn't you go to the editorial office today? Is there anything going on there?"

"It's still the same as before. You know, I basically just go over and hand in the manga manuscript, and chat with Editor Suzuki and read letters from readers and stuff like that."

"Is everything going well with the comics?"

"Hmm... I guess so."

Kato Yusuke shrugged and said:

“My manuscript has been submitted to Chapter 88, and it will be almost finished next week.

As for the single volume, the sixth volume has been released, with cumulative sales of 1.5 million copies... That's about it. "

Hasumi Kanoko thought for a moment, and then reported to him the recent financial situation of the studio.

The first is the cost of venue.

Including the January rent just paid, the total cost of the studio so far is 3.6 million (including down payment).

In addition, decoration, furniture, equipment and miscellaneous expenses are about 8 million, of which the bulk of the expenses are mainly concentrated on equipment.

For example, the latest Cintiq digital screen equipped by the art department is priced at 500,000 units on the market, and they bought 5 units of this product alone.

Secondly, there are personnel costs.

In addition to their members who hold shares, the studio currently employs a total of three employees, namely Yoshida, Mayu Sagara, and Dekai Hashishima.

The salaries of the three people are 600,000, 200,000, and 200,000 respectively, and the monthly fixed expenses are 1 million.

Finally, there are the studio’s outsourcing costs.

The art part is 8 million, and other items such as engine and font licensing are about 200,000.

——And that’s not all!

In fact, as the development of the game progresses, more expenses will be incurred later.

For example, performance, distribution, sound, trial and error costs, and some additional unpredictable expenses, etc.

To sum up, the total expenditure of the studio to date is approximately 21 million, of which monthly fixed expenses are 2 million.

Faced with such high expenses, Hasumi Kanoko couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After all, it had only been two or three months, and nearly half of the 58 million Yusuke Kato had previously entrusted to her management had been spent. She was really flustered and hesitated whether she should be more economical.

When Kato Yusuke heard her words, he couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. He laughed and joked that she didn't even have a salary, so why should she save?

It’s no wonder Hasumi Kanoko had such a reaction, mainly because the payback cycle in Galgame’s industry is too long.

In the early stage, there was basically no return on investment, and the prospects were unpredictable.

It’s done, naturally everyone is happy.

If you lose, you lose everything.

There are simply too many small companies in the industry that are dragged to death halfway through making games because they are not strong enough.

——The reality is so cruel.

Fortunately, compared to others, Kato Yusuke's prophetic advantage gives him the confidence to persevere, otherwise he would not choose to put all his chips on it.

In addition to the expenses mentioned by Hasumi Kanoko, he actually had other expenses.

For example, the 5 million that was previously transferred to Motoyama Mina and the 5 million that was credited to the association account add up to 10 million.

In addition, there are two apartments that were rented later (one each for Xiaoxi and Guizhou), which cost almost 800,000 yuan including the down payment and furniture, and the monthly rent is 200,000 yuan.

In addition, he also asked Shintiao Xiang and Xiao Xi to accept a monthly salary of 200,000 yuan in the name of remuneration, which was regarded as remuneration for their work for the association.

Of course, the money went to his personal account.

Including the wages paid to Shintiao Xiang and Xiao Xi, they were also paid in the name of the association.

Calculating all aspects like this, Kato Yusuke's current situation is indeed a waste of money.

Having said that, he actually made a lot of money.

So far, the income that "Chainsaw Man" has brought him during this period is as follows -

Comic manuscript fee: 13 million

Single copy royalties share: 59 million

After deducting various taxes, the actual amount received is about 45 million.

Even after subtracting the association's expenses and his own expenses, he still has 28 million on hand.

If combined with the money in the studio account, it would be enough to make a "".

In fact, if he plays to the extreme, it would not be impossible to make another "Fate"...

Kato Yusuke thought of this and said:

"Anyway, don't worry about money, Kanano. Our current situation is quite comfortable, so there is no need to consider this."

Ren saw Kanoko raised her hand to lift the hair from her ears and gave him a helpless look.

"...Although this is true, it also makes me feel very problematic that you put all the pressure on yourself."

"what do you mean?"

"Ah, you're pretending to be stupid again. I've said it before, you don't have to take care of everyone, and we're not children. There's no reason to rely on you for everything."

Kato Yusuke's eyes flickered and he deliberately said in a relaxed tone:

"...I don't think so. If it's true, everyone is willing to stay in the studio to help me without being paid. On the contrary, I feel that I am the one being taken care of."

As if she had read through his thoughts, Renjian Kanoko rolled her eyes at him angrily.

“While it may appear that way on the surface, you are the one who has been investing from the beginning to the end.

If the studio generates profits in the future, you will definitely use various reasons to ask us to accept it.

The result is that we lose nothing except a little time, and you bear all the other stress alone. "


Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be silent for a moment, and then sighed sadly: "Seriously... can you please not read other people's minds casually? Kano-chan."

"I didn't mean to do that kind of thing, but your way of thinking is too easy to understand. Isn't it the so-called male chauvinism?"

"...I always feel like the girls around me are all too smart? This makes me feel very frustrated."

Not knowing what he was thinking of, Lian smiled when he saw Kanoko.

"Speaking of which, something suddenly occurred to me. Can I tell you?"

"What's up……?"

When Kato Yusuke asked this question, the other person started to moan in a long voice, "Hmm~~".

"You know, ever since Xiaoshi agreed to our matter, she and I have often chatted together in private."

"...Huh——? Why haven't I heard about this?"

"Eh? Really? Maybe I forgot to tell you, but that's not important."

"Really...? From your tone, it sounds like it's a very important thing."

"Oh, anyway, don't interrupt here, just listen to me quietly."

"I know, just say it."

Just like that, Hasumi Kanoko started talking.

"Well~~ How should I put it specifically? Have you chatted with Xiaoshi recently?"

"We had a chat two days ago."

"Well, what did she tell you?"

"It's nothing, I just talked a little bit about An Yi and Ying Lili..."

Kato Yusuke paused here and asked: "Does this have anything to do with what you are going to say next?"

"Hey, that's not true~"

Hasumi Kanoko seemed to be suppressing a smile, and asked: "Let me ask you, have you not eaten her until now~?"


Kato Yusuke asked dumbfounded, thinking he heard wrongly.

"I don't mean anything else by saying this, but Xiaoshi has often complained to me recently, saying that you have been refusing to fulfill your responsibilities as a boyfriend, and she is very resentful~~~"

While saying this, Hasumi Kanoko narrowed her eyes at him and snickered.

Kato Yusuke was speechless for a while, then moved his lips and asked: "...Did Senior Shiyu tell you these words personally?"

"Well~~~ She didn't say it directly, but she would often ask me sideways about what happened between us, and then she would lose her temper. I didn't want to talk anymore, but she would ask me to continue."

Seeing Kanoko blushing slightly, Hassan whispered, "Then I asked her about your progress, and I found out that you didn't do anything."


"So, can I ask why you refuse to respond to Xiaoshi's feelings?"


Kato Yusuke pinched his eyebrows with a headache, and said speechlessly: "I didn't think about these things deliberately..."

"But Xiaoshi is very troubled by this, and even wonders if she is unattractive. As a woman, I can understand her mood very well."

Intentionally or unintentionally, Hasumi Kanoko's voice contained some slight reproach.

Kato Yusuke really didn't know how to respond, so he just smiled awkwardly and tried to deal with it, but the other party didn't want to let him go easily.

"To be honest, is there someone you can't let go of in your heart?" Hasumi Kanoko suddenly asked.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned, "...It's so sudden, why do you ask that?"

Hasumi Kanoko put the chopped green onions into the pot and replied in a calm tone:

"Basically, everyone can see that you and Kato-san have a crush on each other. In addition, the atmosphere between you two was a bit strange a while ago. It's not difficult to guess, right?"

"……Are you angry?"

"Actually, I'm fine, but Xiaoshi seems to have a hard time accepting her appearance, and judging from her usual behavior, Kato-san probably can't accept Xiaoshi either."

Before the young man could speak, she continued speaking.

"However, since Xiao Shi can accept me staying by your side, I think it might not be that difficult for others? You'd better think of a way."

Could this be the same...?

Kato Yusuke unconsciously smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I really want to talk about it.

A large part of the reason why Shiyu can accept Xiaokano is because the latter is soft all over and has no aggressiveness at all.

But if it were Megumi...

He couldn't help but think back to their previous conversation.

Not to mention accepting Shiyu, Hui himself had made it very clear that she would not agree to his whimsical ideas.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but fall silent.


Hasumi Kanoko secretly observed his expression, and after pondering for a moment, she asked, "You look very embarrassed. Did Kato-san give you any problems?"

"...It's nothing like that. I'm just thinking about other issues." Kato Yusuke replied nonchalantly, trying not to appear unusual.

"That's it..."

Hasumi Kanoko stared at him for a while, and thoughtfully did not ask further questions, but simply said one sentence.

"All in all, bad boys must be responsible for the love debts they cause. No matter what the final result is, I will respect your decision."

Kato Yusuke looked at the corners of her eyes that were gently lowered, and felt a sudden bitterness in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

He thought for a while, and then whispered: "...Thank you, I will fulfill my responsibilities and be responsible to you."

No matter what, this decision will not change.

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