Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and fifty-one, breakup

Facing the questions thrown by Shiyu, everyone looked at each other, and then each expressed his or her own thoughts.

Megumi: "Hey~~? Even if you ask that, Kasumigaoka-senpai... Generally speaking, once you start dating someone, you should treat each other wholeheartedly. Playfulness is not allowed, right?"

Hasumi Kanoko: "Well... I can understand your mood, Kato-san. Normally, it should be like this. However, sometimes you fall in love with the same person, right?"

"Hey, Hasumi-sensei...?"

"What's wrong? Kato-kun."

"...No, it's okay, I'm just a little surprised that you would say that."

"Ahaha, did I say something strange?" Hasumi Kanoko asked in a natural tone, with just the right amount of confusion on her face.

Hui nodded first, then shook his head.

"Well...just like Hasumi-sensei said, although I don't deny that there will be such things, but they must be dealt with before we start dating, right?"

"So you want to say that if the person you like chooses someone else, you have to give up your own feelings?"

"Hmm~~This statement may be a bit absolute, but is it common sense?"

"Then, if there is a reason why you can't give up no matter what, what do you think you should do, Kato-kun?"

"I can't give up no matter what..."

"That's right~"

Hasumi Kanoko smiled slightly and said in a casual tone:

"I read a sentence in a certain book, "This person is like a rainbow, and you will know it when you meet him." When we encounter something that we absolutely cannot give in to, we can't let it go easily, right? "


Hearing this, Hui couldn't help but be silent for a while, "Well... I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what Hasumi-sensei means."

"It's not that complicated..."

Seeing that the smile on Kanoko's face did not diminish, Lian glanced at Shiyu seemingly casually, and then said:

"I don't mean anything by saying this, but at my age I no longer force myself to please others, I just want to be with people I feel comfortable with. In this sense, I think if everyone can be happy, good."

Her tone is gentle and considerate, which makes people feel close to her unconsciously.

However, the master's mood at this time was very complicated.

As a former teacher, now I am passing on some selfish thoughts to the students I have taught...

This made Kanoko Hasumi feel very ashamed. She felt that what she had done was a bit despicable and she blamed herself in her heart.


She couldn't just watch the one she loved get into trouble and do nothing.

Whether it was Shiyu who accepted her, or Eirili and Hui - she couldn't bear to see anyone get hurt.

Therefore, if it is to make our relationship last forever, she is willing to be a bad person.

Perhaps hearing some subtext in her words, Hui's expression changed slightly, and she glanced around unconsciously.

Kato Yusuke was staring down at the table, as if thinking about some kind of philosophy of life.

Shiyu crossed his arms with a cold expression and said nothing.

Yinglili didn't seem to understand the situation, looking around in confusion.

As for An Yilun... don't mention it.

Hui pursed her lips slightly, then looked directly at her former teacher.


She slowly said: "I'm sorry, Teacher Hasumi. What you just said is a bit complicated for me, and I still can't understand it... I'm sorry."

Although she knew that this would put her on the opposite side of everyone, she still revealed that she had no intention of compromising.

Shiyu next to her glanced at her and sneered.

Hasumi Kanoko gently lowered her eyes and said softly: "It's okay, Kato-san. I just said it casually, so you don't need to pay too much attention."

"—I said, everyone."

An Yilun also scratched his hair and asked suspiciously: "Are you discussing games now? Or are you talking about something else...?"

Although he couldn't hear any subtext, he could still sense that there was a certain change in the atmosphere at this time.

Yinglili also feels the same way.

She looked at the faces of Hasumi Kanoko and Kei repeatedly, and vaguely felt that they seemed to be talking about something very important, but she was too slow to get the point.

This made her feel very anxious.

She spoke impatiently so as not to let this annoying situation continue.

"As for the harem ending that Renya just mentioned, the so-called otakus are the existences with disgusting fantasies!

However, his intuition in this regard has always been very accurate. If it can make our game sell well, I don’t think we can’t consider his suggestions. "

" guy..."

An Yilun also showed an excited expression after hearing this. He couldn't help but want to express his gratitude, but was rudely interrupted by Shi Yu.

"So now one person, Kato-san, objects, and the three agree. So, Yuu-chan, what are you going to do?"

She turned her gaze to the young man in the main seat and asked: "Should we agree to the ethical classmate's wish to increase the harem route, or should we keep it as it is?"

Suddenly, all eyes were focused on one person.

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

"No, just keep it as it is now. I don't plan to add any routes."

In the end, he rejected the harem route.

It's not that it's directed at anyone, but that "" had already had a very good response in its previous life, and there was no need to add any superfluous changes.

Although there is some truth to what An Yilun said, there may be some players who like that kind of harem ending... but this game itself is not a otaku-friendly work!

It was out of this consideration that he decisively refused.

However, An Yilun couldn't understand such an idea.

Not only could he not understand, he even felt that he was being targeted and couldn't help but ask questions emotionally.

"Wait a minute, Kato! Why are you so arbitrary? This is obviously a good suggestion, right? And everyone agrees! How can you refuse so casually?"

The tough tone made Kato Yusuke frown, but he still patiently explained:

"You are overthinking. I made the decision after careful consideration. Besides, the outline is already very compact and there is no room for adding more content."

"——Then re-imagine it!"

An Yilun couldn't help but express: "Whether we want to add a new description of the first half, a plot in the middle, or a plot line in the second's not too late to start work from now on, right?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Kato Yusuke frowned and said in a deep voice: "Start working again from now on. Do you understand how much work it is?"

"If anything, striving for perfection is the spirit a creator should have! As long as it can make the game more interesting and the work better, no matter how difficult it is, we must do it! This is a producer worthy of respect— —!"

"According to your statement, is it necessary to postpone or even postpone the entire work just to add a branch plot with unknown prospects?"

"In order to meet the expectations of more players, I think this is a necessary sacrifice! What's more, adding a plot is not that complicated. Just remove and cut off some impurities, right?"

"Remove some impurities...?"

Kato Yusuke almost laughed out loud when he heard this.

"Then tell me, what are the impurities in the current outline that you think are impurities?"


An Yilun was also paused by the question and started thinking reflexively.

Haruhara Hinata, Furukawa and his wife, Okazaki Naoyuki...

He went through various protagonists and supporting characters in his head, but he couldn't find a character that could be called "impurity".

The existence of almost every character has its own meaning, making the whole work more complete.

Having said that…

He smacked his lips vigorously but still refused to give in.

"Kato, you don't have to use these excuses to deal with me, I know what's going on in your mind!"

"I'm perfunctory with you...?"

"Ah, that's right——!"

Ignoring Kato Yusuke's surprised look, An Yilun continued speaking.

"I mean, you saw everyone's reaction just now!

It's obvious that Kano-chan, Eiriri, and Shiwa-senpai all agree with my idea, but you just refuse to accept it!

To put it bluntly, you are targeting me just because you see me unhappy, right? Don’t you think you are too small-minded? "

As soon as these words were spoken, the room instantly became dead silent.

The sudden conflict caught everyone off guard, and they all looked at him in astonishment.

Immediately afterwards, Hasumi Kanoko was the first to react.

"Um, I mean An Yi-san...!"

She hurriedly stood up and comforted: "Don't worry, Kato-kun, he definitely has no intention of targeting you, you should calm down..."

"——How can I calm down!"

An Yilun also retorted almost yelling, ignoring Hasumi Kanoko's persuasion.

"It should be said that this is obviously a game that we all play together, but now Kato doesn't even listen to other people's opinions! Does he plan to be that kind of dictator or tyrant——!"

Angry roars echoed in the room, and even the air was shaking slightly.

Little by little, Kato Yusuke calmed down the expression on his face.

He looked at An Yilunye who was glaring at him with a very calm expression.

"I'm sorry, An Yi, but I can't agree to the only thing about starting over.

For me, it's important to produce great work, but making sure the studio is profitable is the top priority. "

An Yilun also opened his eyes for a moment, with explicit disgust on his face, and sarcastically said:

"To actually say something like this... you were obviously not like this before! Now you are simply in the eyes of money. You have completely degenerated, Kato!"


Accompanied by a muffled sound of hammering on the table, an irrepressible angry roar rang out.

"Let me tell you! It's about time you called it quits, right? Aki Eno-san."


An Yilun also subconsciously turned his face and looked into the eyes of a frosty face.

"Tell me, Aki Ethical-classmate."

Shiyu asked word for word: "Did Yu-chan's repeated forbearance give you the courage to speak nonsense here?"


"It would be fine if it was a fan work with a loose staff structure and a casual production system. But Yu-chan is now making a commercial Galgame and has put a lot of effort into it. Don't you know!"

Facing the shocked An Yilunye, Shiyu's eyes were as sharp as thin ice.

"Actually, I've wanted to say this for a long time. Do you think Yu-chan opened this studio as a joke? You're going to let him bet on the future of the studio just based on your wishful thinking. How dare you say that? exit?"

"Shiyu...Senior Sister..."

An Yilun also murmured, gritting his teeth and said: "I just want to make the game better, there is no other meaning!"

"So? What you mean by doing better is that you want Yu-chan to overthrow everything and start all over again? If you have that half-hearted mentality like playing house, you might as well quit as soon as possible!"

"Why is this? Senior sister, it's too much to say that!"

"It's really hard for me to understand. You keep saying that Yu-chan is targeting you, don't you think you are overly self-aware? To be honest, do you have that kind of qualification?"

"...But, everyone has seen what happened just now. Most people obviously agree with my point of view, but Kato rejected it so easily..."

"So what? Yuu-chan founded this studio, and he is free to do whatever he wants. On the contrary, you have been targeting Yuu-chan, intentionally or unintentionally, recently. What do you mean-?"

Shiyu stared at An Yilunye, and the fierceness in his heart turned into a voice.

"Watching the girl you like fall in love with someone better than you, does it stimulate your small self-esteem?"

"What did you say--!"

An Yilun's pupils shrank and he suddenly slapped the table and stood up.

"What, did I say something wrong?"

Shiyu asked sharply.

"You are the most useless person in the whole studio. It's a shame that you can always be so shameless and pretend not to see it. No matter how shameless you are, there should be a limit!"


An Yilun's face was also flushed, a surge of anger rushed to his forehead, his chest heaved violently, and his whole body was like a volcano about to erupt.

The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Things have developed to this point and are beyond everyone's control.

Kato Yusuke gently put his hand on Shiyu's shoulder, showing his greatest gratitude and comfort, and then looked at An Yirunya with an expressionless face.

"Sorry, An Yi, my meaning is still the same. If you can't accept it, please do it yourself."


An Yilun's body also shook, and the corners of his mouth were twisted but he was speechless.

Look around the house.

Let’s leave aside Kato Yusuke and Shiyu for now.

Hasumi Kanoko, Eiriri, Megumi... all three of them looked at him with hesitation, with the same troubles and worries on their faces, but no one was willing to stand by him...

A feeling of lack of interest suddenly came to my heart.

After being silent for a while, he suddenly clenched his fists.

"...I'm not interested in staying in a place like this where I can't hear other sounds. From now on, it's up to you to do whatever you want—!!"

An Yilun also shook off these words with a livid face, then stepped hard and rushed out of the conference room resolutely.

Boom, boom, boom, boom——

The dull footsteps gradually faded away.

Not long after...


The sound of slamming the door resounded in the studio.

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