Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and seventy-three, heaven has given great responsibilities to the people of Sri Lanka.

Early the next morning, the early spring sunshine shined through the glass of the tram, casting a golden light on the carriage. After the stay, everyone set off on their way home.

"Uh-huh~~ Do you want to go back already? I feel like I don't want to go back yet."

"Really, it's great to come here, I had so much fun~!


Hearing the conversation between Sagara Mayu and Serizawa Yu, Hasumi Kanoko said with a smile.

"If you are willing, Xiao Xi, we can organize similar activities next time. You and Shinjo-san are welcome to come and play~"

"Really!? Thank you Hasumi-san!"

"You're welcome~ Miss Sagara, although I can understand your feelings, please work harder when you get back, okay?"

"Follow your orders! I will work hard~! Rather, after these three days of rest, I am full of energy now. It doesn't matter even if Master comes back to the Devil's Rally again~!"

"Eh? Miss Sagara, who is the master you are talking about...?"

"Hmm~ He's your brother, Xiao Xi. How about it? Isn't it more intimate to call him "master" than "teacher"? "

"Speaking of which, I've wanted to ask before."

Megumi, who was sitting in the front row, asked curiously: "Sagara-san, you seem to be a high school student too, right? How old are you?"

"Hehe~ About this issue."

Mayu Sagara suddenly stood up from her seat, snickering and leaning her upper body towards the front row, "I want to keep my exact age secret forever~~~?"

Seeing her acting dangerously, Hasumi Kanoko, who was also sitting in the front row, warned her.

"Miss Sagara, will you be warned by the flight attendant if you lie down on your seat like this?"

The person involved smiled at this, but did not sit down immediately. Instead, he sighed with a little regret: "It's a pity that she couldn't come to join the camp when she went to sea. She is really unlucky."

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, she's in Nagoya. Let's see if there's a chance next time. Also, Miss Sagara, please sit down quickly."

"Yes, yes, Hasumi-nee is so strict."

Mayu Sagara stuck out her tongue naughtily and sat down in her seat obediently.

At this time, Yinglili, who was sitting on the other side of the aisle, half-closed her eyes and complained.

"I mean, please stop talking so head is ringing."

Shiyu, who was sitting a seat away from her, snorted contemptuously.

"You just ate some whiskey-filled chocolate and this is it. You are so shameless, Sawamura."

"What are you talking about! You are livid now, so how can you make complaints about others?"

Hui, who was in the next row, said casually: "Everyone drank too much last night... No, I must have eaten too much."

The seat allocation in the carriage at this time is as follows:

Shiyu, Kato Yusuke, and Eiri are sitting on the left.

Hui and Ren saw Kanoko and Yoshida sitting on the right side of the front row.

Mayu Sagara, Yu Serizawa, and Kaori Shinjo sit in the row behind on the right.

Except for Yoshida and Shinjoka, who slept with eye masks on, everyone showed expressions of confusion when they heard the topic of wine-filled chocolate.

"Ahaha... That's true. I seemed to have caused trouble for Hasumi-san last night."

"It's nothing. Miss Sagara, you're okay. I'm more worried about Xiao Xi. Are you okay? Do you feel any discomfort?"

"Ah, yes, thank you Hasumi-san for your concern, but it doesn't matter to me. I fell asleep immediately after returning to the room last night, so I don't know much about this..."

"Really, that's good..."

Hasumi Kanoko said with some self-blame: "It's all my fault for being too careless yesterday. It would have been better if I had discovered the problem with the chocolate earlier."

Shiyu covered her forehead and said, "This is not your problem, Kano-chan. No matter how you think about it, the person who brought that chocolate should be the culprit, right?"

"Ugh - people, they have good intentions. I didn't know it was wine-filled chocolate. Besides, you were very happy eating it!

Even after returning to the room, you were still glutton! "

"Well, that's because you said you wanted to lighten your luggage, so I helped you. Besides, Sawamura, you're the same way? It's because you're so greedy that you got yourself hungover, isn't it?"

"Haha? Who's hungover? Stop talking nonsense! I'm just a little motion sick..."

"It's useless to talk harshly, right? You must know that the human body's ability to decompose alcohol is concentrated in the chest. Sawamura-san, don't force yourself to do this~?"

As Shiyu spoke, she puffed up her chest proudly. The plump E-cup immediately dealt a critical blow to Yinglili, and the number of hp-999 appeared on her head.

When Mayu Sagara heard this, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Wow! You guys were still eating it later? Wouldn't that be a problem? Ah, but that chocolate is really delicious. I feel like I'm going to fly after eating one."

Next to him, Serizawa kept nodding his little head, agreeing with this statement.

Hasumi Kanoko asked worriedly: "You mean Kato-san, Xiaoshi and Sawamura-san ate a lot yesterday?"

"Um~~ Let me think about it... they almost ate one box each, right? But since Yusuke also came to help later, so it didn't cause too much trouble... probably."

"Megumi, when you say that, doesn't it make us look like troublemakers?"

"Only this point Sawamura is right. I consider myself a person with a sense of propriety and will not behave inappropriately. Kato-kun, your speech is too rude."

"Well... about this, well, if you think so, just treat it like that~"

Faced with the congenial reactions of Eiriri and Shiyu, Megumi responded with a very reluctant attitude, and at the same time, she glanced at Kato Yusuke who was immersed in work as if inadvertently.

As for how many times she helped the two of them put on their open yukatas last night to prevent a sane man from seeing something he shouldn't see, she didn't want to say more.

"...By the way, Megumi."

Eiri asked hesitantly: "I don't quite remember what happened last night. What happened to Kasumigaoka Shiu and me?"

Shiyu yawned and said, "Somehow, when I came to my senses, I was already sleeping in a pile with Sawamura."

"Hey~~ You can't remember it anymore? That would be great... No, I mean, it doesn't matter if you don't need to remember it~"

Eirili: "But... I seem to have seen something very important?"

Shiyu: "On my side, it seems that I not only saw it but also touched it, and I vaguely remember that the thing is very torturous. If I am not careful, it will make people sticky..."


Kato Yusuke, who had been silent all this time, coughed violently, raised his head from the digital screen, and said with a smile:

"Basically... that's a normal reaction after being drunk. The two of you just played a few games of guessing with Megumi, and there was nothing else - huh?"

He stopped here and took out his vibrating cell phone from his pocket.

"...I'm sorry, Mami is calling me. It might be something important. I'll go out and pick it up."

Kato Yusuke said and showed everyone the screen of his mobile phone. He took this opportunity to escape from the center of the whirlpool that was getting worse and came to the connection between the carriages.

After pressing answer, Asami's voice came over.

"Hey~ Katozai?"

"Well, it's me."

"That's right~ Although it's a bit sudden to ask this, but where are you now, Kato-chan? When will you be back?"

Kato Yusuke glanced at the fields passing by outside the window and said, "We are on the train back to Tokyo, and we will arrive at about a quarter past two."

"Hmm~ So what are your plans when you arrive? Will you go back to the apartment directly?"

"No, I'm going to the studio. What can I do for you?"

"Hey~ I see, you're going to the studio..."

Asami pondered for some reason.

Then say:

"Well, that's okay. Then I'll bring my friend to you, the kid who comes to the association to work part-time. We'll be waiting for you over there in the studio."

"Huh? Why?"

"Huh? I don't have any reason, I just want you to meet her. Anyway, that's it, bye."

Asami dropped the words without hesitation and hung up the phone without giving anyone a chance to refuse.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frowned and called the other party back. As a result, the line on the other end was busy because the call was in progress, so he gave up trying again.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to meet the volunteer, it was just that he originally wanted to wait until he was free to go to the association one day before meeting him, but since Asami wanted to take the initiative to arrange it, he had no reason to refuse.

With the idea that it would be better to hit the sun than to choose another day, Yusuke Kato returned to the carriage and informed everyone of the news.

When they heard that a new volunteer was coming, everyone was a little curious. Unfortunately, Kato Yusuke himself didn't know the other person's situation, so naturally he couldn't say what he was like, so he had to wait until he saw him before talking about anything.

Because of this, everyone gave up in frustration.

Kato Yusuke looked around and found that the atmosphere seemed a little different from before he left, so he asked casually.

"So, what are you talking about?"

The person who answered the question was Mayu Sagara.

"Hehe~ It's actually like this, Master."

She smiled evilly and said, "Xiao Xi just accidentally said that when she woke up in the morning, she saw the master and Miss Kato coming back from outside together, so Miss Kato is being interrogated now~"


Kato Yusuke's smile froze on his face, and he looked at Xiao Xi subconsciously. The other person put his palms together in front of his face with an apologetic look, hunched his shoulders and bowed slightly.

[In view of the general environment,

He looked to the left and saw Kanoko and Kei, one of whom was smiling but not smiling, and the other was annoyed.

Then he looked to the right, and the next moment his eyes were stung by two cold glances.

Kato Yusuke swallowed unconsciously and felt his legs shaking softly for no reason.

Ignoring his explicit reaction, Shiyu took the lead in attacking Hui.

"Speaking of which, isn't it common among the Four Heavenly Kings? The kind of guy who usually acts selflessly and thinks about everyone, but secretly does the dirty work of a traitor."

Eiri also said in frustration: "How could you do this, Megumi... I still think of you as a good friend...!"

Facing the two people's condemnation, Megumi groaned, "Ugh..." and lowered her gaze guiltily, speechless.

"Hmph - I told you Sawamura a long time ago that the more friendly a person is on the surface, the more vigilant he must be. Are you willing to believe me now?"

"Cunning...cunning, cunning, cunning! He actually sneaked away while we were drunk. This is so cunning!"

"Speaking of Sawamura, you don't know, right? Yu-chan still has shampoo from this woman at home, and she also comes regularly to do some commuter wife work."

"Commuting wife!?""

The cries of Eiriri, Mayu Sagara, and Yu Serizawa overlapped.

"No, no, no, it doesn't happen. It's not what everyone thinks. It doesn't even have the slightest connection..."

Hui hurriedly waved his hands to deny it.

"I just think Yusuke's life is too unhealthy, so I occasionally cook for him at home. Really...that's all...? Also, the idea of ​​a commuter wife is too much!"

"That's what you said, but in reality, only you, Kato-kun, know what's going on. Generally speaking, would a girl randomly go to a strange man's house to cook?"

"So, as I said, it's because of Yusuke..."

Megumi lost her usual composure, hemmed and hawed, and gave Kato Yusuke a complaining look. The latter gritted his teeth and said bravely:

"Um, Xiaoshi, and Yinglili, please listen to my explanation——"

——Yu-chan (Yusuke) Shut up! ""

"Ah, yes...I'm sorry."

Kato Yusuke stood at attention for a moment, then turned to look at Kanoko Hasumi aside, trying to get a little help.

The woman who was always watching tenderly would definitely not ignore him at such a time...

——"Go to hell."

Those peach blossom eyes that were always gentle and watery were now as cold as winter, without any smile at all.

Before Yusuke Kato could understand the reason behind that, Shiyu continued:

"Even if we don't mention the fact that you cooked for Yuu-chan, Kato-san, how are you going to explain what happened last night?"

"This, this..."

"Megumi, we clearly promised to be fair!"

"That, that's..."

Mayu Sagara in the back row stared, ears pricked up, not taking it too seriously to watch the excitement.

"So, Ms. Kato obviously eats sweets, but she didn't touch chocolate at all yesterday. Did she know from the beginning that chocolate is not allowed to be eaten?"

"Nothing like that...Besides, I actually ate a piece too, right? It's just that people don't know it."

"Hey, Kato-san."

Kanoko Hasumi put her hand on Megumi's shoulder and said with a smile: "Actually, the teacher also thinks that eating alone is a bit inappropriate."


That voice was obviously very gentle, but it made Hui feel shuddering, and she felt a numbness on her neck.

"U-um...everyone, I want to go to the bathroom."

She instinctively wanted to run away, but the Wudou Faction, who temporarily acted as one of the Four Heavenly Kings, pressed her shoulders hard.

"I'm sorry, Kato-kun, please stay a little longer."


"Give up, have no way to escape."


Shiyu, one of the four heavenly kings from the Zhilue sect, crossed his arms and waved.

"Okay, now it's your turn as a friend to put an end to the traitor. Go ahead! The Four Heavenly Kings are the weakest! Sawamura Spencer Eiri!"


! "

"Wait a minute Eiri! You were hacked just now as if nothing happened... Ughhhhh~"

Yoshida and Shinjoka were awakened by the movement of several people. They took off their blindfolds and looked over with blank expressions.

Kato Yusuke wanted to step forward to stop him, but Shiyu raised his foot and stepped forward to block him, with a cold eyebrow.

"What? Yu-chan, do you want to join the women's war?"


Kato Yusuke opened his mouth, his eyes wandering between the Four Heavenly Kings, and suddenly realized that the current situation did not allow him to intervene, so he could only stand where he was.

After all, he really couldn't help it.

If Kano-chan is still willing to help him, there may be a chance for things to turn around, but once Kano-chan loses his temper, all he can do is lie down.

Kato Yusuke rubbed his face vigorously, and could only hold on to some of Ah Q's spirit, and thought happily in pain -

——Heaven has given great responsibility to this people.

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