Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and three, rush to Nasu Plateau

——"Sorry, Megumi, I can't respond to you like this, there are other girls in my heart."

Faced with his remarks, the other party did not show any surprise.

"Well, Yusuke, you are referring to Kasumigaoka-senpai and the others, right?"

Megumi tilted her head cutely and said in her usual indifferent tone:

"Although I know this kind of thing, in my opinion, it seems that you take everyone on your back as a responsibility, always blindly meeting other people's expectations. Aren't you tired of living like that?

I don’t think your idea is wrong, but there should be other methods, right?

I like you Yusuke, and I know you also like me.

Even so, won't you choose me? "Board

Kato Yusuke was silent for a long time, "...I'm sorry, I can't ignore Shiyu-senpai and the others. I must fulfill my responsibility."

"What about me? Yusuke, do you also regard me as one of the persons responsible?"

"That's what I thought..."


Hui Qianqian frowned, put her hands behind her back, and asked in a calm tone.

"...In other words, Yusuke, you want me to be like Kasumigaoka-senpai and Hasumi-sensei, and still stay by your side even though I know that you have inappropriate relationships with other members of the opposite sex. Am I right to understand this?"

Kato Yusuke opened his lips several times but closed them again. He lowered his head in shame and stared at the cold rocks under his feet. board

The seams of the hiking boots were filled with stones and mud, and the edges of the uppers were stained by a circle of stains where the snow had condensed and dried, making them look a little dirty.

He raised his head deeply and looked at the girl in front of him.

"... Megumi, you are right. I do have selfish thoughts in my heart, but I will not do anything to offend you, nor will I force you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the other party responded quickly.

"Well, Yusuke, you didn't force me, but at the same time you didn't give up trying to change me. This approach is really selfish."

His eyes that were originally shy and undulating now looked a little disappointed.

"...Although I know that I am not as qualified as others to say this, what I want to give Yusuke is my complete and unique heart, but in the end I can only get your incomplete feelings?"

"……Feel sorry."

Kato Yusuke gritted his teeth and said repentantly:

"I understand that this is too much to ask for...but other than that, I can give you everything I have. Can you please stay?"

Hui lowered her eyes silently, and after a while she said softly:

"But... what I want is that complete relationship, nothing else is important. Why don't you understand, Yusuke...?"

Of course Kato Yusuke understood, but he had no choice.

His expression changed, then he took a deep breath and spoke with difficulty. board

"I'm sorry... I can't ignore the fact that what happened, and I won't make excuses to defend myself. I really like Hui and want to be with you."

"I can't promise much right now, but I will do my best to respond to you and try to have a clear conscience. So, are you willing to give me some time... to stay and witness?"

He stared into the other person's eyes, trying to convey his most sincere feelings, but unfortunately the other person always lowered his head and did not look at him.

After a long silence, Hui took a shallow breath.

"I see."

The girl looked up, with a trace of sadness in her ethereal eyes, and she used a smile to cover up her feelings.

"...Since Yusuke you can't make up your mind yet, I will continue to wait. Just pretend that what just happened never happened, but..." Ita

Hui paused and said in a soft voice:

"People change with time and various opportunities. I don't know how long I can wait, so Yusuke, please don't let me wait too long..."


Kato Yusuke felt a sense of sadness, and he understood that his attitude had hurt the other party.

"Ah, it's a pity that we couldn't reach the top of the mountain this time. Let's get ready to go down. Sorry for dragging you down, Yusuke, and... Happy White Day."

Hui said nonchalantly and walked towards the mountain hut.

The moment the master turned his back, Kato Yusuke vaguely caught a hint of darkness in his eyes. board

He stared at the girl's retreating back, stood there for a while, clenched and unclenched his fists, and finally followed her.

after that--

Megumi didn't say another word to him until they returned to Tokyo.

Kato Yusuke tried to communicate with the other party, but he didn't know how to speak, so he could only remain silent.

He went home with a heavy heart, changed his clothes, bought some things in the mall, and finally came to the Immortal River.

In the Light Editorial Department, Shiu and Machida Enko are discussing matters related to the animation of "Love Festival" in the conference room.

The former crossed his arms and sat indifferently on the iron chair, turning a blind eye to his arrival. board

The latter greeted him warmly, with a hint of schadenfreude.

Kato Yusuke didn't say much about this. He sat directly next to Shiyu, put the gift he bought on the table, and waited for them to end their discussion.

Logically speaking, even though he had a good relationship with the manga club, he was not qualified to listen to the content of the discussion between the two. However, Machida Enko did not ask him to avoid taboos, so he stayed shamelessly.

While sitting quietly, I replied to everyone’s messages on my mobile phone.

Kano-chano, Xiaoyu, Asami, Mr. Goto...

Although he had said before setting off that he would be busy over the weekend, surprisingly many people came to see him.

Kato Yusuke processes various messages and emails in order of importance. board

After Machida Enko's discussion ended, he sent Shiyu home and apologized repeatedly for forgetting White Day.

Shiyu kept a cold face and ignored him until he entered his apartment.

Kato Yusuke looked awkwardly at the chocolate in his hand that he could not send out, and smiled bitterly.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Ying Lili called.

"Yusuke... I drew the CG of the game!"

"From sketch to line drawing and coloring, I finished it in a day and a half! And there are an unprecedented seven! This is my new record! I can't stop! And I don't want to stop at all!"

"Anyway, I'll just send the original painting via email right now? Ah, but considering the size of the file, wouldn't it be a bit difficult to send it all by email...?"

"What should I do? Should I publish them one by one, or should I share them with you using dropbox?"

The girl spoke like a barrage of words, her emotions extremely high.

However, in sharp contrast to this enthusiasm, the master's voice at this time was so hoarse that it was unfamiliar.

"Eiriri?" Kato Yusuke frowned unconsciously, "What's wrong with your throat? Have you taken your temperature?"


"Do you have a fever? Do you feel dizzy or weak?"

"What are you talking I okay?"

Yinglili said, her breathing obviously faster than usual.

"I'm just a little tired. These...must be...tiredness brought about by...the sense of joyful accomplishment..."



As if all the enthusiasm had been exhausted, the master's voice suddenly became weak, "I always feel... so cold."

Kato Yusuke realized something was wrong and his expression became serious, "Eiriri, calm down and tell me, are you in the room now?"

"Room? Is this...a room? Strange, why is there a heater?"

"...That's because of your villa in Nasu Plateau."

"Ah~~That's right... Yusuke, when will you come?" Eirili said in hindsight, as if she had just noticed where she was.

Kato Yusuke felt nervous and immediately stood up and started to get dressed, trying to keep his tone calm.

"Listen, Eiri, I'm already on my way here. Now go to bed and lie down under the quilt, and then call the doctor over at Nasu Plateau and ask someone to come and diagnose you."

"You are exaggerating. It's okay... As long as tomorrow comes, the body temperature... will... come down by itself~~" Yinglili smiled cutely.

"When did you start having a fever? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because, Yusuke, you said you had something to do over the weekend... I don't want to cause you any trouble."


Kato Yusuke couldn't help but pause, and his expression became complicated.

"It's okay... Yusuke." Eirili said intermittently: "It's... it's completely... it doesn't matter..."

"Stop talking, Yinglili."

"Yusuke...I really want to...see you...Padong——"

There was the sound of something heavy falling to the ground, and the call was suddenly interrupted. board

Kato Yusuke's face instantly became very ugly. He hurriedly packed his wallet and keys, rushed outside, stopped a taxi on the side of the road, and told the driver that he was going to Nasu Plateau.

When the driver heard that the destination was actually in Linxian, he looked embarrassed and didn't want to take the order.

After all, it was already night, so he could drive there, but there was a high probability that he wouldn't be able to pick up passengers when he came back.

"I'm really sorry, guest. Your destination is too remote and it might be difficult to get there by taxi..."

He expressed his difficulties tactfully, and then heard this sentence——

"I have something urgent. Please drive faster. I will pay double the fare."

The driver was startled, and then said sternly: "Okay, please don't worry, it is my responsibility to deliver the passengers to their destination! Just sit tight!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the accelerator.

Accompanied by a strong pushing feeling, the car suddenly drove forward.

Kato Yusuke didn't understand this, so he took out his mobile phone and called a certain contact.

After a short wait, Sayuri Sawamura's voice sounded from the receiver.

"Ah, what's the matter with calling so late? Kato-kun~"

"Sorry to bother you, Aunt Sayuri, I have something urgent to tell you."

Kato Yusuke took a deep breath and told the other party the contents of the call he had with Eiriri a few minutes ago. board

"...I see, did my Eirili exhaust herself to the point of falling ill?" Sayuri Sawamura's voice lost the teasing tone, and she also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Yes, I am on my way to Nasu Plateau now. Please tell me the detailed location of the villa and how to enter. I will go in directly to check the situation. It would be better if you and Mr. Leonard can come too. ."

"Well... Leonard and I may not be able to make it there, but I will send you the detailed address of the villa. Can you please Kato-kun, please take care of Eri-ri first?"

"Okay, I will notify you in time when I get there, and I will report any subsequent problems to you."

"Hmm~ That's good." Sayuri Sawamura said with satisfaction: "Then Kato-kun, I leave my daughter to you. Please take good care of her."

"No, this is what I should do."

After ending the call, Sayuri Sawamura quickly sent the address of the villa, the storage location of the spare keys, and the contact information of the local doctor. board

Kato Yusuke hesitated for a moment, then sent a message to Hui and Shiyu respectively, briefly explaining the situation, and then received this reply.

[Hui: I think Yinglili may need a change of clothes, medicine, nutritional supplements, etc. I'll give you a list of the things you need. Remember to buy them on the way. 】

[Shiyu: Got it, take care of Sawamura first, and we’ll talk about other things when you get back. (angry)】

Kato Yusuke pinched his eyebrows and looked out the window thoughtfully.

Half past eleven in the evening.

Nasu Plateau, in front of the Sawamura family's villa. board

Kato Yusuke carried the things he bought on the road and used the spare key to enter the villa.

All the way to the living room, the situation in front of me made me feel complicated.

In the dark room, the girl was lying alone on the floor, with a mobile phone beside her.


He quickly put down his things, turned on the light, walked quickly to the other party, squatted down, and checked her condition.

Yinglili's body felt hot and she was breathing rapidly. It was obvious that she had a fever.

Not caring about so much, Kato Yusuke bent down and picked up the other person, moved him to the bed in the bedroom and covered him with a quilt. board

Then, he found a clean towel to wipe the sweat from the other person's forehead, put a fever-reducing patch on it, and then took out his mobile phone to contact the doctor.

Although it was late at night, after telling Spencer's name, the other party immediately agreed to come to see a doctor.

While waiting for the doctor to come, Yinglili never woke up, and kept making distressing moans from her mouth.

An hour later, the doctor came to the door.

Due to the fact that I have not regained consciousness, the other party is unable to conduct a detailed examination and can only diagnose by observing superficial symptoms and measuring body temperature.

"Well...the temperature is 39 degrees. Miss Sawamura must have contracted the flu." The doctor said while looking at the thermometer.

"Do I need to take her to the hospital?" Kato Yusuke asked immediately. board

"No, that's not necessary. Her problem is not serious, it's just weakness caused by overwork. I can just prescribe some medicine."

"I bought some antipyretics, vitamins and nutritional jelly before I came here. Doctor, do you think these can be used?"

Kato Yusuke said as he took out various supplies from the plastic bag for the other party to inspect.

The doctor looked at it carefully and gave a positive answer.

"Well, it's okay. I'll try to get Miss Sawamura to drink the medicine later. If she can't wake up, grind the medicine into powder, stir it with water and feed it to her. Don't rush to feed her, but make sure she drinks more. water."


Kato Yusuke carefully wrote down the other party's instructions. board

Seeing his serious expression, the doctor smiled and comforted him:

"Brother, you don't have to be so nervous. Miss Sawamura has been in poor health since she was a child, and this has been her old problem. As long as she takes her medicine on time and has a good rest, she will be fine."

The other party paused here and added earnestly: "However, her physique is indeed relatively weak. It is best to let her exercise properly to improve her physical condition. "

"Improve your body..."

Kato Yusuke nodded thoughtfully, expressing understanding, "Okay, I will remember this. Thank you for the reminder."

The doctor waved his hand, picked up the medical kit and prepared to leave.

"Okay, let Miss Sawamura have a good rest. If anything happens, call me at any time."

"Ok, thank you."

After explaining everything, the doctor quickly left.

Following the doctor's instructions, Kato Yusuke helped Erili up from the bed and carefully helped her take the antipyretic medicine.

After thinking again and again, he took out another qi and blood medicine, divided it into thirds and gave it to the other party to take.

Finally, he took a chair and sat down beside the bed, paying close attention.

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