For several days, the two of them lived in a villa far away from the city.

Under the careful care of Yusuke Kato, Eiri's body is getting better day by day, and gradually shows the characteristics of a disabled person, living a life of being able to put on clothes, reach out for food, and open her mouth.

Except for a slight cough, other symptoms such as dizziness, runny nose, and fatigue have basically subsided.

So Yusuke Kato asked on Friday night:

"Now that your health is almost better, we can consider going back, right? Yinglili."


The person involved was enjoying the ice cream he fed himself. Hearing this, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, then covered his mouth and coughed heavily.

"Cough cough, cough cough...ah, I don't know why, but suddenly I feel dizzy and my chest feels a little uncomfortable...I feel so uncomfortable."


Kato Yusuke looked at her poor acting skills, scooped a small spoonful of vanilla ice cream and put it to her mouth, and couldn't help but say something.

"...I don't mind if you lie to me, but can you be a little more adventurous?"

"How could I lie to you? I have been in poor health since I was a child. No matter it is New Year, Christmas, Women's Day, Children's Day or any other festival, I will get sick... Didn't the doctor also say that?"

Yinglili said confidently, opened her mouth, held the spoon, and ate the ice cream on it.

"That's it..." Kato Yusuke sighed, "But we can't stay here forever, right?"

Today is the fifth day since he came to the villa. The graduation ceremony at the school has officially ended, and the spring break has begun.

Although he doesn't care about this very much, there are a lot of things to deal with in the studio, and he can't always be a hands-off shopkeeper.

The girl secretly observed his reaction, her eyes wandering in circles, "Oh... or we will go back the day after tomorrow. Don't show that expression again."

"The day after tomorrow? You mean Sunday?"

"That's right, this is okay, right?"

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and expressed his affirmation, "Okay, then let me tell everyone and make a reservation for a car back to Tokyo."

He said and handed the ice cream to the other party and fiddled with his phone.

"By the way, Yusuke."

Yinglili took a mouthful of ice cream as if nothing had happened, and asked with a spoon in her mouth: "Don't you have any thoughts about the original paintings I painted...?"


Kato Yusuke put down the phone, looked sideways, and then stretched out a hand to gently touch the other person's head.

"I think those original paintings are great. You have drawn very good works. Isn't that amazing? Eiri."


The girl bit the spoon and asked again: "That's it...?"

Kato Yusuke looked at her expression, saw the meaning of "praise me", and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Do you want to hear more detailed thoughts?"

"What...I didn't say that, but if you have to say it, I can listen to it."

"That's right, then let me think about it."

The smile on Kato Yusuke's face became even wider, and then he seriously thought about the other's seven original paintings.

As Eiri said herself, she used a completely different painting method from the past.

She still retains her original personal style in her brushstrokes, but the characters she draws give people a feeling of elation.

While balancing realism and cuteness, it also has an incredible touch of artistry. The three are exquisitely integrated together, and the effect produced can only be described as stunning.

In those original paintings, all the efforts of the owner in the sixteen years since he was born and seven years since he became a creator are condensed.

She winds up her work and pushes herself to the limit, creating impeccable masterpieces that deliver a strong visual impact.

In fact, when Yusuke Kato sent the seven original paintings back to the studio, there was not a single member who was not fascinated by those works.

That kind of painting style with oil paint and watercolor art style, allowing characters and scenery to blend and complement each other, even has a taste of washing away the lead, which deeply touches the viewer.

He pondered for a while and said sincerely:

"You are really amazing, even better than I imagined. You are simply a genius."


The girl secretly glanced at him, the corners of her mouth turned up uncontrollably, and she asked coquettishly: "Do you really think that my paintings are better than everyone else's, and that I am the number one in your mind...?"

Facing those pure sapphire eyes, Kato Yusuke nodded affirmatively, "Well, Eiri is the best in the world. Congratulations on successfully breaking through the bottleneck."

"Well, why are you talking so exaggeratedly? Haha..."

Ying Lili glanced at him with disgust, a smile gradually appeared on her face, and she couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Ahahahaha...cough, ugh...that's great, that's great...I finally did it..."

She sniffed slightly, her laughter had a dull nasal sound and a sense of relief, and was accompanied by a cough.

Gradually, countless crystal water drops appeared in the owner's eyes, constantly falling on the pink cheeks, filled with intense joy.

She took a deep breath and wiped away her tears with her hands, her emotions constantly jumping between excitement and happiness.

Ying Lili pressed her chest with one hand, trying to keep herself calm, but found that her eyes had become wet again, she could not stop her tears, and her thin body was trembling slightly.

Kato Yusuke just stayed with her quietly, handing out the handkerchief that was like a bond.

After an unknown amount of time, the laughter and crying in the living room gradually stopped.

The girl wiped her eyes with the handkerchief and returned it.

"...Thank you for the handkerchief, Yusuke."

"You're welcome." Kato Yusuke put the handkerchief back into his pocket, "Do you feel better?"


Yingli nodded shyly, her tense shoulders relaxed slightly, and she felt much more relaxed.

She still can't forget the torturous time when she couldn't draw anything.

The feeling of having to watch others catch up to her made her spend countless sleepless nights with inner criticism.

Those trough days made her exhausted, but fortunately, she finally managed to survive the difficulties and obstacles, and became a butterfly on the road of being an original artist, and gained a career that even she felt Surprising growth.

Looking back later, the only thing that made her feel better was his constant companionship and trust.


"In this way, my original paintings have become completely different works..."

Yingli murmured worriedly, and this was an undisputed fact.

Although the seven original paintings are very shocking, and the strength displayed is no less than that of a first-class painter, there is a fatal problem that is inconsistent with the style of other original paintings.

This is no longer a problem like a donkey's lip is wrong, but a sudden change in the painting style that makes people feel fragmented. It can be called the collapse of painting in the reverse sense.

Although they can be forcibly spliced ​​together, and even some fan works in the industry have similar precedents, it still doesn't feel right, especially when they are making commercial works.

Thinking of this, Yinglili couldn't help but said: "Well, Yusuke...otherwise I'd better paint according to the previous style, and forget about these seven original paintings."

"Forget it? Why forget it?" Kato Yusuke said in surprise.

"Huh? After all, the pictures I drew are so different from the previous ones. Even if I want to use them, there is nothing I can do. I can't overthrow them all and start over...?"

"No, we'll just use this."


Yinglili was stunned.

Kato Yusuke stared at her seriously, "Is there any problem? You have clearly painted such a great work, are you willing to be buried like this?"

"B-but... if that happens, the style of our game will be completely out of balance, and it may even be said that the painting has collapsed!?" Yinglili Qiqi Aiai said.

"So? Is it because of this reason that you have to force yourself to cooperate with others? What you have to do is not to retreat, but to rush forward."

"But, but..."

"Nothing good but."

Kato Yusuke shook his head slightly and smiled.

"Whether it's as a family member or a partner, I don't want to see you restrain yourself for these boring reasons. Kashiwagi Eiri should shine more brightly, stand in the center of the stage, and become the number one in the world, right?"


The boy's words were like graceful arrows shot from a bow, penetrating her chest and shooting straight into her heart.

Her lips pursed, and it took a while before she asked: "... Yusuke, are you serious about what you said?"

Kato Yusuke grinned, "It's true - huh?"

Before he could even wait for him to finish his words, Yinglili pushed him down on the sofa and sat on it.


The young man called her name in slight shock, being caught off guard by her sudden action.

"...What are you doing?"

Ying Lili lowered her head and stared at the face below. She grabbed the other person's clothes with a pair of small hands and said chanting: "How could you say that to me so casually..."


Of course, Kato Yusuke showed a stunned expression.

She relaxed her hand slightly, and her eyes, which she thought had calmed down, started to heat up slightly, and her heart was beating fast.

"You, you...! If you say that without permission, won't it make me want to act coquettishly towards you...?"

"...Huh? Did I say anything that would make people feel this way?"

"You said you wanted to use my original painting..."

"Eri Kashiwagi has broken through her own constraints and created outstanding works that surpass the past. Shouldn't it be seen by more people?"

"Just for this, you are even willing to crash our game... As a producer, you are completely out of the game."

"You seem to have misunderstood this."


Facing her puzzled look, Kato Yusuke smiled bitterly and scratched his cheek.

"How should I put it? I don't want you to suppress yourself. It's one thing. The balance of the game is another. There is no conflict between the two, because I want to use your new original painting in the sequel of the game. above."

"The sequel to the game??"

"Well, just like "After Story", I want to make a sequel to the Tomoyo game, using your current style of painting."


Yinglili blinked her eyes blankly, falling into confusion.

So Kato Yusuke explained to her.

Ten minutes later.

"Tomoyo After", the sequel after the end of the academy chapter, the all-age version and the 18-ban version.

Through these explanations, Yinglili finally understood what someone meant.

"I mean...hasn't this completely become a new project?"

She shouted involuntarily, and the boy nodded affirmatively.

"That's right. The art style of the sequel will be based on you, and Mayu and I will assist you. Are you willing?"

"This... it's not impossible to say that. After all, this way you don't have to consider the issue of style compatibility, and the 18-ban version also makes me a little interested, but -!"

Yinglili hammered his chest hard and pouted in dissatisfaction.

"...You should have told me this kind of thing earlier. I thought you were determined to use those seven original paintings in your current work."

"Sorry, it's my fault. Anyway, you agreed, right?" Kato Yusuke asked.

"How could I refuse? Rather, just use me... I am an idiot in every sense of the word..."

Eiriri leaned down as she spoke, put her lips on Kato Yusuke's lips, closed her eyes for a while and then rushed outside as if running away.

"I-I'm going to the bathroom...!"

The entire process from kissing to leaving the living room took no more than five seconds, so fast that there was no chance for anyone to react.

After a long time, a sigh sounded in the air.

Around 7pm.

Yinglili received a chat group message from the "Anti-Favorite Alliance (3)".

[Kasumigaoka Shiu: @Sawamura, I heard Yu-chan say, you guys will be going back to Tokyo the day after tomorrow, right? How was that going? 】

Secretly looking across.

Kato Yusuke was eating hot pot udon noodles while looking at his phone, his expression as calm as ever, as if he knew nothing about something.

[ 】

[Kasumigaoka Shiyu: Did you succeed...? 】


[Kasumigaoka Shiyu: Haven’t you succeeded yet? ? What have you been doing these five days? ? 】

[Eirili: If you want to kiss, let’s just have it once...]

[Kasumigaoka Shiyu: Did he take the initiative to kiss you? (angry)】

[Yinglili: ...the other way around. 】

[Kasumigaoka Shiu: Tsk, you useless otaku princess! Can't you even seduce a man? (breathing fire)]

[Yinglili: Otherwise, what do you want to do? Obviously I used the reason of being afraid of the dark to ask him to stay in the room with me, but Yusuke would just sit on the chair every time and go back to the guest room after I fell asleep. 】

[Kano-chan: Let me ask you something~ Sawamura-san, what do you usually wear in the villa? 】

Ying Lili looked down at herself and replied:

[Pajamas, sweater and cotton robe? That's pretty much it. 】

[Okano + Kasumigaoka Shiu: That’s not possible at all. (The amount of help)】

[Yinglili: What do you mean, what do you mean! Do you know how cold it is in Nasu Plateau now? Otherwise, how would I dress? ? 】

[Kasumigaoka Shiu: The point of the question is not that, but how on earth are you going to seduce Yuu-chan when you are so slovenly? Take it off! Take all off! (serious)】

[Yinglili: Take off, take off, take off, take off, take off! ? ! ? 】

[Okano: Ahaha, Xiaoshi is just joking, don’t take it too seriously? Sawamura-san. 】

[Kasumigaoka Shiu: Is this the fastest way? Even if the target is a poor person like Sawamura, Yu-chan will have some reaction when he sees it, right? 】

[Yinglili: Hello! What does barren mean -! ? (fury)】

[Xiaoyano: @Xiaoshi, is this difficult to explain? Personally, I think Kato-kun prefers to be more reserved than seeing the whole picture? 】

[Kasumigaoka Shiyu: Oh? Is that what we are discussing now? I'm very interested in this. Can you please explain it in more detail? What do you and Yuu-chan do on a daily basis~? Little Kano. (Leng Bingbing)]

[Kano-chan: Ahaha...Anyway, Sawamura-san, if you want to make Kato-kun fall in love, you'd better dress yourself up a little, right?

It doesn’t matter even if you can’t do what Xiao Shi said, as long as you show the charm of a girl, come on~! I will support you. I got off first. 】

[Kasumigaoka Shiyu: Wait, Kano-chan! You haven’t answered my question just yet. Answer the phone! 】

[Kasumigaoka Shiu: And Sawamura, you don’t have much time. Whether it's a night attack or getting Yuu-chan drunk with your chocolate, let me attack more aggressively! Stop being so useless! 】


Yinglili looked at the messages on her phone and became entangled.

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