Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and nine, the master of the harem

Early the next morning, pure white sunlight shone into the room, and the chirping of sparrows and larks could be heard outside.

In the bedroom, Kato Yusuke slowly opened his eyes, but there was no one beside him.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking around, his hazy vision gradually clearing.

Lift the quilt.

The white sheets were messily curled, with dots of red in the middle, like a beautiful little plum blossom in winter.

He reached out and touched the side, which was still slightly warm. A few strands of golden hair were left scattered on the pillow, as if reminding her of last night's charm.

There is a sweet smell lingering in the air, lingering around like the shadow of a girl.

Kato Yusuke looked out at the sunny sky, took a breath, and felt happy.

Turn around and climb out of bed, put on the clothes hanging on the chair one by one, then get up and leave the room.

Gudu Gudu~

Follow the source of the sound to the kitchen.

Ying Lili stood in front of the stove with her hands supported, looking at the pot of hot water in front of her in a daze, as if she was preparing to cook something.

She wore an apron over her sailor uniform, tied in a knot in the back. Her dazzling blond hair is spread casually and hangs slightly messily on her waist. The overall look is very homely.

"Good morning, Eiriri." Kato Yusuke greeted.

"...Hey, Yu-Yusuke!?" Eirili was startled and turned her head quickly, "When did you come...?"

"Well, just now."

"This, that's it...good morning."

Kato Yusuke walked up to her and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Eh? Ah, well, I'm cooking breakfast..."



Ying Lili blushed and nodded, lowering her head and intertwining her hands cautiously in front of her belly.

"I thought you might be hungry when you woke up, so I planned to cook some udon noodles..."

"Huh? You cook it for me??" Kato Yusuke opened his eyes in disbelief.

"What are you doing! Didn't I tell you everything...what was your reaction?" Ying Lili glanced at him resentfully.

"No, it's just..."

Kato Yusuke scratched his hair in confusion, "You don't need to do such a thing. If you are hungry, I can cook you some porridge, and you go and take a rest-"

"--I do not want."

Ying Lili shook her head resolutely, "You have been cooking for me this week, at least let me do it this morning. I will add an extra egg to you to supplement your nutrition..."

"...Huh? What did you say in the last sentence? Can you repeat it again??"

"Because, you also... that... worked hard yesterday. I heard that it was that... right...?"

Eiri said coyly, but Kato Yusuke didn't really listen.


The faint sound of gas and the sound of boiling water intertwined, bringing Kato Yusuke who was in a downtime state back to reality.

He stretched out his hand to turn off the gas, stared intently at the girl standing next to him, thinking about how to answer the awkward and awkward question, and finally said politely——

"...It's better not to talk about my problem. More than this, I want to know how you are doing? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

When he said this, Yinglili's body swayed obviously, and then she frowned and said with shame and anger:

"Then...then of course I am, no matter where I am, I am very sore!? And you are still on my body, leaving so many's really..."

As she spoke, she raised her hand to touch her neck, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

Through this move, Kato Yusuke noticed that there were many band-aids on her neck, as if to cover up those "strawberries."

He couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"I'm sorry... there are some force majeure factors here, but this is indeed my fault, and I apologize to you. I will get some ice packs to give you a cold compress later, and the swelling should be reduced before returning to Tokyo."

"...Okay, okay, you don't need to apologize so seriously. We are mutually exclusive about this kind of thing, right? After all, your shoulder you feel pain...?"

Yinglili said hesitantly, her eyes frequently flicking to his left shoulder, looking uneasy.

"Oh, you're talking about this..."

Kato Yusuke put his right hand on his left shoulder and wrote lightly: "It's nothing, don't worry about it, boys are more rough-skinned and fleshy."

Just like he left a kiss on someone else, the other person also left some marks on him. Yinglili left him with bite marks, and the bite marks were bleeding.

It is not the first time that Kato Yusuke has encountered this kind of thing. After all, it is inevitable that couples can't help themselves when they are having sex with each other, but situations like last night are still a bit rare.

Mainly because Yinglili has a pair of small tiger teeth. Under the cute and playful appearance, it hides the lethality that can easily penetrate the skin. It still hurts a little when bitten unexpectedly.

No one is right or wrong in this matter. At most, it can only be said that in the atmosphere at that time, they were all a little out of control.

After appeasing the girl who was a little concerned about this and persuading her to go to the living room to rest, Kato Yusuke started cooking a pot of milk oatmeal porridge.

The method is very simple. Basically, you put rice, water, and milk into a pot and cook together, and stir in instant oats and white sugar just before taking it out of the pot.

In order to prepare the meal quickly, Kato Yusuke cooked the porridge in a pressure cooker and mixed some glutinous rice into the rice to increase the consistency, which can save a lot of time.

By the way, this is a recipe he asked Megumi for.

In order to prepare healthy food for the sick Eri, they would keep in touch every day like this, and their relationship was not alienated because of what happened on Mount Fuji.

During his free time while cooking porridge, Kato Yusuke also found time to wash up, change the bedroom sheets, and take the sheets to the washing machine for cleaning, as if he were a housewife.

Half an hour later, the milk oatmeal porridge was cooked smoothly.

He stopped Yinglili who was sitting on the sofa watching animation, had breakfast with her, then brushed her teeth again, and finally went to the kitchen to wash dishes.

After this week, he is already quite familiar with this process and is quite comfortable with it.

Glancing at the clock in the corner of the living room, Kato Yusuke discovered that it was ten o'clock in the morning, and his actions were twenty minutes slower than yesterday.

"Yinglili, I'm here with an ice pack. Give it a cold compress."

He said this and sat down next to the girl, but saw that the girl looked sad for some reason.

"...Huh? Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?"

"Yusuke, you are really..." Eiri said gloomily: "You have done everything like this, doesn't it show that my girl power is very low? Idiot."


"That means you can share some of my work occasionally! Even if it's just to help you, I'll feel embarrassed otherwise."

"But didn't you say your whole body is sore? Just take a good rest."

"That way I will become a useless person!"

"Is that so...? Is there any difference between you now and when you were at home?"

"Big... probably...?"

"Oh? What do you usually do at home? I mean things other than drawing, watching animation, and playing games."

"Besides these...? Hey, wait, I need to think about it carefully."

"It's okay if you think about it slowly, but can you come closer first? It's not easy for me to apply cold compress to you in this position."

Yinglili made a sound, crawled over, and finally sat down on his left thigh, exposing her neck.

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, his left hand subconsciously protecting her waist, and his eyes fell below.

The girl's legs are close together, her white thighs are soft and round. Her knees were bent, and her graceful calves were like a pair of slender strings, with moving curves and perfect proportions.

Even through his trousers, the warm and soft touch could still be transmitted to his thighs, making his heart swell.

Kato Yusuke looked at the other person from bottom to top, paused and said, "...the Band-Aid, should I tear it off first?"

"Well, tear it apart, but don't hurt me."

Eiriri responded absently, seemingly still struggling with what meaningful things she would do at home.

Kato Yusuke didn't bother seeing this and started to take action.

When he carefully took off the band-aid, two dark red hickeys of different sizes appeared in front of his eyes, with soft glue marks still left on them.

It was like two precious rubies, dotted on the girl's swan-like graceful neck, which was extremely eye-catching.

Suddenly, the low singing from last night seemed to echo in his ears.

Kato Yusuke calmed down, hugged the opponent's soft body with his left hand slightly, and picked up the ice pack from the side with his right hand.

"...Then, I'm going to put it up."


The next second.

"Hiss~" Yinglili's body jumped slightly and shuddered, "It's so cold!?"

"It's an ice pack after all. Just be patient."

In order to distract her attention, Kato Yusuke asked casually: "So, have you thought about what you usually do at home?"

"This...that...such as being an aloof security guard of your own house, protecting the room from being invaded...or something like that?"

"...In other words, it means squatting at home, right?"

"Hmm... your rude remarks are so annoying! Anyway, my only strength is painting. If you want to hate me, feel free to hate me!" Ying Lili puffed up her face angrily and gave up on herself.

Kato Yusuke's lips curved up, and he shook his head with a smile, "No, I won't hate it. Rather... I quite like your coquettish look."

As soon as he finished speaking, he clearly felt that the body of the little cutie in his arms stiffened.

There was a brief silence.

"That's it..."

Ying Lili blushed and lowered her gaze, desperately suppressing the raised corners of her mouth, gently grabbing the shirt on his chest with one hand, and asked in a voice not much louder than a mosquito:

"Then... can I act coquettishly to you more? It's like the kind between boyfriend and girlfriend..."


Kato Yusuke opened his mouth, his voice as gentle as jade, "Yes, you can do it at any time."

"Really!?" Yinglili opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Then, then...can you touch my head now?"

Kato Yusuke said nothing, raised his right hand and placed it on her head, gently stroking the silky hair like a cat.

The girl also moved her head towards him in cooperation and closed her eyes in enjoyment.

Kato Yusuke felt as if he had been touched on the soft part of his heart, and his movements became more gentle.

"Is this okay?"


Yingli couldn't help but nodded and giggled.

"...Is your reaction too exaggerated? If it's just touching your head, haven't we done this before?"

"No way! It was before and it is now. They are completely different things."

"...Is there anything different?"

"Of course that's because-"

Yinglili suddenly stopped mid-sentence, as if she thought of something, and did not continue.

Kato Yusuke touched her head and asked in confusion: "Why?"


"Huh? Are you only half-talking??"

"That's how I am anyway, forget it if you don't think of it yourself."

Ignoring someone who was dumbfounded, Yinglili said nothing after saying this.

Different from the previous period when she was treated as a sister, she really felt that she was treated as a member of the opposite sex at this moment.

Because of this, the feeling of being touched on the head is naturally different.

She smelled the scent of the person she liked, enjoyed his caress, and felt her whole body relax. Her consciousness gradually became hazy, and she fell asleep leaning on him before she knew it.

Kato Yusuke noticed this immediately, took the ice pack away and looked down.

The girl rested on his shoulder and fell asleep peacefully. Her long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly with her breathing, and her slightly opened lips exhaled bursts of warm breath. It exudes a light floral fragrance.

'It's really like a kitten...'

Kato Yusuke looked at the other party's defenseless look and couldn't help but think so.

He looked around, took off the cotton robe that the owner usually wore from the back of the sofa, covered it with him, and then said silently in his heart -

‘System, open the email. ’

A transparent blue interface appears before your eyes.

‘Special mission [Master of the Harem], status has been updated. ’

‘Currently completed subjects: Akane Kousaka, Kaori Shinjo, Kanoko Hasumi, Shiu Kasumigaoka, and Eri Sawamura. ’

‘Warm reminder: Host, please keep up the good work! ’

‘[Character: Eri Sawamura] The reward has been distributed——’

‘Reward: 200,000 points, number of prop draws*1. ’

Kato Yusuke thought: 'Use lottery. ’

A roulette interface pops up immediately, which is divided into five levels according to S, A, B, C, and D.

S-level has the smallest area, and D-level has the largest area.

Without hesitation, directly press the [Start] button on the retina.

With a ding sound, the pointer on the roulette wheel spun rapidly.

Kato Yusuke stared at the roulette wheel for a moment, his lips tightly pursed.

According to what the system said last time, it seemed that he had a slim chance of obtaining a special prop, which made him a little nervous.

After a few seconds, the speed of the pointer's rotation dropped sharply.

——The miracle did not happen.

Finally, under Kato Yusuke's gray face, the pointer stopped on the D-level grid.

‘Ding, the lottery is over! Get a beautiful hand model. ’

He turned his palm, and a female character wearing a blindfold and holding a chain weapon appeared on his palm.


Kato Yusuke squeezed out a few syllables through his teeth and threw the figure on the sofa aside, his expression a little ugly.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and continued to check.

First, there are two new products in February and March.

[Smart water cup (300): This water cup is equipped with a smart sensor and water quality detection device, which can automatically sense and detect water quality, including water temperature, PH value, oxygen content, impurities, etc. 】

[Ghost Face’s Leather Clothes (10,000): A special leather coat sewn by Ghost Face himself. When wearing it, the user's own presence can be significantly reduced and cannot be detected by biological and electronic devices (invalid during the day). 】

how to say?

Both products are so subtle that people don’t know how to evaluate them.

Next is the skill refreshed this month——

[Entry-level 3D printing (100), proficient-level underwater photography (1000), proficient-level robotics (10000), master-level jewelry design (100000)]

Same as above, again not much to say.

Finally, there is his personal panel.

[Character: Kato Yusuke (Intruder of Time and Space)]

(Explanation: Time has left traces on you. About ten years have been deducted from your life, accompanied by certain negative effects.)

[Age: 16 years old]

[Stamina: 8]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Charm: 9 (Dragon and Phoenix)]

[Items: USB flash drive, qi and blood medicine (15 pills), memory potion (empty), Guidance Book for Strengthening the Foundation and Peiyuan Zhuang Gong*1]

[Skills: Dodge (entry level), shooting (master level), fighting (master level), camping (master level), language mastery (master level), painting (master level)]

[Points: 784050]

(Including Shiyu’s 200,000 bonus points)

Kato Yusuke casually swiped it and then closed the system panel.

after that.

He just held Yinglili in his arms while using his mobile phone to check the emails sent by all parties.

Asking for leave tomorrow

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