Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and twelve, inside and outside the car

After the car got on the road, Yinglili quickly noticed that the atmosphere in the car was somewhat different, exuding an atmosphere of having a conversation.

She looked around for a moment, then reached out and pulled someone's sleeve, "Yusuke, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's nothing special. I just talked about some work matters." Kato Yusuke responded nonchalantly.

"That's it..."

Eiri looked at the front row with suspicion, and found that Akane Benisaka had a noncommittal look on her face, as if she didn't quite agree with this statement, but she had no intention of wasting her words.

Considering that her own brainwaves were completely inconsistent with the other person's, Yinglili was afraid to ask, for fear of hearing some shocking and crazy speech.

Even though she considers herself to be a relatively self-created creator, and she has companions with poisonous tongues like Shiyu around her, the person sitting in front of her is still too out of the ordinary.

Whether it is as a creator or simply as a person, the other person's nature of being free and unfettered by dogma is really something that people dare not accept.

Even so, she didn't want to remain in such awkward silence forever, so she chose a topic that shouldn't trigger any offences, and started chatting with him about the creative process.


When she heard that the other party said that she would serialize no less than five works every month, and would participate in animation planning every season, and had maintained this terrifying workload for ten years, she was still severely shocked!

“That’s just the basic requirement to get to the top.”

Akane Benisaka said in a normal tone:

"As long as you want to continue to move up in this industry, there will be no easy path. You can only be hated and criticized while working hard to climb up."

There was a hint of emotion and nostalgia in her tone, as if she was recalling her past, and then she changed the subject.

"Well, you are lucky to have a relatively reliable man who is willing to protect you from the wind and rain. Maybe you can have a different development than me."

"Miss Hongsaka..."

Ying Lili glanced sideways at the young man with a gentle smile beside her, and asked: "Well, what do you think of my current painting skills...?"

"If you want to ask about your commercial value, it's okay for now. Beyond that, you probably have to transform twice before you're fully mature."

After Akane Benisaka finished speaking, she added with an arrogant expression.

"Anyway, just follow my own pace, catch up with me, and strive to keep pace with me one day in the future."


Yinglili fell silent and fell into deep thought.

After that, they arrived in Tokyo successfully.

When passing Gakushuyuan Station, the car drove into a nearby parking lot.

"Then, I'll go find someone to get something. I'll be back in about twenty minutes. You two can sit in the car for a while."

Akane Hongsaka said this before walking away.

Looking out through the dark brown glass, Kato Yusuke discovered that this place was just in the corner of the parking lot, with only a guardrail separating it from the street. Diagonally across from it was a family restaurant called "Famir".

Then, he looked to the other side.

Yinglili leaned her head against the glass, exuding a feeling of loss.

It's now completely spring in Tokyo, and the temperature is much warmer than on the Nasu Plateau.

Because of this, the girl also took off her warm autumn coat, revealing her clothes underneath.

She was wearing a simple pale yellow shirt with a black silk scarf tied around the neck, showing off her casual elegance. The black high-waisted short skirt on the lower body pinches the waist and outlines the slim lines.

A pair of perfect thighs protruded from under the skirt, and black knee-high socks extended from a few inches above the knees all the way down, modifying the lines of the legs. The whole thing exudes a charming British style.

"Yinglili? What are you thinking about?"

He asked softly, waking the other person up from his daze.

"Hmm...I was thinking about Miss Hongsaka."

"Akane's character is like that, you don't need to pay too much attention to what she says."

"No, I just think she's so awesome..."

Yinglili slowly turned her face and sighed with a frown.

"Obviously she is already such a powerful creator, but she still works so hard. I finally understand why she is admired by so many people."


Kato Yusuke suddenly became alert, "She is admired by people, but there are also many people who hate her. Don't imitate her."

"That's not the case..."

Yinglili shook her head and smiled bitterly, "I just feel that I still have a lot to learn. I can't get carried away just because I broke through the bottleneck once. There is no other meaning."

"Oh, it's a good thing that you have such thoughts, but this kind of thing varies from person to person. The intensity of Qian's work is not something ordinary people can bear. If you do it recklessly, you will only damage your body."

"Well...that's what I say..."

"I said-"

Kato Yusuke stretched out his hand, pulled her towards him, and then hugged her, "Do you want Akane's approval more than me?"

Yinglili avoided his eyes and looked at him, "No...but you see, this feeling is different after all."

"Oh? What's the difference?"

"Because, before I became a creator, I was an otaku, so I was naturally exposed to Akane Benisaka's works a lot. How can I stay calm when someone like that praises my work~!"

The girl said in a passionate tone, as if she was a star-struck person.

It was okay if she didn't explain, but once she explained, Kato Yusuke became even more depressed, and even had a vague sense of déjà vu as if he was being pried into a corner by his little aunt.

He suppressed his inner annoyance and chose the right words.

"...Everyone has his or her own development. Akane is not what she is today just because of her own wishes. You just need to keep the current pace and slowly find what suits you."

"That's it..."

Ying Lili leaned her head on his chest, thought about it for a while, and nodded gently, "So, there are all kinds of people among the creators."

"Yeah, have you finally figured it out?"

"Yes, I am who I am. I am neither a monster like Akane Kurisaka nor a nymphomaniac like Shiha Kasumigaoka."


Kato Yusuke was dumbfounded, "No...there's no need to force it on Xiaoshi, right?"

"Because, aren't creators like her prone to procrastinating, losing control and destroying their own works, or becoming unable to write and causing trouble to those around them?"

"...Have you ever thought that you and Xiaoshi might accidentally get along?"

"No way? She and I are completely different."

Yinglili raised her head and said with an air of dignity:

"I will thoroughly conceive the work from the beginning, draw a complete image in my mind, and then complete it step by step."

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and found that this seemed to be the case.

If Shiyu is the inspirational type, then Yinglili is the pragmatic type.

“So, I will make the work actually follow the plan.

From the beginning, plot, ending, number of pages, scenes, to the number of orgasms of the male and female protagonists, etc., everything is arranged, right? There will never be a situation where the character collapses and the direction of the story changes. "


The corners of Kato Yusuke's eyes twitched slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

"Well... I understand what you want to express, and I also understand that you are serious and responsible for your creation, but -"

He slowly raised his hands to hold the innocent face, ignoring the other person's confusion, and kneaded it vigorously as if making dough.


"You have such an innocent appearance like a wealthy lady, and it is natural for you to say such things to me, and I will only feel a headache."

"What's the matter? I don't know what to say! (What are you talking about? My identity is not fake at all!)"

"I know, that's why it's so distressing. Can't you be a little more self-conscious?"

"Self-consciousness? What self-consciousness?"

"Of course -"

"The consciousness of seducing the opposite sex" - Kato Yusuke opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't say this sentence.

Some words can be thought about, but they will have another meaning when spoken.

He knew that Yinglili's words just now didn't mean that, and she spoke frankly because she trusted him.

And the reason why he had those random thoughts was only due to male instinct. This kind of thing is completely unreasonable.

"Anyway, don't do this next time..."

Kato Yusuke said as he let go of his hand, his mind fluctuated and he felt a little ashamed of his dirty thoughts.


Ying Lili looked at his cryptic look and muttered while rubbing her cheeks: "So what do you want to say out of nowhere?"

"Let me ask you something, Yinglili."


Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, then spoke with a guilty heart: "As your boyfriend... is there anything else you want me to do for you?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"That's literally what it means."

"There's nothing I want from you right now."


"So no, why do you suddenly ask this?"

"There's no particular reason for that. I just want to fulfill some of your wishes?"

Yinglili couldn't help but be stunned. Although she still didn't quite understand what he meant, she still thought about giving an answer.

"In that case...let me sit in your arms?"

"that's all……?"

"Because, it's very comfortable to sit in your arms. I like that. Ms. Hongsaka was present before, so I couldn't say it... can't I?"

"How is that possible?" Kato Yusuke laughed dumbly, "I just think this kind of thing is a bit crude as a wish, but if you like it, just sit here."

"Then...then I'm welcome."

Yinglili moved to sit between his legs, leaning back and pressing against his body.

Kato Yusuke naturally hugged her from behind and asked, "Is this okay?"


The girl nodded, covered the back of his hands with her hands, and let out a soft breath from her nose, "It's so warm..."

‘It’s so satisfying. ’

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but think about it, and said with a little doting, "You are so light."

"Under your care, I have been eating well recently, right?"

"I know, just say it casually."

Yinglili didn't say anything, but moved her body and squeezed into his arms to make herself sit more comfortably.

Kato Yusuke placed his chin on her head, gently smelled the fragrance of her hair, enjoying the tenderness at this moment.

at this time--

"Senior Renye~~~~~!"

A slightly artificial call suddenly came from a distance, making them stunned at the same time.

"Eh? This sound..."

"Going to sea, right?"

The two looked at each other and looked out the window at the same time.

Then, they spotted a pair of familiar figures diagonally opposite "Famir", walking towards them talking and laughing.

"Ah, it's Lun Ye and Bo Island that go out to sea."

"Indeed." Kato Yusuke narrowed his eyes, "What a coincidence."

Yinglili immediately corrected him——

"What a coincidence? Lun Ye's family originally lived near here, so it's normal for him to appear here, right?"

"Isn't his home on Detective Slope? This is a relatively remote national highway."

"Idiot, have you forgotten? That family restaurant is one of the places where he works. He seems to have been working there for a long time. Didn't we also visit that store before?"

Kato Yusuke glanced at her and responded calmly: "I don't really remember."

"Well, that's right. After all, Yusuke, you only went there once a long time ago, so it's normal if you don't remember."

Yinglili touched the back of his hand soothingly, keeping her gaze following the window.

Because it is winter vacation, An Yilun is not wearing the school uniform, but is dressed casually in long sleeves and trousers.

On the contrary, Izumi Hashishima, who was walking next to him, was wearing the dress-like school uniform.

She was jumping up and down, not only did the two pigtails on her head sway with the movement, but her heavy chest was also swaying, causing An Yilun to take a peek frequently.

"That's disgusting. What are the two of them doing? Are they dating?" Ying Lili asked.

"I don't know." Kato Yusuke asked, "Do you care?"

"Eh? Aren't you curious, Yusuke?"

"...They're coming from across the street. What do you say? Do you want to say hello?"

"Hey, why? Yusuke, do you want to say hello to them?"

"It's up to you."

"I don't want it. I always feel it will be embarrassing. Just let them go."


It's a pity that God does not follow people's wishes——

When An Yilun and Bo Daochang were about to pass the parking lot, the latter suddenly stopped.

"Ah ~ Senior Renya, there is a vending machine here. I want to buy something to drink. Senior, do you have anything to drink? I'll treat you."

"No, why is this so embarrassing? I can just buy it myself."

"Where? It's me who is embarrassed. After all, the seniors just treated me to Buffy, so it's my turn to treat the seniors this time. Please don't be polite!"

"Since you are talking about this, I want green tea."

"Okay~~~Then I'll drink green tea like Toruya-senpai. Although the Buffy just now was delicious, it was a little bit greasy."

"Is that because you ate too much?"

"Eh~~? I hate it. Even Toruya-senpai can't say that casually."

"Haha, sorry, sorry."

The two of them were just flirting and buying drinks from the vending machine.

It would be okay if it was just like this, but the next development gave Yinglili a bad premonition.

"Come on, senior Lun Ye, I'll give you green tea."

"Oh ~ thanks. "

"You're welcome~ Hey, senior Renye, can we go over there and have a rest before we finish our drinks?"

"Of course you can. You are the only valuable painter in our club. No matter what your request is, you can ask me. I will definitely work hard to satisfy you!"

"Senior Renya, you are so serious, but I am so happy~!"

According to Murphy's Law, things tend to go to the bad side.

When An Yirunya and Hashima went to a certain location, Yinglili finally couldn't help but cover her mouth in surprise, and complained in a low voice:

"Liar! Why did you stop right next to us——!?"

Kato Yusuke looked at the two traitors outside with an expression of indifference and made no comment.

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