Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and ninety-five, 1 family

Latest website: "It has been revealed that a well-known cartoonist is suspected of breaking the law! Now the studio has been sealed! 》

Sayuri Sawamura looked at the reminder that popped up on her phone and frowned slightly, wondering why she received such a notification.

She has set up a private account on Twitter, and can only follow her peers and creators who know the ins and outs of her work. Normally, she would not receive messages from unfamiliar accounts.

However, this message was pushed directly to her in the form of a hotspot, which was really strange.

She hesitated for a moment, then accidentally opened the tweet, and the content inside came into view.

After a rough look, Sayuri Sawamura suddenly discovered that the photo under this tweet was from the "TYPE-MOON" studio? ?

Although the photo was deliberately blurred, she could still recognize the environment above and Kato Yusuke's highly recognizable appearance at a glance.

Sayuri Sawamura's heart skipped a beat, and she turned over and read the tweet carefully, her expression gradually becoming solemn.

She raised her head with a frown and subconsciously wanted to discuss the matter with her husband. Unexpectedly, Leonard Spencer was already playing the game with headphones on, and there was no hope at all.

She couldn't help but feel a little angry, but she thought that now was not the right time to have an attack, so she gave up the idea.

Sayuri Sawamura glanced at the time in the upper right corner of her phone. Based on the eight-hour time difference, it should be around nine o'clock in the evening in Japan.

So she decisively opened LINE and invited the person involved to call.

After a short wait, the call was quickly connected.

"Aunt Sayuri...?"

Kato Yusuke's confused voice rang from the receiver, obviously a little surprised to receive her call.

"Good evening, Kato-kun." Sayuri Sawamura said straight to the point: "Although this is a bit sudden, I want to ask you something. Is there any trouble in your studio?"

"Huh——? Aren't you on a business trip abroad? How did you know about this?"

"I saw relevant content on Twitter, saying that your studio was closed down due to tax issues. Is this true?"

"Well, this..." Kato Yusuke smiled bitterly.

"Aunt Sayuri, don't listen to the nonsense on the Internet. We were simply maliciously reported by someone, so we were asked by the tax bureau to temporarily suspend business. That's all."

"Is that so...?" Sayuri Sawamura nodded slightly, not doubting the authenticity of this statement, but asked: "Then do you know who is targeting you?"

"Well... to be honest, if we just talk about the suspects, probably more than half of our colleagues in the industry dislike us."

When Kato Yusuke said this, he changed the subject and said in a relaxed tone: "But I almost know what's going on. Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Sayuri Sawamura nodded in understanding, not surprised by this.

Whether it is Kato Yusuke himself or the studio he founded, there are definitely many people who are secretly jealous, and there are bound to be some people with dark psychology who secretly stumble.

As the saying goes, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them. This is a truth that applies everywhere.

Sayuri Sawamura thought for a moment and then said: "But I feel something is not right. The popularity of that tweet is very unusual. It seems that someone is deliberately guiding public opinion behind the scenes and wants to irritate you."

"Yes, I understand that." Kato Yusuke said calmly.

"That group of people can only do these disgusting little tricks, but the truth will always come out, and even the tax bureau can't do it."

Sayuri Sawamura continued to ask: "So who is the person you suspect?"

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment:

"You should have heard from Ying Lili that we fired some people a while ago. Although I don't have any substantial evidence, I think the whistleblower must be a member of that group."

Sayuri Sawamura pursed her lips unconsciously, thinking silently.

Out of some indescribable sixth sense, she always felt that things were not that simple, at least a group of ordinary people should not have such great energy.

She thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't figure out where this feeling came from, so she retreated and tried the next best thing:

"Well, mom has always known that you are an independent child, so since you know what you are doing, I won't say anything more.

You just need to remember that we are a family. If you encounter any problems that you cannot solve by yourself, don't be stubborn and ask us for help at any time. "

"Well, I remember Aunt Sayuri. Thank you for your concern. I will tell you any progress in the future." Kato Yusuke replied sincerely.

Sayuri Sawamura was very satisfied with this answer and wanted to tease him out of habit, but she suddenly caught a glimpse of a dark shadow from the corner of her eye.

When she looked up, she saw that Leonard Spencer had sneaked up next to her at some point and was listening to her talk on the phone.

Sawamura Sayuri was stunned for a moment when she saw this, and then raised her eyebrows angrily, "Huh? My dear, what are you doing?"

Leonard Spencer looked at her expectantly, "Sayuri, who are you calling now? Is that Mr. Kato on the other side?"

Sayuri Sawamura didn't understand his intention and was thinking about how to answer. Unexpectedly, Leonard Spencer took the phone directly from her hand and spoke eagerly into the microphone:

"Hello? Are you Kato? I'm your Uncle Leonard! I just finished the sequel to "". Your game is so great! It's a legend!"

Kato Yusuke on the other end of the phone was stunned for a while, and then he said hello belatedly.

"...Well, good evening, Uncle Leonard. I'm glad to hear you say that. I'd like to thank you on behalf of everyone in the studio."

"Oh, you're welcome, you're welcome." Leonard Spencer waved his hands with a smile on his face.

"Uncle, I'm not being polite to you, but I really like your work from the bottom of my heart.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely a classic that can be recorded in the history of Galgame! It would be unreasonable if it wasn’t popular! I bet it will be the Game of the Year this year! "

"Well... well, thank you Uncle Leonard for the compliment...?" Kato Yusuke responded unnaturally, unable to think of anything suitable to say for a while.

Even though he was as thick-skinned as a city wall, he couldn't help but be praised like this. Not to mention that the father-in-law's attitude has changed 180 degrees from before, which is really difficult for him to adapt.

Leonard Spencer cleared his throat and continued with some enthusiasm.

"The other thing is Kato-chan! I heard from Eiri that you seemed to have released a limited edition game set on CM. Is this a thing?"

Kato Yusuke asked thoughtfully: "Are you referring to the collector's edition of ""?"

“Yes, yes, that’s that——!”

Leonard Spencer nodded his head and asked with gleaming eyes: "Is that limited edition selling well? I see that it is not only priced very high on the Internet, but it is also priceless. city!"

"Yes." Kato Yusuke affirmed: "Because it only released a hundred sets in total, it must be relatively scarce in terms of value. As for the transactions between players, we have no way to control it."

"So that's it——!" Leonard Spencer sighed in disappointment, but still spoke with the last glimmer of hope.

"Well, to be honest, Kato-chan, my uncle has always wanted to buy a collector's edition, but now no matter which store he buys, it's all out of stock. I want to ask you if there is any stock there? If so. Can you also sell uncle one... no, two copies——!!"

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then immediately replied: "Of course! Then can I ask Eiriri to take the things home for you?"

"Okay, okay! Please do this -!!" Leonard Spencer nodded vigorously with joy, his whole face lit up with excitement.

Kato Yusuke said humbly: "Uncle Leonard, you are so polite. I should have prepared these for you as soon as possible. This is all my negligence. I am really sorry."

Leonard Spencer was grinning from ear to ear.

"Look at you kid, why are we all so polite to each other? Sayuri and I will go back to Japan in a few days, and Eiri will ask you to take care of her first. We will bring you special products back then, haha."

Sawamura Sayuri suddenly came to her senses after hearing this, her slender eyebrows frowned tightly, and there was a hint of murderous intent in her eyes.

Look what her obscure husband said?

You must know that her precious daughter is not married yet, but the father actually wants to send her away! How can there be such a thing?

She couldn't help but gritted her teeth in anger, snatched the phone decisively, and said to Yusuke Kato on the other end of the phone:

"Okay Kato-kun, you don't need to take Leonard's nonsense to heart. It's getting late, so you should rest early."

Sayuri Sawamura hung up the phone immediately after speaking, then raised her eyes to look at her confused husband, and lightly opened her red lips with a smile.

"Dear, you seemed to have said something very interesting just now? Come sit here and let us have a good chat, shall we?"

Leonard Spencer couldn't help but shudder. He felt a chill running from the soles of his feet to his spinal cord, and cold sweat broke out all of a sudden.

At this moment, he finally realized that something was wrong, and recalled who had the final say in this family.

Let’s talk about Japan.

A room on the second floor of the Sawamura family's mansion.

As soon as Kato Yusuke took the phone away from his ear, Erili couldn't wait to put her head up.

"Yusuke, have you finished the phone call? What did mom and dad say? Why did you talk for so long??"

Kato Yusuke turned to face her big eyes full of curiosity and asked with a smile: "Weren't you sitting next to me when I called? Didn't you hear me?"

Ying Lili wrinkled her nose in displeasure, "Well~~ Why are we always worried that our parents will find us together, so we can't listen carefully at all."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile, playfully raised his hand to pinch her nose, and joked: "So you still know how to worry? Who insisted on calling me home today?"

Yinglili slapped his hand away angrily and said dissatisfied:

"What? I was worried that you were in a bad mood because of that prosecutor Kondo, so I specially set aside time to spend with you. It's okay if you're not grateful, but you still say such things, it's really annoying!"

"Huh——?" Kato Yusuke turned his face slightly in surprise, "So you asked me to come over to accompany you because you were afraid of being alone at home?"

"Say it again——!!" Ying Lili said loudly, showing a pair of small tiger teeth, pretending to bite him.

Kato Yusuke looked at her lively expression, the corner of his mouth curved into a faint smile, and then he took the initiative to lean forward, lowered his head and kissed her soft cherry pink lips gently.


Yinglili's body suddenly stiffened, a little confused by his sudden attack without warning, and she was stunned for a moment.

However, Kato Yusuke acted as if nothing had happened and stated in a normal tone:

"Well, anyway, your parents didn't say anything special. They just told me to remember to ask them for help when I encounter difficulties.

Then your dad likes our game very much and said he wants two sets of collector's editions of "". I will arrange this later. "


Yinglili blinked twice blankly, touched her lips, and asked in a sweet voice: "...Why are you kissing me so well?"

Kato Yusuke chuckled lightly, picked up an orange from the table, broke off a small segment and put it into her mouth, "Don't ask so many questions, kid. After eating the fruit, go take a bath and go to bed. It's getting late." "

Yinglili was a little unhappy when she heard this. She stared at his face for a while, then stretched out a small hand to tug on his sleeve and said, "...I still want it."

What else do you want? Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned and couldn't follow her thoughts immediately.

Yinglili didn't explain, she stood up from the sofa, sat down on his lap, and forced his face to look at her.

The next second only a "chirp" sound was heard.

As if it was a replay of the scene just now, the two of them put their lips together again.

Then Ying Lili hesitated and turned her face to the other side, muttering like a mosquito: "...It's strange, these oranges are quite sweet."

She tried very hard to appear calm, but her red ears betrayed her nervousness.

Kato Yusuke felt funny, and he ate the orange in his mouth leisurely, then slowly put his arms around her waist, gently pulled her body into his arms, and whispered softly.

"Well, these oranges are delicious, and so are you."

The voice was like a whisper, with a seductive aura that penetrated directly into the ears. Hearing this, Ying Lili couldn't help but feel numb, and her whole face was about to burn.

She shyly pushed his face away, muttering with evasive eyes: "...It's too, too close, idiot..."

As she spoke, she twisted her body slightly, eager to get out of this disturbing situation, but she was accidentally pinched.


Yinglili's figure suddenly stiffened, she couldn't help but let out a cry, her whole face suddenly turned red, and then she stared at someone with shame and anger.

"...W-what are you doing? You're not a wild cat that goes into heat at any time. Can you put aside your impure thoughts?"


What kind of nonsense is this?

After hearing this, Kato Yusuke was stunned for a while, his expression gradually became strange, and he looked up and down at Erili.

God knows that he doesn't actually mean that, but this little guy always shows a look of wanting to refuse and welcome, which makes him a little bit ready to make a move.

Yinglili was keenly aware of the change, lowered her eyes nervously, held the hem of her skirt tightly with her hands, and even her voice was trembling.

"...Stupid, idiot! Why are you even more enthusiastic? Dirty, perverted, disgusting bastard——!"

Kato Yusuke narrowed his eyes slightly and was silent for a moment, then picked her up and strode to the bathroom.

Yinglili was startled by this sudden move and almost screamed. In the end, she closed her mouth tightly for some unknown reason and hid her head in his chest.

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