Whenever I think of the pure and kind appearance of Shima Huiyu, my heart is bleeding. She used to be my best friend, but the devil took her away without hesitation.

I remember when she died, I saw her appearance and was so scared that I had a high fever. My father took care of me at the bedside for a whole night. Thinking about it now, it is so ironic.

Shima Huiyu's hairband is even placed in my father's display cabinet.

Grandpa may have known what my father did a long time ago, so he imprisoned him here and gave the position of head of the family to the mediocre uncle.

My stupidity and naivety harmed Goto-kun. At my pleading, the family was willing to release Goto-kun, but I knew that this would not last long.

I want to make this matter public. The "artist" in prison is simply a scapegoat pushed out by the family. This will damage the family's reputation, but it can comfort the victim's soul and save Goto-kun.

However, my grandfather discovered my thoughts. He has a pair of eyes that can see through people's hearts.

He imprisoned me here, in Room 2, which I chose myself, just like he imprisoned my father in the next room. I think I will never be able to leave here.

My grandfather told me that both my father and I are his blood. He couldn't bear to kill us, so he imprisoned us here.

I hate him and my father. I want to curse them.

I can't watch my family continue to rot. As a member of the Takahashi family, I have the blood of the nobility. I can't watch my family fall into the abyss step by step.

Outsider, if you see this letter, if you have a conscience like me that has not been extinguished, please make this matter public. I hope you can escape from Misty Island and live strong. I pray for you in hell. ]

After reading the first letter, Baichuan and Qian Xueye did not speak, but silently opened the second one.

[I won't live long. During the days of imprisonment, I was in agony. I spent every day in the condemnation of my conscience. I had nightmares every night, dreaming that the girls killed by my father came to me to ask for my life.

I am such a poor creature, why do I have to endure all this? I received the news of my friend's death, and I knew it must be done by someone in the family, but I could do nothing about it.

I can't do this, I can't die like this, I have to do something, otherwise I will not only die, but also go crazy.

I compromised with my grandfather, saying that I would never tell anyone, and begged him to find a psychiatrist for me.

My grandfather told me that my father was dead, and I should not indulge in the past, and know how to let go, and the family would still welcome me.

I looked at my grandfather and didn't understand why he didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt.

I knew he was lying, and he would never let me leave the island in his life.

I seduced the psychiatrist Shunsuke Kuramoto and asked him to let me go.

Shunsuke Kuramoto planned an escape route and planned to elope with me, but we were caught by my uncle.

My uncle asked the housekeeper to kill the doctor and imprison me again.

Unfortunately, I was pregnant, and I needed to live for the sake of my child, so I had a crazy revenge plan in my heart. ]

The surname Kuramoto sounded familiar inexplicably, and the makeup artist's surname was also Kuramoto. Is this a coincidence?

The letter did not mention the revenge plan, and Shirakawa and Chiyuki opened the third letter.

However, the third letter was not written by Takahashi Yumi, and the handwriting should be from another person.

[My child, if you see this letter, it proves that you have come to me.

I did want to kill your mother, your brothers and sisters, and your friends countless times, but I don’t have such thoughts for you.

I believe that you must have inherited my blood. One day, you will be like me, madly obsessed with something and unable to extricate yourself, and then constantly destroy, destroy, and satisfy yourself.

You and I have the talent of an artist.

When you see my work, I may have died.

My diary records everything I have done. This is a precious legacy left to you. I hope you can make it public.

I did too much for my family when I was alive, and I just want to make a name for myself after I die.

I want everyone to remember my name, artist Takahashi Nagakage!

So expose it! I have recorded the evidence and details in the diary.

Please use this diary to achieve your father and yourself.

Isn’t your dream to become the best reporter? This will be your armor, your medal. Don't be coerced by your family, and don't care about other people's opinions.

My most outstanding child, I look forward to training you to be like me.

We all have the blood of the Takahashi family flowing in our bodies. We are a kind of people, different from most of the mediocre ants in the world, nobles who are high above.

I look forward to your expression when you see this letter. I think this is my last lesson for you.

Hate me, curse me, and finally become me, my best child. ]

"What a sick father's love."

Shirakawa sighed.

Qian Xueye's face was expressionless, "Aren't all fathers like this?"

Hey, hey, Miss Qian Xueye, your worldview is a bit distorted.

"No, normal fathers are not like this."

Shirakawa felt it necessary to pick up his chicken soup for the soul course and teach Qian Xuemei's second personality.

Just when he was about to start a long speech, Qian Xueye suddenly asked,

"What is your father like?"

Bai Chuan was speechless for a moment. Okay, let's not talk about this topic anymore.

Seeing Bai Chuan's frustrated look, Qian Xueye's eyes showed a hint of pride.

She stood up and put all three letters into her pocket.

"Kuragi-kun, did you find anything?"

Kojima Seiko and Tashiro Yiko walked in.

Tashiro Yiko's mental state seemed to be better than yesterday, probably because the excitement of treasure hunting diluted the sadness of her boyfriend's death.

Besides, she can now be with her old customer Furuta Tokuji openly.

Bai Chuan shook his head, "Nothing."

"Oh, I thought you guys were squatting on the ground and found some clues."

Kojima Zizi said curiously.

"No, it's just that the tile is loose."

Baichuan and Qian Xueye left the bathroom, and Kojima and others went in to check again, but found no useful clues.

"It seems there are no clues to the treasure in the second room either."

"I always feel that the chains on the wall are suspicious. Could it be that a young girl is imprisoned?"

The modern poet Keiji Yajima began to use his imagination.

"Instead of wasting time here, why not go check out Room 1 and the attic."

Oba Shuichi waved his crutch and said.

"Mr. Butler didn't give me the key to the last door."

Bai Chuan said frankly, at the same time he lost an appraisal of Room 1.

[Item: Room 1]

[Identification result: The room of the head of the Takahashi family has been sealed by steel and cannot be easily entered. Please try to find a special entrance. This may take some time. 】

[Evaluation: A safe house that cannot be penetrated by bullets]

Is it actually a safe house?

Koyama Keisuke and Ichimura Hiromi expressed doubts about Shirakawa's words.

In front of everyone, Baichuan tried all the spare keys and was sure that he could not open the door of Room 1.

"Damn it, the key should still be with the housekeeper, right?"

"Come on, let's go to the basement to find him."

Hiromi Ichimura and others went to the basement to find the housekeeper angrily.

Kojima Zizi looked at Shirakawa doubtfully,

"Kuragi-kun, why do you look so anxious? Maybe the clue to the treasure is hidden here."

"I wonder what the crazy plan is."

Bai Chuan smiled.

"What crazy plan?"

Kojima Zizi was confused.

"It's okay. This door won't be open for a while. Why don't we go rest and think about what to eat for lunch today? Who will cook?"

Bai Chuan looked at Qian Xueye.

Qian Xueye said two words indifferently, "No."

"Let me do it, I can cook."

Hanada Jingliu said.

Ever since Chiyuki Mei became Chiyuki Ye, Hanada Shizuru felt very lonely and couldn't seem to find anyone to chat with.

The crowd dispersed, some chose to go to the basement to find a lawyer, some chose to wait at the door of Room 1, and some chose to follow Bai Chuan downstairs.

Mrs. Hanada and Tanita helped her into the kitchen. Although Mrs. Hanada was still a little afraid of Mr. Tanita, Mr. Tanita was an unexpectedly gentle man. He didn’t speak and just silently helped his wife wash the vegetables and take care of the ingredients. This made Mrs. Hanada feel at ease. Some.

Shirakawa, Chiyuki Ye, Kojima Seiko, and Yajima Keiji were sitting in the restaurant chatting.

With nothing to do, Bai Chuan started making hand-ground coffee.

Keiji Yajima suddenly looked at Shirakawa with a smile on his face,

"Kuragi-kun, I have actually done some research on love poems. I vaguely saw a clue from Mr. Takahashi's love letter to his lover. Why don't I tell it and you can help me see if it's correct."

Friendly book recommendation!

Friends who like urban superpowers can check it out

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Crazy Plan No. 1 (please subscribe for the third update)

"In fact, there are only two lines about treasures in the whole poem, 'Mist, mist, bury my treasure, and my love for you.' and 'In the steaming mist, under the dark statue, the gods Blessing us too.'

Judging from this, it is somewhere in a cemetery next to a hot spring. "

Yajima Keiji said matter-of-factly.

"Cemetery? But there is no cemetery mark on the island map that Professor Oba gave us."

Kojima Zizi said seriously.

"Why does Professor Oba give us a truly detailed map? We are all competitors in treasure hunting."

Yajima Keiji said.

Kojima Zizi nodded, feeling that it seemed possible.

But Bai Chuan's thoughts still stayed in Room 2.

Rooms 3 and 2 both contain secrets that the Takahashi family would never want to reveal to the outside world. Why did Mr. Takahashi write a love letter to his lover, telling her that the treasure is hidden on Misty Island? This is very unreasonable.

This poem was definitely not written by Mr. Takahashi!

Could this be that crazy plan! I want to use treasures to attract people to explore the island and discover the secrets of the Takahashi family.

There is no Mr. Takahashi’s lover Miss Yuzu. This love letter was written by Takahashi Yumi!

Miss Yuzu is Yuzu Shimae! He was Takahashi Yumi’s best friend!

This love letter should have been prepared by Yumi Takahashi long ago and handed over to a trustworthy person after her death. Only after her uncle, Mr. Takahashi, passed away did a trustworthy person give this letter to Mr. Takahashi. Children.

Therefore, Mr. Takahashi's children organized several treasure hunts, but in the end they all failed.

Most of Mr. Takahashi's children are convinced that there is a "rule curse" in the "Rule Manor", except for Takahashi Yuran.

She believed it but was unwilling to believe it completely. She wanted to use this treasure hunt to bring people into contact with the "Rule Manor" and find out the real cause of her brother's death many years ago.

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