We regularly conduct intelligence tests on children. Those with high IQs and good looks can be sold at very high prices...

Those who are not smart enough, but are very beautiful, can also be used as commodities in the welfare home to receive the rich and powerful for a long time, allowing them to experience different happiness...

As for those who are stupid and ugly, their bodies are still useful and can be used as organ materials to be sold to rich people who need them. On the surface, they signed the adoption procedures and were taken away for adoption. In fact, after they arrived in foster homes, , can’t live more than a year.

These children come from two sources, one is abandoned orphans, and the other is people who are trafficked. From the day they enter the orphanage, they are destined to have a tragic fate.

There are also some people who want to escape, but they will eventually appear in the corpse pit in the back mountain and become food for plants.

There are also some children who are lucky enough and will not suffer any abuse. They are the face of the orphanage and are used to accept interviews from the outside world. They live a very good life and are mostly the illegitimate children of some big shots.

If it hadn't been for the fire that destroyed the orphanage.

If the orphanage hadn't offended a terrible existence, maybe I would have continued to work there..."

Takezawa Yoshimitsu spoke eloquently about his crimes for half an hour.

Waiting for him to finish speaking, Bai Chuan reminded,

"What about the senior management of the orphanage? Who are the people involved in the interests of the orphanage?"

[If I were you, I would immediately exchange the healing potion for emergencies. After all, being targeted by five or six snipers is not an easy thing to avoid. 】

The narration suddenly sounded, making Bai Chuan's nerves immediately tense.

He knew that Takezawa Yoshimitsu would attract the people behind the scenes, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. Was he just following Takezawa Yoshimitsu?

He ignored Takezawa Yoshimitsu's expression, opened the system mall directly, and spent 5,000 heart points to redeem the healing medicine.

Without hesitation, he opened a bottle similar to Fengyoujing and took the green liquid into his mouth.

Takezawa Yoshimitsu couldn't understand what Shirakawa was doing, and couldn't get rid of the control of the intermediate instigation technique. He continued,

"The director of the welfare home..."

Before he could say the dean's name, a bloody hole suddenly appeared on his head, and the bullet penetrated his skull.

At the same time, the same type of bullet appeared in Bai Chuan's chest.

If you are shot in the heart, you will definitely die!

Severe pain will be transmitted to the brain after thirty seconds, and the brain will respond. However, before that, the heart will stop supplying blood in a very short period of time, and the brain will quickly become deprived of oxygen, causing syncope.

Bai Chuan must seize the few seconds of unconsciousness and take the healing medicine.

After quickly swallowing the healing medicine, Bai Chuan's body fell back heavily due to the impact of the bullet.

At the same time, another rose-colored blood flower bloomed on his chest.

This is a last-minute shot from another cautious sniper.

After falling to the ground, before Bai Chuan completely lost consciousness, he saw the rotating ceiling and the lights completely extinguished.

The world fell into darkness.

Before the lights in the apartment were completely extinguished, the sniper who fired the shot had confirmed through the binoculars that both targets were dead, and began to pack up his equipment and prepare to evacuate the scene.

The five snipers used walkie-talkies to communicate. After confirming that two of them had succeeded, the other three did not need to shoot any more.

The sound of gunfire would attract the police, not to mention that this was Liu Xia's apartment, which was full of dangers.

Maybe if he leaves even a second late, he will be captured by the people from the Momodai Club.

But today was very beneficial to them. The leader of the Hyakumedai Society, the cruel and frightening Mrs. Suzume was not here.

They had already done some research before coming here. The lady was dragged away by the bloody party and would not appear in the apartment for a short time.

This period of time is the best time to erase Kuraki Shirakawa.

Ueio Miko, who has short hair and a thin body, dropped the coffee cup in her hand to the ground after hearing the gunfire.

Masumi Kamio ran over in a hurry,

"Mom, are you okay?"

She obediently went to the balcony to get a broom and cleaned up the broken ceramic cups and coffee on the floor.

"Mom, are you too tired recently? Do you want to rest first? When you came back just now, you felt very tired."

Uemio Miko didn't speak for a long time, feeling a bad feeling in her heart.

At the same time, the sleeping girl next door on the 10th floor opened her eyes.

Qian Xueye, wearing no shoes and bare feet, quickly took out the accessories of the sniper rifle from under the bed, and completed the assembly and erection within 3 seconds.

Based on the gunfire she just heard, she closed her eyes, discerned the direction, and found the sniper's position.


The crisp sound of bullets rang out in the building next door.

A sniper who had packed up his equipment and turned around just now had a beautiful bloody hole on his head, and his body fell softly to the ground. There was even a smile on his face that he was about to harvest 300 million yen.

His employer has offered him a high price of 300 million yen. Any one of the five snipers who can kill either of the two targets can get the money.

Hearing the sound of gunfire, the snipers became alert. They were in different buildings and in different directions, but they had one thing in common, they were very sensitive to gunfire.


Another bullet pierced the air, and the sniper who had refilled the shot also fell into a pool of blood.

The other three did not fire a shot from beginning to end, so their positions were not exposed.

They began to pay attention to Liuxia Apartment, and when they were about to fight back, the three snipers received a call to evacuate.

The Metropolitan Police Department was already on the way to the scene. Due to Shirakawa's special nature and the fact that he had offended many wealthy and powerful people in the last case of the plastic surgery hospital, the Metropolitan Police Department was worried about his safety and specially arranged a group of people near Liuxia Apartment, so the speed of police dispatch was faster than usual.

The three could only leave the scene quickly, but the death of the two colleagues just now was a good thing for them, which meant that the three of them could share 600 million equally, and without firing a single bullet.

Qian Xueye did not turn on the lights, but quietly observed in the night, until she was sure that no one would fight back, she disassembled the sniper rifle again and put it under the bed.

She walked out of the room barefoot and rang the doorbell next door.

One, two, three rings.

No one answered.

Qian Xueye called Baichuan's phone, but no one answered.

She took off the hairpin from her head and started to unlock the door.

The door opened, and she saw Baichuan and the strange man lying in a pool of blood.

She ignored the dead stranger, but walked straight to Baichuan and checked his breath.

Baichuan, who should have been dead, had a distorted expression on his face, as if he was in extreme pain.

Qian Xueye noticed that the hideous wound on his chest was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe it.

Baichuan was holding a strange glass bottle in his hand.

"Is it some special potion?"

Qian Xueye put the glass bottle away, put it in the pocket of her nightgown, and then patted Baichuan's face,

"Wake up?"

After 5 minutes of waking up, Baichuan suddenly opened his eyes and greedily breathed in the fresh air.

Baichuan wanted to thank the narrator this time. If it weren't for his reminder, his life would have been over.

No matter how good your martial arts skills are, they can't resist the sniper's bullets.

Shirakawa wanted the skills of that high-level sniper more and more.

At this time, the elevator reached the 10th floor and a group of police rushed in.

The leader was Shiraki Saya, and five flashlights filled the dim room with light.

She saw the girl in a nightgown sitting next to the pale boy, and also saw Takezawa Yoshimitsu lying in a pool of blood.

The girl had a blank expression on her face. In Shiraki Saya's opinion, this was definitely a look of being scared silly.

Shiraki Saya immediately squatted beside her nervously and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, Mei, we are here, and we won't let the bad guys succeed."

Qian Xueye pointed at the dead Takezawa Yoshimitsu, meaning that the police were late.

Shiraki Saya was stunned and asked her colleagues to fix the fuse and protect the scene.

"Why is it him?"

"Wasn't he still being questioned at the Metropolitan Police Department during the day? How come he died in Kuraki-kun's house now?"

The police who didn't know the truth whispered, and Shiraki Saya asked about Shirakawa's situation,

"Kuraki-kun, are you okay?"

"No, just a scratch."

Shirakawa covered the wound and looked at the busy police officers vigilantly.

Who is the traitor?

Then the fact that he is not dead will soon spread to other people, right?

Happy weekend

Chapter 221 220·Slumber Party (3K)

After the fuse was repaired, the room was bright again.

Shirakawa told Shiraki Saya about the thrilling experience tonight, from Takezawa Yoshimitsu bringing thugs to the door, to the thugs all running away, leaving only Takezawa Yoshimitsu.

When he was confessing to Shirakawa, he was silenced.

Shirakawa was also injured, but not seriously.

Shirakawa handed the phone to Shiraki Saya. The video inside was enough to convict the deceased and reveal the true face of the evil welfare home. However, if you want to know the relevant people involved in the welfare home, you have to continue the investigation.

Before Shirakawa even had time to ask about Tsuboi Ikki, Takezawa Yoshimitsu was silenced.

And the content of his confession was actually said once when he was recording his statement at the Metropolitan Police Department, but he immediately regretted it at that time and tried to get rid of his suspicion through a lawyer.

Moreover, this time he also said the location of the hidden bodies. Most of the bodies of the children who met with accidents were hidden on the back mountain of the abandoned welfare home.

Shirakawa originally planned to record the video and send it to the TV station, because even if there was a video in the interrogation room, it was the internal information of the Metropolitan Police Department and could not be circulated, which was different from the nature of this video.

As long as it was exposed on TV, neither Takezawa Yoshimitsu nor the welfare home could quibble.

However, the situation has changed now. Takezawa Yoshimitsu is dead, and the interest group involved in the welfare home has not been found. There is little meaning in making this video public now.

Shiraki Saya sent the video to the mailbox and insisted that Shirakawa move into the safe house set up by the Metropolitan Police Department.

"It's too dangerous for you to live here now."

"It might be more dangerous to enter the safe house."

Shirakawa said calmly.

Shiraki Saya was very puzzled, "Why?"

"Because the person who knew that Takezawa Yoshimitsu leaked the information at the first time must be hiding inside the Metropolitan Police Department."

Shirakawa said without hesitation.

Shiraki Saya looked at Shirakawa in surprise, "Do you mean we have a mole?"

Shirakawa nodded slightly.

"Among... us?"

Saya Shiraki knew that Shirakawa never made mistakes, so when he said there was a traitor, it was definitely not fabricated.

Besides, Takezawa Yoshimitsu's death was indeed too strange.

Shirakawa shook his head. He immediately identified the five policemen who came in. They were all his own people with good family backgrounds and there was no spy.

Saya Shiraki was relieved and confessed to Shirakawa that this team was selected to protect Shirakawa.

Since Shirakawa solved several major cases in a row, Section Chief Matsuyama has treated him as a treasure. Knowing that some wealthy people wanted to take action against him, he immediately set up such a mobile team to patrol near the apartment.

Saya Shiraki is the leader of the team.

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