The second is Future Online Game Development Company, which seems to have developed a very popular game and sold the game to Shirakawa so that the company can continue to make profits. In fact, the source code of this game was plagiarized. suspicion.

Although many modern games plagiarize each other, once someone is accused of plagiarizing the underlying logic and source code, if the evidence is conclusive, not only will they have to pay compensation, but their reputation will also be tarnished.

In addition, this boss also took away the most critical technical team and re-established a new company. It was like taking away the spinal cord of the company and taking away the most critical things, leaving only an empty shell for Baichuan.

Therefore, this game company must not only recruit programmers, but also conduct self-examination before the plagiarism incident breaks out, take the initiative to remove the game from the shelves, or directly modify the game source code to rectify and upgrade the game.

Regarding this point, Shirakawa immediately thought of Ryota Shima, who has hacking skills. He is a senior fan of two-dimensional games. In addition, he is familiar with codes, which should allow him to find similarities between the two games and cure his headaches. Heal the feet.

Generally speaking, the game development company has relatively few employees, and the remaining 20 employees have simple interpersonal relationships and are all people who can continue to work diligently.

Finally, we come to the third most troublesome company, Haihua Pharmaceutical Company.

Whether it is from the top management, the technology research and development department, or even the employees who entered through nepotism, they all need to deal with the large sums owed to suppliers.

If the previous two companies only treated patients with early-stage cancer and their condition could be solved through chemotherapy and surgery, then Haihua Pharmaceutical Company is in a critical condition and has no cure.

Bai Chuan even had the urge to fire the entire company, leaving only a layer of skin behind.

As expected, they are all companies on the verge of bankruptcy, and each has its own problems.

Since he has no experience in running a pharmaceutical company, he can only think about laying off all employees in one go. He also has to understand the specific situation of the company through these people.

After Chinese Valentine's Day, I took the gentle lawyer lady to Haihua Pharmaceutical Company.

After thinking about these questions, Bai Chuan was about to fall asleep when he suddenly received a call.

To Shirakawa's surprise, the other party turned out to be an acquaintance of the treasure hunter on the island, the anchor Ms. Kojima Aiko.

After returning from Misty Island, Shirakawa didn't pay much attention to Miss Kojima. She probably became popular again with her live broadcast with the theme of Misty Island, so she was in the mood to call him.

"Kuragi-kun, tomorrow is Chinese Valentine's Day. Do you want to celebrate the festival together?"

"Second Valentine's Day" limited time event (two-in-one please subscribe)

The "Chinese Valentine's Day" in the island country originated from China and continued the custom and habit of "begging for clever tricks". Here, the Chinese Valentine's Day was originally a sacrificial activity for the nobles of the imperial court, also known as begging for clever tricks.

It has only become a folk celebration since the Edo period. It has now become an important traditional festival among the people. The Tanabata Festival was originally on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. After the Meiji Restoration, the lunar calendar was abolished, so now the Tanabata Festival in the island country falls on July 7 of the solar calendar every year.

Originally, Chinese Valentine's Day was not mainly used to pray for love, but was instead a festival for children. However, because many young men and women will go to temples together on Chinese Valentine's Day and make their own "Chinese Valentine's Day wishes" on the Chinese Valentine's Day wishing tree in the temple. Most of them are good wishes such as "Never be separated from a certain king", so Chinese Valentine's Day has become more and more popular over time. It has also become another "Valentine's Day" for young people besides February 14th.

Especially for college students who want to make do with every holiday. If it weren't for the summer vacation, there would most likely be a large number of new couples in the school.

Yanomi wanted to send a text message to Shirakawa to express her feelings, but she tossed and turned in bed and ultimately did not choose to send the message.

For Mei-chan, she wanted to hide her love in her heart and never express it, but she still planned to give away the gift doll that she had prepared long ago.

At this time, the boy who was missed by the girl was still lying on the bed, fighting against sleepiness.

Bai Chuan heard the system prompt sound in a daze.

[The "Valentine's Day" limited time event is now open. 】

[Request: Do something you love on this special day. 】

[Task description: Chinese Valentine's Day is also considered the second Valentine's Day. How can we celebrate Valentine's Day without a lover? Hurry up and take action with your lovers to enrich this festival. 】

[The following endings can be achieved]

[Ending 1 [Beginning of love]: Kiss either Chiyuki Mei or Chiyuki Ye. If both of them complete it, the reward will be doubled!

Reward: Randomly add a product to the system mall]

[Ending 2 [Restless Heart]: Kiss Suzume Naiko and Ueio Miko, if both of them complete it, the reward will be doubled!

Reward: Randomly add a product to the system mall]

[Ending Three [Friendship Deterioration]: Kiss any one of Saya Shiraki, Mi Yanomi, and Haruka Shigezuki, and if all three of them complete the kiss, the reward will be tripled!

Reward: Randomly add a product to the system mall]

[Ending 4 [Special Love]: Kiss one of Kyoko and Kuraki Yuko. If both of them complete it, the reward will be doubled!

Reward: Randomly add a product to the system mall]

[Ending 5 [Across the Ocean]: Kiss one of Takeshima Mie and Shuoyue Zhen. If both of them complete it, the reward will be doubled!

Reward: Randomly add a product to the system mall]

[Time limit: From now until 0:00 on July 8. 】

[Warm reminder: Rewards can be stacked, and multiple endings can be achieved at the same time. 】

Bai Chuan only thought that it was most likely a dream.

When did the system become so good that just by kissing someone, you can add more products to the mall?

And there has never been any limited time event before.

Bai Chuan didn't even think about it and continued to sleep.

At 8 o'clock, Bai Chuan opened his eyes on time.

I did some stretching exercises and then went out for a run.

In order to improve your physical fitness, you can insist on not sleeping for 48 hours without any side effects. Daily exercise is essential.

It also ensures that you will not be exhausted when accumulating heartbeat points and suffer from back pain the next day.

Although he doesn't feel it now that he is young, as he grows older, if he still doesn't exercise, he will one day be in such a dilemma.

You must have foresight as a person, and you cannot just think of ways to deal with it after it happens.

After running for half an hour, I continued to do stretching exercises in a nearby park for a quarter of an hour.

Because you have not exercised for a long time and want to pick it up again, it is best not to take too long the first time.

Even if you only exercise for 1 hour a day, as long as you persist day after day, you will still be healthier and have stronger physical fitness than ordinary people.

At 9 o'clock, Shirakawa returned to the apartment, took a shower, and planned to knock on Qianyuki Mei's door.

Unfortunately, it seems that Mei Chiyuki is not at home, not even her female bodyguard.

Did he go home early in the morning?

It is very possible. After all, Qian Xueye said that the Chinese Valentine's Day banquet seems to be quite important to Qian Xue's family. Maybe her mother urged her to go back and prepare.

Shirakawa didn't plan to go to Qianyuki's house so early, but he was a little worried about Mei's cute situation, so he sent a text message to Qianyuki Mei on his mobile phone.

[Mei-san, are you okay? ]

[Cangmu-kun, I'm at home. Please don't worry. I'm fine. Please come to the banquet on time at 2 p.m. ]

Baichuan simply replied with a good word, put his phone in his trouser pocket, opened the closet, and picked out the clothes for today's banquet.

Since Qian Xueye chose them for himself, the general colors are black, white and gray, and the most out-of-the-box color is only blue. No matter how you combine them, they won't look ugly.

Every outfit looks handsome on him, even if he wears it casually, because his appearance and the quality of the clothes are very good, and he looks very pleasing to the eye.

So you don’t need to choose deliberately, you just need to be comfortable in what you wear.

As for watches and accessories, there’s no need to worry.

The anesthesia watch will definitely not be replaced. Every tie is very good-looking and can be directly selected blindly. Just use the belt that Qian Xueye originally selected for herself.

As for leather shoes, well, it is most likely better to wear leather shoes in this situation. Choose the most expensive pair of leather shoes.

It doesn't matter what you wear, the most important thing about a man is the details, and his shoes are his appearance.

Even when Shirakawa was a civilian high school student, he paid great attention to his shoes.

The total cost of all the clothes and pants is only 1,000 yen, and the shoes are 4,000 yen.

Bai Chuan spent 5 minutes changing his clothes, walked into the bathroom, and looked in the mirror.

With his already handsome appearance and the blessing of a suit, he suddenly felt like a noble man.

"Well, he's handsome again. Is it because his charm value reaches 8? It's hard to imagine how distressed three women with all 9 charm values ​​must be."

Bai Chuan shook his head and said.

The three women with a charm value of 9 that he was referring to were, of course, Naiko Suzume, Mei Chiyuki, and Miko Ueoo.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Baichuan left the bathroom, returned to the room, took out his cell phone from the pocket of his pants, and answered the call.

It turned out to be the missing person Suzume Naiko.

"Kuragi-kun, open the door."

No way? Come back at this time.

Bai Chuan was suddenly a little worried about whether he could go out smoothly today.

He walked to the door and saw Suzume Naiko through the peephole with fair skin, cool facial features, picturesque eyebrows, and an elegant temperament all over her body.

She was wearing a burgundy dress today, with bright red lipstick on her lips, and a black suit jacket casually draped over her shoulders. She looked more dazzling than a star.

Bai Chuan opened the door, and the two reunited after a long absence, both showing a knowing smile.

The two of them were wearing a suit and leather shoes, and the other was wearing a long dress. They seemed to match each other very well.

"Ma'am, did you enjoy the party?"

"It's pleasant. I just met some people who don't like to reason with me, so I had to waste some time and reason with them."

Suzume Naiko took off her gloves and put them in Shirakawa's hands. She walked into Shirakawa's apartment naturally. She didn't have the habit of changing shoes. She stepped on a pair of red stiletto heels and made a clicking sound.

Bai Chuan noticed that there was a man in black following behind her. This man looked like her bodyguard or attendant. He looked very ordinary, with no recognition or memory. He pushed a pulley and followed closely.

There was a huge box on the pulley, about the same size as a coffin.

"Kuragi-kun, look at the gift I gave you."

Bai Chuan had an ominous premonition that there might not be a person inside.

The man in black put down the cart, respectfully exited the room, and closed the door.

Suzume Naiko raised her eyebrows slightly, showing a fox expression, wanting to see Bai Chuan's expression after seeing the gift.

She always felt that Bai Chuan was someone like her and would definitely like this Chinese Valentine's Day gift.

Bai Chuan's spirit immediately became tense. He walked to the coffin, oh no, the box, and opened the lid.

Seeing what was inside, I was instantly relieved.

It is not a corpse, but a portrait sculpture of a samurai who committed suicide by seppuku.

The sculptor has superb skills and carved the expression on the samurai's face into the wood, giving the feeling of looking at a real person.

And the samurai used the three-character seppuku method, which is the most difficult method among the seppuku methods.

In the eyes of the Japanese, the soul of a person is in the abdomen, so seppuku for the Japanese is to make their souls public. Many people who advocate the spirit of Bushido think this is a very noble way to die. If a person can commit suicide by seppuku, then no matter what he does, he will be respected by people because he uses this method to prove his innocence.

Because of the advocacy of seppuku suicide, there are several ways to commit seppuku. The simplest and most commonly used is the "Ichimonji" method. As the name suggests, it is to cut a hole in the abdomen. The second is the "Jumonji" method, which is to cut a "cross" on the abdomen, one horizontal and one vertical. The third is the "Sanmonji", that is, to cut three cuts on the abdomen. Such a cruel method is probably so painful that most people would faint before committing suicide.

In history, only one person did it.

He is the samurai Hanpeita.

In 1863 AD, the Komu faction with the shogunate as the core launched a coup. They drove out the Sonnōjō faction in Kyoto. Takechi Hanpeita, the leader of the Sonnōjō faction, was arrested. After two years of imprisonment, Takechi Hanpeita was sentenced to seppuku for forming a clique for personal gain and inciting people.

When Takechi Hanpeita heard the news of seppuku, he was not sad. He was grateful for the verdict. In his suicide note to his wife, he said that he would use three-character cuts to show his will. He also asked his wife to make white clothes for him.

Takechi Hanpeita cut his abdomen three times horizontally. He did not die before the three cuts were completed. After the three cuts were completed, the two kaishakunin stabbed the knife into his waist, and Takechi Hanpeita died completely. Takechi Hanpeita lived for 37 years.

Because he was the only samurai who committed suicide with three-character cuts, he was highly respected by later generations. Many sculptors also carved statues for him, including works left by skilled carving masters.

However, with the rolling tide of history, more than 600 years later, there are almost no complete sculptures left, and each one is a precious antique.

Shirakawa looked at the sculpture in front of him and guessed that it should also be imitated by later generations, but the technology is indeed more exquisite, and it is a very good artistic sculpture.

Even if it is a work of later generations, some collectors would be happy to collect a complete sculpture of samurai Hanpeita committing seppuku.

But Shirakawa is not one of those people.

Moreover, eating while looking at it does not taste good.

Shirakawa is already thinking about who to give this gift to. How about Takahashi Yoshito? This old-fashioned old man might like this unique artwork of samurai committing seppuku.

With the mentality of wanting to sweep the gift out, Shirakawa used an appraisal technique.

Unexpectedly, this thing turned out to be an antique, but it was a broken antique.

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