Kojima Zizi parked the car and followed Bai Chuan into the police headquarters. Kojima Lizi also carried her bag excitedly and followed Bai Chuan like a hard-working little bee.

Bai Chuan's cold attitude made her feel very comfortable. If Bai Chuan had been paying attention to her, she would have been shy, nervous and at a loss.

[Kojima Riko’s happiness level +1]

[Kojima Riko’s current happiness level is 94 (idol and savior)]

Listening to the constant ringing of happiness in his ears, Bai Chuan had some doubts. As long as he kept this girl by his side, he would soon be able to gain another point of legend.

Because even if she doesn't do anything, her happiness will grow on its own, and it probably won't even take a day to reach 100.

Could it be that Yanomi is not her crazy fan, but Kojima Riko is the real crazy fan.

No wonder she was cheated 22 times in a row.

This is a terrible fan culture. If there were less reports about oneself on TV and self-media people used less of their own popularity, I’m afraid it wouldn’t have such an effect, right?

Bai Chuan's mood was a little complicated, and he didn't know whether to be happy or depressed.

As soon as Bai Chuan entered the hall, he was recognized by a young police officer.

"Kuragi-kun! Are you Kuraki-kun from Tokyo?"

"Yes, he is Kuraki-kun, Kuraki-kun of Tokyo!"

Kojima Riko felt that she had met a fellow gangster, and she immediately stepped forward excitedly and repeated the young police officer's words.

The conversation between the two attracted other police officers, and soon Shirakawa, Kojima Zizi and others were surrounded.

"Will Kuraki-kun come to our place for communication?"

"Did the section chief ask Kuraki-kun to help?"

"It must be for that case, right? The case of the disappearance of the famous performer Miss Yasuhara Chieko. Only for this kind of case, the section chief will call in foreign aid."

"If Kuraki-kun comes, we will definitely be able to solve the case."

The police officers talked in a flurry and began to introduce themselves.

Baichuan nodded to them one by one, and after expressing the most basic courtesy, he interrupted their continued guessing,

"I came here actually because of the suicide incident among college students."

After Shirakawa stated his general intention, the police officers took him, Kojima Zizi and Kojima Riko to the section chief's office.

Section Chief Yokoo and Section Chief Matsuyama are the same generation and old classmates.

He had long heard that Section Chief Matsuyama regarded the young detective Kuraki Shirakawa as his treasured consultant. He had not believed it before. Until the most recent time, he was rejected by Section Chief Matsuyama to borrow someone because of the disappearance of the performer Miss Yasuhara Chieko. Only then did I realize that Songshan, this old fox, really protected food.

At that time, Section Chief Matsuyama rejected him because the consultant was on vacation. Unexpectedly, Kuraki Shirakawa came to visit himself.

The knot in the brows of Section Chief Yokoo was lifted, and his hair, which was about to be shaved off, was finally saved, but his hairstyle still looked like a bird's nest.

If Miss Chieko Yasuhara's case remains unsolved, not to mention outside public opinion, even his immediate boss will scold him into being autistic.

Who makes the boss also a fan of Miss Chieko Yasuhara?

Section Chief Yoko, who did not understand elegant literature, had no idea what the charm of Miss Chieko Yasuhara was. At most, her face and figure looked okay, but she was not as fragrant as his wife.

Professor Yokoo’s wife is a well-known drama actress. Professor Yokoo doesn’t appreciate drama at all, he just wants to miss his youth.

"Please take a seat."

Section Chief Yokoo politely asked Shirakawa to sit down, "Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee, the two Kojima ladies drink black tea."

Shirakawa sat on the sofa, and Kojima Zizi and Kojima Riko sat next to him.

It was also the first time for the two of them to enjoy the preferential treatment at the police headquarters. There was usually tea and coffee, and mineral water was pretty good.

Section Chief Yokoo is a person whose body shape is completely opposite to Section Chief Matsuyama. He is tall and thin and has a long and narrow face, which is somewhat similar to a shoehorn face.

He looks very serious when he is not talking, but when he smiles, his eyebrows are crooked, and he looks a little vulgar.

"Professor Matsuyama must have mentioned me to you. His old classmate Yokoo Munamasa always had slightly better grades than him."

Section Chief Yokoo said with a smile, and extended his hand to shake Shirakawa's hand.

Um, no, Section Chief Matsuyama never mentioned you at all.

Shirakawa smiled, "Yes, Section Chief Matsuyama often says that Section Chief Yokoo loves his wife very much and is a good man like him."


Section Chief Yokoo laughed. The ring on his ring finger was shining. It was difficult not to let people know that he had a family.

"Men should be nicer to their wives, especially since the wives we marry are more than ten years younger than us."

By accident, he was exposed.

Bai Chuan was noncommittal about this.

Section Chief Yokoo also disagreed.

He glanced at Kojima Zizi and extended his hand enthusiastically, "Isn't this Miss Kojima? I have watched your live broadcast."

Well, you still have time to watch live broadcasts, no wonder the crime rate remains high.

Shirakawa cursed as he watched Kojima Seiko shaking hands with Section Chief Yokoo.

Kojima Seiko was flattered and found that Shirakawa was really popular in the police headquarters.

If it were any other Osaka detective, he would most likely be asked to record a confession when he came to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Private detectives often make mistakes when investigating cases, and are often reported to the police station for various crimes such as invading other people's privacy and breaking into private homes.

In addition, the reputation of Osaka Detective is not very good.

"Brother Kuraki, how long will you stay in Osaka this time? Do you have any itinerary? Do you want me to send someone to accompany you to visit?"

Section Chief Yokoo behaved very politely, without any airs of a section chief, and directly called Shirakawa by his first name, making him appear very approachable.

As soon as Bai Chuan heard this tone, he knew that he was asking people to do things.

This saved Shirakawa a lot of trouble. At first, he was worried that the Osaka police would not cooperate with him. Now it seems that being famous has its benefits.

"You're welcome, I'm not here for a trip to Osaka. This time is actually for personal matters. Section Chief Yokoo seems to have been in trouble recently."

Bai Chuan asked.

At this time, the young police officer had already brought the coffee, handed it to Bai Chuan respectfully, and looked at him with the eyes of the national treasure giant panda.

Section Chief Yokoo coughed twice before the young police officer exited his office.

"Brother Cangmu, we did encounter a little difficulty."

Well, as you can tell from your hairstyle, it is indeed just a little bit difficult.

Shirakawa cursed and listened patiently to Section Chief Yokoo's description.

"Two days ago, we received a report from the mother of Miss Chieko Yasuhara, saying that Miss Chieko was missing. We immediately sent out police to search, but found no clues."

When Section Chief Yokoo said this, he carefully observed Shirakawa's expression to confirm that he was listening carefully and was not disgusted before continuing,

“We have checked her three villas in Daban and the apartment where she recently lived, but no problems were found.

"Well, in the apartment she lives in recently, even takeout is delivered to her door on time, which proves that she has no plans to travel far.

"In addition, according to Mrs. Yasuhara's description, Miss Yasuhara Chieko would always report to her when she went out. She would also send text messages of good morning, good afternoon, and good night on time every day. She would never fail to answer the phone calls, and this time she directly Lost contact."

Bai Chuan held the disposable paper cup, looked at the steaming coffee, and said slowly,

"So, you suspect she was kidnapped."

Section Chief Yokoo also picked up the coffee, took a sip, and smacked his mouth.

"Yes, we suspect that she was kidnapped. Unfortunately, it has been two days. If it was a kidnapping, the kidnappers should have contacted her family to pay the ransom, but Mrs. Yasuhara has received nothing."

Kojima Zizi drank coffee and was shocked.

Chieko Yasuhara is a well-known young artist. It is said that she is a single wealthy woman who just celebrated her 38th birthday this year.

Chieko Yasuhara was kidnapped?

He didn't know it at all.

There was really no news at all. The news was probably blocked by Miss Chieko Yasuhara's office.

Because on the day of the Fireworks Festival, Miss Chieko Yasuhara will hold an official concert in Osaka, and the tickets will be sold out.

This is the 20th public concert she has held since her debut. It is not a private invitation and many fans are grabbing tickets.

Kojima Zizi also followed the trend and grabbed it, but she couldn't grab it at all. Of course, it's not that she has any attachment to elegant art, she just followed the trend.

If the disappearance of Chieko Yasuhara were revealed now, the concert would definitely be canceled and a lot of money would be lost.

So the best result is to block the news and get Miss Chieko Yasuhara back.

As Kojima Seiko thought this, she heard her stupid sister Kojima Riko ask a question,

"Will it disappear automatically?"

Every year in the island country, adults choose to disappear voluntarily because they cannot bear the social pressure, give up their original identity and family, become a homeless person, and live on the edge. Some extreme people will choose to commit suicide in the forest under Mount Fuji. Kill yourself.

That’s why Riko Kojima asked.

"How is it possible? Those who disappear automatically are losers. How can a successful woman like Miss Yasuhara Chieko be willing to abandon her honor and assets and choose to disappear automatically?"

Kojima Zizi immediately rejected the idiot sister's idea.

Section Chief Yokoo nodded, "Yes, if he was going to disappear, he would have taken the initiative to cancel the daily regular food order, but the restaurant has not received the message and is delivering food to the apartment every day."

"If it was a kidnapping, then why didn't the kidnapper call and ask for ransom? Isn't it for money, but for beauty?"

Kojima Riko said in surprise, then covered her mouth.

It seemed like she had discovered something extraordinary.

"We also doubt whether this will happen, but this is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack. Miss Chieko Yasuhara has too many fans. We can only target those who have sent her special gifts, letters of love or threatening letters. An investigation was conducted, and the scope of the investigation was those who had recently appeared in Osaka or lived in Osaka, and 2,000 people were screened out.”

Section Chief Yokoo shook his head and sighed, "After working overtime day and night, we finally eliminated the suspicion of these 2,000 people, and the case has reached a dead end again."

"Ah, more than 2,000 people have not been found, and two days have passed. I am afraid that something unexpected has happened to Miss Chieko Yasuhara, right?"

Kojima Riko said worriedly.

At this moment, Kojima Zizi wanted to use sealing tape to stick to the mouth of the stupid sister, but unfortunately she didn't.

Section Chief Yokoo sighed again, "It's best not to have this happen. Brother Kuraki, what do you think of this case?"

"How is the relationship between Miss Chieko Yasuhara and Mrs. Yasuhara?"

Bai Chuan asked.

"The relationship between mother and daughter is simply too good to be true. Miss Chieko Yasuhara and Mrs. Yasuhara have been living together.

Even when we were separated occasionally on business trips, I would send messages to my mother in the morning, noon and evening.

The two are model mothers and daughters in the industry. Miss Chieko Yasuhara can be said to be a very filial child. She holds a grand birthday party for her mother every birthday, inviting many friends, and never misses her own birthday because she thinks it is a mother's day. .

He will discuss everything with his mother and is very well-behaved and sensible.

A friend of Miss Chieko Yasuhara said that she had never seen Miss Chieko Yasuhara express her dissatisfaction with her mother in private, and she never said a bad word. She also said that she would always love her mother. "

Section Chief Yokoo said while recalling,

"We also saw photos of Ms. Chieko Yasuhara and her mother in the apartment where she currently lives. The mother and daughter take a group photo every year. This is probably because Chieko Yashara is a single parent and she is very dependent on her mother."

After listening to Section Chief Yoko's words, Shirakawa subconsciously tapped his right leg with his fingers, and looked back at Kojima Aiko,

"Ms. Kojima, how is your relationship with your mother?"

Kojima Zizi answered without hesitation,


"Then how often do you usually contact your mother?"

Bai Chuan asked again.

“When I’m free, I chat on video every day, and when I’m busy, I only talk on the phone once every three or four days.”

Kojima Zizi replied.

"Then will you send good morning, good afternoon and good night to your mother every day?"

"Ah, I won't do such a disgusting thing, I'm not a child anymore."

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