Therefore, you must keep a notebook to remember secret codes.

Forget it, I don’t have a notebook with me, so I’ll record it with my mobile phone.

Misako Maekawa silently took out her mobile phone.

Bai Chuan felt a flock of crows flying above his head, leaving a bunch of exclamation marks.

Iida Yuta thought for two seconds, looked at the expressions of the ladies with satisfaction, and said,

"The secret code is what to eat today."

"What's the answer?"

"The answer is, Chinese cuisine!"

"As expected of you, Iida-kun, you are so thoughtful!"

Kojima Riko gave a thumbs up. Even she could remember this answer and it was not difficult at all.

But other people who don't know the answer definitely don't know this answer.

Kojima Seiko also admires Iida Yuta's professional ability. Compared with another lazy young police officer Takemura Shoji, Iida Yuta is simply not too good.

Takemura Shoji wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling that he had been inexplicably despised.

In order to show his professionalism in front of the beautiful opposite sex, he walked to the window sill and set up a sniper rifle.

If no gangster appears, just snipe a fat pigeon back, otherwise no one will know that he is the sharpshooter Takemura Shoji.

Seeing his sudden professional movements, Kojima Zizi and Kojima Riko were also curious and approached him to ask what he was doing.

Misako Maekawa's head was empty. One second she was thinking about how to keep Tokyo's great detective, and the next second she was thinking about how to escape in time to save her life when danger came.

I always feel like it’s really dangerous here!

Bai Chuan finally found a foreign documentary program that broadcast the history of China and told the glorious era of the Ming Dynasty.

The time soon reached noon.

Yuta Iida brought Chinese cuisine back.

And through the code connection with Kojima Reiko, he successfully entered the gate.

He looked at Lizi Kojima with great satisfaction and said, "Ms. Kojima, you are very talented."

"Really? Is this also a codeword?"

"No, this is just a compliment."

"Ah, actually no, it's okay."

Kojima Riko blushed and scratched her hair shyly.

Iida Yuta let out a kawaii admiration.

Kojima Riko's face turned redder.

Iida Yuta put the food on the table, and Shirakawa frowned at the not-so-authentic Chinese cuisine.

When will I improve my cooking skills and let the islanders see what it means to be a small master in China?

This spicy chicken uses mustard, what is the method?

This braised lion head with strawberry jam, what is the method?

What is the method of adding rice cakes to this kelp vermicelli soup?

Although there were ten thousand complaints in his heart, Bai Chuan still said the classic line "I'm starting" together with everyone, and then ate in silence.

"Can work meals be reimbursed?"

Iida Yuta leaned close to Takemura Shoji's ear and asked softly.

Takemura Shoji nodded, "Theoretically it's possible, but it's probably not possible for something so extravagant. You know the temper of the police department."

A trace of bitterness appeared on Iida Yuta's face.

If I had known that Kojima Zizi wouldn't give me money, I wouldn't have ordered any Chinese cuisine. Although the convenience store discounted bento doesn't taste as good as this, I can afford it financially.

Shirakawa saw Yuta Iida's embarrassment, took out his mobile phone, and silently transferred 100,000 yen to Yuta Iida.

"I'll leave it to Iida-kun for the food during this period."

Iida Yuta heard the transfer record and raised his head in surprise, looking into the boy's clear eyes,

"Kuragi-kun, this...this is not appropriate. We can reimburse you."

"It's okay. You don't have to be polite to me. You are here to protect me. I will also be distressed if I am distracted by this kind of thing."

Bai Chuan said with a smile.

Iida Yuta bit his lip, completely conquered by Shirakawa's personality charm.

"Kuragi-kun, I will definitely protect you!"

He touched the gun at his waist again.

Shirakawa's sweat dropped again.

Okay, okay, you've had enough drama.

Kojima Zizi seemed to understand what had just happened. Before she paid Shirakawa's detective fee, Shirakawa was already helping her pay for the meal. She was slightly moved and leaned over, wanting to rest her head on Shirakawa's shoulder and act like a baby. .

Shirakawa slightly turned his body to the left, and Kojima Ziko's head fell into the air, and she covered her head in embarrassment.

"Ah, I suddenly have a headache. I must have not slept well at noon. I need to go to bed early tonight."

She found herself a step.

Riko Kojima asked in confusion, "Sister, when did you get into the habit of taking a nap?"

Kojima Zizi rolled her eyes, not wanting to talk to her stupid sister.

Misako Maekawa discovered the subtle relationship between several people.

The female anchor seems to like Cangmu-kun very much, but Cangmu-kun doesn't seem to accept her.

It seems that I am the only one who wants to keep him in Osaka.

Thinking of this, Misako Maekawa showed a charming smile to Shirakawa,

"Kuragi-kun, you have two tickets for the concert. Who do you plan to invite?"

Seeing her smile, everyone at the table was slightly startled.

Especially Takemura Shoji and Iida Yuta felt that they had been hit by a knowing blow, the damage was overflowing, and they were unable to think for a while.

Kojima Zizi felt a sense of crisis.

What is this beautiful bodyguard doing? Doesn’t she also have a crush on Kuraki-kun?

Kojima Riko had no idea and continued to eat.

Baichuan didn't have any idea, and said while eating unauthentic Chinese cuisine,

"Iida-kun, please come with me."

"Me? Is it me?"

Iida Yuta suddenly came to his senses and was flattered.

Takemura Shoji sighed, "It seems I can only wait for you at the door."

Kojima Ziko protested, "Wait a minute, it would be weird for two grown men to go to a concert."

"Yeah yeah."

Kojima Riko also wanted to go, so she agreed with her sister.

Bai Chuan touched his chin, "That's right, then forget it. I'll ask my good friend if he wants to go together."

Kojima Zizi's cheeks were slightly red and she said shyly, "I can."

"Damn, despicable sister, I want to go too, we should compete fairly."

Kojima Riko said excitedly.

The corners of Maekawa Misako's mouth raised slightly, "Just fight, and in the end you will find that the person who appeared at the concert with Kuraki-kun is me!" The winner will be me too!

"Miss Chieko Yasuhara is a cellist. Are you sure you want to go to her concert? This is not an idol's concert."

Bai Chuan asked.

Kojima Zizi and Kojima Riko were stunned for a moment, and then they both expressed no interest.

In comparison, they want to go to the concert more.

After finishing his meal, Shirakawa sat on the wide and soft sofa, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Qianyuki Mei.

[Mei-san, I have two tickets for Ms. Chieko Yasuhara’s concert here. You lent me the invitation letter for the last concert. This time, let me treat you to the concert. ]

Chapter 314 313·How could the goddess have bad intentions?

When Chiyuki Mei saw this news, she was worried about the business of the new company and her mood suddenly became brighter. She had the idea of ​​​​escaping Tokyo and running to Osaka immediately.

But being rational, she resisted the urge to book a flight immediately and replied reservedly.

[Okay, when? ]

Are you so busy that you don’t even pay attention to the concert of your favorite performer, Ms. An Keiko?

This was Bai Chuan's first reaction after seeing the information.

He was not surprised that Qianyuki Mei would accept his invitation.

Just like Qianyuki Meiyi invited him anytime, he would never refuse.

After a semester of getting along, the two have become close friends.

[The day after tomorrow, Osaka...]

After editing the time and address into a message and sending it, Shirakawa noticed that the beautiful female police officer Maekawa Misako was already sitting closer to him.

The sofa in the living room was large, unlike the small sofa in Shirakawa's rental house. It was inevitable that he and Mei Chiyuki would lean against each other when they sat together.

The sofa here, even if 5 people sit together, can still have one person in the middle, which means it is a standard seat for 10 people.

As long as Bai Chuan doesn't lie flat on the sofa, there will be no physical contact with other people.

Therefore, Maekawa Misako has broken the healthy social distance by being so close.

"Maekawa-san, is something wrong?"

Bai Chuan asked.

Misako Maekawa tucked her hair behind her ears and showed a shy smile, "With this distance, if something unexpected happens, I can hold Kuraki-kun's hand and run out immediately."

"Maekawa-san is working hard too!"

Takemura Shoji and Iida Yuta said in unison.

In their opinion, although Misako Maekawa is not very professional, she is very simple-minded.

After all, how could a goddess have bad intentions?

"Oh, oh, then you should stay away from me."

Bai Chuan said calmly.

"Ah? Why?"

Misako Maekawa asked in confusion.

"Because your reaction speed may implicate me."

Shirakawa doesn't mince words.

He had already determined through detailed observation that Maekawa Misako was the vase girl sent by the police force.

The purpose is most likely to recruit him and poach Section Chief Matsuyama.

"Ah, Kuraki-kun actually said it directly!!!"

"How can you say such things to the lovely Maekawa-san."

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