Misako Maekawa saw Shirakawa sitting back next to her. His lips were obviously stained with lipstick marks, and she felt a little depressed.


she cried softly.

Shirakawa turned his face and looked at the beautiful policewoman Hana in confusion, "Maekawa-san, what's wrong?"

"I heard that you don't plan to join the police force after graduating from college, but want to continue your studies in an institution of higher learning."

"Well, it's just like going to college. I feel like if I lose this part, it will be a lot less fun."

Bai Chuan said calmly.

Misako Maekawa nodded slightly, "Then have you considered Osaka University of Higher Education? I can help you get a letter of recommendation."

"Huh? No, thank you. Although Osaka is good, I prefer Tokyo."

Shirakawa's answer was like a basin of cold water pouring into Maekawa Misako's heart.

Misako Maekawa didn't know what else to do to keep Shirakawa.

Is it really the only last resort?

Misako Maekawa bit her lip. She really didn't want to use that move unless she had to.

Even for myself, that was despicable.

Chapter 325 324·Osaka Fireworks Display

Hayasaka Goro suddenly discovered that Maekawa Misako also had a character that refused to admit defeat, and sighed again,

"It's great to be young, you can be crazy about love."

Misako Maekawa is still having a fierce ideological struggle, but Shirakawa and Mei Chiyuki are getting closer and closer.

Although the two still get along as friends, after a passionate kiss and a sincere confession, they both understood each other's feelings, and their relationship has undergone subtle changes.

If Chiyuki Mei only missed Shirakawa during the day before, now she also misses him at night, especially his passionate kiss.

"Kuragi-kun, the person next door looks familiar. She seems to be Mrs. Komiya."

Hayasaka Goro suddenly spoke to Shirakawa, and Shirakawa looked over.

Mrs. Komiya, a well-known philanthropist, came by appointment today and brought her outstanding entrepreneur son to listen to Chieko Yasuhara's concert. By the way, she allowed her son to have more contact with his fiancée Chieko Yasuhara.

Mrs. Yasuhara and Mrs. Komiya are very satisfied with each other's children and think they can get married.

Of course, Mrs. Yasuhara originally felt that the Komiya family were just ordinary rich people, had no aristocratic blood, and were not from a plutocratic family, so they were not worthy of her precious daughter.

But after her baby daughter disappeared for so long and eloped with someone, she changed her mind.

Now she just wants to marry her daughter to a rich man as soon as possible, and let the rich man control her daughter's behavior, so that her daughter can completely become a rich wife and take control of her heart.

Halfway through the concert, the lights in the concert hall were turned off, and the dome above shrank like pieces of lotus flowers, turning the entire venue into an open-air concert hall.




Bursts of pounding sounds attracted everyone's attention, and hundreds of fireworks exploded in the air, forming a gorgeous fireworks rainbow.

Shirakawa and Hayasaka Goro also looked at the sky, attracted by the fireworks.

Happy music sounded in my ears, and the air was filled with a faint smell of gun smoke.

Each subsequent round of fireworks is like a wonderful spiritual experience.

The patterns are constantly changing, and the colors are constantly alternating. One moment, it is as gorgeous as a dream, and the next moment it disappears without a trace.

The graceful dance of every firework light and shadow filled the eyes of the audience with amazement.

A splendid fireworks filled the square. Everyone was silently sighing at this beautiful moment and was shocked by this spectacular feast.

Until the end, the most dazzling red fireworks exploded, which was simply dazzling.

Applause, cheers, and screams came one after another, and everyone took photos one after another to leave beautiful memories of this fireworks display.

Even Chiyuki Meiyi watched the fireworks display like this for the first time.

"What a beauty."

Misako Maekawa and Santo Takehara were also stunned.

Everyone in the venue was immersed in the beauty of this moment.

Couples can't help but kiss and even propose amid the beautiful scenery.

Audience members who have been married for a long time cuddled together and lamented that coming to the concert was the most correct decision.

As gorgeous fireworks exploded overhead, young people even cheered and screamed.

However, just when the lights came on again, Mrs. Komiya, who was in a happy mood, suddenly discovered that Mrs. Yasuhara, who had been watching the concert with her, was dead.

Even though Mrs. Xiaogong was a wealthy woman with strong confidence, she couldn't withstand such a blow and screamed instantly.

If her scream wasn't too shrill and lasted for a long time, it would have been covered by the cheers of the surrounding crowd.

Hayasaka Goro, Shirakawa, Chiyuki Mei, Maekawa Misako and Takehara Santo all immediately looked at the private room next door.

Just stand up and you can see the situation on the other side.

There were only two people left in the original private room for three people, Mrs. Yasuhara and Mrs. Komiya. The adult man in a suit and leather shoes was missing.

Mrs. Yasuhara was obviously shot to death, with a gorgeous blood flower blooming on her chest and a look of shock on her face.

Perhaps just when the fireworks were going off, Mrs. Yasuhara was shot.

But no one noticed that even Shirakawa was immersed in the joy of watching the fireworks with Qianyuki Mei.

The narrator didn't remind him, probably because he thought it was an unimportant matter.

Although it had nothing to do with Shirakawa, the fact that the person died in the private room next door made both Shirakawa and Hayasaka Goro feel like they were being teased.

Goro Hayasaka rang the bell in the box, notified the waiter, contacted the organizer, and closed all exits of the venue.

After receiving the call, Section Chief Yokoo quickly got up from the bed, ignored his wife's scolding, quickly put on his clothes and pants, and contacted his subordinates to call the police.

When he saw Miss Chieko Yasuhara lying on her mother's body crying with tears in her eyes, the old gentleman Goro Hayasaka felt that his heart was about to break.

"Miss Yasuhara, please rest assured, as long as I am here, I will definitely find the murderer."

"you are?"

Chieko Yasuhara wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, her body trembled slightly, she raised her head and looked at Goro Hayasaka with tearful eyes.

"Hello, I am Goro Hayasaka, the head of the police headquarters. This is Kuraki Shirakawa, our special adviser."

Hayasaka Goro introduced himself and Shirakawa.

Shirakawa was observing Chieko Yasuhara at this time.

And when she saw her mother die, although she showed pain and sadness, she was not surprised at all.

This proved that she felt that her mother's death was not an accident.

Because he had previously known about the relationship between Chieko Yasuhara and her mother, Shirakawa had reason to suspect that she was the murderer of her mother.

So the question is, if she really wanted to kill her mother at the concert, then why did she give the VIP tickets to Section Chief Yokoo?

She must have known that people from the police headquarters would come. Is she so confident that she would not be exposed?

Baichuan checked the condition of the deceased and initially judged the time of death, which would not exceed 10 minutes at the latest.

Ten minutes after death, the blood begins to sink under the action of gravity, the skin slowly loses color, and the body temperature begins to drop sharply until it is consistent with the ambient temperature. The cells of the body will die due to lack of oxygen, and various contents in the ruptured cells will begin to leak out. This process is also called corpse cold.

As for Mrs. Yasuhara, the body must have just turned cold and her body has not yet become stiff.

The bullet to the chest was a fatal wound, but there were no other injuries.

Mrs. Komiya and Mr. Komiya who were in the same box with her, both of whom were the last people she saw before her death, will also be included as suspects.

Bai Chuan appraised Mrs. Yasuhara.

[Character: Yasuhara Fuyuko]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Charm: 6]

[Stamina: 4]


58 years old, Osaka native, legal person of Yasuhara Office, mother of Chieko Yasuhara, her husband died young, and she raised her daughter alone.

Since she was a child, Chieko Yasuhara has been very demanding, asking her to practice cello, foreign languages ​​and social etiquette. She has never allowed her to have entertainment time like other children, and told her that everything is for her own good.

The young Chieko Yasuhara was quite dependent on her father because of his early death. However, as time went by, she was extremely controlling and always interfered in her daughter's life, causing her to lose herself little by little.

In order to let his daughter learn better cello techniques, he found his first love Akita Kyouji and begged him to teach his daughter.

In the process, Yasuhara Fuyuko also rekindled her old relationship with her first love, Akita Kyoji, and they often dated secretly.

Finally, under the tireless supervision of Fuyuko Yasuhara, her daughter lived up to expectations and became famous at the age of 16. She became a genius cellist and was admitted to the Osaka Symphony Orchestra, touring the world.

Because of her beautiful appearance and outstanding talent, she gradually became a rising star.

The leader of the Osaka Symphony Orchestra also fell in love with Chieko Yasuhara. The young Chieko Yasuhara did not understand what love was, so she asked her mother for advice, but her mother asked her to use the leader's love to obtain more resources.

So Chieko Yasuhara became the orchestra's concertmaster and received more resources.

When the group leader divorced and proposed to Chieko Anhara, he was strongly opposed by Fuyuko Anhara.

Moreover, Chieko Yasuhara also threatened to take the group leader to court and force the group leader to resign by violating minors.

After that, Fuyuko Yasuhara established an office and took charge of her daughter's concerts on her own. Chieko Yasuhara became completely independent.

As Chieko Yasuhara becomes more and more famous, Fuyuko Yasuhara is eager to join the upper class society.

She required her daughter to hold a private invitation concert every year, inviting only the top richest people, plutocrats and politicians, and then choose her future son-in-law from among these people.

Chieko Yasuhara is like a puppet on strings. Everything is done according to her words. In the end, she fell in love several times, but she was treated as a plaything and abandoned when she got tired of playing with her.

But Yasuhara Fuyuko doesn't think this is her own problem. Instead, she thinks it's her daughter's lack of self-love that's why she was rejected by a wealthy family.

Three years ago, the famous philanthropist Komiya Koko took the initiative to propose marriage and told Fuyuko Anhara that she was a fan of Chieko and hoped that Chieko would become her future daughter-in-law. However, Fuyuko Yasuhara humiliated her and thought that the Komiya family was just an entrepreneur. Not worthy of his own daughter.

A year ago, Fuyuko Yasuhara fell in love with Shinichiro Kamishiro, the heir to the Kamishiro family, and used her connections to allow Chieko Yasuhara to go abroad and meet Shinichiro who was studying abroad. Shinichiro fell in love with Chieko Yasuhara at first sight, but unfortunately they only dated for 2 months. Because Fuyuko Yasuhara was too impatient and wanted her daughter to marry her, the relationship went bankrupt and her daughter suffered from depression.

Not long ago, her daughter ran away from home. Fuyuko Anhara asked the police for help, but in the end she got the theory that her daughter left voluntarily, maybe just to travel.

Fuyuko Yasuhara could only find a private detective to investigate, and finally found out that her daughter had eloped with someone, so she found her daughter Chieko Yasuhara, insulted Kuno Tokuji's character, and forced Kuno Tokuji to leave her daughter.

After bringing Chikeko Yasuhara back, she brainwashed Chikeko Yasuhara again, telling her that there is no true love in this world, and that only wealth and power are eternal. 】

[Evaluation: Mothers who are too controlling often suffocate their children. 】

After the identification, Baichuan discovered that the scope of suspects had expanded.

Not only Miss Yasuhara Chieko is a suspect, but Mrs. Ihara is also a suspect, even Kuno Tokuji, who was insulted and left Chieko Yasuhara, is also a suspect, and the Komiyao who suddenly disappeared and now reappears is also a suspect.

But was Mr. Kuno Tokuji also present?

32 Death of Mrs. Yasuhara

Since Goro Hayasaka was present, the speed of the police dispatch was unusually fast. Before anyone at the venue could react, the police car drove straight into the concert hall.

Section Chief Yokoo personally led the Yamamoto Police Department and others to quickly bring the situation under control.

The concert hall was cordoned off and the concert was terminated.

Section Chief Yokoo led the Yamamoto Police Department and forensic doctors to the private room where the murder occurred.


Section Chief Yokoo wiped his sweat, panted heavily, and ran to Hayasaka Goro, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it was Mrs. Yasuhara who was in trouble."

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