Unlike the happy Mio Nishitani, Kiyomi Kuramoto is an unfortunate girl who was born in a wealthy family. She did not get more love from her parents, so she constantly asks for the love of others and wants to find a sense of presence in front of everyone.

Maybe this kind of self is not worthy of the radiant Cangmu-kun, but so what? No one can dominate her thinking.

Kuramoto Seima restrainedly stretched out her hand and grabbed the corner of Kuragi Shirakawa's clothes.

"I can help you."

Seeing Kuramoto Seimei's cautious movements, Shirakawa suddenly thought of Chiyuki Mei.

If Qianyuki Mei was standing next to him at this time, she would definitely stand in front of him without hesitation. Even though she was timid, she could still muster the courage for herself.

But Kiyomi Kuramoto is not Mei Chiyuki after all.

"Give up, you will die if you follow me."

Shirakawa once again rejected Kuramoto Seimei and strode forward. What he had to do now was to quickly go to the fourth floor and guard the weapons warehouse.

Since it is open to everyone except yourself, all you need to do is wait there and grab weapons.

Before dealing with those disgusting investors on the 6th floor, first eliminate the risk factors around you.

Baichuan is confident that those investors will definitely not evacuate by helicopter, because they are most likely to be more confident than himself.

But Kuramoto Seimei would not give up. She trotted again to follow Shirakawa. The two had climbed from the second floor to the third floor and were heading towards the fourth floor.

"I would die for you."

Kuramoto Seimei plucked up the courage to say that this was tantamount to a confession for her.

[Kuramoto Seima’s happiness level 95 (a lover who is willing to sacrifice his life)]

Bai Chuan was slightly stunned.

Several figures appeared at the stairwell from the third floor to the fourth floor.

Gabe Leeteuk, Kazuo Tomita, and Tatsuya Akasawa have formed an alliance.

They are the representatives of other families and cannot betray investors.

After learning that they could win the final victory by solving Bai Chuan, the three quickly reached a deal.

They want to quickly deal with Kuraki Shirakawa and prevent anyone from providing weapons to Kuraki Shirakawa.

Moreover, the elevator is not available and this stairwell is the only way to the fourth floor.

Anyone who gets here must pass through them.

Bai Chuan couldn't care about the girl's confession at this time, he frowned,

"It's not too late for you to leave now."

"No, I won't leave, I can."

Kuramoto Seimei clenched her fists.

The first one to step forward was Tomita Kazuo, "Sorry, Kuraki-kun, although it was a pleasure working with you, you chose the wrong path."

Kazuo Tomita swung his kitchen knife and chopped at it.

Shirakawa avoided the sharp edge of the kitchen knife while pushing Kiyomi Kuramoto back.

Kuramoto Seimei fell down on the stairs, but also escaped the fatal blow.

Tomita Kazuo said with a ferocious smile,

"As expected of Cangmu-kun, you are the enemy of the whole world, and there are still women willing to follow you."

He swung the knife again, and Bai Chuan kicked him in the abdomen. The pain caused the blade to deflect, leaving only a scratch in the air.

Gabo Lite and Akasawa Tatsuya looked at each other and stepped forward to help Tomita Kazuo.

Unfortunately, the corridor was narrow and not enough for them to use their fists or even form a siege on Bai Chuan.

This situation is beneficial to Baichuan.

He took out the football from his backpack and first used it to knock the kitchen knife out of Kazuo Tomita's hand.

Then he used the skateboard as a weapon and started a melee with the three people.

Kiyomi Kuramoto looked on anxiously and wanted to help, but she found that she really couldn't help.

Suddenly, Gabo Lite came around behind Shirakawa, intending to sneak attack him.

"Be careful, Kuraki-kun!"

Kuramoto Seimei yelled, rushed forward, and hugged Gabo Lite's leg.

Gabo Lite became angry and moved the sashimi knife in his hand downwards, intending to kill Kuramoto Kiyomi first.

Unfortunately, Bai Chuan discovered it in time and stopped him.

Shirakawa's skateboard hit Gabe Leeteuk hard on the head, causing him to lose consciousness briefly and making a buzzing sound in his ears.

The skateboard was also pierced by Gabe Little's iron head.

The stunned Kuramoto Kiyoma was helped up by Shirakawa.

Not wanting to hide anymore, Bai Chuan directly used the anesthetic needle.

Although he was discovered by Tomita Kazuo, the distance was too close and he could not avoid it at all, so he fell to the ground after being hit.

"So this is your hidden secret weapon."

Akasawa Tatsuya raised the corner of his mouth and continued to attack Shirakawa, using Tomita Kazuo's body as a blocker.

Shirakawa didn't give Gabo Little a chance to breathe. He picked up Kiyomi Kuramoto and directly used it as a weapon to throw it on Gabo Little's head.

Gabe Leete completely fell to the ground and fainted.

Kuramoto Seimei didn't expect that she could have such a use, and was very excited.

At the same time, being hugged by Kuraki Shirakawa made her heart beat faster and her cheeks turn red.

[Kuramoto Kiyo’s happiness level +1]

[Kuramoto Seimei’s current happiness level is 96 (a lover who advances and retreats together)]

Chapter 377 376·You are the real monster!

Akasawa Tatsuya saw Kazuo Tomita and Gabo Lite fall one after another, and decisively chose to retreat and ran up the stairs. He needed to get weapons to compete with the current Shirakawa.

Shirakawa put down Seimei Kuramoto, squatted down and picked up the sashimi knife that belonged to Gabe Little from the ground. He was about to kill Gabe Little directly, but he didn't expect that Gabe Little, who had tenacious vitality, woke up again and got up. .

He rolled on the ground and dodged Shirakawa's stab. Shirakawa quickly drew his knife, and Gabo Lit blocked it with his hand. A clear blood line appeared on his arm.

He endured the pain and quickly climbed the stairs and headed for the fourth floor.

Shirakawa used an anesthetic needle, aimed at him and fired several shots in a row, and Gabo Lit fell to the ground again.

Shirakawa walked to Gabo Lit and broke his neck. Next was Tomita Kazuo.

There was no reason to wait for them to wake up and then chase him.

Since it was determined that they were on two opposite sides, there was no need to show mercy.

Besides, they were not innocent people.

After getting rid of the two people, Shirakawa headed towards the fourth floor without looking back, and Kuramoto Kiyome hurriedly chased after him.

The two went up to the fourth floor and walked to the opposite side of the armory.

Shirakawa stopped Kuramoto Kiyome who continued to rush forward and made a silent gesture.

Kuramoto Kiyome looked at Shirakawa in confusion, and she wanted to get a weapon.

All the containers in the weapon store on the fourth floor were open, including pistols, sniper rifles, Gatling guns, grenades, smoke bombs, gas tear gas bombs and other weapons.

Tatsuya Akazawa has already got Gatling guns, grenades, tear gas and smoke bombs and other weapons.

He was confident of victory and slowly approached.

Shirakawa and Kiyome Kuraki, who were hiding behind the wall, held their breath.

"Come on! Come on, come and kill me! Kuraki Shirakawa, why are you scared?"

Tatsuya Akazawa shouted loudly and glanced blindly ahead. He knew that Shirakawa would definitely follow him. He guessed that Shirakawa must be hiding in the dark now and wanted to sneak attack him, but he would not give Shirakawa a chance.

Shirakawa remembered Tatsuya Akazawa's information. He should be secretly in love with the second son of the head of the family. He suffers from mild depression and has an intelligence of only 7. The probability of instigating success is very high.

But if he speaks now, maybe before he gets to the point, he will be covered by Tatsuya Akazawa's firepower and shot into a sieve directly.

The premise of using the instigation technique is that both parties are still in a relatively rational stage, at least one of them does not have a gun in his hand.

Shirakawa adjusted the distance of the tracking glasses and saw the face of Akazawa Tatsuya clearly. Akazawa Tatsuya, who had already mastered Shirakawa's secret weapon, held a blast-proof shield and looked ahead vigilantly.

He held a very heavy Gatling gun in his right hand and a blast-proof shield in his left hand to block Shirakawa's anesthetic needle.

If it were an ordinary person, it would probably be very difficult to lift these two weapons, but Akazawa Tatsuya, who had been training for a long time, was different.

Listening to the sound of bullets passing through the nearby buildings, feeling the enemy's voice getting louder and closer, Kuramoto Kiyome's body trembled slightly.

Shirakawa gently patted Kuramoto Kiyoma's shoulder and hid her in the corner.

Kuramoto Kiyome stared at Shirakawa blankly, and her happiness increased by 1 point again.

Shirakawa took out the skateboard, stepped on it, and rushed out.

Kuramoto Kiyome was stunned. She stretched out her hand to keep Shirakawa, but Shirakawa was already exposed to Akazawa Tatsuya's sight.

Tatsuya Akasawa raised his mouth, raised the Gatling gun again, and fired at Shirakawa.

Shirakawa had healing medicine in his mouth, and he would swallow it immediately if he was shot, to ensure that he could recover immediately. At the same time, the skateboard under his feet slid quickly, and rushed directly towards Tatsuya Akasawa. With the help of the bulletproof vest, he almost avoided 80% of the bullets, and only one or two passed by his cheek.

Blood slid down Shirakawa's cheek, but it did not stop him from moving forward.

He gathered strength under his feet and kicked out the Death God Elementary School Football. The football hit the explosion-proof shield heavily, knocking the shield and Tatsuya Akasawa to the ground.

Taking advantage of this moment, Shirakawa had already come in front of Tatsuya Akasawa, and the sashimi knife hand raised and fell, cutting off Tatsuya Akasawa's right hand holding the Gatling gun neatly.

Tatsuya Akasawa screamed in pain, and blood gushed out.

The next second, Shirakawa bent down to avoid the Gatling gun, jumped off the skateboard, and aimed at Tatsuya Akazawa's head.

"It's over."

Bang --

With the sound of a bullet hitting his head, Tatsuya Akazawa died with reluctance and despair. He never figured out why a high school student could be so strong, and why he lost to a high school student twice in a row.

He had already known his secrets and his means of attack, but he still died under his gun.

Gabo Litt, Kazuo Tomita, and Tatsuya Akazawa were all dead, and now only Ando Isao, Nishitani Mioko, Takashima Kinko, Nagashima Kaori, Tani Eri, Nagai Arisa, and Yumoto Mayumi were left.

"Ando Isao, Sasahara Yuki, stop hiding, let's make a deal."

Shirakawa looked at the window on the fourth floor where he could hide with his back to the weapon store.

Ando Isao really came out from behind the window, holding two guns, and confronted Shirakawa's Gatling gun.

"Kuragi-kun, I really don't want to be your enemy, but I have reasons to do so, I hope you can understand."

"It's okay, I can understand you, Ando-hoon, 28 years old, Korean, former company employee, parents and sister are dead.

Both parents are teachers, and they have given you a good education environment since childhood.

Entered a prestigious university, graduated successfully, and entered a Fortune 500 company.

Became an elite that everyone aspires to, working from nine to five, living a peaceful and stable life.

Three years ago, my parents died in a car accident, leaving behind real estate and an inheritance.

You left the real estate and inheritance to your sister, hoping to use it as a dowry for your sister so that she can live a better life in the future.

One year ago, my sister died mysteriously, and the local police were unable to solve the case, which eventually became an unsolved case.

After that, you quit your job and began to investigate the cause of your sister's death. In the long pursuit, you found out that your sister was killed by Park Jae-wook, the son of a local chaebol.

Unfortunately, the chaebol is so powerful that even if you find evidence, you still cannot punish the chaebol by your own strength.

A month ago, Mr. Hei sent you a bloody invitation letter, promising that as long as you win the final victory, he can avenge your sister and make the chaebol disappear completely in Kimchi Country.

Tell me, am I right? "

Baichuan looked at Ando-hoon.

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