Bai Chuan nodded, "Okay, let's analyze it."

Furuhashi Daisuke looked around the four people carefully, then looked at the food on the table, touched his chin, and said very seriously,

"First of all, these four people must be good friends. They are having dinner together."

"Is not this nonsensical."

Yanomi Mi and Shima Ryota said in unison.

Furuhashi Daisuke coughed twice and continued,

"The 35-year-old lawyer Yuta Imada and the 22-year-old Yumiko Takimoto are husband and wife, which can be seen from the same wedding rings on their hands.

"The 31-year-old doctor Yuki Maruta and the 28-year-old head nurse Hama Mayu are husband and wife. Looking at their hands holding together can prove that this is a double date.

"The deceased Yuta Imada must have been poisoned and killed by the doctor Yukito Maruta. Judging from his extremely painful expression, he must have been poisoned. The person who can easily understand the toxicity and obtain the poison is most likely the doctor Yukito Maruta!"

What Furuhashi Daisuke said is true.

"Where's the evidence?"

Bai Chuan asked calmly.

"Look at the black nails of the deceased. This is evidence."

"I'm talking about evidence that the doctor poisoned the patient. The nurse also had access to the poison."

Bai Chuan said with a smile.

Furuhashi Daisuke frowned, "Let me think about it."

"And what was the motive for the murder?"

Bai Chuan asked again.

Furuhashi Daisuke frowned again, "I'll think about it again."

"I see!"

Yanomi jumped up excitedly, "The motive for the murder was that the doctor also liked the deceased's wife. Look at the feet of the doctor and the deceased's wife under the table! Takimoto Yumiko's feet were on Maruda Yukito's legs. They must have had an affair. ! In order to completely obtain Yumiko Takimoto, doctor Yukito Maruta chose to kill Yuta Imada, the husband of Yumiko Takimoto! "

"Ah? What about the nurse? The nurse and the doctor are still holding hands. Is this relationship so complicated?"

Shima Ryota said in confusion.

"The nurse is just the doctor's cover. She is not actually the doctor's wife. You can see that neither the doctor nor the nurse is wearing a ring. Maybe the nurse is just the person brought by the doctor to confuse the situation."

Yanomi said confidently.

"So that's it!"

Furuhashi Daisuke's eyes lit up and he gave Yanomimi a thumbs up, "As expected of the president."

"Hey, I'm also smart sometimes."

Yanomi raised her little face proudly.

"Shirakawa-chan, are they right?"

Shima Ryota looked at Shirakawa.

Bai Chuan smiled, "Wrong, all wrong."

"First of all, the rings worn by Yuta Imada and Yumiko Takimoto are not the same. Although the rings for men and women are somewhat different, the style of the rings can be ignored for the time being, but they wear the rings in the wrong position. Yumiko Takimoto wears the ring on her ring finger. , means married, she is indeed a housewife, and Yuta Imada’s ring is worn on the middle finger, which means engagement or love, or it may be due to personal habits. Yuta Imada and Yumiko Takimoto are not husband and wife, but just friends with an ambiguous relationship. "

"Next came the nurse and the doctor. The doctor put his hand on the nurse's hand. The two did not hold hands. This was just because the nurse was frightened when she saw the deceased's painful expression. The doctor subconsciously comforted her. There was no relationship between the two. The relationship between husband and wife is just that of friends.”

"The doctor and the housewife Yumiko Takimoto do have an affair, and the scenery under the table proves it."

Bai Chuan analyzed casually.

"Huh? That's actually the case."

Yanomi Mi, Furuhashi Daisuke, and Shima Ryota all showed expressions of realization.

"Then who is the murderer? Isn't he a doctor?"

The real person in the 3rd wax figure

There are four dummies in the room, sitting at a table eating.

The 35-year-old lawyer Yuta Imada was the victim. He was suspected of being poisoned. He had a painful expression, a ring on the middle finger of his left hand, and his fingernails were black.

The 22-year-old housewife Yumiko Takimoto was closest to the victim. She wore a wedding ring on the ring finger of her right hand, proving that she was married. Her expression was horrified, as if she did not expect the victim to die at all.

The 31-year-old doctor Yukito Maruta sat opposite the lawyer Yuta Imada. He put one hand on the hand of the head nurse Hama Mayu next to him and comforted the panicked head nurse Hama Mayu.

There is a photo of the four of them posted on the wall, which proves that the four of them are friends and they get together almost every year.

There are some trophies and documents in the cabinets on the wall.

The trophy reads Outstanding Young Lawyer, Law Firm's Most Contributing Lawyer, and Annual Debate Competition Award. The document also contains some cases handled by Yuta Imada.

"Then who is the murderer? Isn't he a doctor?"

Shima Ryota asked repeatedly.

"It should be said that the murderer is not only the doctor, these three are all murderers.

"This is a simple reasoning case, because the Devil's House cannot have a case that is too complicated, so that everyone can't find the exit and waste time inside. This will affect the experience of the next wave of tourists. As long as you are a little more careful If you observe it, you will know why all three of them are murderers.”

Bai Chuan said with a smile.

The eyes of Ryota Shima, Daisuke Furuhashi, and Miyami Yamani shined. After getting the answer, they quickly began to search for clues in the house.

After viewing the photo wall, they discovered some problems.

Takimoto Yumiko and Maruda Yukito should be a couple, and the nurse manager Hama Mayu and Takimoto Yumiko look very similar, with similar hair color, face shape and eyes. They may be related cousins.

And they found the fifth person in the photo, a handsome man who wore the same wedding ring as Takimoto Yumiko, proving to be Takimoto Yumiko's ex-husband.

"It turns out that Yumiko Takimoto and Mayu Nagahama are sisters, Yumiko Takimoto has another husband, and Yumiko Takimoto and Yukito Maruta are lovers."

Yanomi said in surprise.

Bai Chuan nodded.

"This relationship is really complicated."

Daisuke Furuhashi scratched his hair.

"But we still haven't found any clues as to why the three of them joined forces to kill the lawyer."

Shima Ryota said.

Yanomi picked up the files on the table. The files seemed to have been deliberately messed up and the serial numbers needed to be rearranged.

After Yanomi organized the documents, she made a sound of surprise,

"Everyone, come and see what I found!"

Furuhashi Daisuke and Shima Ryota all gathered around, and Shirakawa also tilted his head in cooperation.

"There are three cases here. The first one is a hospital patient dispute case. The lawyer was entrusted by his friend Yukito Maruta to help him resolve the patient dispute. The second one is an insurance case. The client Yumi Shiraki seems to have no relationship with the people at the scene. . The third case is Takimoto Yumiko’s divorce case. The client is not Takimoto Yumiko, but Takimoto Ryoichi.”

Yanomi said.

"The contract states that the woman cheated on her, and it is certain that Yumiko Takimoto will be able to leave the house clean, or she will only get 10% of the property division."

"That's really the case. In other words, the lawyer used his friend's relationship to find out that Takimoto Yumiko had an inappropriate relationship with the doctor, and planned to let Takimoto Yumiko clean up and leave the house in the divorce case."

Furuhashi Daisuke said in surprise.

"So, Takimoto Yumiko teamed up with her cousin Nagahama Mayu and the doctor Maruta Yukito to kill Imada Yuta."

Shima Ryota said with determination as if he had solved the puzzle.

The three of them looked at Bai Chuan at the same time, seeking the correct answer.

Shirakawa smiled and said, "It's almost like this. In fact, the lawyer should have threatened the doctor or the housewife and asked them for a lot of money, otherwise he would hand over the evidence of their cheating to the client, Ryoichi Takimoto. Of course, the lawyer did this as well. Because he is obsessed with gambling and owes a lot of money. You can observe the condition of the lawyer's fingers. These are the calluses left by long-term gambling and touching the chips. The producer specially zoomed in to let you see it, but you guys didn't. Discover."

"Ah? That's how it is! I thought it was the doctor who ate without washing his hands."

Yanomi pouted her lips.

"Then what exactly was the deceased poisoned to death by?"

Furuhashi Daisuke asked.

"Pay attention to the plates for the four people on the table. What did Yuta Imada eat?"

Bai Chuan asked.

"Isn't this a simple scrambled egg with tomatoes?"

Furuhashi Daisuke said.

"Yeah, but did you notice the other details."

Bai Chuan prompted.

Yanomi pointed to a bee model on the edge of the dinner plate and said, "A bee is coming."

"Yes, the bees were attracted by the sweetness. The nurse should have added an excessive amount of saccharin to the scrambled eggs with tomatoes! The fusion of saccharin and eggs will produce a toxin, which is the poison that caused the death of the deceased."

Shirakawa explained.

"I see."

Yanomi, Shima Ryota, and Furuhashi Daisuke nodded in succession.

"So the whole case was actually about a lawyer who was obsessed with gambling and owed a large amount of money, so he wanted to use the divorce case to blackmail the doctor and the housewife. In the end, the doctor, in order to avoid being blackmailed, instructed the nurse to add excessive saccharin to the food. , causing the lawyer to be poisoned, so the doctor comforted the nurse and put his hand on her. The housewife was not innocent either. She kicked the doctor under the table just to get the doctor to take action as soon as possible. "

Yanomi concluded.

Bai Chuan nodded, "Yes, that's true."

"Then we have cracked the case, how can we get out?"

Shima Ryota has begun to miss his game console.

"Yes, why are the four doors still closed?"

Yanomi asked confused.

"Could it be that we solved the case too quickly and didn't have time to submit the answers?"

Furuhashi Daisuke said excitedly.

Bai Chuan shook his head, "Maybe these dummies have a mechanism on them. Move the victim's fingers in the direction of the mastermind doctor."

Furuhashi Daisuke immediately complied and touched the body of the wax figure Yuta Imada.

Suddenly, his brows wrinkled.

The next second, Furuhashi Daisuke screamed and fell to the ground.

He rolled back and crawled, "Imada Yuta, yes, yes, it's the real person!"

Bai Chuan was stunned, and his expression immediately became serious.

Yanomi Mi and Shima Ryota were also frightened, and they hid behind Shirakawa.

Shirakawa got close to the wax figure of Yuta Imada and touched the skin of the wax figure.

This is a real person whose body has been smeared with wax oil, and looks no different from the wax statue.

But after direct contact, his body is still different from other wax figures.

After confirming that Yuta Imada was a real person, the four people immediately called the police.

Shuichi Maori took Saya Shiraki and others to the police, and the staff could only apologize and ask other tourists out.

"Kuragi-kun, we meet again."

Mouri Shuichi said with a frown.

Shiraki Saya waved towards Shirakawa.

"Officer Maori, Officer Shaye, long time no see."

Bai Chuan responded politely.

It seems that Takahashi Yiren has not told his subordinates his identity.

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