"what you do?"

He looked at Bai Chuan in confusion.

"Girls can't take money casually. As far as I know, you don't have anything special to spend money on, right?"

Bai Chuan asked.

"But she gave it to me."

"Kuragi-kun, I gave this to him."

While the three were arguing, one of the running elementary school students crossed the road, and a vehicle happened to drive over.

A dazzling white light made the primary school student close his eyes.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Bai Chuan rushed over, rolled around with the elementary school student in his arms, and avoided the speeding vehicle.

The primary school student was still in a dazed state in his arms.

Narita Maki was slightly stunned.

This scene seems familiar.

Matsushima-kun also did this once.

Without Shirakawa's stop, Gohito Takayanagi grabbed the money from Maki Narita's hand.

"I borrowed it from you, thank you."

He turned around and ran away, completely ignoring the frightened elementary school students and the stunned Narita Maki.

Maki Narita knelt down and comforted the elementary school students who were frightened and crying.

They almost thought they were going to lose their companions.

The elementary school students rushed to Shirakawa's side,

"Thank you, big brother."

"Thank you, big brother, for saving Yuantai."

"Montai, are you okay?"

"I, I'm fine."

The elementary school student named Yuantai touched himself and found that he had no missing arms or legs, so he smiled brightly. Two of his teeth were missing, and he smiled like an old lady in her seventies or eighties.

"Brother, we are going to the park to play."

"I heard there is a dinosaur exhibition today. Big brother, do you want to go with us?"

"No, you go ahead. Be careful on the road and pay attention to the traffic lights."

Bai Chuan reminded.

Narita Maki also walked to Shirakawa's side,

"Kuragi-kun, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just scratched my skin a little bit."

When Bai Chuan rolled over with the elementary school student in his arms, it happened to rub against a pebble on the road, and the back of his hand was bruised.

Narita Maki nervously began to rummage through her backpack, and finally found a band-aid among the pile of debris, and carefully put it on Shirakawa.

After putting on the band-aid, Maki Narita raised her head and saw the boy's handsome face. Under the sun, the boy's body seemed to be shining with light.

"Let's go find Matsushima-kun."


Narita Maki nodded.

"Where are we going to find him?"

Maki Narita asked.

"Didn't he want to eat a hamburger and a Coke? It must be at a nearby fast food restaurant."

Bai Chuan analyzed.

The two walked into a KFC and saw Gohito Takayanagi, who was tall and burly and looked very difficult to mess with. He was cutting in line and scolding the smaller boys.

"You'd better stay away from me, or I'll serve you with my fists."

The little boy stood at the back aggrievedly.

Shirakawa squinted his eyes and realized that Goren Gaoyanagi was a bit "unruly". His bad character was comparable to that of the narrator.

"Hey, you two are here too? What do you want to eat? I'm happy today, so I'll treat you."

Gao Liuwuren patted his chest and said.

In short, what he is spending now is Narita Maki's money, and he has no psychological burden.

Narita Maki frowned, looking at the short boy who was scolded by Takayanagi Gohito just now, and suddenly thought of himself, who was often treated like this.

"Matsushima-kun, you have never bullied the weak before. You have always only protected them and never jumped in line. What's wrong with you?"

Chapter 404 403·Happy day

In the fast food restaurant, people lining up were already complaining about Gao Liuwuren's behavior of jumping in line. Suddenly they saw such a beautiful girl walking over and seemed to have a conflict with Gao Liuwuren. They got excited to watch the excitement.

Takayanagi Gohito saw that everyone around him was looking at him, and Narita Maki asked another question that clearly questioned his character, and he couldn't help but frown.

"That's how I am. If you're not satisfied with me, don't follow me or stand in my way."

Takayanagi Gohito pushed Narita Maki away with a big push.

Because she failed to control her strength, Narita Maki almost fell to the ground, but Shirakawa caught her in time.

"Are you okay?"

"No, no."

Narita Maki said aggrievedly.

Gao Liuwuren glanced at her, looked away guiltily, and yelled at the people around him, "What are you looking at? Do you want to punch?"

Even adults are a little scared of the menacing Goren Takayanagi, after all, the size of the gorilla is there.

He can bring up a strong wind when he swings his fist.

"Why is this person acting like this? It's reasonable for him to jump in line."

"That's right, I've never seen anyone with such poor quality."

They talked quietly.

Baichuan slowly stepped forward and put one hand on Gaoyanagi Wuren's shoulder.

"Takayanagi, please take a step to speak."

"Don't bother me, don't you see it's time for me to order?"

He took Bai Chuan's hand and planned to give him an easy shoulder throw, smashing the person who hindered him from eating burgers. However, he found that Bai Chuan's hand was as heavy as an iron block and could not be broken at all.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Gaoyanagi Wuren turned around, and Bai Chuan had already dragged him out of the crowd.

He was born with greater strength than others, and he never thought that the thin-looking boy would have such strength, and he could easily drag him away.

Watching the people who cut in line being taken away, the people in line were relieved and started to order.

Gao Yanagi Gojin found that the people behind him had already started to order, and he was about to rush over to drive them away, but was picked up by Shirakawa like a chicken and put in front of the aggrieved Narita Maki.


Shirakawa said without emotion.

"What? Are you crazy? Why should I apologize to her?"

Gao Yanagi Gojin said with a guilty conscience.

He was a little afraid of Shirakawa now, because he noticed the difference in their fighting power.

A man who could easily lift a 240-pound boy was definitely not an ordinary person, and he might have practiced.

"Don't you know why you apologize?"

Shirakawa asked.

"Of course I don't know, you are the ones who should apologize. I should have eaten a hamburger by now, but now I'm still hungry."

Gao Yanagi Gojin felt that this reason was very reasonable, so he stared at Narita Maki with wide eyes.

Narita Maki rubbed his eyes in grievance,

"Yes, I'm sorry, Matsushima-kun, but I still think it's not good to cut in line. You never did this before, and you even lined up to let those in need come first."

"Don't mention the past to me. I've always been like this. My name is not Matsushima-kun. I'm Takayanagi Gojin. If you keep crying and being annoying, don't follow me."

Takayanagi Gojin said irritably.

Narita Maki felt even more wronged. Her eyes were red, she bit her lips, and tried hard not to cry.

"I, I know, I won't do this again."

Shirakawa sighed, pressed Takayanagi Gojin's head, and bowed to Narita Maki,

"Say sorry."

"Yes, sorry."

Takayanagi Gojin, who bullied the weak and feared the strong, realized that Shirakawa was really angry, so he quickly apologized to the weak and bullied Narita Maki.

"No, it's okay, I should say sorry."

Narita Maki bent down and said to Takayanagi Gojin.

"No, I should be the one to say sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you."

Takayanagi Gojin said.

Narita Maki bent down again, "Yes, sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't always compare the previous Matsushima-kun with the current Matsushima-kun. Everyone will change, and Matsushima-kun is no exception."

Takayanagi Gojin rolled his eyes. If Shirakawa wasn't there, he really wanted to shake his fist, or lift the crybaby's ears and tell her his real name.

"Narita-san, I want to be alone with Takayanagi-san for a while. Can you please go to the queue?"

Shrubber said.

Narita Maki nodded obediently, temporarily away from the two, and lined up at the back of the line.

Shrubber took Takayanagi Gojin to the bathroom.

"Listen, I need you to change your bad habits now and become a good boy with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor. Don't borrow money from elementary school students passing by, don't cut in line, help old ladies crossing the road when you see them, take the initiative to help pregnant women, stand up when you see perverts on the tram, and be nice to Narita Maki. Do you hear me?"

Shirakawa used the intermediate instigation technique, which is basically a hundred percent effective for players like Gao Yanagi Gojin with an IQ of less than 7.

Gao Yanagi Gojin nodded gently, "I remember."

Shirakawa breathed a sigh of relief and looked forward to the task settlement given to him by the system.

When Gao Yanagi Gojin walked out of the bathroom, he became a completely different person from before.

He walked to Narita Maki and said gently,

"Narita classmate, let me queue up, you can rest on the side."

Narita Maki was slightly stunned. She didn't expect Gao Yanagi Gojin's attitude to change so quickly.

She vaguely guessed something, but she was not sure. She secretly looked for Shirakawa's figure from the corner of her eyes, but she never saw him.

I don't know where the boy who was as bright as the sun went.

Shirakawa had already hidden himself and was observing silently, worried that his intervention would affect the system task settlement.

I hope this date will go smoothly.

Unfortunately, Narita Maki seemed a little absent-minded.

Suddenly, a group of elementary school students rushed into KFC.

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