In the morning, the sun is light, Sen Xia is sitting in the coffee shop by the window with his laptop. He is bored looking at the clouds in the sky, but thinking about the development of the story in his heart.

"Well, drama, drama..."

It's summer vacation, but senxia still has to find a way to write a drama script, so she can't work. In the last few days of the summer vacation, senxia still can't live well and has been pulled into a strong man. This resentment almost turns into substance and is wrapped around the top of senxia's head.

"How to write a play..."

In her last life, in order to earn extra money, senxia even dabbled in popular science articles and film screenwriters in order to earn extra money. However, at this time, she was full of blank ideas.

Well, in a nutshell, it's senschacaven.

"Hateful, Calvin or something, the most disgusting thing!" After a quick sip of the drink on the table, senxia began to wander in the sky again.

However, at this time, senxia suddenly found that a girl was smiling at herself outside the window.

It's Nana in tight shorts and a sports vest.

After she found out that senxia noticed herself, she gave a smile, walked into the coffee shop, and sat down opposite senxia.

"What a coincidence, senxia Jun!" Nanai smiles at Sensha.

"Yes, long time no see."

This sentence is not so much a greeting as a feeling. It's only been more than a month since I saw her, but Mori feels like years have passed.

"Is Sen Xiajun writing an article?" Nanai's eyes are on the notebook in moriha's hand.

"Well. That's right. " Senxia was still absent-minded.

"But senxia Jun just looked very handsome. He sat alone in the coffee shop and gazed at the screen in front of him Yeah. There is a sense of steadiness. " Nanai ordered an apple juice as he spoke.

"Are you doing morning exercises?" Senxia looks at Nana. The combination of sneakers and tight shorts makes her feel like a sports girl.

"Yes, in fact, I have been exercising all the time, but the sun is very big in summer, so I have been exercising early recently. I've just finished my run and I'm ready to go back. " Nanai said. He also showed off his biceps, "you see. This is the result of my exercise. "

"Ah It's amazing. " Senxia exclaimed, the muscle of Nanai's arm is stronger than that of senxia.

"Well, besides sports. Recently, I'm just practicing my song. Mori Xiajun's "uninstall" song, I feel that I have become a little proficient

Nana looked around and found that there were no guests around, and she began to sing.

Nanai's voice is not very loud, but senxia, who is sitting in front of her, can hear clearly. Nanai deserves to be Nanai. She is very good at singing and playing. This song is relative to what she heard for the first time. There have been very big changes, it can be said that the current level of Nanai is not the same as before.

"Well, what do you think of it now?" Nanai asked curiously.

Senxia was also very impressed. If he hadn't heard Ishikawa's original song, he would have thought that Nanai had sung perfectly.

"Well, it's remarkable. It has made great progress. If you go on like this, Nanai, you can't be a voice actor in ten years. I should be able to become a generation of singers. "

Hearing senxia's praise, Nanai's face also showed a smile from the heart.

"But it's a pity. I always feel that my standard is not enough. Although it seems perfect, I always feel that there is something wrong with it Nanai also has self-knowledge.

Some things are like this. It's not that faith is not enough, but that one's own standard can't reach that level. Maybe after 18 years, Nanai can master this type of songs calmly, but now Nanai is a different style. Ishikawa is different. When she sings songs, she is already a mature singer, and this song is also her favorite song. Naturally, she uses 120% energy to play. There is a gap between the two.

"By the way, by the way, Sen Xiajun's house of witches is really powerful. I recommended it to my classmates. Many people are interested in it." At this point, Nanai became a little excited. "By the way, many people ask whether I dub Viola sauce or not. They also say that black cat's voice is very magnetic ~"

"Oh, it is." This is good news in any way. Mori is also interested.

"Mm-hmm, senxia Jun, you really have the potential to be a voice player!" She added, "well, senxia Jun, have you really not considered becoming a voice actor?"

"Thank you for your praise, but I'm sorry, I have a lot to do, and as you can see, I'm really busy."

Senxia really doesn't have so many things to do. Sometimes he feels that if only he could use his shadow to separate himself like whirlwind Naruto, he must be a cartoonist, a singer, a writer of novels and a voice actor. Then he has to set up a company and soak up younger sister's paper at the same time.Unfortunately, now the senxia because of the things in front of her, has been very busy.

"It's a pity," Nanai sighed with some regret, "but since senxia Jun doesn't like it, it can only be ignored."

After that, she took a sip of the juice and pulled her collar to get the heat out of her body.

Mori looked up at Nanai. Her figure was not as good as xuenai and Qianjia, but she had a kind of vitality. She seemed to be curious about everything around her, and she was very enthusiastic. Compared with the abnormal students, Nanai was more like a normal Japanese female high school student.

"By the way, senxia Jun, are you writing about Earth Defense youth?" Nanai found that senxia from time to time to scan the screen in front of her, but did not start to knock down half of the text, so very strange.

"No, I have sent the front part of the Earth Defense youth to Fuji Jian's study. If it passes the examination and enters the preliminary contest, it will certainly need various modifications. Although I really want to finish it at one go, in that case, the workload that needs to be revised in the later stage will be heavy." If possible, senxia would like to finish the novel immediately, but now senxia has no spare power. Instead of writing the novel and then revising it, it is better to let go of other things and revise it after getting feedback from the study.

"Is that a new novel?" Nana's got an interest.

"Actually, it's not. I'm writing a script for our drama club, and then I'm going to perform it at the cultural festival." When speaking, senxia's tone seems to have a lot of resentment.

Hearing senxia's words, Nanai was more excited: "ah, is it a script? Senxia Jun, you are really more and more powerful! Can I see your screenplay in the future? "

"Ah, that's impossible..." Senxia shook her head. "In fact, I'm suffering now. I don't know what to write."

Senxia's brain is blank. If she is forced to think, there will be wonderful flowers like prison ship X and steel x woman. If she really writes this script, she will definitely be strangled.

"No inspiration?" Nanai looked worried.

"That's about it." Mori refused to comment.

Nanai propped her head with her right hand, and then her eyes moved to senxia's eyes, so she gazed at senxia.

"I think of it!" Nanai hammered his palm and said, "senxia Jun, the Earth Defense youth is a very melancholy story. Why don't you write a warm healing story?"

"Cure (cause) and recover (depression)" Sen Xia's eyes lit up. What we are good at is those warm stories. Why can't we write such stories?

"I feel the spark of thinking beating in my mind." Senxia smiles.

"That's great ~"

because Nanai was very happy to help senxia.

"It should be the work of Zhiyu department, but what is better to do?" Senxia thought.

"Since it's a cultural festival, I don't think it's necessary to come if it's a cultural festival. But if we can shock everyone and feel happy, it's certainly better?" Nanai made his own suggestion.

"Yes." Senxia thought again. The stories in her head were long stories, which were useless when short stories were needed.

What's more, what they are facing are all students. It seems that too intense stimulation is not good.

So what can subvert the values of students and make the story light?

Seeing senxia showing her contemplative appearance again, Nanai asked carefully, "well, you see, if it's a pure love story with lovely boys and girls, how about it?"

"The purity of boys and girls A kind of Jie's love A kind of Love story? "

Senxia has been murmuring this sentence, suddenly a light in front of her eyes: "Nanai, you really helped me a lot!"

At this time, senxia had a feeling of sudden relief. Two feasible scripts appeared in her mind, one was the girl falling in love with her sister, and the other was the etiquette of a girl in recent months.

Although the two games are different in terms of age and script, there is one thing in common between the two games, that is, the male protagonists are both OK A kind of Love boy paper, in the story had to put on women's clothes, and then into the school to sneak (attack) Fu (omitted).

These two stories are very representative stories, and the stories give people a very comfortable feeling. Moreover, in history, many people's Three Outlooks have been changed by these two stories, especially the former, which almost re pulled the puppet mother culture from the low ebb to the peak.

Well, this kind of story is used to shock the pure students. It must be the most interesting. Senxia's resentment of being pulled by a strong man also broke out at this time.

Now we are going to write this script to create a society!


Although the monthly ticket has come up, the first order is less than 2400Well, these days, we have three chapters every day, one at noon, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. This is equivalent to the original chapter four and five. Please ask for ticket support. Let's explode the chrysanthemum in front of us! (unfinished to be continued)


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