Half of February has passed, but the cold of winter still lingers.

After coming out of the examination room, senxia took a deep breath. The white mist came out of the nose, and then quickly disappeared into the air.

"In this way, the exam is over."

Senxia sighed.

"Ah, I feel like I'm completely burned out, Dongda Can I really pass the exam... "

It was Lynette.

Like senxia, Lynette also passed the August test, so now I have the chance to take the exam with senxia.

Of course, they are not in the same examination room.

"Don't worry, Lynette, your academic ability is still very good. It's not a problem to be admitted to the University. The enrollment rate of our school is very high, and there will be preferential treatment during the interview."

"Preferential treatment" does exist.

Kauno college is an aristocratic college with a high enrollment rate. The students here are either top students or generation X 2 with many relationships.

The class solidification of Nihong, the second generation or the N generation, has much more gold content and value preservation than that of a big eastern country.

Relationship is very important here.

It is also a good thing for the school itself to be able to bring such a second generation into their own schools - because it means more educational resources, more social connections, more connections and better investment in the future.

If the candidates from other schools come to Dongda, the probability of reinai's passing the exam is only about 60%, but reinai is a student of Ueno college, so the probability is above 90%. As long as she plays a normal role.

"By the way, hasn't Chao Yan come out yet?" Senxia is a little strange, because Zhaoyan has already made an appointment with Sen Xia.

But Zhaoyan did not appear at this time.

"Ah - when I just came out, I saw Chao yansang. She said that there were some things. I'll meet with us later."

Lynette replied.

"Well, let's go to the coffee shop first."

Senxia didn't let sister Yi Ji wait for her today, but she would Don't know why, the other side seems to deliberately avoid meeting with Zhaoyan.

However, senxia didn't really care, because she didn't intend to go home directly today. She and Linai had an appointment to relax after the exam.

Senxia was in front, while lenai was following senxia. I don't know if it was Mori's illusion. He always felt that lenai's performance today seemed to be a little subtle.

Is it because I haven't seen you for a long time that Lynette is a little restrained?

Looking at a body position behind him with a side face, senxia felt a burst of curiosity.

"Oh, senxia Jun You, what can I do for you

Lynette noticed Sonia's eyes.

After all, senxia is in front of Renai. Although Renai has been lowering his head, as long as he raises his head, he can connect with senxia's eyes.

"Lynette Your hair has grown a lot

Hearing senxia's words, Lynette froze for a moment, and then his face became more red.

"Ah - this - this Sen Xiajun Don't you like it? "

Because I heard that Sen Xiajun likes long hair, I have long hair. I can't say that in any case.

"No, I think it's interesting to change the image. And today you are more beautiful than usual. "

Senxia said the most real feelings in her heart.

But now the hair is a shawl.

After changing her hairstyle, Sonia found that her whole temperament seemed to be beginning to mature.

Well, there is a kind of The flavor of girls is maturing.

Then they came to the cafe.

This is a roadside coffee shop. It's very ordinary. The three of them had arranged to have a rest here, then they could eat something casually to supplement the brain power lost due to the examination, and then go to relax themselves.

But after coming here, it's only two people who enter the cafe together, Sonia and Renee.

Lynette did not say a few words all the way. Her head shrank behind her own scarf. She looked at the senxia in this way, and her eyes showed a tangled color.

Sitting in his seat, Lynette put his schoolbag beside him.

She looked at the zipper on the book bag that had not been fully closed, a small package box, which was in it at this time.

Originally, after the end of the exam, Lynette took out the package box, but at the moment before meeting with senxia, Lynette put the box into the schoolbag again.

"What would you like?" Senxia had already taken the menu at this time and was asking about Reina.

"Ah - this - whatever you want." Renee lowered his head again.The senxia over there gave Lynette a strange look, and then glanced out of the window.

"Love, happy people's Day"

this is a blessing on the coffee shop window.

Well, yes, today is not only the day of Mori's examination, but also a special time - February 14.

In fact, today is not an interesting day for many people, but it is a romantic day for mud boom, especially for students.

Senxia withdrew her eyes and then looked at the menu: "let's have some sweet ones. It's just consumed so much brain power. It's OK to add a little. How about Mango Mousse

“…… Hi. "

Lynette nodded.

When the waiter left with the menu, Lynette seemed relieved.

But she obviously hasn't made up her mind yet.

"In two months, we are going to Dongda." Senxia chuckled.

"That's not sure Oh, of course, senxia Jun has no problem, but I'm a little worried. " Lynette didn't seem so confident about himself.

As for Sen Xia's words

For senxia, who has 10000 points of strength, it is no problem to get 100 points in the exam. Let alone 100 points, even if it is 1000 points, senxia will finish it in minutes.

For their ability to go to Dongda, there was no suspense about senxia at the beginning.

What, you say it's called flag, flag?!

I'm sorry, that kind of thing is impossible, and it doesn't matter even if Sen Xia plays soy sauce all the time, because sister Yi Ji has already finished everything

"I think Lynette, you must have no problem. You have been studying very hard. When others are playing, you are reading. When others are playing games, you are solving problems. When others are playing games, you are asking me for advice."

Li Nai is also a member of the current visual research institute. When he is in the current visual research institute, he often encounters any difficult problems, and he will find Sen Xia to answer them.

"Eh?" After hearing senxia's reply, Liney was obviously stunned, "that Sen Xiajun You Do you know? "

Lynette's eyes were full of wonder and doubt.

The latter is smiling: "ah, Lynette, I have seen your efforts every day. Every time I pass your classroom after class, I can see that you are reading seriously. If this kind of rinai fails to pass the examination of Dongda, the problem is definitely not Lynette, but Dongda."

Sen Xia saw it.

Every minute after class is used. Even in the club activities in the Department, I try to seize every minute. It's totally different from someone who knows how to play games - yes, it's you, Lily!

“…… Too cunning At this time... "

Lin Nai did not dare to look at Sen Xia, she hurriedly put aside her eyes, and the tears seemed to accumulate in the corner of her eyes.

"Ah - yes."

Taking advantage of his courage, Renee finally opened his schoolbag and took out the gift box.

This is chocolate.

On February 14, the girl expresses her heart and thanks to the boy.

"-- ah, in this case, it's just a matter of righteousness and cleverness..."

"In this case, it's life chocolate." Zhaoyan appeared. However, the girl, like the sunrise, sighed at this time, "really, Mingming has dressed up so well today, and Mingming has made so many contacts before. Obviously, I have prepared so many opportunities for you, but Lynette, do you want to let go of the opportunities?"

Chaoyan has been following two people's back right, but the Chaoyan with strong anti tracking ability is not found by senxia. Chao Yan originally intended to create opportunities for reinai, but at this time, Chaoyan had to choose to jump out.

"Ai Ai, Chao Yan?"

Lynette was caught off guard.

And Zhaoyan also hated iron and steel, looking at reinai: "Lynette, if you say such a line as" Yili chocolate "at this time, you will definitely regret it for a lifetime

After getting familiar with Zhaoyan's character, we will find that this girl is the type who dare to think about just doing, but different from Qianjia's heteromorphism, Chaoyan's practice is the same as her name, just like the face of dawn.

"But But... "

He had chocolate in his hand, but Lynette was still a little flustered.

"Well, thank you." At this time, senxia has taken the initiative to take the chocolate, "well, in fact, I don't know how to express my feelings. But Lynette's business I don't hate it. "

After hearing senxia's words, Lin Nai, who was already very nervous, felt relieved at this time.Then, she firmly raised her head and looked at senxia: "that Although I know this kind of thing All in all, it's very kind of you to accept my chocolate! "

"That I'm the one to thank. It's reinesan. Your chocolate. " Senxia smiles.

Senxia doesn't hate a girl who works hard like this.

"Ah, the appointment time is almost the same." Chao Yan said at this time, "I'm sorry I didn't show up, but I think we should go singing karaoke now."

Karaoke is a very popular entertainment item in Nihong. No matter where they come from, what their status is, as long as they are natives of Nihong, they have basically never been to karaoke.

This is true for both students and office workers.

Sen Xia can't avoid the common customs. Since it's the relaxation after the exam, it's normal to go to karaoke.

The booking place was decided by Chao Yan.

After giving out the chocolate, Lynette's whole consciousness seems to have fallen into chaos, and her eyes have become mosquito repellent eyes.

Chao Yan noticed that Li Nai was no longer available, so she changed the topic decisively.

The singing place is not far away from the coffee shop. After walking about ten minutes, the three people arrived at their destination.

“…… Well, let's start with 24 hours Ah? So long? No problem. I just came here because of the overnight business. "

When Zhaoyan is in the front desk, Mori has chocolate in her hand, and she is also confused.

Although just a meal of Mori Xia, the operation is as stable as the old driver, but the heart of Sen Xia is also flustered.

Just in that situation, senxia didn't know what to say.


Senxia gave up thinking.

After shason gave up, he didn't even think about what would happen to him.

What should I say at this time? What should I do at this time?

Moriha's brain was completely unable to think.

"It's all right." Zhaoyan came to senxia at this time.

Three people together No, to be exact, it should be Chao Yan leading two absent-minded guys all the way to the box.

"Oh, is it so big here?"

However, after arriving at the box, senxia and Renai woke up because of the magnificent room.

Although it's a KTV, the room is too luxurious.

The area of the whole concert hall is very large, about 50-60 square meters. There are neon lights on it. There are big color TV sets on the opposite side. Several sound systems surround the whole room. In addition, in this private room, there is not only a separate bathroom and bathroom, but also a bedroom?

"This is VIP's Deluxe room," she chuckled.

"Well, isn't it expensive?" Lynette looked around.

Li Nai also once came to KTV, especially when she promised Qianjia to form a "Nanai Nai" team. She also sang songs and exchanged feelings with Ling Nai and Nanai many times.

But in front of this luxury to foul compartment, reinai's is indeed the first time to see.

"It doesn't matter," Chao Yan chuckled, "because this is a friend's shop. When she opened the shop, she gave me a one-day experience coupon, so it was free of charge.

this farfetched statement can still be accepted by some disorganized Chennai.

Then, Chaoyan turned on the TV and handed the microphone to moriha and Renai.

"Well, let's -- start singing!"


Today's discipline.

In fact, senxia is really a good man in charge.


Why did this happen?

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