All the way to Waseda University, and then just opened the door of Wang Qiwen's Department, a heat wave gushed out of it, almost suffocating. Mori and Xuejie almost walked into the room under the heat wave.

"I'm going. This is your working environment?" With Mandarin, Mori feels very comfortable.

"We don't want to, but we can't afford air conditioning here."

Wang Qiwen lifted his head from the desk. The computer case and monitor beside him were emitting a buzzing heat, which made the already stuffy room even hotter.

"There was an error in the previous run, and there is a piece of code to be changed. After writing it, you can run it by touching it." After finishing this sentence, Wang Qiwen went back to the computer to continue working.

Sen Xia looked around. Wang Qiwen's Department was not big. After entering the door, there were two rows of tables. Six CRT old monitors with big butt were placed here. On both sides of the monitor, there were a stream of professional books.

There are also stacks of comic books on the walls around the Department. However, unlike the neat and neat bookshelves managed by my sister, the books here are in a bit of a mess, and some books are obviously some old yellow comics.

The three computers on the left are now closed. Shen Jiahui and Wang Qiwen are sitting side by side on the right. Shen Jiahui's head is thrown in front of the computer and seems to be asleep. As for the girl Liu Xin, she is not here now.

Just standing here, senxia felt the incomparable heat. The electric fan whirring on the ceiling seemed to have no effect at all. Looking at it again, she had taken off the black silk gloves at this time, which seemed to be very hot.

"And you don't open the windows yet?" It's cool in the corridor, but these people don't open the window!

"No way! Can't open Wang Qiwen quickly shook his head.

However, it was late. At this time, senxia came to the window with the heat wave and opened the window.

A gust of hot wind came from outside and hit Sen Xia's face and body. Sonchardon felt dizzy.

"The seats in our room are not very good. The wind is hot and the windows are useless because of cold winter and hot summer." Wang Qiwen shook his head.

Senxia quietly closed the window. Then he sat down on the chair next to him for a rest.

He asked, "where's Liu Xin?"

"It's so hot here. How can girls work here? She went back to China before. She wanted to come to work just two days ago. Then she got heatstroke and now she is resting at home Wang Qiwen picked up a bottle of water nearby. Gululu took a sip.

"Aren't you going to change the environment?" She asked strangely.

"It's provided by the school anyway. If you want to rent a house in another place, it will cost more money. I can't even bear this environment. How can we continue to play games in the future?" Wang Qiwen shook his head. "A little makes a lot. Staying here longer is good for our future development."

"You are so ambitious." Senxia Gan sighed.

"Just for the sake of dream, Jiahui stayed up all night yesterday and is working now." Wang Qiwen glanced at Shen Jiahui, who was still resting next to him.

He sighed. "By the way, what's your dream? to play? Are you ready to go this way in the future? "

"To be precise, what I want to do is not a game, but a culture." After thinking about it, senxia concluded, "a game that compromises to commercialization can only be regarded as a commodity, while a game that adheres to its own style can become a culture."

If the God Zun commercializes the Oriental series, maybe the Oriental series can produce various kinds of animation, comics and surrounding areas, and become a commercial masterpiece, but there will not necessarily be a big sacrifice. There is not necessarily a strong MV like bad apple.

Some of the games, comics and novels senxia wants to do are representatives of strong style in a sense. Some of them are well sold works, but many of them are not popular. There are also good works destroyed by commercialization.

Besides, 18x games Cough, wait for a chance to do it secretly. If you don't have a chance, wait until you are 18 years old. Otherwise, you may encounter a lot of troubles.

And the premise of all this. It can be said that there is only one thing, that is, money can burn the game. But senxia is still in its infancy. He knows that the most important thing now is to make money, so he has this plant vs. zombie.

This game is casual and simple, suitable for all ages. Moreover, it is also a benchmark of zombie culture. In various senses, it is a textbook like existence. This work is to be done no matter what.

"What a special idea you have Wang Qiwen exclaimed, "by the way, the group a you set up in xiakete's house is really fun. Are you in a similar mood when playing games?""Ah Almost. " In fact, that sentence was just a feeling of senxia, but when I was a witch's house Well, the past is terrible.

Wang Qiwen nodded, his eyes swept to the screen, and then he patted himself on the back of the head: "look at my memory. I just started talking, but the code was not finished. Wait a minute. I'll deal with these bugs first."

After Wang Qiwen finished, he patted Shen Jiahui, who was resting next to him, and then entered the working state.

"Go out with me first."

After that, senxia and her sister went out of the room and went out of the corridor.

"Hoo It's much more comfortable. It's just as bad as a sauna. " When she got to the corridor, senxia took a breath.

"So they are your role models. If you work hard with them every day, we won't finish our business until the last few days." She preached.

"It's two different things, OK, and I've been working hard before."

This can only be said that the direction of efforts is wrong

"Buy some drinks," she told Sen Xia to go to the other side. "Speaking of the drama club's script, do you have any idea?"

"Well, there's a plan in mind." Senxia Bi made a gesture of "OK." it tells the story of a teenager who entered an aristocratic girls' school by chance, and then gradually became a "elder sister" in this girls' school

Senxia had just finished the story briefly, and he found his sister was looking at him with strange eyes. Senxia some baffled: "what's the matter?"

"Are you putting yourself in?" The elder sister looked at Sen Xia with emotion and vicissitudes of life, "do you want to perform with true colors?"

"That's not the case! This is a script for the president

What an international joke? There is no room for discussion on such a matter!

"A script for her?" The schoolgirl tilted her head in a funny way, "well, it's also very interesting. Let a girl play the leading role of a man disguised as a woman Well, if the auspicious courtyard changes into men's clothes, it seems to be very interesting. I can't wait to see the story ~ "

here, my sister looks at Sen Xia again:" by the way, you can help me negotiate, I also want to play a role in it Well, how about the heroine? "

"We are not the foreign aid invited by the drama club. Why do we want to be the host?"

make complaints about Sanger Tucao.

"What are you afraid of? As long as we join the drama club temporarily at that time, the number of people in the drama club is very small this year. Even if we join it, it doesn't matter. Our school's community management is so strict, it's rare to have such a casual association, we also go to join in the fun, isn't it good? "

There is no pressure on my sister.

"Do you really want to go on stage?" Senxia confirmed again.

"That's of course," she said with a smile. "It's a very interesting thing to think about playing with Jixiang Academy!

"Well, this is really a mess..." In fact, you just think this kind of thing is very interesting, right? Please, somebody stop her!

Think of here, senxia and some strange: "by the way, sister, I seem to have never seen our instructor?"

Every club has its own tutor. Most of the time, if a club wants to participate in some activities, it has to be carried out by the instructor. Sometimes, some new people who can't even get started need to rely on the instructor to teach.

"Oh, you say that guy. I'll take you to meet him when I'm free. Anyway, this guy doesn't care. We can treat him as air."

The instructor is air So fierce words, probably only snow is able to say so without pressure.

But think about it, now the society of visual research has been making a lot of noise. Even the landline telephone has been installed, but I didn't see the instructor coming out to play soy sauce.

"Although Plants vs. Zombies have made a decision, the official completion of something, at least until the end of the year, I will help you with this matter. In the next time, you just need to write a good script. I really hope to see an interesting script."

It seems that she is really interested in the story of senxia

However, the evil taste in senxia's heart has already broken out at this time. Since you insist on it, don't blame us for being merciless. This script has to be customized for you!


, you are really awesome. You will have two hundred votes soon!

30 chapter monthly ticket plus one more chapter, witch pit has been filled!

Have a good rest tonight and keep your energy up. Tomorrow, the code word will break out. The update at noon will be postponed. Then it will start to explode infinitely in the afternoon. Now there are 180 votes. At present, 6 chapters will be added. After finishing two chapters, we will start to add more owo! (to be continued. )xh118...

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